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吕岩 《高教论坛》2011,(1):79-81
目前公安学历教育尽管存在各种缺陷,但仍然有地方大学学历教育所无法替代的优势:一是警察的职业化特征需要发展公安学历教育;二是公安专业知识的积累和知识创新需要发展公安学历教育。  相似文献   

This paper describes portfolio development by pre-service art teachers in a secondary teaching programme at California State University, Los Angeles, USA. A portfolio reflects knowledge, skills, and beliefs about teaching in general and teaching art specifically. It displays one’s learning experiences as they are collected, organized, and refined to provide a critical framework and rich portrayal of one’s best work. The article addresses the questions of what a portfolio in art education is, what its goals are, how one creates a portfolio, how one assesses portfolios once they are developed, what the issues and challenges surrounding the use of portfolios as assessment tools are, and finally, some likely future developments of portfolio assessment in teacher education.  相似文献   

本文是作者主要参与的全国教育科学“十五”规划国家课题《学历证书与职业资格证书相互转换的理论与实践研究》一个部分。本文运用国际先进的“知识点”、“技能点”的课程比较方法,对现行的我国国家职业资格证书和学历证书的课程标准进行了比较,在比较的基础上提出了我国职业资格证书和学历证书相互转换的框架结构模型,并就该模型的实现进行了可行性分析,最后就实现我国国家职业资格证书和学历证书相互转换提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

教育公平是指公民的受教育权能够通过制度性的保障而公平地得以实现的一种社会权利分配状态。在高等学历教育阶段,也应当保证教育公平。高等学历教育阶段的教育公平,其法价值追求是程序公平。其立法应该贯彻必要差别原则。  相似文献   

科学有效的学业质量评价是提高成人学历教育人才培养质量的有效手段,而纵观当前成人学历教育学业质量评价实践,存在着评价目的异化、评价内容偏狭、评价方式与评价主体单一等问题。应在分析问题成因的基础上,对成人学历教育的学业质量评价进行积极探索,为当前成人学历教育教学改进提供有益参考。  相似文献   

Despite the world slowly recovering from the 2008 recession and reducing levels of unemployment, the problem of underemployment persists. Underemployment is a problematic work status determined by an array of factors, including hours worked, comparative wages, and various subjective elements. This particular employment condition is affecting a great number of college graduates, specifically in the realms of subjective underemployment where the skills and education obtained in one’s college experiences are not utilized in one’s occupation. In this way, college graduate underemployment (CGU) is the product of a dialectical interplay between higher education institutions and the world of work. A Marxist analysis is utilized here to parse out the nuances of this relation. Marx’s original examination of capitalism illustrates how the forces of capital manipulate labor power as a commodity. Capitalist manipulation, coupled with technological dynamism and automation, gradually appropriate skills from the worker into the larger apparatus of capital. Formerly limited to manufacturing, this formal subsumption has now moved to modes of labor that require a college education, forcing college graduates, across nearly all disciplines, to assume work discordant to their degree. Moreover, with new labor paradigms consisting of disempowered part-time work, CGU will continue to be an obstacle that graduates must navigate, beckoning more critical educational experiences.  相似文献   

对高职院校推行职业资格证书制度的思考   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
推行职业资格证书制度,实行学历证书与职业资格证书并重制度是高等职业教育发展的必然趋势。高职院校要充分认识推行职业资格证书制度对培养技术应用型人才的重要性,以就业为导向,以培养学生的职业能力为主线,加强实践教育,深化教学改革,不断完善职业资格证书制度。  相似文献   

高校非学历教育培训是整个社会教育中的重要组成部分,对生物医药领域技术人员进行非学历培训教育,不仅对补充知识、提升技能、提高人的全面素质具有推动作用,而且也是适应生物医药产业发展的必然要求。吉林大学国家级生物实验教学示范中心通过优化培训课程体系与内容,建立理论与实践结合、线上线下结合的教育方法,构建了提高生物医药生产、经营、管理人员的技术水平和满足现代生物医药领域技术人才需要的非学历培训教育体系。  相似文献   

在人力资源开发活动中,资格认证引导着人力资源开发的方向。制定切实可行的职业教育与职业资格衔接政策,建立以职业资格证书制度为主要内容的就业准入制度、劳动预备制度,加快推进以职业资格制度为前提的企业资质认证工作,实行行业准入制度,可以更有效地加强行业管理,提高服务质量;有效地配置人力资源,合理利用教育资源,盘活交通资源,提升交通行业教育培训能力和劳动者素质,提高其学习能力及就业能力,促进劳动力的合理流动以及终身学习型交通行业的形成,促进交通现代化、市场化和国际化,进而有利于全面建设小康社会,实现新的交通跨越式发展。  相似文献   

