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Open‐mindedness is typically considered an intellectual virtue that brings humans into (closer) contact with reality and its complexities. In this essay, Susan Verducci expands the ways we typically think of cultivating open‐mindedness in classrooms to include the practice of engagement with the visual and performing arts. Working with the arts allows students and teachers to perceive and embody realities they would not normally experience. Specifically, the arts enable the drawing forth and exploration of multiple and subjective interpretations; the arts can therefore be uniquely productive in opening minds by helping one negotiate human perceptual constraints, by providing opportunities to enter standpoints other than one's own, and by encouraging the practice of living with uncertainty and ambiguity.  相似文献   

Epistemologists have long worried that the willingness of open‐minded people to reconsider their beliefs in light of new evidence is both a condition of improving their beliefs and a risk factor for losing their grip on what they already know. In this article, Matt Ferkany introduces and attempts to resolve a moral variation of this puzzle: a willingness to engage people whose moral ideas are strange or repugnant (to us) looks like both a condition of broadening our moral horizons, and a risk factor for doing the wrong thing or becoming bad. Ferkany pursues a contractualist line of argument according to which such hazardous engagement is a virtue only when it matters to our interlocutors whether they can justify themselves to us on terms we can accept — for our sake or for the sake of their own virtue, not instrumentally or to get something out of us. When it does not so matter, openness can be unintelligent or gullible — in other words, not virtuous.  相似文献   

Is it always ethical to ask a person to be “open‐minded” in volatile political contexts? What might open‐mindedness entail and when might such an expectation be harmful? Drawing on observations and interviews related to a controversial dialogue that occurred in Charlottesville, Virginia, following the violent Unite the Right rally of August 2017, Rachel Wahl argues, first, that whether we might consider someone “open‐minded” has little to do with their participation in processes that formally affirm and even genuinely aim for this virtue. Second, the division between people who view civil dialogue as the key to social progress and people who aver that direct resistance is what is called for is rooted in deeply different conceptions of the social world and what ails the nation. This divide is at once a response to the political moment and to the human condition, as it is a manifestation of an enduring tension between openness and commitment. Third, the disposition to be what one might call “open‐minded” about this division is premised on how one understands one's self and life. While popular and philosophical conceptions of this division tend to valorize either openness or commitment, Wahl draws on René Arcilla's conception of a life of education in order to articulate how these might be integrated. The possibility of understanding one's life as an education illustrates what may have made it possible for one exemplary participant in the Charlottesville dialogue to be open‐minded even about the value of some expressions of open‐mindedness while maintaining his principled commitments.  相似文献   

Open‐mindedness is widely valued as an important intellectual virtue. Definitional debates about open‐mindedness have focused on whether open‐minded believers must possess a particular first‐order attitude toward their beliefs or a second‐order attitude toward themselves as believers, taking it for granted that open‐mindedness is motivated by the pursuit of propositional knowledge. In this article, Rebecca Taylor develops an alternative to knowledge‐centered accounts of open‐mindedness. Drawing on recent work in epistemology that reclaims understanding as a primary epistemic good, Taylor argues for an expanded account of open‐mindedness as an intellectual virtue motivated by the pursuit of both knowledge and understanding. Incorporating understanding allows for a more robust account of open‐mindedness that better accommodates common usage, avoids common criticisms, and better explains the widespread acceptance of open‐mindedness as an important intellectual virtue. Taylor also identifies the connections between open‐mindedness and several other intellectual virtues, including intellectual humility, intellectual courage, and intellectual diligence.  相似文献   

近年来,自主学习得到我国的教育界的极大关注。根据对自主学习问题的研究,探讨教师自身的因素对推广自主学习的影响,以达到提高教师对自身文化背景、教学理念、教学方法以及课堂教学具体策略与自主学习之间关系的认知,目的是在课堂教学中培养学生的自主学习的能力,深化素质教育。  相似文献   

Today, organizations are increasingly implementing assessment tools such as Personal Development Plans. Although the true power of the tool lies in supporting the employee’s continuing professional development, organizations implement the tool for various different purposes, professional development purposes on the one hand and promotion/salary raise/selection/accountability purposes on the other (Smith and Tillema 2001). The study presented here aims at a better understanding of how the purpose of the Personal Development Plan (PDP), as perceived by the employee, influences the extent to which s/he undertakes learning activities and consequently leads to improved performance. Data were collected from 286 employees working in a regional Dutch governmental office and 81 experts from an international organization that is specialized in medical technology (N = 367). Data were analyzed by conducting hierarchical regression analyses. Results indicate that perceiving the PDP either as a learning and development tool or as a promotion and selection tool, positively predicts the undertaking of learning activities and the employee’s performance. Follow-up regression analysis indicated that the most powerful predictor of undertaking learning activities and a high-quality performance is the extent to which employees perceive PDPs as serving learning and development purposes. The results of this study suggest that if an organization wants their employees to learn by undertaking learning activities and in turn perform better, the tool should in the first place be introduced and used as a learning and development tool.  相似文献   

