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美国媒介素养教育发展历史虽不长,但其K-1 2媒介素养教育课程却独具特色,对美国K-1 2教育具有重要的补充作用,对提高学生的媒介素养水平具有重要意义。美国K-1 2媒介素养教育课程以保护主义为宗旨,教学主体大多为一线教师和民间组织,是一场自下而上的草根运动。课程实施方式大多以融入式课程为主,各州媒介素养教育课程设置状况和标准纷繁多样,并不统一。本文旨在结合美国的时代和历史背景对K-1 2媒介素养教育课程的特点进行分析。  相似文献   

Classroom response systems, or clickers, have become pedagogical staples of the undergraduate science curriculum at many universities. In this study, the effectiveness of clickers in promoting problem-solving skills in a genetics class was investigated. Students were presented with problems requiring application of concepts covered in lecture and were polled for the correct answer. A histogram of class responses was displayed, and students were encouraged to discuss the problem, which enabled them to better understand the correct answer. Students were then presented with a similar problem and were again polled. My results indicate that those students who were initially unable to solve the problem were then able to figure out how to solve similar types of problems through a combination of trial and error and class discussion. This was reflected in student performance on exams, where there was a statistically significant positive correlation between grades and the percentage of clicker questions answered. Interestingly, there was no clear correlation between exam grades and the percentage of clicker questions answered correctly. These results suggest that students who attempt to solve problems in class are better equipped to solve problems on exams.  相似文献   

This study examines whether online teacher professional development (OTPD), in the form of an interactive webinar series that encourages collaborative learning, improves student achievement. We conducted a randomised controlled trial with 1102 students, 45 teachers and 30 secondary schools in Flanders, Belgium. As a basis for the study, we developed a digital learning path aimed at improving student scores on financial literacy–a multidimensional key competence recently integrated into the curriculum. We demonstrate that the learning path improves student learning outcomes and that enhanced teacher involvement in this programme does not increase learning outcomes unless the teachers participate in the OTPD initiative. Teacher engagement in the webinar series generated student learning outcomes 0.39 standard deviations higher than those of students whose teachers did not receive this intervention, thus, confirming the effectiveness of the OTPD initiative. This effect was found immediately after programme implementation, and it persisted until at least 6 weeks later. As an underlying mechanism, we observe that engagement in the webinar series enhances teachers' self-efficacy. Classroom observations suggest that engagement increases the frequency of providing students with content-related help.  相似文献   

This paper examines some intersections among school literacy events and practices, identity formation, and the institutional practice known in the US as tracking. During a year‐long, critical ethnographic study to examine how a team‐taught, interdisciplinary curriculum impacted the development of students’ literacies, it was found that not only the literacies, but also identities, were being shaped and developed. Particular literacy events led the students to perceive that they were being encouraged to think of and comport themselves in distinct ways, based on their status as ‘honours students’. Classroom practices created a culture of privileged performativity for the students through which they came to perceive that recognition as an ‘honours student’ had less to do with deep, intellectual, and critical understanding and communication of important ideas than with the ability to perform in specific, rather superficial ways. For the participants, ‘honours’ identity was tied discursively and materially to a set of constructs that stemmed from competing and contradictory views about how one becomes an ‘honours student’. Key literacy events and practices through which ‘honours’ identity was recruited and enacted were inherently undemocratic, despite the teachers’ stated commitment to democratic pedagogies.  相似文献   

It is a common acceptance that contemporary schoolchildren live in a world that is intensely visual and commercially motivated, where what is imagined and what is experienced intermingle. Because of this, contemporary education should encourage a child to make reference to, and connection with their ‘out‐of‐school’ life. The core critical underpinnings of curriculum‐based arts appreciation and theory hinge on educators and students taking a historical look at the ways artists have engaged with, and made comment upon, their contemporary societies. My article uses this premise to argue for the need to persist with pushing for critique of/through the visual, that it be delivered as an active process via the arts classroom rather than as visual literacy, here regarded as a more passive process for interpreting and understanding visual material. The article asserts that visual arts lessons are best placed to provide fully students with such critique because they help students to develop a ‘critical eye’, an interpretive lens often used by artists to view, analyse and independently navigate and respond to contemporary society.  相似文献   

教学交往是指教学主体之间(教师与学生、学生与学生)以精神客体为中介所构成的交往活动.接受基础教育新课程改革教育的学生,进入大学学习更希望与任课教师和同学进行有效的课堂教学交往.高校课堂教学应该与基础教育新课程改革教学方式相衔接.高校课堂教学交往有利于面向课堂中的全体学生,有利于培养合格人才,也有利于高校教师发展与专业成长即教学相长.  相似文献   