How do teaching artists perceive the need and usefulness of a credential program specifically designed for teaching artists in dance and theatre arts?  相似文献   

作为现代信息经济学重要研究内容的信息不对称现象,毫不例外地存在于高校学籍学历管理之中。运用信息不对称理论,分析高校学籍学历管理中存在的种种信息不对称现象,分析其存在成因既有普遍原因,也有基于学籍学历管理本身的特殊原因。应当在发挥行政部门强制作用、完善电子注册制度的同时,通过理顺管理体制、畅通管理渠道、应用现代技术、降低...  相似文献   

为落实军委总部"能打仗、打胜仗"和"两个靠拢"的指示精神,提升学历教育院校军事基础教育实战化训练水平,对西点桑赫斯特竞赛的实战化特点进行分析和总结,进而得出对我军学历教育院校军事基础教育实战化训练的启示。  相似文献   

军事训练伤是影响军校学员军事素质提高的重要因素。通过问卷调查,对结果分析得出学历教育院校学员军事训练伤具有普遍性、集中性、阶段性、可控性的特点,进而提出加强军事训练伤的宣传教育、提倡阶段性训练模式和方法、围绕训练伤病进行针对性训练以及注重军事训练中的保障和防护等对策。  相似文献   

成人高等学历教育必须迎接挑战,明确自己的发展方向,除了保持小规模、高质量、特色鲜明的学历补偿教育之外,更应该转变观念,向知识经济下世界成人高等教育发展大方向融合,向高层次的非学历教育、继续教育和大学后教育转化。  相似文献   

Canada's province of Ontario introduced a new policy in 2000 allowing community colleges to offer a new type of undergraduate degree. This decision was a significant policy change for the government considering the nature of Ontario's binary system, where a rigid separation has historically prevailed between the university and college sectors. Drawing on multiple sources of data, this study indicates that the decision to create a new type of applied bachelor's degree generated a series of uncertainties and challenges for higher education institutions, students and government agencies. The paper highlights the need for policy makers to consider the socio‐cultural aspects of higher education systems in policy design, particularly the role of legitimacy.  相似文献   

培养本科学历小学教师是我国师范教育借鉴国际经验、适应教师专业化潮流的一个重要举措。本科学历小学教师的社会期待是“优质”小学教师,而反思能力是其必备的素质。因此,在本科学历小学教师的职前培养中注重反思能力的培养有其必要性和可能性,并提出了实施构想。  相似文献   

新世纪高校成人非学历教育管理模式创新求探   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
新世纪,社会经济的发展,终身教育体系和学习化社会的建立,高校继续教育的发展,迫切要求高校非学历教育快速发展,而管理模式的改革创新是促进高校非学历教育发展的主要途径,探求管理模式的创新已成为高校非学历教育发展的最紧迫的任务。  相似文献   

近几年,民办高等教育发展迅速,实施本科学历教育的民办高校已达25所(不含独立学院)。困扰全国高校毕业生就业难的问题,在民办本科高校同样存在。为了增强毕业生的就业竞争力,民办本科高校宜将本科学历教育与高等职业教育相结合,使毕业生的综合素质与社会人才需求接轨。为此,民办本科高校要转变教育观念,明确培养目标,改革育人模式。  相似文献   

Early childhood educators worldwide all strive to improve the quality of care and education for young children through sustainable pathways. One such pathway is professional development (PD). In the United States, ongoing PD has been recognized as critical to enhancing practitioners’ professional competence. Situated within the broader context of early childhood professional development systems, this study examined the New Jersey Infant/Toddler Credential (NJITC) as a case of PD. Specifically, we evaluated the effectiveness of the NJITC as PD by investigating its process as well as impact on the participating practitioners’ professional growth and practice from multiple perspectives: written reflections from a course instructor and a childcare center director; survey reflective responses from 12 practitioners; and informal conversations with childcare center directors, course instructors, field supervisors, and practitioners. The findings revealed that having the NJITC coursework offered through an onsite PD model and supported by a state-based scholarship program provided much needed incentives to encourage participation. It also resulted in improved professional growth and practice among the participating practitioners. However, it is only to the extent that the infant/toddler practitioners continue to engage in continuous PD beyond the ITC coursework will they be able to keep themselves abreast of the state of knowledge and best practices from which to further enhance their professional competence. In light of the process and impact of the NJITC on practitioners’ acquisition of specialized knowledge, skills, and dispositions to effectively work with infants and toddlers, implications and recommendations for policy are discussed.  相似文献   

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