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戟锋 《教育文化论坛》2010,2(6):96-99,112
竺可桢是我国近代的科学巨匠和教育巨将,其为我国的教育事业作出了卓越的贡献。文章通过对竺可桢教育历程的考察,认为竺可桢教育思想的特色主要表现于三大方面。即一是将人才培养与拯救中华联系起来,强化教育目标。二是将我国传统文化与西方现代文明联系起来,实行民主办学。三是将追求真理与大学精神联系起来,倡导求是校训。  相似文献   

马相伯是中国近代著名的私立大学创办人之一,先后创办了震旦学院、复旦公学,参与创办了辅仁大学,短暂执掌过北京大学.结合马相伯的心路历程,可观其对中国大学教育独特的设想和追求:为了实践教育救国之宏愿,马相伯年过六旬,不惜毁家兴学,先后创办震旦学院、复旦公学;在人才培养上,以融合中西、贯通文理为理念,设计了一套独具特色的大学课程体系;在学校管理上,以大学自治、学术自由为旨归,培养师生的民主意识和自治能力,强调大学之大,在道德高尚和学问高深;在大学与社会的关系上,为了避免当时政治和宗教的干扰,主张教育独立,并要求学生摒弃社会风气的不良影响,以获取真才实学为重.马相伯的大学教育思想既与西方大学精神的传统相契合,又有着强烈的国家富强和民族自立意识,今天仍具启发和借鉴意义.  相似文献   

作为现代著名教育家,陈鹤琴拥有十分丰富的办学实践和独具特色的教育理论。他不仅善于汲取“欧美新教育”实验精神,努力开创中国化幼稚教育新路;而且能够结合自己的多维办学实践,逐渐结胎具有本土文化特色的“活教育”理论。这一“活教育”理论虽然源自于杜威的生活教育学说,但颇能结合国情民性进行教育上的理论改造和学术重建。而所有这一切,都离不开其终身奉为圭臬的大爱无疆之气度和“一切为了儿童”的教育本体追求。  相似文献   

HIPP Indy is a collaborative effort between the Indiana Department of Correction, the Peace Learning Center, and program facilitators in pursuit of implementing curriculum in peace education, conflict resolution, and self-efficacy with incarcerated, juvenile girls. The Center for Urban and Multicultural Education embarked on a program to partner a reservice teaching candidate with an urban social justice initiative in the hopes of reciprocal benefits for all involved. This study represents both qualitative data from multiple partners in designing and implementing the project, as well as the reflections of the participant-observer and co-author. The authors purport that listening to the stories of the diverse individuals involved in making the program possible offers an opportunity to understand curriculum in-the-making and the complexity of collaborative work. Revealed in this collaboration are new insights into the complexities of working with incarcerated students, attempts at creating a dialogic curriculum, and the ways in which academic discourse (i.e. Freirean praxis) gets translated into practical community-based, social justice work.  相似文献   

Previous studies on collaborative research emphasize industry-university collaboration conducted in a subset of academic disciplines associated with applied engineering. These studies focus on motivations, mechanisms, financial costs and financial benefits of collaborative research while paying little attention to the impact of collaborative research on academic productivity. The purpose of this paper is to attempt to compensate for some of these shortcomings. First, we present a survey which includes responses from academic researchers of all the scientific disciplines. Second, we take into account and compare the collaborative relationships between university researchers, between university researchers and industry, and between university researchers and other institutions, especially government agencies, local governments and organized interest groups. And third, we assess the impact of these collaborative activities on the academic productivity of the university researchers.The results of this paper show that collaboration, whether it be undertaken with universities, industries or institutions, may indeed increase researchers' productivity. We find this to be true whether or not such relationships begin early in a researcher's career. We also find this to be true whether or not the collaborators have an intellectual symmetry. The effect of collaboration on productivity varies according to both the scientists' geographical closeness to their partners and on their field of research. It was found that collaboration between researchers and industry had significantly more impact on productivity than collaborations between researchers and their peers or researchers and other institutions. Scientists in humanities were found to produce less materials in collaboration than scientists in other fields. And, scientists involved in collaboration aimed mostly at producing patented and unpatented products, scientific instruments, software and artistic production were also found to produce less.In sum, given that collaboration contributes to the increase of scientific productivity, government decision makers and university administrators ought to encourage researchers to forge collaborative relationships.  相似文献   

