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Not completing upper secondary education is often presignaled by truancy from school. Student-perceived social support from family, peers, and teachers can prevent truancy and the risk of not completing education. However, prior studies have not focused on the stability of social support across school transitions. This longitudinal study of 1901 Finnish students examined the extent to which social support was stable or specific to primary, lower secondary, and upper secondary schools. Moreover, we examined whether support was associated with not completing upper secondary education in normative time and whether truancy mediated the relationship between support and not completing education. The analyses showed that most variance in social support was context-specific; family and peer support was related to truancy and not completing education; and truancy acted as the mediator. The findings underscored the importance of stable social support over school transitions in reducing the likelihood of truancy and not completing education.  相似文献   

To maximize benefits to children and their families, effective practices need to be used competently in child welfare settings. Since the 1990s, researchers and policy makers have focused attention on empirically supported interventions (ESIs). Much less attention has been paid to what is needed to implement these in a range of real-world settings. Without proper implementation, which includes an evaluation strategy from feasibility to fidelity to on-going work on moderators and mediators of program effects, established effective programs can be rendered ineffective in practical application. The paper will touch on progress, to date, of implementation science, its application to child welfare programs and practices, and will highlight a set of practical strategies for implementing empirically supported interventions in child welfare.  相似文献   

The lack of effective training and an inability to maintain fidelity are two major barriers to implementing evidence-based practices in schools. This study examined the level of implementation of evidence-based practices by teachers after they participated in a unique training program aimed at enhancing the use of evidence-based practices. The results indicate that five months posttraining, 62% of the evidence-based strategies had been implemented and these levels were maintained 13-months posttraining. While the level of exposure to students of the evidence-based practices was low, significant longitudinal improvements in reading and levels of inclusion were documented.  相似文献   

The UK government has encouraged schools and local authorities to promote school attendance because of its associations with academic attainment and antisocial behaviour. Legislation makes school attendance a parental responsibility. This small‐scale study collected data on parent–child interaction immediately prior to school absence to examine how such interaction influenced the development of attendance difficulties. Good and poor school attenders, of 12–13 years of age, were compared on quantifiable measures of their self‐reported requests to be absent from school, their perceived parents' responses, self‐reported whole‐day and lesson truancy, and expected parental reaction to truancy. School absence requests were significantly more frequent among the poor attenders, who gained more absence and whose parents were inconsistent in their responses to the requests. Education social work/welfare services and school pastoral staff need well‐formulated methods, backed by empirical research, if they are to work effectively with parents and young people and substantially raise their low attendance.  相似文献   

High rates of absenteeism are often an early warning sign for negative long-term outcomes. Typical high school attendance policies, especially those that are punitive in nature, can make attendance problems worse. Fortunately, evidence suggests that even small improvements in student attendance can lead to meaningful outcomes. To support this recovery, high schools must have access to the most effective and efficient attendance interventions. The purpose of this systematic literature review is to summarize the current empirical research related to improving attendance in high schools. Results indicate that the 3 most common elements of high school attendance interventions with desired outcomes were skills training, family support, and incentive-based strategies. We discuss implications for future research and suggest that developing a continuum of research-supported practices within a multi-tiered system of support framework may be an effective way for schools to proactively and efficiently improve student attendance at the high school level.  相似文献   

In 2002 the Prime Minister of Norway initiated a central Manifesto against bullying and invited all schools to participate in anti-bullying programs. Two programs were supported by the central authorities. This paper draws on a Norwegian project where six compulsory schools participated in one of those programs. Our focus was on the implementation process in the schools. We wanted to see how the schools’ readiness for the program influenced the implementation. Group interviews with the project groups at the schools and telephone interviews with the headteachers were used to collect data. Results indicate that the headteacher’s role is important, during both initiation and implementation of the program. The schools that were familiar with anti-bullying work and had firm leadership seem to have implemented the program most successfully. One lesson from this study is the need to investigate differentiated implementation support for different schools depending on their readiness.  相似文献   

Background The use of research evidence produced by others is seen as central to the reflective practice of school teachers. There have been many recent UK initiatives aimed at improving access to research evidence, but there are still concerns about the lack of engagement by teachers. Previous research has looked at this issue from different perspectives, including the content and relevance of educational research, the relationships between researchers and teachers, accessibility and presentation of research and the culture of the school. The research presented here seeks to make a contribution to understanding the diffusion of research in the teaching profession by examining the issues from an information literacy perspective.