Abstract. An explanatory methods design was used to evaluate the influence of a service learning course on learning, personal, and social outcomes for service learning (n = 142) students. These students showed improvements in diversity and political awareness, community self-efficacy, and civic engagement scores from the beginning to the end of the semester. In addition, the students' academic learning, personal and interpersonal development, and community engagement were detected as the major benefits from engaging in service learning. The findings of this study suggest that service learning contributes to students' academic learning and personal and social development through social-emotional processes.  相似文献   

Previous studies found that personal factor is a predominant influence in the causation of POP.We will consider the impact of both demographic and mental characteristics on POP in this paper.And on the basis of Enneagram theory,our study will focus on the difference in POP among different personality characteristics.  相似文献   

创造性人格中非智力因素对人的创造力的表现和发挥具有决定性意义。武术运动能够培养学生独立的个性特征、激发学生的进取精神、培养学生承受失败和挫折的良好心态,在培养人的创造性人格中非智力因素方面具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

User interfaces that utilise human gestures as input are becoming increasingly prevalent in diverse computing applications. However, few designers possess the deep insight, awareness and experience regarding the nature and usage of gestures in user interfaces to the extent that they are able to exploit the technological affordances and innovate over them. We argue that design students, who will be expected to envision and create such interactions in the future, are constrained as such by their habits that pertain to conventional user interfaces. Design students should gain an understanding of the nature of human gestures and how to use them to add value to UI designs. To this end, we formulated an ‘awareness course’ for design students based on concepts derived from mime art and creative drama. We developed the course iteratively through the involvement of three groups of students. The final version of the course was evaluated by incorporating the perspectives of design educators, an industry expert and the students. We present the details of the course, describe the development process, and discuss the insights revealed by the evaluations.  相似文献   

In epistemology today, the intellectual virtues are receiving renewed attention. Contemporary normative virtue epistemology suggests that a key task of philosophy is not only to study the nature of knowledge and thought, but to promote good thinking. While not regarded as a standard thinker in the tradition of virtue epistemology, Dewey thought like this too. In fact, study of the virtues that make for good thinking plays a key role in Dewey's educational thought, most notably in Democracy and Education. In this paper, I reconstruct Dewey's work on ‘the training of thought’ in Democracy and Education as a form of virtue epistemology. I give particular attention to Dewey's thinking about the virtue of ‘open‐mindedness’ and highlight the touchpoints and differences between Dewey's conception of open‐mindedness and contemporary accounts.  相似文献   

高校"十五"教材建设工作浅谈   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文分析了“十五”期间普通高等教育教材建设所面临的六大挑战,以及当前高校教材建设中普遍存在的问题,并针对教材建设面临的挑战和存在的问题,提出了做好教材建设工作的六项相关对策。  相似文献   

分析了大气边界层扩散条件、大气污染源分布及预测、大气污染现状。根据O_3、SO_2和NO_x的模拟计算结果,结合城市总体发展规划,进行了大气环境规划工作。  相似文献   

In this article, the authors examine the complexities of assessing the professional and personal development of counselors‐in‐training. The authors discuss a set of issues the profession must address in an effort to reduce inconsistencies and uncertainties related to student assessment, and the authors provide questions, recommendations, and future directions for assessing student competencies in the areas of professional and personal development.  相似文献   

The present study tested both the processing and storage of functions of working memory (WM) and whether WM in low-order and high-order writing processes follows the same pattern as in reading. The influence of WM on creative writing was also tested. Forty-seven high school students participated in this study. A test of written language was administered to the subjects, comprising the following subtests spelling, vocabulary, style, logical sentence, sentence combining, thematic maturity, contextual vocabulary, syntactic maturity, contextual spelling, contextual style. A WM reading comprehension test was also conducted. The overall findings of the study indicate significant relationships between WM measures and reading and writing in English as a second language.  相似文献   

随着政府、社会、企业对科技投入的不断增加,近年来高校对科技工作的重视程度越来越高,高校的科研水平得到了很大的提高.但是,很多高校在科研项目的计划与控制方面也遇到了很多问题.文章从立项管理、课题组成员管理、经费管理、成果管理等方面来探讨高校科研项目的计划与管理,以促进高校科研的高效率、高质量发展.  相似文献   

谈初中思想品德教学中学生创新能力的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
初中思想品德教学的任务,除了向学生传授一定的基础知识,培养学生良好的思想品德素质外,也应包括学生创新能力的培养。创新是一个民族的灵魂,是国家兴旺发达的不竭动力。在新课程理念下,每一位担任思想品德学科教学的老师都应当高度重视在思想品德教学中培养学生的创新能力。  相似文献   

建筑环境艺术是一门能体现设计师所处文化背景以及生活状况的学科,是设计师的思想体现.他们设计的成果直接应用于人们日常的生活,影响着人们的生活状态和心理状态.因此,正确的引导人们的思想意识,使其对世界和文化艺术有正确的认知,就显得尤为重要.风水学作为一门古老的学科,一直没有受到正视,总被民众误认为是旧社会的封建迷信,而其也常被不法分子用于违法活动.其实,学习和善用风水学理论能对环境艺术设计的学科发展和教育起到积极而重要的作用.  相似文献   

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