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Abstract This study reports on outcomes of an investigation of visitors' longterm memories of the 1970 Japan World Exposition, Osaka. The paper reports in two parts the emergent outcomes of a study that provides understanding of the nature of visitors' long‐term memories of their experiences in an informal leisure‐time context. First, the paper discusses the common and most dominant recollections that emerged from 48 visitors' memories of this event 34 years ago. An overall explication of visitors' memories of their experiences of the event reveals an interesting mix of reactions: wonderment about the world and the amazing technological advances of the era, blended with personal discomfort and frustrations associated with the memories. These mixed feelings are presented against the backdrop of Japanese national identity re‐emergent on the world stage. Second, an analysis and discussion of qualitative data provides case examples of how three psychological and behavioral factors (affect, agenda fulfillment, and rehearsal) shape the vividness of episodic and/or autobiographical memories of the episodes as they are recalled 34 years later. This paper vividly illustrates the power of qualitative data to illuminate understanding of visitors' long‐term memories and presents some significant issues for museum staff to consider as they plan for visitor experiences that will have lasting impact.  相似文献   

Abstract At times considered an unreachable audience, people with dementia have found a wealth of positive and meaningful experiences in museum settings. Making a case for the creation of museum programs for people with dementia and their caregivers, this article describes the experience of dementia both for those diagnosed with the disease and for those providing care; highlights several existing museum programs for people with dementia; and offers suggestions for future programming options.  相似文献   

钱存训先生是世界著名的中国书籍史专家、图书馆学家,同国家图书馆有着深厚的渊源和不解的情缘。抗战期间,在日军占领下的上海,钱先生倾力主持国立北平图书馆上海办事处的工作,并冒着生命危险,将国家图书馆存沪图书中最珍贵的3万余册善本书籍秘密运送美国国会图书馆寄存,使国宝免遭兵燹之灾。半个多世纪以来,这批国宝辗转流离的命运一直牵挂着钱先生的心怀,为使其早日完璧归赵,钱先生始终不遗余力地多方周旋。2009年,这位国家图书馆的同龄人,将和国家图书馆共迎百年华诞。  相似文献   

孙淼 《中国博物馆》2010,(1):114-119
<正>一从伦敦坐火车约两个小时就可以到牛津。我们已经和阿什莫林博物馆(Ashmolean Museum)东方部的Shelagh女士约好十点钟见面。六月的天气温暖、湿润、阳光明媚,在博物馆一层大厅,Shelagh女士略带歉意地告诉我们中国展厅正在装修,两年后  相似文献   

摘译是一本杂志的名字,上海出版,通行于文革。其时,它是最好看的杂志之一,登苏联与西方最新的文学作品,内部发行。1974年左右,毛泽东为抵制形而  相似文献   

包容性是博物馆的基本特质之一,尽管博物馆对外也存在排斥行为,其包容性仍在博物馆的发展中不断展现和加强。发挥博物馆的包容性特质,应做到在坚持本馆藏品政策的前提下,做到在藏品的选择上更加多样化,扩大观众服务的受众范围,确定展览主题时更积极地介入社会重要议题,在不断变化的社会背景中发挥其自身功能,以推动社会包容的实现,促进社会公平。  相似文献   

博物馆讲解是博物馆一项重要的业务活动,也是博物馆教育的核心内容之一。本文将博物馆讲解提升到一门专业的高度来认识,从理论和实践的层面,对博物馆讲解做为一门专业所涉及的一些基本命题、专业特征、教育模武、研究对象等方面进行了剖析和研究,提出了自己的见解,进而指出要用更如理性和科学的态度对待这门专业,并逐步建立和完善的其专业体系。  相似文献   

The market for Japanese comics, called manga, in the United States grew rapidly at the beginning of the twenty first century at a rate unprecedented in the publishing industry. Sales grew a remarkable 350% from $60 million in 2002 to $210 million in 2007 and did not begin to decline until the beginning of the recent economic downturn beginning in late 2008. No published research is yet able to account for this phenomenon in a manner that is both socially-situated and medium-specific. In this paper, I provide such a sociological account of the rise of manga in the United States and its implications for the globalization of culture. Adapting Pierre Bourdieu’s theoretical formulation of the cultural field, I argue that manga migrated from the comics field to the book field and that the ways in which industry practices, distribution networks, and target demographics differ between the two fields are directly responsible for the medium’s newfound visibility. Furthermore, I argue that, despite the now-common transparency of the Japanese origin of Japanese titles, the American publishing industry’s creation of manga as a category of books distinct from other comics is an ineluctable naturalizing process that ultimately erases from American consciousness the Japanese, the foreign, the other.
Casey E. BrienzaEmail:

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