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<正>Introduction In many aspects of our life,we often divide the world into two parts:the eastern one and the western one.The former usually refers to Asia and the latter includes mainly Europe,North Africa and America.We divide like this not only because of the geographical location differences,but also due to the cultural  相似文献   

通过逐步明确概念、阐述原理、划分工作对象、范围及找出认识不足的原因,使人们对心理健康、心理咨询及咨询室有个大致的了解。  相似文献   

We make a distinction between the operational practice of using an observed score to assess differential item functioning (DIF) and the concept of departure from measurement invariance (DMI) that conditions on a latent variable. DMI and DIF indices of effect sizes, based on the Mantel-Haenszel test of common odds ratio, converge under restricted conditions if a simple sum score is used as the matching or conditioning variable in a DIF analysis. Based on theoretical results, we demonstrate analytically that matching on a weighted sum score can significantly reduce the difference between DIF and DMI measures over what can be achieved with a simple sum score. We also examine the utility of binning methods that could facilitate potential operational use of DIF with weighted sum scores. A real data application was included to show this feasibility.  相似文献   

通过相关理论的指导,指出在课堂教学中教师应该如何帮助学生接近和体验异域文化,并积极探索怎样避免脱离实际的教学.从而不断提高学生的跨文化交际能力.  相似文献   

高校后勤社会化要建立服务主体企业化、服务成果商品化、服务对象社会化、服务方式多样化的新体制、新机制.它必须解决好高校内部服务的价格问题,实行转制后职工的分流问题.还必须处理好两个关系一是后勤服务社会化与"三服务、二育人"的关系,二是后勤服务社会化与稳定和发展的关系.  相似文献   

大力发展信息服务业对加快广西经济发展具有重要战略意义。广西信息服务业的发展速度很快,但也存在诸多问题。广西信息服务业的发展策略,当务之急应是成立相应的管理机构,注重信息队伍和人才的培养,加强信息资源的开发建设,加快信息服务业的产业化进程,完善信息市场,促进信息服务业的健康发展。  相似文献   

随着改革开放的不断深入,中华文化与世界其他文化在碰撞交流中共同发展。在这一背景下,语文教学在传统文化的传播和渗透中具有天然优势,挖掘语文教学资源,构建校本课程教学体系,在继承优秀传统文化的同时提高学生的思想道德水平,养成良好的品格。  相似文献   

随着课程管理体制改革的持续推进与深化,地方课程建设取得了显著成效,同时也面临着深层次的发展困境,如课程地位下沉、课程目标摇摆、课程内容虚化、课程责任旁落等。问题的症结在于教育管理者对课程政策解读、课程价值定位、课程权力运行存在着"钟摆"现象,需要从课程政策、课程价值、课程管理权限等几个方面进行调适和平衡。  相似文献   

本文探讨了新形势下图书馆服务变革的主客观因素,指出了今后图书馆服务工作的发展方向.  相似文献   

李侠 《安康学院学报》2009,21(4):126-128
高校图书馆是高校的文献中心,是为教学科研服务的学术性机构.新建本科院校图书馆要不断增强服务意识,努力提高服务质量,充分发挥服务职能,成为教学科研的坚实后盾.要实现这一目标,就必须准确分析新建本科院校图书馆服务质量的现状,找出存在的问题与不足,并积极探寻解决问题的有效途径.  相似文献   

当前我国数字经济蓬勃发展,为人民带来了巨大的经济技术红利。然而,随着老龄化加速,老龄人口数量与日俱增,数字知识基础薄弱与数字消费理念"滞后"的老龄人口正面临巨大的"数字鸿沟"。在指出数字经济为老龄人口带来的"数字赋能银发经济、老年生活质量提高及数字创新老龄就业岗位"三大新机遇的基础上,识别了数字鸿沟对老龄人口的三大冲击,包括新技术取代老龄就业岗位、数字产品适老化不足及年龄不平等问题凸显。数字鸿沟不仅限制了老龄人口的数字经济参与能力,也不利于社会整体的共有共享发展。为此,应从政府、社会、家庭三方视角提出应对之策:应加大老龄人口社会保障力度,推出数字适老化产品,以及实施家庭数字反哺。三方协同发力,能够助力老龄群体跨越数字鸿沟,充分融入数字经济,实现数字经济福祉的全民共享。  相似文献   

学习评价方法的改革与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革传统的评价方法,变单一的量化评价要素为综合多样化的评价要素;变单一试卷考核形式为多种形式的综合考核;变单一的百分制量化为等级制量化和定性描述相结合;变单一的终结性评价为形成性评价和终结性评价相结合;变单一的教师评价为学生、家长、教师多方评价。发挥评价的导向作用、激励作用和调控作用,促使学生健康成长。  相似文献   

