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Guzheng (Chinese stringed zither) has brought you from an ancient town of Shanxi Province to the capital city of China, It bears your expectation for your career and your ambitious pursuit of arts Guzheng expresses your passions when you are happy and soothes your sorrow when you are frustrated. Even if you have nothing to say, guzheng is your best friend. The 21 strings voice your dedicated love for arts. The sophisticated skills demonstrate your steadfast pursuit of music.  相似文献   

在当今古筝演奏家中,人们对范玮卿已不陌生。尽管其父辈中无从事音乐,但追溯其更老一辈的人中,从事造型和表演艺术大有人在。因此,范玮卿走上音乐艺术之路,除其自身的艺术天分外,与丰厚的家学底蕴不无关系。在她9岁时,就取得过北京市少儿器乐比赛第一名以及第一届全国青少年民族器乐独奏比赛少儿组金奖。  相似文献   

In the cold winter, you resisted bitter coldness with Gu Zheng (Chinese harp). You plucked strings with slim fingers and melodious sounds retreated the coldness The snow melted into clean spring water to moisten the green dreamland. You were born to be a Chinese harp musician. You opened the door of arts with the key of jouth. In the sky of music, you fly as a free bird, showing angel-like charms. Behind the brilliant music you play, however, there are not only smiles but also tears.  相似文献   

李佳,江苏无锡人,6岁开始学习琵琶。1990年考入上海音乐学院附小,1993年入上海音乐学院附中,1999年以优异的成绩考入中国音乐学院,随名琵琶大师刘德海教授深造。并参加一系列重要艺术活动。  相似文献   

As a musician,dedication to Chinese lute has rewarded her a top prize at the national competition. As a teacher,deep love for teaching has won her two awards of education.  相似文献   

Zhang Zhengyan, a Chongqing native, graduated from China Theatric Art College and is specialized in pipa (Chinese lute) and jing erhu (two-string) as well as guzheng (plucked zither). She began learning pipa at age 9 and was later admitted in the middle school attached to China Theatric Art College. In 1996, she passed the entrance examination with excellent performance and was enrolled in China Theatric Art College. Her mentors included such master musicians as Prof. Cao Baorong, Wu Chongyi, Li Guanghua, Lin Xueming, Gu Yujie and Zhao Zhiquan.  相似文献   

你来自南国那个被称为天堂的地方为了挚爱的古筝你打点起青春的岁月在北方四季分明的风景中绽放初衷不改的笑容  从此,所有的梦都被彩色的音符点缀年复一年,在季节的轮回中音乐让内心远离寂寞也使枯槁的生命靓丽而丰盈  西子湖畔的水花打湿了幻觉无数回在筝弦上淙淙流动乡愁一次次缠绕上指尖你任音乐的快车飞奔在银弦之上载着你跌宕流动的思绪去寻觅久违了的柳浪闻莺:北京歌舞团古筝独年生于杭州一个京剧10岁师先后师从史在校期间多次参1991年以优异成绩毕2002年参加;CD专集,并积极从艺术简历:北京歌舞团古筝独奏演员。1969年生于杭州…  相似文献   

Li Xiaojie is a young Chinese flute performer and now serves as the Chinese flute solo performer in the Song and Dance ! Ensemble of the General Political Department of People's Liberation Army. She was born in Inner Mongolia and had followed her father Li Zhen, a famous Chinese flute performer to learn flute performance since her childhood. In 1983, she was admitted to the middle school affiliated to China Conservatory of Music and received an all-round training of sldlls and styles of northern schools of Chinese flute from Prof. Ma Baoshan. In 1986. Li and her schoolmate Zeng Zhaobin performed a flute duet at the Fourth North China Music Festival, which was known as the first ever bamboo flute performance by female performers in China and widely recognized by the professional circle.  相似文献   

知音在童年颠簸的学艺路上是它依偎着你柔弱的身躯在世界辉煌的舞台上你又用它弹奏出动人的旋律中指轻轻一勾勾出多少成功的喜悦食指轻轻一抹抹去几许苦涩的记忆午夜时分,它和你一起品味蕉窗夜雨渲染出的意境解冻时节,你和它一起赞叹春到湘江的澎湃与壮丽有人说,古筝是传承文明的载体有人说,古筝是抒发情感的乐器在你眼里,它是信念,是知音它是你生命中永恒的唯一  相似文献   

The pianist’s pro le Jiang Chen, born in Shanghai, China, began learning the piano at age ve and won the rst prize at the rst Shanghai Piano Competition for Children at age seven. At age eleven Jiang successfully played Aaron Avshalomov’s piano concerto “Chinese Theme and Rhythm” in cooperation with renowned conductor Huang Yijun and Shanghai Symphony Orchestra and records and tape cassettes on this concert were later produced and released. In 1992, Jiang graduated with top perform…  相似文献   