郭秉文执掌南高师-东大期间,以社会服务作为学校的办学宗旨之一,取得了辉煌的办学业绩。在中西文化交融的历史背景下,郭秉文积极求学、勇于探索,逐渐形成与完善了其大学社会服务的思想,主要包括:调整学科设置,满足社会需求;推广大学科研,推动社会发展;兴办社会教育,扩大教育受众域。郭秉文拓展了大学的社会服务职能,将大学的社会服务理念贯穿渗透到办学的各个环节,其社会服务思想对当前大学更好发挥社会服务职能具有现实意义和借鉴价值。  相似文献   

In this article I share the results of a seven‐year case study of an educator who began his career without formal preservice teacher education, as a participant in Teach for America. Steven (a pseudonym) began teaching mathematics in an urban middle school, later teaching social studies to English language learners, and is currently a principal of an urban charter school. Using a narrative/biographical research method, I have documented how Steven combined his personal resources, the confidence he gained from participating in Teach for America, and, because he began taking professional coursework in his second year of teaching, his emerging understanding of the foundations of teaching and learning (i.e. what he learned at the university) to form the educator he has become. His growth in understanding the culture of his students is a particularly compelling part of his story. Implications for contemporary teacher education are discussed, including the role of multicultural education courses and why customized teacher education programs should become more commonplace.  相似文献   

This paper explores the potential of video capture to generate a collaborative space for teacher preparation; a space in which traditional hierarchies and boundaries between actors (student teacher, school mentor and university tutor) and knowledge (academic, professional and practical) are disrupted. The study, based in a teacher education department in an English university, is contextualised in the policy context of school–university partnerships. Video capture is used as a vehicle to promote dialogue and collaborative practice between partners during school-based elements of a teacher preparation course. Analysis highlights the power of this space to promote reciprocal learning across the partnership.  相似文献   

教育科研文化是学校全体教师在共同开展教育科研活动中积淀形成的一种校园研究氛围、管理制度和教师精神,它体现了广大教师对教育改革和发展的共同的价值追求。如东县马塘小学结合自身实际,形成了"立足农村,自主研修,集团作战"的教育科研文化特色,带来了学校教育教学质量的全面提高,不仅锻造了一支科研型、学者型、专家型的教师队伍,而且培养了一批批肯钻研、会劳作、有智慧的学生。  相似文献   

唐文治先生是中国近代著名的教育家和国学大师,在他主持无锡国专的30年时间里,他把中国传统书院和西方大学办学制度进行了有机结合,把无锡国专办成了传统书院向现代大学转型的典范,形成了无锡国专独特的教育管理模式,并从中折射出唐文治鲜明的高等教育思想和办学理念,这给当今的学术界和教育界留下了很多值得认真思考、研究和借鉴的东西。  相似文献   

The study presented in this article forms part of a wider project promoting collaboration between junior researchers from different universities with the objective of rethinking and improving teaching practice in relation to the use of technology. The article describes research carried out during the 2012/13 academic year aimed at developing collaborative action research through technologically mediated agoras involving students from three Spanish universities. The main results of this study show that junior researchers improved their teaching practice through technologically mediated inside and outside agoras. In addition, the transformation of university classrooms into agoras enabled the negotiated reconstruction of knowledge for the analysis of good practice in the use of technology. Likewise, these agoras helped reduce limitations by breaking down the barriers of time, distance and resources for sharing findings and limitations between junior researchers. Furthermore, they pave the way for improvements and their implementation in learning processes during initial teacher training.  相似文献   

老舍早年虽然没有在大学读书的经历,但后来曾辗转于多个大学教书授业,其小说创作主要是在大学校园中展开的,这些促成了他“边缘化”的大学视野和以讽刺批判为基调的大学叙事.在大学叙事中,老舍用幽默讽刺的笔墨,揭示了各类学院知识分子的流浪性生存状态和身陷迷途的精神状态.在一定程度上,老舍的大学叙事缺少了关于校园风情和学术人生的本色化书写,而更多是借学院人物故事完成国民性批判的叙事主旨.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationships between organizational culture and academic performance among higher education institutions. The sample was composed of 647 faculty members working in the colleges of education, health, engineering, law, economics, and administrative sciences in four central research universities in Turkey. The Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) was used to describe organizational culture, whereas University Ranking by Academic Performance (URAP) data were used to investigate academic performance. A multilevel analysis in which one unit of analysis (i.e., faculty member) was nested within another (i.e., college) was performed. The original contribution made to the literature by this research is its examination of the relationships between organizational culture and tangible performance indicators (e.g., the number of academic publications and citations). Results show that three different culture types were observed in the universities: Innovative team culture, competitive culture, and hierarchic culture. Although significant relationships were found between academic performance and both competitive culture and innovative team culture, the sole significant predictor of academic performance was competitive culture. One particularly interesting finding was that whereas competitive culture was effective on quantitative indicators (i.e., number of publications and number of citations), only innovative team culture affected the indicators related to effectiveness (i.e., article impact level and citation impact level).  相似文献   

