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Student evaluations of their classes and instructors are widespread in higher education and have both practical and theoretical importance. This study examined the relationship between class average evaluations and characteristics of the instructor and of the class in an off-campus setting with nontraditional students. A stepwise multiple regression analysis found that four variables—the time format of the class, the number of classes taught in the program by the instructor during the year, whether a term paper was required, and the size of the class—explained 13.5% of the variance in class average evaluations. The addition of average class grade increased the explained variance by 6%. Evaluations were higher in classes taught with more intensive time formats, in classes taught by instructors teaching more frequently in the program, in classes where term papers were required, and in classes with fewer students. Evaluations were also higher in classes where the average class grade was higher. Other course and instructor characteristics had little or no effect on overall class evaluations. The results support the view that nontraditional students react similar to traditional students in their evaluations of their classes. The results also suggest the importance of time format as a factor affecting class evaluations.An earlier version of this paper was presented at Western Psychological and Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Meeting, April 1989.  相似文献   

Interest in understanding what constitutes effective instruction online continues to grow as more universities adopt mediated formats for teaching. However, engaging students in productive, content-related conversation in online courses remains challenging. Several variables may influence student willingness to talk in online classes – procedural justice, affect towards the instructor, and perceived cognitive learning – each with probable direct and indirect effects on student inclinations for communicating in the classroom. This study proposes a model predicting student willingness to talk in online classes. Results indicate initial support for the proposed model, and practical implications for instructors teaching online courses are suggested.  相似文献   

The characteristics of the online environment alter how students and instructors interact. Scientific discourse among students and instructors in an online text-only synchronous environment was analyzed. In converting dialogue to text, many of the nonverbal cues, such as facial expression and tone of voice, which instructors use to gauge student understanding are lost. The participants adapt their communication style to the medium, and we present a new interaction pattern for student–instructor communication found prevalent in the synchronous, text-only, online environment. This study has implications for instructors who use synchronous, text-based communication for their courses, namely the value of posing additional questions from the instructor to verify student understanding.  相似文献   

An experimental study was undertaken to examine (1) effect of early course evaluation feedback to instructor on subsequent end-of-course class evaluations by students (n=1484) and instructor (n=78), and (2) stability of course evaluations by students and instructor. These voluntary class-instructor units were randomly assigned to experimental (feedback) and control (no feedback) groups. After attrition the feedback group contained 37 units and the control group 41 units. The 26 item Faculty-Course Evaluation Form (FCEF) was administered approximately three weeks into the quarter and again eight weeks later. The FCEF reflected the frequency of occurrence of certain instructor behaviors and over-all opinions of course value and teaching ability.The five-factor structure of the FCEF can be described with the following labels: Subject Organization and Competency, Motivation-Stimulation, Instructor-Student Relations, Reasonable Work Load and Tests, and Clearness of Grading Procedures.Individual class, instructor, and total score results were fed back to instructors in the experimental groups from the early FCEF administrators. Results indicated significant differences in favor of the feedback group on the Subject Organization and Competency, and Motivation-Stimulation scale. In addition moderately high stability of ratings for both classes and instructors was noted, but little agreement between classes and instructors.  相似文献   

This paper provides new evidence on the disparity between student evaluation of teaching (SET) ratings when evaluations are conducted online versus in‐class. Using a multiple regression analysis, we show that after controlling for many of the class and student characteristics not under the direct control of the instructor, average SET ratings from evaluations conducted online are significantly lower than average SET ratings conducted in‐class. Further, we demonstrate the importance of controlling for the factors not under the instructor’s control when using SET ratings to evaluate faculty performance in the classroom. We do not suggest that moving to online evaluation is overly problematic, only that it is difficult to compare evaluations done online with evaluations done in‐class. While we do not suppose that one method is ‘more accurate’ than another, we do believe that institutions would benefit from either moving all evaluations online or by continuing to do all evaluations in‐class.  相似文献   

Grade inflation over the past few decades has been a concern for many universities. Course evaluation scores are known to be positively correlated with students’ expected grades, and this paper tests whether or not there is an incentive for the instructor to “buy” higher evaluation scores by inflating grades. To test this hypothesis, I use unique data from the University of Washington's Office of Educational Assessment that includes a measure of each student's relative expected grade in the course. I find that there is an incentive for instructors to grade leniently after accounting for the potential endogeneity of the relative expected grade variable due to unobserved teacher productivity and unobserved heterogeneity of instructors and departments. Instructor fixed effects account for a significant part of the measured effect of relative expected grade on evaluations, and by not including them, the estimated impact of relative expected grade on evaluations is biased upwards.  相似文献   