艺术简历:雷靛云,1976年出生。1985年学习古筝,1988年考入中国音乐学院附中,1994年以优异成绩考入中央音乐学院,1998年进入中国歌舞剧院民族乐团任演奏员。1988年获江西省第二届艺术节器乐比赛一等奖;1991年随华夏室内乐团出访日本,同年在北京音乐厅举办“六女古筝独奏音乐会”1995年录制《古筝名家名曲》录音、录像带,年获“东方杯”全国古筝独奏比赛青年组优秀奖;1996年应邀赴日本巡演,同年获中央音乐学院民族器乐独奏观摩比赛一等奖;1997年参加“’97北京现代音乐节”,同年应邀参加澳门第十一届国际音乐节;1998年获文化部应聘资格考评弹…  相似文献   

姜克美中国广播民族乐团胡琴演奏家,国家一级演员.中国音乐家协会会员,中国民族管弦乐学会理事。  相似文献   

The violinist's prof ile: Born in Shanghai, Xia Xiaocao is a Chinese violinist active in the international music circle. Xiao began learning the violin at age 6 and often appeared in radio and TV music programs in her childhood. She has received training under the mentorship of several prestigious professors including Wang Zhilong, Peng Dingxin and Lin Yaoji. Upon graduation from the Central Conservatory of Music, Xia was engaged as teacher at the conservatory. She then went to Souther…  相似文献   

曾格格:著名青年笛箫演奏家,国家一级演员。现为中央民族乐团独奏演员;中国民族管弦乐协会会员;中国民族管乐研究会会员;中国敦煌艺术剧院特邀演奏家;“华韵九芳”演奏家之一。曾格格:因演奏敦煌《伊州》、《箫韵》等古曲,获“千年玉笛第一人”美称。其录制演奏的《洵阳遗韵》被中央电视台评为“经典之作”。因出色表演,在澳门敦煌艺术节上受到澳督赞誉并被接见。曾获“国际中国民族器乐独奏大赛”第二名。在奥地利金色大厅演奏的《春江花月夜》等曲目大受欢迎。江泽民主席为她亲笔题辞:“笛声言志,精益求精。”美国前总统克林顿…  相似文献   

No matter how many roles you have played on stage, Your love for ballet has remained unchanged. When melodious music permeates in the ballroom, When spotlights catch your lithe gures, You tiptoe the boundless stage, You touch the face of music. Unfolding your arms, you emabrace the sky, Raising your legs, you y over the stage.The angel-like, noble characters your have played Makes you known to the world – a proud dancing star of China. Classic romance ows in your blood. Spirit of dance gl…  相似文献   

所有的红绸都随你舞动,所有的鼓点都因你铿锵,你把人生的喜悦与悲伤全部含在唇齿之间,通过一只纤细的唢呐,向天空倾诉,朝大地释放。  相似文献   

Pluck the string and beat with poetic rhythms.With freedom, you fly over the sky of melodies,Transcend the order of seasons,And touch the windstorm of antiquity with your plump feathers.Pluck the string and sing with amorous sentiments.With ideal, you sail through the boundless sea of arts,Embrace centuries of colorfulness,And pursue tides of passions.Artistic Profile:Cui Jia, graduating from Tianjin Conservatory of Music, is currentlyYangqin (Chinese dulcimer) performer in the ensemble o…  相似文献   

Cui was enrolled in Tianjin Theatre Academy in 1980 to study Zhongruan and Liuqin under the mentorship of master Zou Ke, She was also trained in several other string and percussion instruments such as Jinghu (Beijing Opera two-string violin), Yueqin (moon guitar) and Sanxian (long-necked three-string lute). She was admiMed by Central Conservatory of Music in 1989 and trained by a number of masters including Prof. Kuang Yuzhong, Zhang Dasen, Liu Xing and Zhang Xinhua. As the conservatory's first graduate in Liuqin, Cui was employed by China Radio Ethnic Music Ensemble in 1993.  相似文献   

The artis's profile: Ma xianghua bom in Jinan Shandong Piovince is a famous young erhu (two stiing violin )instrumentalist and teacher at china Central Conseivatory of Music (CCM).She began iearning erhu to 7 and engaged master Su Anguo as his menid at 9 in 1986.  相似文献   

说起箜篌这种中国乐器,许多人对它并不熟悉。其实箜篌历史久远,早在汉唐时期,我国就有卧箜篌和竖箜篌这两种形式的箜篌并存于当时的音乐生活中。卧箜篌有些像中国古琴古筝的样子,是地地道道的民族乐器;  相似文献   

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