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The future of communication and advertising is mobile. There is, however, little empirical evidence as to exactly how mobile advertising works. This research examines the role of mental imagery elicited by mobile advertising and its mediating effect on trust in the advertising message (ad trust) and purchase intention. Using a 2 × 2 factorial experimental design, we examined the influence of the type of message – SMS vs. MMS – and type of content – informational vs. transformational – on the three dimensions of mental imagery: vividness, quantity and elaboration. Results show a greater impact of MMS mobile ads and transformational ads on vividness and elaboration, while SMS mobile ads have a greater impact on the quantity dimension. The study also suggests that ad trust can be improved by enhancing the mental imagery elicited by mobile ads. Vivid and elaborate mental imagery mediates the effect of the type of ad on ad trust and exerts a positive influence on purchase intention. These findings have important implications for mobile advertisers since overcoming trust issues remains a major obstacle in the adoption of this medium. In addition, practical aspects of mobile ads’ conception and design are discussed and directions for future research are suggested.  相似文献   

The use of the internet and social media have changed consumer behavior and the ways in which companies conduct their business. Social and digital marketing offers significant opportunities to organizations through lower costs, improved brand awareness and increased sales. However, significant challenges exist from negative electronic word-of-mouth as well as intrusive and irritating online brand presence. This article brings together the collective insight from several leading experts on issues relating to digital and social media marketing. The experts’ perspectives offer a detailed narrative on key aspects of this important topic as well as perspectives on more specific issues including artificial intelligence, augmented reality marketing, digital content management, mobile marketing and advertising, B2B marketing, electronic word of mouth and ethical issues therein. This research offers a significant and timely contribution to both researchers and practitioners in the form of challenges and opportunities where we highlight the limitations within the current research, outline the research gaps and develop the questions and propositions that can help advance knowledge within the domain of digital and social marketing.  相似文献   

马文镰 《科教文汇》2011,(33):206-208
随着游戏的出现及发展,游戏的用户群体不断扩大,越来越多的人在游戏中花费更多的时间,他们不看电视、不听广播、不看报纸,传统媒体投放广告对他们来说产生的边际效用越来越低,这部分消费群体逐步进入广告宣传的空白状态。如何把广告有效地宣传到游戏玩家身上,是本文要探讨的主要内容。  相似文献   

Social commerce mediated by social media and social network platforms has led to the development of new business models in e-commerce and digitized the consumer decision journey. Social interaction is considered as a prerequisite for successful social commerce since consumers now expect an interactive and social experience while making purchase decisions. Drawing on word of mouth (WOM) and observational learning theories, we conceptualize social interactions in social commerce environments into two forms: WOM communication and observing other consumers’ purchases, and examine their impact on consumer purchase intention and actual purchase behavior. Analyzing primary data (n = 217) collected from surveyed active consumers within social commerce sites at two stages (pre-purchase and post-purchase), we found that positive and negative valence WOM, WOM content, and observing other consumers’ purchases significantly affect consumers’ intention to buy a product, thereby increasing the likelihood of actual buying and sharing product information with others on social commerce sites.  相似文献   

The mobile technology involves an unexplored world of doing business and consumer behavioral change that constitutes a revolution in the application of technologies to marketing. A key factor in the adoption of mobile commerce is the compatibility that the consumer perceives with his/her life. Given that the research on compatibility with mobile purchases made so far treats it as an antecedent of adoption, this pioneer research studies the influencing role of two more personal factors (self-efficacy and innovativeness) and two factors more related to the shopping (involvement and perceived entertainment). The model was tested using PLS with information from 583 Mexican mobile buyers. Our results show a positive effect of innovativeness, involvement and perceived entertainment on compatibility. On the contrary, self-efficacy does not seem to influence the perception of compatibility of mobile shopping with consumer life. This work has important implications for the practice of professionals dedicated to mobile commerce.  相似文献   

Mobile advertising is an increasingly popular marketing channel since it can present advertising in a personalized manner. This study examines the development of customer product loyalty through mobile advertising by considering the drivers from affective and cognitive perspectives. An Expectation Confirmation Model (ECM), as defined for repurchase intention, is proposed as a theoretical basis for the relationship structure of related research variables. An Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) identifies affective and cognitive concerns for defining the drivers of consumer behavior. Involvement and interactivity confirmation arise as affective and cognitive concerns in this context. This research model also indicates a particular mediating role of perceived usefulness and customer satisfaction from the two drivers for developing customer product loyalty. Empirical analysis shows that both affective and cognitive perspectives, i.e., involvement and interactivity, are important drivers to motivate customer product loyalty. The findings can help practitioners design more effective approaches for mobile advertising.  相似文献   

