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Trauma symptoms among infants exposed to intimate partner violence   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
OBJECTIVE: To determine whether infants have a traumatic response to intimate partner violence (male violence toward their female partner; IPV) experienced by their mothers, two questions were explored: (1) Is the number of infant trauma symptoms related to the infant's temperament and the mother's mental health? (2) Does severity of violence moderate those relationships? METHODOLOGY: Forty-eight mothers reported whether their 1-year-old infants experienced trauma symptoms as a result of witnessing episodes of IPV during their first year of life. Mothers also reported on their own trauma symptoms that resulted from experiences of IPV. RESULTS: For those infants experiencing severe IPV and whose mothers exhibit trauma symptoms, we were able to predict whether infants exhibited trauma symptoms (b = .53, p < .01). This was not true for children who witnessed less severe IPV (b= -.14, ns). Maternal depressive symptoms and difficult infant temperament did not predict infant trauma symptoms for either group of infants. CONCLUSION: Mothers report that infants as young as 1-year-old can experience trauma symptoms as a result of hearing or witnessing IPV. The significant relationship between infant and maternal trauma symptoms, especially among those infants experiencing severe IPV, are consistent with the theory of relational PTSD. Findings suggest that interventions for mothers and families need to consider the influence of the severity of IPV on very young children.  相似文献   

This paper outlines the development and implementation of an online educational intervention designed to enhance moral reasoning in higher level tax students. Before decisions are made about how to behave ethically, cognitive moral reasoning takes place. The importance of education in developing morally sensitive individuals who use principled moral reasoning has been widely acknowledged. The literature contends that moral reasoning might be enhanced through certain forms of intervention studies. An online educational intervention designed to enhance moral reasoning in tax was developed and empirically tested for effectiveness through the use of a pre- and post-test and focus group feedback gathered from students. Students' contributions to ethical discussions were analysed to determine their perceptions of salient issues concerning ethics in tax. This paper will inform future educators and researchers designing effective ethics interventions.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of a training programme on students’ acquisition of life skills, life satisfaction, life orientation and expectations about academic achievement. Participants were allocated to either an intervention group (n?=?41) that took part in a life skills programme, or a control group (n?=?43). Participants completed the Youth Experiences Scale 2.0, the satisfaction with life scale, the life orientation test-revised and the expectations about academic achievement. Results showed that students who received the intervention reported having more developmental experiences related to life skills, greater life satisfaction and a stronger tendency to be optimistic. Expectations about academic achievement were higher for the intervention group before and after the intervention. In conclusion, there are benefits to providing life skills training to adolescents in educational contexts.  相似文献   

Brian A. Vander Schee describes how incorporating the College Student Inventory into an existing freshman seminar measurably improved student retention.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the efficacy of a mathematics intervention devised by Essex Educational Psychology Service (EPS), UK. The intervention was designed to develop understanding and skills across four key domains within arithmetical development, by applying the principles of errorless learning, distributed practice and teaching to mastery. A quasi-experimental design was used to investigate the success of the intervention in raising the level of arithmetical skills of lower achieving pupils up to National Curriculum Level 2. The results indicated that children engaging with the intervention made significantly more progress than children not engaging with the intervention, with ratio gains of 2.51 in arithmetical skills. In addition, gains were made in mathematical reasoning.  相似文献   