This case study of an online graduate course determines the message characteristics of the instructor, volunteer teaching assistants, and students in online discussions, and proposes a mentoring, coaching, and facilitating model for online discussions. The researchers developed a coding system based on the literature of mentoring, coaching, and facilitating to identify the characteristics of conference discussion messages. The instructor fostered the development of volunteer teaching assistants into coaches and of student discussion facilitators into facilitators of learning. The proposed constructivist model fosters active learning, provides scaffolding for students to become facilitators of learning, and suggests creative ways for online instructors to manage different types of teaching responsibilities. Recommendations for further research are included.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship between students' evaluations of university instruction and self-ratings of instructors. The sample consisted of 52 instructors, from the School of Education at Tel-Aviv University, who taught 93 classes. The instructors, as well as their students, responded to a 20-item instructional-practices questionnaire. Instructor self-ratings had only a modest relationship with the ratings given by students (a median correlation of .28). Discrepancies between instructor ratings and ratings given by the students were further analyzed for (1) varying training in teaching - no difference was found; and (2) number of years of teaching experience - differences were noted; the self-ratings of less experienced instructors were closer to student ratings.  相似文献   

The current study assessed and compared university students' perceptions' of a novice and an experienced physics instructor's Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK). Two college physics instructors and 116 students voluntarily participated in this study. The research model comprised three workshops, mid-term and final evaluations and instructor interviews. The results showed that each instructor's PCK performance in four categories was slightly improved, though the difference was not statistically significant and only the category of Instructional Representation and Strategies (IRS) was found to be statistically different by students' evaluations of their instructor's PCK. The experienced instructor emphasized life examples and experiments, whereas, the novice instructor emphasized explanations and quizzes. Furthermore, the PCK questionnaire provided university instructors with adequate information so the instructors could receive students' feedback as available sources to reflect on their teaching to improve their quality of teaching. Research implications of this study are provided along with suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

This article examines the relative perceived importance of 19 instructor actions in online courses according to both instructors and students. The instructor actions were culled from guidelines in the online learning literature base and then reviewed and rated by 14 experts. Thirty‐two online instructors and 170 students from their classes at a large public university and a private online university were asked to review and rate these guidelines. Findings show that the instructors believe that learner performance is more likely tied to instructor actions that are focused on course content and provide both proactive (models, expectations) and reactive (feedback) information to learners about their ability to demonstrate knowledge of course material, but learner satisfaction is more likely tied to learners’ feeling that their interpersonal communication needs are met. Learners rated items focused on communication needs and being treated as individuals as most important, aligning their stated preferences with the instructors’ perceptions of what actions are most satisfying to online learners.  相似文献   

Although rising average grades appear to be common at post-secondary institutions in the U.S., there is still little work examining mechanisms driving this increase in grades. This paper uses data from a public research university to examine one mechanism in particular: instructor level incentives that are linked to gender and contract status. We hypothesize that instructors with more job uncertainty due to their rank will be most incentivized to award higher grades, as this may lead to better evaluations of teaching and an increase in retention probability. Our results indicate that students receive higher grades when their class is taught by a female instructor with more job uncertainty than if the class were taught by a tenured female faculty member. These higher grades appear to reflect more lenient grading rather than better preparation for follow-on courses. However, for students taking classes with male instructors, there is no significant difference across instructor rank in grades received. Our results have important implications for thinking about the role faculty contracts may play in affecting grading distributions.  相似文献   

The student evaluation of teaching process is generally thought to produce reliable results. The consistency is found within class and instructor averages, while a considerable amount of inconsistency exists with individual student responses. This paper reviews these issues along with a detailed examination of common measures of reliability that are utilised with the instruments. While inter-item consistency of the evaluations has been shown to be high, the agreement between students was shown to be no better than what would be expected by chance, indicating that students do not agree on what they are being asked to evaluate. The reliability measures generated by the student evaluations of teaching are an insufficient foundation for establishing validity. Further, the pattern of reliability indicates that the instruments are generally providing information about students, not instructors.  相似文献   

New Books     

How can we best support instructors to learn, practice, and retain student-centered, active-learning teaching strategies in their undergraduate courses? While approaches like professional development workshops may inspire some, permanent adoption of new pedagogy is rare. Here, we investigate “paired teaching” to achieve adoption and continued use of evidence-based practices. In this model, an instructor with little or no experience in student-centered teaching is paired with an experienced instructor in a semester-long course that has established student-centered pedagogy. This study evaluates information from eight pairs of instructors over a three-year period. Data was collected before, during, and after the paired teaching semester through interviews, written reflections, and teaching observations. Results indicate that paired teaching is beneficial as a professional development model for new instructors who have little teaching experience. The teaching practice of these instructors evolved to be increasingly student-centered, and they continued to use this pedagogy in subsequent classes. More established instructors who were less familiar with active learning showed lower tendencies to incorporate new pedagogies into their existing classes. We suggest best practices to maximize benefits and mitigate challenges associated with paired teaching.  相似文献   