Purpose This paper examines the use of research information by UK school teachers, placing an emphasis on their information literacy—i.e. teachers' strategies and confidence in their abilities to find, evaluate and use research information, which is defined as the published output of a planned piece of research.

Sample Survey data were collected from 312 teachers and 78 head teachers from nursery, primary and secondary schools in Scotland, England and Wales. The sample included a wide range of teaching experience, ages, subject responsibilities, school locations and sizes, although there was a bias towards teachers who were motivated to use research evidence. Interviews were conducted with 28 teachers from primary, secondary, nursery and special education schools, and a further 15 teachers took part in group exercises. Interview and group exercise samples were more varied in their levels of research involvement.

Design and methods A mixed methodology was used. The questionnaire survey sought background data on more general attitudes towards research, as well as data on information access and confidence in finding and using general and research information. This was supplemented by qualitative evidence on information strategies and experiences from scenario or vignette interviews. Group exercises in which teachers discussed their responses to specific examples of research information were useful in focusing on strategies for evaluating information.

Results While survey respondents were, on balance, positively motivated towards the use of research evidence, their actual use of information from research was limited. They considered the most prominent barriers to their use of research information were associated with lack of time and lack of ready access to sources. This is likely to be a limiting factor in terms of the development of teacher confidence in finding, evaluating and using the kinds of information sources which are increasingly available to support their professional development. In fact survey evidence from the more research-motivated sample indicated that teachers were considerably less confident in finding and using research information than general information. Their confidence was slightly higher in finding research information (e.g. 67.1% and 60.9% were either confident or very confident in defining information needs and locating information respectively) compared to using research information (for example, 56.5% were either confident or very confident in organizing and synthesizing information). However, evidence from the more mixed interview and group exercise samples also revealed a range of concerns about lack of skills and knowledge needed to search and evaluate information effectively.

Conclusions The findings suggest that information literacy may be a factor in limiting the use of research information, exacerbating the perceived challenges of lack of time and lack of ready access to information sources. From an information perspective, teachers' use of research evidence is likely to be enhanced by greater development of information literacy; more attention to local information dissemination strategies; and the development of an information culture and ethos within schools.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the growing literature on early school leaving. We clarify what is at stake with early school leaving, and touch upon underlying problems and methodological issues raised in the literature. The paper investigates the levels, the methods and models with which the topic has been studied, and discusses potential (dis)advantages of each of those. We focus on early school leaving in all its complexity, and on the interplay of relevant (levels of) factors, rather than on just certain factors, typically located in individual students, schools or families. The findings in the literature are discussed and placed into perspective. Finally, a wide set of policy measures are discussed.  相似文献   

This systematic review includes 34 studies examining the effects of school-based physical activity interventions on students' health-related fitness knowledge. The study design, methodological quality, and effectiveness of interventions on students' health-related fitness knowledge were analysed. The majority of the studies (79.4%) revealed significant positive intervention effects on students' health-related fitness knowledge. Studies examining adolescents were more frequently in a position to influence students' health-related fitness knowledge (87.5%) than studies examining children (75%), and studies with low methodological quality (88.8%) had more frequent positive effects than studies with moderate quality (75%). The effects on students' health-related fitness knowledge were independent of moderator variables such as the intervention content, duration and frequency. Only few studies were able to simultaneously positively influence students' health-related fitness knowledge and students' physical activity and/or fitness levels. These programmes can positively influence students' health-related fitness knowledge, but it remains unclear what the practical significance of these changes is. Further research is needed to clarify the influence of students' health-related fitness knowledge on reflection, understanding, physical activity behaviour, and overall physical literacy levels.  相似文献   

Understanding fractions has been a pervasively difficult skill for struggling math learners, yet it is essential for success in secondary level mathematics skills. The present systematic review examined the evidence base of fraction interventions for elementary level students identified as struggling math learners. Twelve studies met inclusion criteria and were reviewed for (a) instructional focus (b) instructional components, and (c) effectiveness of the intervention on fraction performance. The majority of studies had a primary instructional focus on conceptual knowledge of fraction learning. Results of the study also indicated that all interventions included multiple evidence‐based instructional components (e.g., concrete and visual representations, range and sequence of examples, etc.). These multicomponent interventions improved performance on a variety of proximal fraction outcome measures. Intervention effects were mixed for generalized outcome measures and minimal for distal outcome measures. Limitations, implications for practice, and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

