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Data from a 1978 health care study in rural North Carolina were analyzed to investigate whether people prefer to die at home rather than in a hospital setting and the reasons for their preference. Medical, financial, personal and family-related reasons were investigated as possible explanations for selecting a preferred site of death. Differences between respondents in demographic, socioeconomic, and health-related variables were analyzed to determine their possible effects on where an individual preferred to die. The results indicate that financial reasons were most likely to be given for preferring to die at home followed closely by individual reasons and then by family and health considerations. Statistically significant differences indicated that those who preferred to die at home were younger, white, more educated, were not satisfied with the quality of medical services, considered their health as excellent and were afraid of hospitals. The implications of these results were considered.  相似文献   

医院管理队伍的职业化建设是适应市场竞争需求、推动医院向科学、健康、可持续发展迈进,也是医院适应知识经济的基础和前提。我们必须着力更新其思想观念,并树立医院管理队伍职业化意识,加快现有管理队伍的转型,引进专业的管理人才,强化管理队伍中管理人员的专业培训,从而真正实现医院管理队伍的职业化。  相似文献   

In continuing The Journal of Perinatal Education's mission to promote normal birth, this issue's "Celebrate Birth!" column features mother and daughter, Nancy Ferguson and Shelley Beebee, who share two complementary perspectives of the magic and mystery surrounding the home birth of Eloen, Nancy's granddaughter and Shelley's daughter.  相似文献   


Thirty-two families were given six market-leading, educational CDROMs each, and usage of them was logged over 11 weeks. These children and their parents were also interviewed on three occasions. Although parents and children were enthusiastic upon receipt of the software and envisaged that it would be a useful learning tool, children's use of these titles rapidly declined to an average of between only 10 and 25 minutes a week. Children spent most of their time using these products alone; collaboration with other family members was minimal. This is compared with parents' examples of other learning activities that take place as a whole family. Parents and children were asked to discuss the perceived qualities of the CD-ROMs. Parents had limited insight into how this home computer experience might relate to their children's experience in classrooms and they made little reference to informal theories of learning and teaching in judging the quality and impact of the software. This was classified as ‘good’ mainly in terms of features that could promote recreational enjoyment. It is concluded that the purchase/provision of a PC and of educational CD-ROMs is not enough, by itself, to foster lively learning practices in the home. Parents and schools need to work more closely together if this is to be achieved.  相似文献   

Processes of generalising bilingual expertise from Te Kohanga Reo (an indigenous preschool for the revitalisation of Maori language) to home are analysed. Observations at the preschool and home settings revealed several features. The active and strategic role of the child in transferring expertise was evident. So too were the presence of complementary activities at home, sensitive responding to generalised language and shared cultural commitments. These processes were present in a range of activities. The results are discussed in terms of theoretical approaches to generalisation and the effectiveness of indigenous language intervention programmes.  相似文献   

Because of new applications of telecommunications, especially television, adults today have increasing flexibility in taking advantage of college courses in the privacy and convenience of their homes. The quality of courses has improved greatly in the last few years, and they are available in a variety of subject areas. Today's television courses are carefully designed and produced by teams of leading scholars and producers. Most of the country's public televison stations broadcast one or more television courses, each semester. In addition, many are broadcast on local cable channels. Most of the students for television courses are older than traditional college students, female and employed. They view the television courses at home. In the future, the personal computer can be expected to add new dimensions and flexibility to homebased college education.  相似文献   

The present experiment investigated the alteration of ingestive behaviors as an outcome of exposure to uncontrollable water deliveries in order to examine the mechanisms underlying finickiness. The experiment employed a single treatment session during which rats were exposed to response-contingent, response-independent, or no-water deliveries in a triadic design. Subsequent two-bottle tests (quinine vs. water) conducted in the treatment apparatus revealed finickiness about the novel, bitter quinine solution in rats previously exposed to uncontrollable water deliveries. Thus, finickiness does not depend on the fear of aversive events, such as shock, but may be explained in terms of stress induction. The persistence of the finickiness effect for the 4 days of testing supports the interpretation that finickiness reflects a long-lasting associative component of helplessness.  相似文献   