教育机智是教师在面对突发教育情境时作出迅速、准确的判断与及时、恰当的行动的能力,它具有丰富的教育内涵.本文根据活动观察与相关分析,归纳出幼儿园教师教育机智的几种表现:对幼儿敏感,有克制的干预,理解幼儿,因势利导,施加潜移默化的影响,巧妙创新以及临场应变等.为进一步提升教师的教育机智水平,建议教师重视活动前的准备工作,做有准备的教师;关注活动中幼儿的反应,做善于观察的教师;重返关键事件,做善于反思的教师.  相似文献   

Objective. Parent–child coercive cycles have been associated with both rigidity and inconsistency in parenting behavior. To explain these mixed findings, we examined real-time variability in maternal responses to children’s off-task behavior to determine whether this common trigger of the coercive cycle (responding to child misbehavior) is associated with rigidity or inconsistency in parenting. We also examined the effects of risk factors for coercion (maternal hostility, maternal depressive symptoms, child externalizing problems, and dyadic negativity) on patterns of parenting. Design. Mother–child dyads (= 96; M child age = 41 months) completed a difficult puzzle task, and observations were coded continuously for parent (e.g., directive, teaching) and child behavior (e.g., on-task, off-task). Results. Multilevel continuous-time survival analyses revealed that parenting behavior is less variable when children are off-task. However, when risk factors are higher, a different profile emerges. Combined maternal and child risk is associated with markedly lower variability in parenting behavior overall (i.e., rigidity) paired with shifts toward higher variability specifically when children are off-task (i.e., inconsistency). Dyadic negativity (i.e., episodes when children are off-task and parents engage in negative behavior) are also associated with higher parenting variability. Conclusions. Risk factors confer rigidity in parenting overall, but in moments when higher-risk parents must respond to child misbehavior, their parenting becomes more variable, suggesting inconsistency and ineffectiveness. This context-dependent shift in parenting behavior may help explain prior mixed findings and offer new directions for family interventions designed to reduce coercive processes.  相似文献   

Teachers incorporate information from various sources as they form their academic expectations for students. The student record of prior achievement is the most salient factor that educators use to form their expectations for children’s achievement. Research on the factors that influence educator expectations has primarily focused on the ways teachers assimilate various pieces of information about students. More recently, there is an interest in moving away from this perspective and focusing more on teacher factors that may influence these differing expectations. The purpose of this research was to explore the factors that contribute to the formation of educator expectations in Full-Day Kindergarten. This study presents an in-depth examination of reports from Early Childhood Educators (ECEs) and teachers on their teaching philosophies, roles, teaching practices, and interactions that support students in meeting curriculum expectations. This study elucidates the differences in the two groups in terms of how their expectations are formed and in turn how they may affect processes leading to child outcomes. Furthermore, this research responds to existing gaps in the educator expectation field by extending the research to include the early years.  相似文献   

The essay is intended to deal with the target system in the performance management.It consists of five issues,aiming to help enterprises to make performance management work well.  相似文献   

Truant student behavior can be due to various reasons. Some of these reasons are located in schools. So far, little is known about how student perception of school rules is related to truancy. This study aims to identify types of school attendance policies and how these policies are associated with individual truancy. Self-reports from the German student sample of PISA 2012 (N = 5,001) were analyzed to evaluate truancy and student perception of school attendance policies. A linear regression model was specified to predict truancy. Two styles of school attendance policies as perceived by students could be distinguished: active and passive. Students who perceived their school's attendance policy to be active were truant less often than students who thought their school's attendance policy was passive.  相似文献   

高校图书馆文献信息服务是专业性、学术性很强的服务,从服务内容、手段到方法,都必须体现它服务与学术相统一的性质,本文就如何提高文献信息服务质量,让大量有价值的文献资料发挥其学术作用而进行初步探讨。  相似文献   

闫昱 《鸡西大学学报》2013,(11):18-19,22
器乐表演是音乐艺术的表现方式之一,由于其具有公开性、时间性、技术性、创造性等特点,表演时会出现各种紧张现象。无论是技术性的紧张还是心理性的紧张,都会导致演奏者在演奏时出现音乐表现的失常。试结合教学实际,探索和分析器乐演奏者表演时的心理现象,研究和解决制约表演水平发挥的成因,并在教学中加以正确引导。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法和逻辑分析法等研究方法,从竞技体育资源的概念出发对其特征进行讨论;结合体育公共服务的概念及分类,对竞技体育资源向体育公共服务转化的内容和有效途径进行分析讨论.研究认为,竞技体育资源可以分别以指导服务、设施服务、公共活动服务和信息服务等为内容向体育公共服务进行转化,并通过相关转化机制建设,加强场地设施规划管理,强化明星示范带头作用,深化区域间合作和区域竞技体育资源利用等途径来提升竞技体育资源向体育公共服务转化的有效性.  相似文献   

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