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Although the most publicized beginnings of the Lamaze method in this country took place in the New York City area in the 1950s and 1960s, change was taking place even earlier in other parts of the United States as well, for women everywhere were eager to be educated and awake for their birth experiences. One of the early leaders of the "natural childbirth movement" in Colorado, Wyoming, and Oklahoma from the late 1940s through the early 1960s was Sunnye Strickland. Strickland began her career as a labor and delivery nurse, became a devoted advocate of prepared childbirth as a result of her own birth experiences, and embraced the philosophy of the psychoprophylactic method after visiting Dr. Pierre Vellay in Paris. She then became a faculty member with the American Society of Psychoprophylaxis in Obstetrics (ASPO/Lamaze, now Lamaze International, Inc.) and eventually a certified nurse-midwife. Her professional story spans five states, several countries, and 46 years, with a rich variety of experiences in which she was a change agent, educator, and active leader in the childbirth education movement.  相似文献   

Dr. Francine Nichols-President of Lamaze International from 1988 to 1991 (when the organization was known as "the American Society for Psychoprophylaxis in Obstetrics" or "ASPO/Lamaze") and the founding editor of The Journal of Perinatal Education in 1990-is a woman with many skills that have contributed to her success throughout her career. Dr. Nichols is a knowledgeable leader in maternal-newborn nursing, a respected nurse and childbirth educator, a researcher, and an author. However, these skills were not the abilities she relied upon the most to lead the Lamaze organization through a challenging period in the 1980s; rather, Dr. Nichols's tenacity, business savvy, and willingness to face controversy helped guide Lamaze International back on track so that it was able to grow into the strong organization it remains today. This interview took place by telephone on June 12, 2006, when Dr. Nichols was in Washington, D.C., for the summer to coordinate the National Institute of Nursing Research's Summer Genetics Institute, a doctoral-level course cosponsored by Georgetown University.  相似文献   

The author, who accomplished the majority of her work as a childbirth educator while based in Tampa, Florida, journals the experience of being an early pioneer in promoting Lamaze childbirth in the United States, beginning in the 1960s. Many aspects of her story are common to the stories of other childbirth educators who also pioneered the childbirth movement in the United States during the same time frame. This history is presented for its potential usefulness to those who continue to work to advance the Lamaze International goal of promoting normal birth.  相似文献   

A student in a Lamaze Childbirth Educator Program expresses concern that some Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educators (LCCE educators) do not teach classes that reflect Lamaze standards. In this column, the ethical and professional standards of the LCCE educator and the challenges the childbirth educator experiences while practicing in the current maternity-care environment are presented and discussed. Lamaze International's Code of Ethics for Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educators provides guidance when dealing with these challenges.  相似文献   

THIS ARTICLE ANALYZES BIRTH NARRATIVES GATHERED DURING WHAT CAN BE CONSIDERED A FORMATIVE PERIOD OF THE LAMAZE MOVEMENT IN THE WEST: from 1952 through Fernand Lamaze's death in early 1957. The use of women's birth narratives as an assessment tool is one of Dr. Lamaze's most enduring contributions to obstetric pain management. The early work of Lamaze and his collaborator Pierre Vellay provided a template for studies conducted elsewhere for decades to come. By examining expectations in another time and place, our own standards, so often normalized to the point of invisibility, are thrown into sharp relief. This article addresses the conflicting and contested nature of authoritative knowledge surrounding parturition.  相似文献   

In response to a reader's question, this column discusses the benefits and uses of pain to facilitate childbirth. Childbirth educators are urged to help women understand pain, so that they may work with pain and appreciate the role it plays in providing them with the inner wisdom to give birth.  相似文献   

Suzanne Arms's name is readily recognized by many in the field of perinatal education. For 30 years she has been a tireless advocate for childbearing women, a fighter for change in the traditional maternity care system, and a feminist with strong beliefs about the physical, emotional, and spiritual impact of birth. Arms's well-known books and frequent speaking engagements have allowed her to spread her message and her plea to humanize the childbirth experience. Talking with Arms is an energizing encounter. Her life path is a powerful and compelling story that is an inspiration to all who continue to work to make birth a positive event in the lives of women and their families.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This article presents an updated review of the literature of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy (Factitious Disorder by Proxy, MBP). METHOD: Four hundred fifty-one cases of MBP were analyzed from 154 medical and psychosocial journal articles. RESULTS: Typical victims may be either males or females, usually 4 years of age or under. Victims averaged 21.8 months from onset of symptoms to diagnosis. Six percent of victims were dead, and 7.3% were judged to have suffered long-term or permanent injury. Twenty-five percent of victims' known siblings are dead, and 61.3% of siblings had illnesses similar to those of the victim or which raised suspicions of MBP. Mothers were perpetrators in 76.5% of cases, but as knowledge of MBP grows a wider range of perpetrators is identified. In a small number of cases, MBP was found to co-exist with secondary gain or other inflicted injury. CONCLUSION: Although published cases form a non-random sample, they add to knowledge about MBP and validate claims that it occurs. More knowledge about non-medical aspects of MBP, and more pooling of data, is desirable.  相似文献   

那么你真的要采访我吗?"上帝问道。"假如您有时间的话。"我说。上帝笑了:"我的时间是永恒的,……那么你有什么问题要问我呢?  相似文献   

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