Research studies conducted recently in hospitals located in Switzerland and Canada reveal the importance of birth philosophies in attaining successful birth practices and outcomes.  相似文献   

In this column, a reader expresses concern at the declining number of women attending childbirth classes and her inability to influence a woman's decision to choose normal birth. It may be more effective to market Lamaze as a way to have an easier birth rather than a normal birth. The six care practices that promote, support, and protect normal birth are suggested as a framework for teaching Lamaze classes with the goal of having an easier labor and birth.  相似文献   

本文拟从国际格局的变化,新保守主义的推波助澜,布什主义的出台三个方面对美国对外战略进行解读,认为植根于美国社会和政治文化中的天定命运观和美国例外论是其对外政策中的深层次因素。  相似文献   

Smart home is a promising solution to improving the quality of people's life. Much work has been done in the field, but most of these solutions are just based on home gateway, leaving much to be improved. One of its defects is the relatively high energy consuming and its radiation, and the other is that it is not available to the old home appliances which fail to access the internet. Full use of the low energy consuming characteristic of the Zigbee wireless sensor network, a completely new smart home solution is put forward in this paper. Without need of a home gateway and any modification for the currently used family appliances, the method uses the Zigbee coordinator as the central controller and the controllers of appliances as the end devices of Zigbee. It can realize a comfortable and smart home. Experiments show that the scheme proposed is feasible and it will be no doubt to be able to improve the quality of people's daily life.  相似文献   

终于放暑假了,不用每天早起上学,可以在家里舒舒服服睡大觉,想干什么就干什么。可是,暑假安全也是同学们要格外注意的,因为很多同学一个人待在家里。今天咱们学习的主题就是:如何在家里保护自己。  相似文献   

Museums have the capacity to enhance social cohesion, which is the product of a trusting, connected community. History museums and historic sites, in particular, can serve communities by stimulating dialogue on difficult issues, accurately representing all the people of a nation, and creating forums for discussion among groups with disparate opinions. History museums promote social cohesion by solidifying the identities of their audiences—as members of communities, ethnic groups, nations, and the world. This article combines extensive research with firsthand experience in history museums to accurately portray the ways different museums affect social cohesion. It looks first at what social cohesion is, and the ways in which both civil society and educational organizations contribute to it. It makes the argument that museums share attributes of both civil society and educational organizations. This article then addresses the different ways museums contribute to defining identity, bridging community divides, and addressing society's most difficult issues. It does this with in-depth analysis of several Holocaust museums and the movement in Russia to memorialize sites of Stalinist terror.  相似文献   

石杰的小说创作直接来自于好对生活的深切体验,她以农民和知识分子两类人的生活为题材,展示了人生的苦难,美好和丑陋,表现出追问的勇气和重建希望。且乐而不淫,哀而不伤。  相似文献   

弗洛伊德从心理动力学的角度剖析了文明对人的压抑,发现对本能的压抑是人类文明存在的基础,但也是人类痛苦的主要来源。马尔库塞则认为生产力的进步使人类可以从生存斗争中解放出来,在一种非压抑性文明中自由幸福地生活。然而在发达工业社会,伴随技术进步的反而是将压抑永恒化的趋势,代表统治利益的社会将其需要心力内投为个体自己的需要,使个体自愿地承受文明的压抑。因而将人类从压抑中解放出来的希望便在于个体主体意识的觉醒,将自身本能的真正需要与社会强加的虚假需要区分开来。艺术因其对现实的批判性和否定性,成为人类解放的希望之所在。  相似文献   

三十--四十年代,在艾青创作的系列怀乡诗中,由"农民"和"土地"组成的意象,在相当程度上,反映了中国现代知识者在生存价值的选择上所流露出的情绪特征,抑或是人类学意义的抉择.这种文本阅读的跨界思考,同时揭示我们,只有在更加广泛的学科空间的比照研究下,中国现代文学的多元价值才能得到关怀.  相似文献   

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