Using mobile devices for additional information search before, during and after watching television (either factual news or fictional TV series) - is an increasingly significant information management phenomenon. This activity has been recognised by both TV media executives and academia as ‘second screen’ activity. This paper develops and tests a ‘parasocial interaction-impulse buying’ - model that captures the behaviours of consumers watching a Chinese TV drama series. These audience-consumers were also engaging extensively (most on a daily basis) during the broadcast period with series related influencer social media activities on a second screen. A structural equation model was developed to analyse the data. Findings indicate that TV series audience consumers who are also highly engaged with influencer- consumer ‘second screen’ content are likely to experience positive narrative involvement leading to engagement in parasocial interaction behaviours and ultimately impulse buying behaviour. These findings have implications for managers by providing insights into (1) the effects of influencer second screen content (2) the processes by which consumers’ involvement in a TV show’s narrative leads to impulse buying of products. Thus, influencer related second screen consumer engagement should be considered a significant opportunity for marketers, as such activity makes consumers become more involved in the characters and the narrative of a particular TV show, leading to increased impulse buying.  相似文献   

The low redemption rate of coupons presents a challenge for marketers and scholars. While numerous studies have endorsed the potential of mobile (m)-coupons, not much is known about the consumer’s intention to redeem such coupons. This study uses Value-based Adoption Model (VAM) to explain the redemption intention of m-coupons among coupon redeemers. Apart from studying coupon proneness and perceived convenience, this study empirically examined perceived privacy risk (PPR) (first moderator) and repeat usage behavior (second moderator) for m-coupon redemption intention. One of the key findings from 637 m-coupon users suggest that high repeat usage behavior of m-coupon redemption diminishes the influence of PPR. This suggest that marketers should offer a seamless end to end customer journey to increase m-coupon redemption. The other managerial implications have also been highlighted in the study.  相似文献   

魏明侠  张爽 《现代情报》2016,36(3):151-157
随着社交媒体的快速发展, 社交商务作为电子商务的衍生模式, 凭借其受众广、成本低的优势逐渐成为学界和业界关注的重点。在这样的背景下, 本文对国内外社交商务相关研究文献进行了梳理、归纳和述评。结果表明:社交商务的相关研究从基本内涵界定、模式演化, 到行为机制和影响因素, 已基本形成社交商务的理论分析框架;未来研究将主要集中在社交商务特征、社交商务网站行为等方面。  相似文献   

孙琳 《科教文汇》2011,(21):205-206
病毒式网络视频广告是一种新兴的网络广告形式,它以相对低廉的广告制作费用在互联网上将产品或服务的信息以创意化的手段展现给受众,并刺激他们主动、迅速、有效地将广告内容传播给更多的人,从而产生极大的影响力。病毒式网络视频广告从早期的"推动式"发展到现在的"交互式","毒性"变得更强,"参与性"变得更高。  相似文献   

The rise of social media has created a new e-commerce platform called social commerce. In social commerce, e-vendors such as Amazon may integrate social media with their traditional e-commerce sites. Based on self-determination theory and social commerce literature, we develop a model illustrating how social commerce features may impact consumer behaviors and facilitate social commerce benefits from the extrinsic motivation perspective. We identify four types of extrinsic motivation including external motivation, introjected motivation, identified motivation, and integrated motivation; and we examine their influences on consumers’ intention to contribute social commerce information, which in turn leads to their subsequent behaviors and increases the perceived benefit of social commerce. We also consider the moderating effect of gender in the formulation of social commerce benefits. Based on longitudinal survey data from Amazon consumers, we find that 1) consumers’ external and identified motivation has a positive impact on intention to contribute social commerce information; 2) consumers’ intention is positively associated with their future behaviors, which in turn facilitate their perceptions of social commerce benefits; and 3) gender moderates the impact of behavior on social commerce benefits.  相似文献   

从在线消费者网络,基于消费者网络的产品扩散、电商变革等方面对在线消费者网络驱动下的产品扩散研究进行述评。认为未来研究应关注消费者网络产品扩散的影响因素,新兴模式及中国情境下的消费者行为,消费者网络行为涌现及供应链协调,以及考虑消费者网络效应下的平台间竞争问题。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate videos as potential triggers of behavior. Therefore, we applied the theories of triggers and media richness to learn about the triggering efficiency of mobile marketing videos on participants’ behavioral intentions. The experiment involved three distinct test groups, each comprising 41 student participants. From the perspective of media richness theory, we observed that the different kinds of videos had quite similar effects in terms of triggering behavioral changes. However, the mechanisms explaining why triggers were present differed for each video. Further, the results reveal that the consumer's position in the information search process was the most significant reason for the triggering of any kind of effect. In addition, the instructionally designed videos were able to exert an affective triggering effect: the more participants liked the video, the more it affected their participation intention and recall scores. This study extends the media richness research by demonstrating that the effects of media richness can vary within technically similar videos, as they form different logical connections among non-verbal visual cues related to a video's storyline.  相似文献   