Although preschool has been shown to improve children's school readiness in many developing countries, preschool attendance in poor rural areas of China is still low. The high cost of preschool is often regarded as a major barrier to attendance. In this paper, we evaluate the impact of a one-year voucher/CCT intervention on preschool attendance and school readiness. To do so, we conducted a randomized controlled trial among 150 young children in a poor, rural county in China. Our analysis shows that the intervention, consisting of a tuition waiver and a cash transfer conditional on attendance, raised attendance by 20 percentage points (or by 35%). However, the intervention did not have measurable impact on children's school readiness. We believe that poor quality of preschool education in rural China (in terms of both teaching and facilities) contributes to our findings.  相似文献   

There are many levels in the educational continuum, and each time a child moves from one level to the other transition occurs. Transition from the early childhood phase to primary school is one of the major steps that each child has to take in the education continuum, and has been known to be traumatic for most children. There is also research evidence which contends that this transition to the first year of primary school is very important for the child's future physical, emotional and intellectual development. This article examines the literature on transition to school, and discusses its importance and the need to minimise its adverse effects by providing a smooth transition for the child. The article presents the factors which impact on successful transition from the early childhood phase to primary school.  相似文献   

The only major review of the education welfare service (EWS) took place in 1973 when the role and responsibilities of the service were very different from those of today. Recent legislative changes, the influence of the Children Act 2004 and revised public needs of the service, including new multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary frameworks, suggest that an up‐to‐date review would be timely. It may also help to professionalise the service in a number of different ways, something which is long overdue. This paper provides both the rationale and evidence for making the case for a major review of the EWS based on a reading of all key relevant documents and participation in a range of local and national evaluations on the role of the EWS in England and Wales. The major issues which need to be reviewed are identified and a way forward is suggested.  相似文献   

A growing body of research casts doubt on the value of the apprenticeship style of teaching practice supervision. It raises fundamental questions about the dynamics of interpersonal relationships within the traditional supervisor-student-class teacher triad and the influence of the social context within which the triad operates. A number of alternative approaches to supervision are reviewed, and some problems associated with reconceptualizing the supervisor's role are examined.  相似文献   

Science education models for secondary and college students as well as K‐12 teachers have been dominated by classroom‐based approaches. Recently, research apprenticeships wherein learners worked with practicing scientists on authentic scientific research have become increasingly popular. The purpose of this critical review of the literature was to review and synthesize empirical studies that have explored learning outcomes associated with research apprenticeships for science learners. We reviewed 53 studies of scientific research apprenticeship experiences for secondary students, undergraduates and teachers, both pre‐service and in‐service. The review explored various learning outcomes associated with participation in research apprenticeships. These outcomes included effects of apprenticeship experiences on participant career aspirations, ideas about the nature of science (NOS), understandings of scientific content, confidence for doing science and intellectual development. The extant literature supported many of the presumed positive associations between apprenticeship experiences and desired learning outcomes, but findings related to some themes (e.g., NOS understandings) supported conflicting conclusions. Implications included importance of the length of the apprenticeship, need to explicitly place attention on desired outcomes, and engagement of participants. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 47:235–256, 2010  相似文献   

The article discusses the elusive concept of quality and the problems involved in attempting to assess it. The article provides a comprehensive yet critical review of the literature and empirical research studies undertaken on the subject matter. Three types of studies are identified and are reviewed relative to their major findings, strengths, and weaknesses. Issues that remain to be resolved are also identified and discussed.  相似文献   

This study uses data collected in the intervention classrooms (N = 22) of Head Start REDI (Research-based, Developmentally Informed), a randomized clinical trial testing the efficacy of a comprehensive preschool curriculum targeting children's social-emotional competence, language, and emergent literacy skills delivered by teachers who received weekly coaching support. Multiple dimensions of implementation (Dosage, Fidelity, Generalization, and Child Engagement) were assessed across curriculum components. Results indicated that REDI Trainers perceived significant growth in teacher implementation quality over time but that patterns differed by implementation dimension. Dosage and Fidelity of all intervention components were high at the beginning of the year and remained so over time while Generalization was low at baseline but increased significantly across the year. Variation in implementation was associated with variation on several child outcome measures in the social-emotional domain but not in the language and literacy domains.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between food hardship, school attendance, and education expenditure using nationally representative data from a survey of 14,009 households in Ghana. After controlling for household, and geographical characteristics and using a standard instrumental variable approach to control for unobservable characteristics, we find a statistically significant negative relationship between food hardship and the number of children attending secondary, private, public, technical and vocational school, and expenditure on education. A differential analysis based on welfare stratification indicates a statistically significant positive relationship between food hardship and male children attending school, and the number of children attending private school for those in high-income households.  相似文献   

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