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高中英语教学应加强“听读输入”,将语感培养作为提高外语能力的突破口;变单纯的语法知识教学为语言能力教育。“听读输入”的训练应加大词汇量,加强“泛读”和“泛听”,加强输入材料的真实性和实用性,使外语教学升华到更高境界。  相似文献   

在我国的传统教学过程中,对批判性思维能力在教学中的运用和培养不够重视,在英语阅读教学中更是如此。由于英语阅读中对学生的语言结构和信息处理的要求比较高,需要学生对阅读文本进行深层次的理解,因此,就需要学生充分发挥出主体性批判性的阅读技能。大多数学生批判性思维能力不够强,所以,教师需要注意在英语阅读教学中培养学生的批判性思维能力。本文就批判性思维的含义和重要性进行研究,并探讨在英语阅读中培养学生批判性思维能力的对策,以便有效的提高学生的批判性思维能力,提高英语阅读效率。  相似文献   

本文基于我校英文报刊选读课程的教学现状,以高职英语专业学生为研究对象,探讨了如何帮助高职生进行英文报刊阅读并提升其阅读能力的有效方法。以期开阔学生视野,拓宽其获取英文信息的渠道,激发其学习兴趣,提高其英语水平。  相似文献   

本文从思辨能力的界定和研究综述出发,以英语专业的阅读与写作的教学为例,深入探讨了英语专业学生思辨能力的界定和理据、目前存在的问题及思辨能力与读写衔接问题。这不仅对于英语专业,对于其他专业学生也有较大的借鉴意义及应用价值。  相似文献   

依照《全日制义务教育语文课程标准》,在农村中学的语文教学中,以美育为教学目标,重点在朗读、感受课文的思想感情、意境、写法等阅读教学过程中渗透美育。发挥在语文阅读教学中进行美育的主渠道作用,可有效地提高学生的学习兴趣,对培养学生审美能力和全面发展具有积极作用。  相似文献   

林世华 《考试研究》2010,(1):22-37,21
近年来国际间的课程改革浪潮,使得评价不单单仅是诊断和监控学生经由课程教学的学习成果,而产生了有别于传统的功能;评价本身能够左右社会观感,作为教师评鉴的依据,亦能以一种特殊形式彰显教学企图。就教育现实而言,应试教育与素质教育间的拉锯,唯有让评价回归到课程目标,也让教学回归到课程目标,方能妥适连结评价与教学,并正向引导教学和评价的进行。因此,揭示清楚可行、贴近教学需求的课程目标,俨然成为建构课程纲要时最重要的一环。本文提出“藉由评价来反映课程目标,再回馈至教学设计”的课程改革具体策略,并以2001年认知目标修订版认知历程向度中的“理解”为例,辅以台湾中学学生基本学力测验所公布试题,逐一说明评价如何帮助教师厘清课程纲要中课程目标的构想与机制。  相似文献   

本文从英语阅读课的目的出发,指出传统英语阅读教学中存在的缺陷,试图从英语教师在阅读课教学中的角色转变这一角度来探讨阅读教学的新思路。提倡教师在阅读课教学中应充当一个导向角色,培养学生良好的阅读习惯。让学生掌握好一套阅读的方法、技巧,有效地指导阅读,从而提高阅读速度、阅读理解能力,提高阅读能力。  相似文献   

对中学学习困难学生进行了概念的界定和类型的划分,对高中学生化学学习困难的成因进行分析,并结合实际提出了在高中化学学习困难学生的学习过程中进行补救的对策。  相似文献   

Colin Harrison 《Interchange》1996,27(3-4):349-360
The question underpinning this paper, and the international symposium on reading assessment at the University of Nottingham which preceded it, is this: “In what ways can we learn from each other how to improve reading assessment, at the personal, classroom, local and national levels?” This paper will attempt to answer the question “How can we learn from each other?” in the following ways: first some background information on the New Paradigms in Reading Assessment (NPRA) seminar will be presented; second, an account will be offered about what has been happening in language arts assessment (the subject termed ‘English’) in the United Kingdom, which goes some way to explaining why in England there has been a particularly urgent need to learn from the experiences of other countries; third, some examples will be given of new approaches to assessment in other countries, particularly the United States, Australia, and Scotland (which has the same government, but a different education system from that in England and Wales) from which those of us in England might learn; fourth, some principles which might underpin new assessment approaches within the English system will be put forward; and finally, an indication will be given of how some of these principles are being put into practice in classrooms in England, as pilot work on an international collaborative study.  相似文献   