This investigation employed a combination multiple baseline/reversal design across individuals to examine the effects of a packaged intervention designed to reduce disruptive behaviors in two 8‐year‐old female students, with a third 8‐year‐old female student serving as a control. The intervention was delivered through a contingency contract and was comprised of precision requests, antecedent strategies (i.e., public posting of classroom rules, and teacher movement), positive reinforcement (i.e., mystery motivators, token economy), and the reductive technique of response cost.During baseline, the percentage of intervals that the students evidenced disruptive behaviors averaged 41%. This was reduced to an average of 20% during treatment. In the withdrawal phase, disruptive intervals increased to an average of 25%. Reinstatement of the intervention resulted in a further reduction of disruptive intervals of 20%. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of a school‐based intervention entitled ‘Our Brothers and Sisters in Humanity’ on 10th grade female Omani students' religious tolerance. A questionnaire was administered before and after an intervention to a sample of 241 girls, of whom 116 were in the experimental group and 125 in the control group. A semi‐structured interview was conducted before and after the intervention with 16 participants, of whom 8 were from the experimental group and 8 from the control group. Analysis of the quantitative data in the postintervention round reveals that there are statistically significant differences between the experimental group and the control group in favour of the experimental group in religious tolerance. Similarly the experimental group shows greater tolerance when compared to the control group in post‐intervention interviews. The study suggests that religion is one of the most salient components of Omani pupils' ‘identity’. The participants use religion to define their relations with, and determine their tolerance of, those who hold different religious beliefs. However, we conclude that education that capitalises on the perceived similarities between religions can be a means to suppress intolerance.  相似文献   

高校教育纠纷的增多是公民权利意识的提升,也说明我国高等教育管理制度法治化的欠规范,司法介入是必然的.主体资格标准、法律关系标准、公权力标准并不能准确判断教育纠纷的性质.行政性行为标准与重要性标准的结合可以很好地协调司法介入与大学自治的矛盾,行政性行为是司法介入的前提,重要性标准是司法介入的评断.  相似文献   

This paper is an edited version of a lecture in celebration of the twenty‐fifth anniversary of the Cambridge Journal of Education given at the Cambridge Institute of Education on 12 February 1996. The author, who was editor of the Journal for it's first eleven years, recalls the features of the East Anglian educational community for which the Journal initially provided a platform and the overlapping sets of professional values which, he claims, underpinned much of its educational practice. The Journal provides a source for the history of this community and of the issues and concerns which dominated it particularly in those early years. The paper focuses in particular on the issues to do with teacher education which concerned contributers twenty‐five years ago and reflects on the ways in which these have developed. The author suggests that there has been a loss of intellectual vitality over this period and places the blame for this squarely on government policies including, centrally, the extension of market principles to education. Finally he suggests an agenda for the educational community and perhaps for the Journal which is aimed at re‐establishing ‘the intellectual capital’ of the teaching profession  相似文献   

Coaching psychology is a distinct sub-discipline of academic and applied psychology that focuses on the enhancement of performance, development and well-being in the broader population. Applied in educational contexts, the practice of coaching psychology has the potential to have a positive impact by supporting children and adults to achieve enhanced standards of functioning and well-being. It therefore represents a way in which educational psychologists (EPs) might elect to diversify their practice. However, EPs are disproportionately under-represented in the development of this emerging field. This article charts the birth and evolution of contemporary coaching psychology, and presents a case study illustrating the application of this methodology in a school context. Suggestions are given regarding professional development activities that might be undertaken by EPs seeking to develop coaching psychology as a strand of their practice.  相似文献   

Although many studies suggest that family violence is associated with child psychopathology, multiple features of the home environment might account for this association, such as poverty and caregiver psychopathology. Studies are needed examining how change in psychopathology symptoms is affected by home violence, controlling for children's own developmental symptom histories and other predictors of psychopathology. This study used latent difference score structural equation modeling to test if witnessing home violence and/or experiencing harsh physical discipline predicted changes in psychopathology symptoms among 2,925 youth aged 5-16 years previously exposed to violence. Results demonstrated that harsh physical discipline predicted child-specific changes in externalizing symptoms, whereas witnessing violence predicted child-specific changes in internalizing symptoms across time. Implications for research and policy are discussed.  相似文献   

In two large-scale studies, the effects of policy and educational interventions on literacy skills were examined in children schooled in zones with specific educational needs. To calculate the potential effects of such interventions, treatment-effects estimators with nearest neighbor matching were used. In Study 1 with policy intervention (N = 1095), children in experimental group (Exp) were assigned to small classes (12 pupils) and others in control group (Cont) to normal-sized classes (20–25 pupils). At the end of Grade 1, the effect sizes in favor of Exp were .14 and .22 in word reading and spelling. In Study 2 with educational interventions (N = 2803), children in Exp benefit from an evidence-based practice, i.e. a code-focused intervention (phonology, letter knowledge, decoding and fluency) developed by the Association Agir pour l'Ecole (Act for School) and conducted by teachers in small groups for children with low performance at the beginning of Grade 1. The effect sizes of interventions in various literacy skills were from .12 to .32. This set of results obtained in France is in accordance with those described in other countries. To conclude, a double intervention with small classes and targeted educational approaches could be one of the best ways of reducing inequalities during learning to read.  相似文献   