Studies have long shown that students who begin or submit their work later tend to have negative academic outcomes. The measures of procrastination used in those studies may not have provided information timely enough for instructor intervention. This article focuses on delay in the online environment among graduate students. We propose two new measures of delay that can be disclosed in a timely manner, enabling instructors to help students who are prone to late submissions to succeed. Date of class registration and date of initial class posting are negatively associated with final letter grades. Date of first class posting can serve to alert instructors to those with potential delay problems. The results for date of class registration are less clear.  相似文献   

Lecture videos are often praised as a great medium of instruction in online education. There is a lack of research, however, that tests whether videos are superior to other teaching tools in online classes. This article examines whether videos are better than lecture notes and still slides in an online introductory political science course. The results show that lecture videos might not be the best tool of instruction for introductory students. Students in the non-video course gave higher evaluations of the instructor and the course and scored higher on exams.  相似文献   

This study examines the influence of aspects of naturally occurring instructor self-disclosure (intent, amount, positiveness, depth, and honesty) on students’ evaluations of their current instructor. Female college students (N?=?333) completed measures of their evaluation of their instructor and perceptions of the instructor's self-disclosure in the classroom. The findings partially replicate those from a study of hypothetical instructor self-disclosure (Sorensen, Communication Education, 38, 259–276, 1989) in that instructor self-disclosure that was perceived to be more honest, positive, and intentional was associated with more positive evaluations of the instructor. The disclosure-liking hypothesis which predicts that greater amounts of instructor self-disclosure would be positively associated with evaluations was not supported. These results may serve as a guideline for instructors’ classroom communication about themselves.  相似文献   

Using effective assessment techniques can improve an instructor’s understanding of student needs and support learner-centered classrooms. Evaluating student learning takes on a new meaning in online classroom environment where students and instructors do not share physical proximity. According to Garrison (2011), the assessment strategies used to determine student learning send “a very strong signal as to what is important and how they should approach learning” (p. 14). This paper describes formative assessment techniques used by two instructors in their respective online courses at the graduate level. The authors give suggestions in designing assessment activities to improve online teaching and learning by making use of student learning data.  相似文献   

Between Periods     
Student evaluations of teaching provide valued information about teaching effectiveness, and studies support the reliability and validity of such measures. However, research also illustrates potential moderation of student perceptions based on teacher gender, attractiveness, and even age, although the latter receives little research attention. In the present study, we examined the potential effects of professor age and gender on student perceptions of the teacher as well as their anticipated rapport in the classroom. We also asked students to rate each instructor's attractiveness based on societal beliefs about age and beauty. We expected students to rate a picture of a middle-aged female professor more negatively (and less attractive) than the younger version of the same woman. For the young versus old man offered in a photograph, we expected no age effects. Although age served as a detriment for both genders, evaluations suffered more based on aging for female than male professors.  相似文献   

To find out whether a discrepancy between the instructor's and the student's evaluations of teaching influence teaching, 13 introductory and educational psychology instructors and their students were given a Student Opinion Questionnaire (SOQ) twice: on the fourth week of a fall term and eight weeks after feedback sessions with the instructors. The instructors received feedback on the direction and amount of initial discrepancy. The results showed that the unfavorable discrepant instructors (instructor rating better than students) changed more on skill, feedback, rapport, general teaching ability, and the overall value of the course than the favorably discrepant instructors (student ratings better than instructor). The unfavorably discrepant instructors improved their teaching significantly more than the favorably discrepant instructors.This article is based on portions of a dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Ph. D. degree at the University of Michigan. The author wishes to acknowledge the help given by Wilbert J. McKeachie and Alvin F. Zander and thank them for their suggestions. An earlier version of the paper was presented at the 81st Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Montreal, Que., August 1973.  相似文献   

The literature contains indications of a bias in student evaluations of teaching (SET) against online instruction compared to face-to-face instruction. The present case study consists of content analysis of anonymous student responses to open-ended SET questions submitted by 534 students enrolled in 82 class sections taught by 41 instructors, one online and one face-to-face class section for each instructor. There was no significant difference in the proportion of appraisal text segments by delivery method, suggesting no delivery method bias existed. However, there were significant differences in the proportion of text segments for topical themes and topical categories by delivery method. Implications of the findings for research and practice are presented.  相似文献   

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