中央广播电视大学是世界上最大的远程教育机构,开设有849门课程,大部分课程都有在线学习的成分,因此,利用网上形成性考核的方式进行开放教育学习支持服务具有重要作用。中央广播电视大学开放教育英语专业专科层次综合英语系列课程先后经过‘综合英语’网络课程建设项目(2006-2008年)与‘综合英语’课程教学团队建设项目网上形成性考核子项目(2009年至今)两次大规模的开放教育资源革新。本研究通过运用开放教育实践矩阵以及问卷调查分析方法判定两个项目实施前后综合英语课程开放教育资源和开放教育实践的开放程度。通过分析该课程的社会参与程度、协作使用和开放的程度以及开放教育实践自主自由度和社会协作程度,本研究得出以下结论:中央广播电视大学综合英语课程开放教育实践经历了一个从初级到中级再到高级的发展过程;从使用者处获得的信息反馈对于丰富和提升网上形成性考核学习资源的质量具有持续性价值;需要持续关注、研究和改进开放教育实践,以满足学习者不断新增的学习需要。希望本研究对其他教学机构和个人在促进开放教育实践的开放度方面有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Orthographies vary in the support they provide for word identification based on grapheme-phoneme correspondences. If skills developed in acquisition of first-language (L1) reading transfer to reading English as a foreign language (EFL), the extent to which EFL readers' word identification shows reliance on information other than grapheme-phoneme correspondences could be expected to vary with whether their L1 orthography is a non-Roman alphabet such as Korean hangul or a nonalphabetic (morpho-syllabic) system such as Chinese characters. Another influence could be whether EFL readers have learned to read a morpho-syllabic L1 by means of an alphabetic transliteration. English text reading speeds and oral reading quality ratings of three groups of adult Asian EFL readers attending an American university were compared with those of two groups of American L1 readers: Graduate student peers and eighth-grade students. All EFL groups read more slowly than both groups of L1 readers, and their reading was more impaired when orthographic cues were disrupted by mixed case print or pseudohomophone spellings. Some of these effects were reduced in EFL readers from Hong Kong, who had earlier exposure to English. Contrary to previous findings, no effects could be attributed to type of first orthography or early exposure to alphabetic transliteration of Chinese characters, which differentiated the Taiwanese and Hong Kong groups. As a whole, the results suggest that, at least across the L1 groups studied, differences in EFL word reading are associated less with type of L1 orthography than with history of exposure to English.  相似文献   

在跨语言学习测评研究中,目前尚未有学者探究同一群体的中国学生的中英文学习心理是如何相互影响,并最终影响语言能力。为弥补这一研究空白,本研究调查了中国北京267名初中生中英文阅读动机,并同时测试他们的和中英文阅读能力。在八个维度的阅读动机中,对中文作为母语和英文作为外语的阅读动机进行量化对比,中文阅读动机在自我效能感、好奇心、投入度、消遣娱乐性、社会伙伴态度五个维度上的表现高于英文阅读动机;而在学业成绩、工具性、社会家庭态度三个维度上,两者没有差异。同时,相关分析表明工具性与英文阅读水平密切相关;消遣娱乐性与中文阅读水平密切相关。此外,多元线性回归分析显示,不同维度的阅读动机分别解释中英文阅读水平的差异。这些研究结果验证了阅读动机的跨语言性迁移特征,不同的阅读动机对中英文阅读水平起着不同作用。文章最后对中英文阅读教学提出了指导意见。  相似文献   

本文对中日两国高中数学教学目的和课程内容进行了初步的比较,着重分析了两国各自的优越性,并据此对我国中学数学课程改革提出一些看法和建议。  相似文献   

中学生物理实验操作能力是物理实验能力的核心部分。本文探讨了物理实验操作能力的定义及其特点 ,并在此基础上构建了物理实验操作能力的结构模型 ,讨论了该模型的特点 ,即整体性、静态性、动态性和自调性。根据物理实验操作能力的结构模型及其特点 ,给出了物理实验操作能力的主要指标  相似文献   



Using a 1-year longitudinal design, we evaluated the effectiveness of an intervention programme to improve reading attainments among Chinese-as-a-second-language (CSL) learners. Using the simple view of reading as a theoretical framework, the intervention focused on students' orthographic knowledge, word reading and listening comprehension to facilitate reading comprehension.


A total of 186 Grade 4 CSL students (mean age = 9.22, SD = 0.56) participated in the study and were grouped into the treatment (N = 96) and control (N = 90) groups. A range of Chinese language and literacy skills were assessed before and after the intervention.


The path analysis showed that the intervention significantly affected orthographic knowledge, word reading and listening comprehension directly and reading comprehension indirectly through the three componential skills after controlling for nonverbal reasoning, vocabulary and autoregressors.


The findings suggest that orthographic knowledge, word reading and listening comprehension may be promising targets for instructing young CSL learners.  相似文献   

英语词汇知识在英语阅读理解中所起的重要作用是毋庸置疑的,但是词汇知识的框架是复杂而多维的。测量了英语学习者的词汇强度知识及词汇深度知识,以揭示英语学习者英语词汇知识的全貌,并证实了英语词汇强度知识及深度知识在阅读中所起的不同作用。文章研究结果还表明,在词汇强度知识的四个样态中积极回忆样态对阅读有最强的预测力,而词汇深度知识中的词汇意义比搭配更能预测学习者的阅读能力。  相似文献   

教学有法无定法 ,要针对不同的内容和情况 ,创造性运用各类方法 ,其实质是将教师的主观能动作用与激励学生的积极参与相结合  相似文献   

The present study conducted a systematic review of the item response theory (IRT) literature in language assessment to investigate the conceptualization and operationalization of the dimensionality of language ability. Sixty-two IRT-based studies published between 1985 and 2020 in language assessment and educational measurement journals were first classified into two categories based on a unidimensional and multidimensional research framework, and then reviewed to examine language dimensionality from technical and substantive perspectives. It was found that 12 quantitative techniques were adopted to assess language dimensionality. Exploratory factor analysis was the primary method of dimensionality analysis in papers that had applied unidimensional IRT models, whereas the comparison modeling approach was dominant in the multidimensional framework. In addition, there was converging evidence within the two streams of research supporting the role of a number of factors such as testlets, language skills, subskills, and linguistic elements as sources of multidimensionality, while mixed findings were reported for the role of item formats across research streams. The assessment of reading, listening, speaking, and writing skills was grounded within both unidimensional and multidimensional framework. By contrast, vocabulary and grammar knowledge was mainly conceptualized as unidimensional. Directions for continued inquiry and application of IRT in language assessment are provided.  相似文献   

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