The field of special education is thought to be a stressful profession due to the complex needs of the students. The current study aimed to assess the effectiveness of a mindfulness-based smartphone application intervention for reducing burnout in special educators. We used the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory scale (with three subscales; personal, work-related and student-related) to measure burnout and the Five Facets of Mindfulness (shortened version) to assess mindfulness. Special educators (n = 29) were assigned to either the experimental group (n = 14) which used the ‘Smiling Mind’ app for guided meditations or the active control group (n = 15) which used ‘Day One’, a note-taking app, for a list-making activity. Both groups used their assigned apps for 10 days. The experimental group showed significant reductions from baseline to post-intervention on the personal burnout subscale while the control group did not, indicating that the intervention affected this domain of burnout. This was maintained at a 2-week follow-up. Mindfulness scores did not significantly increase in the experimental condition, meaning that the mechanism of this decrease in personal burnout is unknown. Further research is needed in order to add to the knowledge on preventing and treating burnout in special educators.  相似文献   

早在19世纪和20世纪之交,以本本主义为思想特征的知识教育学就受到了来自以人本主义 为思想特征的行为教育学的严峻挑战。杜威在他的名著《学校与社会》(人民教育出版社,1 994年版)中就提出了一个惊天动地的命题:“现在我们的教育中正在发生的一种变革是重心 的转移。这是一种变革,一场革命,一场和哥白尼把天体的中心从地球转到太阳那样的革命 ”。然而,在过去的20世纪里,这场革命不过是像钟摆一样从一个极端摆到另一个极端,即 从以本本为中心的系统传授知识模式摆到以儿童的偶发兴趣为中心的问题解决行为模式。前 者以赫尔巴特(J…  相似文献   

Poisoning is often characterized by the acute onset,rapid progress,or specific manifestations of pathological symptoms,such as pulmonary fibrosis due to paraquat poisoning or high mortality arising from dinitrophenol intoxication (Jiang et al.,2016;Wang et al.,2017;Feng et al.,2018;Lu,2018;Xu and Lu,2019).Unlike general poisoning,however,the manifestation of n-hexane intoxication is subacute,and its clinical symptoms are dormant,and thus the provision of a timely and correct diagnosis is often difficult.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with the connection between religions and education. It explores the case of one particular values education programme, ‘Living Values: an educational program’, and its link with the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (BKWSU) to show how the programme originated and developed, which individuals and institutions were involved in these processes, how such a programme finds application in British schools and what form such application takes. The article traces a ‘chain of transmission’ from inception to classroom and looks at the reception which a values-based programme finds among teachers, pupils and parents. The article is based on ethnographic and documentary data gathered in a one-year research project (September 2001 to October 2002) in the Warwick Religions and Education Research Unit (WRERU) at the University of Warwick.  相似文献   


This position paper sets out to examine value creation in the engineering enterprise, a process that has mostly been associated with innovation and entrepreneurs. An analysis of the literature on engineering value creation in business studies, engineering and engineering education publications shows that there has been surprisingly little empirical study and thus the means by which most engineers contribute value is unclear in the literature. Analysis of published data and data from studies by the authors in engineering workplaces in Australia, South East Asia and Portugal suggests that the work performed by most engineers has little to do with innovation. Based on these data the authors identify 14 ways in which engineers create value. An important finding is that routine engineering performances by a majority of engineers, not associated with innovation or entrepreneurial activities, not only can be shown to create value, but also to protect accumulated value from inadvertent destruction. The paper outlines the educational implications of these findings and proposes measures that engineering educators can adopt to improve the understanding of engineering graduates about engineering value creation.  相似文献   

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