李秉德先生在教育学的很多领域形成了丰富的学术思想。他创立了教学的"七要素说",建构了完整的教学论学科体系。他认为教学论的研究要特别重视正确的态度和科学的方法。在语文教学思想中,他提出了构建语文教育学的构想。他认为解决教学理论与教学实践"两张皮"问题必须区分不同情况。李先生对教育无限热爱的情怀,对学习永不懈怠的追求,对学术深入研究的执着,对学生严慈相济的关爱,对人生老实做为的信念都给我们以深长的启迪。  相似文献   

蔡元培一生著述的文字近千万,目前可见的诗歌和对联有281篇,近400首(幅)。这些诗联主要创作在蔡元培的旧学时代和任北大校长以后,在类型上题赠诗联最多,在体裁上七言诗最多。其内容集中于教育理想、文化追求、品格与性情、爱国与教育等方面。蔡元培诗联再现了其一生的心路历程,表达了其生命深处的"情"与"志",寄托着他终生的教育理想和文化情怀,彰显出其生命的博大精深,为当代大学校长和知识分子的成长提供了一种人格的典范。  相似文献   

产业经济的转型亟需复合型营销人才。复合型营销人才的培养必须在“三育人”理念的指导下进行,强调在“营销+行业管理拓展”或“营销+校企协同拓展”的育人模式下进行。校企协同是培养高质量营销人才的动力源。“百丽国际店长”校企协同育人班取得成效的关键在于创新管理体制,构建运行机制和瞄准行业领先并占领制高点。  相似文献   

"本科插班生"考试虽然为部分高职毕业生进入本科学习提供了有效途径,但也造成职业教育"终结性教育"的形象被强化、高职教育人才培养体系断裂、职教规模隐性萎缩等问题。这些问题反映出职业教育教育政策与学生的升学需求之间、单一的人才培养规格与市场对人才多样化需求之间、学历层次与学位结构之间脱节的深层次矛盾。抓住这些主要矛盾,调整"本科插班生"考试政策、发展高职本科、建立相应的职业教育学位制度,可以有效解决插班生考试的问题,推动职业教育的可持续发展。  相似文献   

大众高等教育时代大学的理想   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
在大众高等教育时代 ,必须对大学教育的内在逻辑进行重新审视 ,从人的发展的角度来讨论大学教育在未来的发展。大学作为社会精神文化的中心 ,应该承诺人的自由和全面的发展 ,重视人的自我完善、生命价值以及终极关怀 ,直面人类处境的有限性与其理想追求的无限性之间的张力 ,最终引导人类从必然王国走向自由王国。  相似文献   

This article reports on a longitudinal study which investigated the process of becoming and being a first-year junior lecturer in a South African linguistics department. The lecturer arrived as a recent doctoral graduate from England at the beginning of the academic year. Qualitative data collection and analysis revealed that there were a number of areas in which the lecturer experienced conflicts between his own expectations of the job and what he actually encountered: for example, teaching practice, departmental politics, linguistic paradigms, affirmative action. In this article, the lecturer's experiences of learning to lecture are examined in terms of how he found himself conforming, coping, generating and resisting. These socialisation patterns provide a framework for considering the early experiences of all beginning lecturers and are used, in this article, as the basis for an approach to induction for academic staff in universities. After eighteen months he left the department to lecture linguistics and then teach English as a foreign language in Japan.  相似文献   

蒋梦麟先生长期从事高等教育管理实践,在北京大学主持校政17年。他将蔡元培的办学思想发扬光大,提出了更加切合中国高等教育实际的“教授治学、学生求学、职员治事、校长治校“十六字方针,并将他的高等教育管理思想实践于北大。“校长治校“是蒋梦麟高等教育管理思想的核心。  相似文献   

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