Online to Offline (O2O) commerce commands intense attention from both academic and practical fields, but the unique features of O2O commerce and how these features affect consumer use of O2O commerce remain unclear. Based on an analysis of the features of O2O commerce, we build a research model integrating perceived value theory and the technology acceptance model to examine the influence of the features of O2O commerce on consumer use intention. The research model is tested with data collected from a field survey using structural equation modelling. Two crucial features of O2O commerce, namely, “physical experience” and “integration of online and offline information”, are shown to exert significant impacts on consumer use intention via the classic core constructs of perceived benefit, perceived usefulness, and perceived value. The findings validate the two features’ impact on consumer use of O2O commerce via both technological and economic attributes. The implications for merchants’ and platforms’ operation in O2O commerce are discussed.  相似文献   

当前电子商务卖家声誉评价研究主要为声誉系统算法设计及用户行为相关研究、不同交易情境及研究视角的电子商务卖家声誉测评指标研究、用户评论及卖家沟通及营销策略等声誉影响因素研究;现有研究存在声誉测量指标主体不清晰、形成性指标和反映性指标混用、量表移植后的情境适用性低等问题,强调消费者心理认知及行为的声誉系统设计、增强情境适应性的声誉测量指标、社会化商务环境下的声誉测评及影响因素等是未来需要关注的研究方向。  相似文献   

张建同  方陈承 《软科学》2017,(2):109-112
基于一项以5600名分类网站顾客为对象的实验,检验了顾客历史行为和电子优惠券促销对其未来购买决定的影响,特别是两者的交互影响.其中,历史行为包括历史购买和历史点击浏览行为.结果表明,历史购买行为和电子优惠券及其交互项对顾客未来购买决定均有显著正向效应;而就历史点击浏览行为而言,尽管其对网络顾客购买决定的直接效应并不显著,但当给曾经点击过产品购买页面的顾客发放优惠券时,其购买意愿相对于未曾点击过购买页面的顾客购买意愿更强.  相似文献   

王东林  耿敬杰 《科研管理》2019,40(8):234-242
研究热点反映出某一学科或领域的研究行为在特定时期的偏好,这种偏好的出现与那个“当下”的历史整体性紧密相关。本文采用文献计量学方法,选择CSSCI数据库中1998—2015年间收录的广告学论文为研究对象,在Citespace 软件辅助下绘制关键词共现图谱、时区知识演化视图。从30个高频关键词中筛选出6个高中介中心度和强突现的词汇,据此分析我国该阶段广告学科的研究热点和趋势。同时,相关学者与文献介入到以上关键词盛行的社会和历史现场,使得广告学研究活动与宏观社会历史背景发生关联。研究结果表明,由特定社会情境引发的广告业界前沿议题直接影响了学界的研究热点及偏向。而从更为广泛的意义上说,广告学研究重应用、轻理论的状况没有发生根本性转变。  相似文献   

宏观经济环境变化直接影响消费者对不同产品或服务的促销囤积意愿,企业为了应对经济环境变化需要及时根据消费者促销囤积意愿变化来调整产品或服务的定位策略。本文通过两个实验论证了在不同的宏观经济环境条件下,消费者对享乐品与实用品促销囤积意愿差异,指出企业应对经济环境变化的产品或服务定位策略选择的动态调整依据。  相似文献   

面对移动互联网快速向社会渗透的这一现实背景,是否及如何采纳移动商务是企业必须思考的问题。尽管目前已经有大量移动商务采纳的文献,但是大多数移动商务采纳研究都停留在个人用户视角,而只有少部分学者开始关注企业移动商务采纳行为。对目前企业移动商务采纳文献从理论基础、国内研究、国外研究等方面进行系统梳理,进一步对影响企业移动商务采纳的因素进行总结,提出企业移动商务采纳影响因素的分析框架,并在对现有文献述评的基础上提出下一步的研究方向。  相似文献   

姜宁  顾锋 《科技管理研究》2021,41(1):160-165
基于企业非授权信息使用在手机购物APP情境下对消费者的影响,根据收集的269份消费者问卷,对提出的概念模型与研究假设进行检验.研究结果显示,非授权信息使用会增加消费者感知的信息脆弱性,而信息脆弱性则会促进消费者的转换行为;另外,信息设置有效性和信息政策有效性都可以减弱信息脆弱性与转换行为之间的正向关系.研究不仅促进相关...  相似文献   

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