"我的实习故事"是根据中职德育课程《职业道德与法律》设计的一项综合性实践课业,是对中职德育课程评价内容和方式的创新。该项课业通过实习故事承载职业道德教育,要求中职生完成"我的实习故事"的课业任务,以其实习实践中富有教育价值的真实事件为载体,通过自主实践和同伴故事实现自主教育和同伴教育,丰富和拓展德育课程的教育资源。  相似文献   

It is a time for a new model for teaching students to find, evaluate, and use information by drawing on critical pedagogy theory in the education literature. This critical information literacy model views the information world as a dynamic place where authors create knowledge for many reasons; it seeks to understand students as information users, and emphasizes that information “evaluation” is a continual process during research. This model centers libraries within the curriculum as the experts on overcoming many of the obstacles to conducting successful research in the ever-changing information world.  相似文献   

This case study of a grade six classroom literacy curriculum in Ontario, Canada was designed to produce new knowledge of how curricula can promote multimodal literacy learning opportunities for students. With a focus on constraints and enablers, the study found few opportunities for multimodal literacy learning due to standardised assessments, an outcomes-based programmatic curriculum with related standardised report card, and assessment-focused professional learning opportunities. Despite the print-centric nature of the curriculum, however, the study found that students did initiate their own multimodal opportunities. The study has implications for educators across the globe who are interested in expanding students’ literacies.  相似文献   

在经济全球化的今天,财经素养已成为我们每个人必备的素质要求,而大学生的财经素养决定了我国未来经济发展的高度,因此研究当代大学生的财经素养现状及特征具有重要的意义.我们通过对江苏地区4个城市的高校进行调研,分析当代大学生收入与消费、财务认知、理财行为、理财渠道与学校教育、家庭教育的关系,探索大学生的财经素养现状和特征,寻求大学生财经素养教育方式及引导路径,为大学生财经素养的教育提供支持.  相似文献   

与文科大学生相比,理工科大学生的人文素养相对比较欠缺,表现为人文知识欠缺、知行差异较大等症候。文章尝试从传统教育模式、多元文化背景等多维角度作分析,认为高校需要从校园文化、课程体系、师资队伍以及社会实践等方面引导理工科大学生提升人文修养。  相似文献   

This study analyses the intended and enacted curricula that are produced when metacognition is included as an element within standards-based reforms for schooling. Reformers of the senior-secondary curriculum for South Australia (SA) and the Northern Territory (NT) hoped to improve the academic outcomes of all students, and especially those from low-SES and Indigenous backgrounds, by creating a curriculum that required year-10 students to reflect on their capacities. Reflection on learning in the literacy domain was a particular emphasis during the reforms. A constructionist epistemology and case-study methodology informed the approach taken in the study. Data collection and analysis involved accessing and analysing the intended curriculum, as well as the curriculum planning documentation designed by four teachers in one NT high school. The results indicate that learning opportunities to reflect on literacy capacities will not be created when the intended curriculum provides teachers, who are not literacy specialists, with little guidance about practices associated with metacognition and literacy.  相似文献   

As part of an evaluation of a web-based early literacy intervention, ABRACADABRA, a small exploratory study was conducted over one term in three primary schools in the Northern Territory. Of particular concern was the relationship between attendance and the acquisition of early literacy skills of Indigenous and non-Indigenous children. Using the GRADE literacy assessment, it was found that students made significant gains in a number of early literacy skills (e.g. phonological awareness skills and vocabulary processing). Classroom attendance was strongly and positively correlated with the acquisition of phonological awareness skills and early literacy skills (e.g. letter recognition, word identification processing). Indigenous children attended class significantly less frequently than non-Indigenous children and performed significantly worse overall, particularly with regard to phonological processing tasks. In light of these findings, it is suggested irregular attendance contributed to the Indigenous students' lowered literacy acquisition.  相似文献   

本文对国际学生评价项目(PISA)中学生科学素养出现男女生差异做了总体性、科学本质和科学知识等维度的分析。并用相关PISA原题对我国230名学生进行了化学科学素养的测试,做了一致性判断与解析。从学习策略、自我效能感差异和课程资源等方面剖析出现性别差异的缘由。提出了关注学习策略的引导、树立女性学习的自信心和增加科学课程资源中女性材料的教学建议,以期使我国的科学素养培养与国际接轨,达到所有学生共同发展之目标。  相似文献   

Policymakers have invested significant resources in financial education to improve financial literacy of the poor, reduce bad financial decision-making, and increase take-up of financial services and products. Yet, there is limited evidence on the effectiveness of such interventions, especially in developing countries. This paper provides evidence from a clustered randomized controlled trial (RCT) where a relatively light financial education program (one day of training) was offered to a large sample of women (n = 1,281) from poor households in informal community settings. The educational intervention was a significant departure from the more costly traditional classroom-style adult education interventions. It was based on simple “rules of thumb” and used a goal-oriented and action-focused approach, targeted at changing behaviors. We find evidence of modest, positive treatment effects for some outcomes including an increase in personal savings, achieved at a relatively low cost of training per participant.  相似文献   

柳州城市职业学院以"学生工作课程化"为设计指导思想,从课程的认知、实践和考核三个环节出发,搭建了由课程体系、活动体系及评价体系组成的素养工程基本框架。在素养工程设计与实施过程中,必须明确公共选修课在高职素养工程体系中的地位与作用。高职院校公共选修课是进行素养教育和使学生获得素质与修养的重要阵地,能成为素养工程课程体系的共享课程库,能成为素养工程课程师资培养的实验田,是对素养工程课程体系实践效果进行再次检验的有效途径,能够实现公共选修课学分与素养学分的学分折算。  相似文献   

This study discusses the representation of (the) literacy (myth) in popular movies and a teaching and research project on cinematic literacy narratives. It attempts to reveal the existence of a powerful ‘Pygmalion template’ in contemporary movie culture. Focusing on a discourse or culture clash ‘Pygmalion movies’ simultaneously contribute to the discursive construction and deconstruction of the literacy myth. Because of their polysemic character, these films offer fertile grounds for inquiring into the problematic nature of literacy acquisition and discourse or culture clashes. Inviting pre‐service teachers to reflect on these issues, the authors created a curriculum as contact zone in which films are used as a primary source of knowledge and insight together with students’ movie analyses and interpretations, personal narratives, and theoretical readings. This exploratory study of on‐line discussion groups revealed the students’ contradictory and competing movie readings. Organizing the curriculum as a contact zone deepened the students’ and one’s own understanding of literacy as an ideological site of struggle in (movie) culture.  相似文献   

Multiliteracies‐related research is just emerging from the formal discourse of pedagogical theorising and how it may look in practice needs further exploration. This research, initiated under that warrant, presents practitioner research and the enactment of a multiliteracies curriculum with Year 8 students in New York City's Chinatown. The study describes a collaborative digital literacies project with a local contemporary arts museum where students engaged in the multi‐modal redesign of school texts. First, the article outlines a move of multiliteracies theory into curriculum practice where students explored questions of Chinese‐American and immigrant identities through a discourse analysis of history texts. Then, drawing on a digital gothic and hip‐hop cartoon Web project, it outlines how students challenged ways their ethnic identities were positioned by drawing political satire cartoons about immigration to the United States. The project concluded with a virtual exhibition of students' artwork where they inserted their cartoons within existing educational websites using HTML and Flash. It argues that the redesigned websites are a new set of multi‐modal literacy practices that allow youth to disrupt racist and exclusionary discourses they encounter in school texts and their lived experiences.  相似文献   

课堂评价终究是一种检点教学的成败、改进教学实践的活动。本文旨在检视我国课堂评价的误区,探讨教师评价素养的课题。新课程改革以来提出了"基于三维目标的评价"的课题。然而,事实上在我国中小学应试教育仍然横行霸道,课堂评价轻重失衡、乱象丛生。探讨课堂评价的目的或功能、视点与框架、工具与方法的问题,是每一个革新的教师面临的严峻挑战。  相似文献   

民族地区信息化的发展,需要大量具有较高信息素养的复合型人才,因而提升少数民族大学生信息素养是民族地区发展的现实需求。少数民族大学生在具有多元民族文化背景的民族院校进行跨文化学习和生活,文化适应能力成为其信息素养构建和发展的一个重要影响因素。本研究借助文化适应理论,依据少数民族大学生信息素养问卷调查和个体深度访谈的数据分析结果,对民族院校少数民族大学生信息素养构建中的态度倾向、存在问题和影响因素进行归因分析。研究发现:少数民族大学生的信息素养建构与其文化适应意识、能力具有显著的相关性;少数民族大学生进入大学前的信息素养文化资本较弱,入学后普遍对信息素养重要性的认识呈现积极态度;民族院校开设的信息技术等公共必修基础课程为少数民族大学生提升信息素养提供了重要帮助,校园网络、在线网络课程、同伴间的互相学习也是少数民族大学生跨文化适应和信息素养发展的关键影响因素;民族院校的信息素养教育课程体系和教学环境亟待完善。最后,本研究基于文化适应的学习环境,提出提升民族院校少数民族大学生信息素养的路径:(1)在意识观念上加强少数民族大学生的信息素养意识教育;(2)在技术知识上不断完善民族院校的信息素养教学改革;(3)在组织管理上加强民族院校的顶层设计和制度建设。  相似文献   

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