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促进学习者高阶思维发展的教学设计假设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文针对促进学习者高阶能力发展的教学设计宗旨 ,提出了促进学习者高阶思维发展的相关教学设计假设。文章从基本假设、高阶学习、知识建构和问题 /任务设计等四大方面论述了促进学习者高阶思维发展的教学设计假设  相似文献   

一、网络环境下PBL的特征 基于问题式学习(Problem-Based Learning.简称PBL,也称作问题式学习),它以信息加工心理学和认知心理学为基础,是基于现实世界问题的以学生为中心的教育方式。它是指把学习设置到复杂的、有意义的问题情境中,通过让学习者合作解决真实性问题,从而学习隐含于问题背后的科学知识,促进学习者解决问题、自主学习和终生学习的能力。  相似文献   

"基于问题的学习(Problem-Based Learning以下简称PBL)"是一种以创设问题情境为主的教学方法,是建构主义学习理论指导下的一种新的学习模式。使用真实问题作为学习者的学习背景,强调把学习者的学习设置到复杂的、有意义的问题情境中,通过学习者的合作解决真实性问题,学习隐含在问题背后的科学知识,学会处理复杂的实际问题,学习高层次的思维技能,发展合作能力,形成解决问题的技能和自主学习的能力。为此,我校课题组成员以《基于问题的学习(PBL)——小学骨干教师培训策略》为课题,对小学骨干教师培训进行了研究。  相似文献   

PBL模式在《大学计算机基础》教学中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
PBL模式是一种建构主义指导下的,以学生为主体的教学模式,有利于促进学习者的问题解决能力和自主学习能力的发展.结合教学实践,在调研《大学计算机基础》教学现状的基础上,就该课程教学中如何运用PBL模式进行了研究和探索.  相似文献   

在职成人学习强调问题解决能力培养,尽管已有研究从不同方面对成人在线课程设计提出了建议,但尚未针对问题解决等高阶认知能力发展提出课程设计框架。本研究基于深度学习视角,从“认知—交互—情感—活动—环境”五个维度构建了面向问题解决的成人在线课程设计框架,并在真实教学过程中探究其对成人问题解决能力发展的有效性,通过路径分析探究各维度如何影响成人问题解决能力发展。提升问题解决能力需要成人学习者在课程设计和学习活动的引导下开展主动且有意义的知识建构,认知迁移发生在师生互动和生生互动的过程中,积极的氛围和互助式学习共同体对问题解决能力培养具有正向影响。成人在线课程设计应注重主体性、实践性、建构性和导向性。该研究结果有助于设计以问题解决为目标的成人在线课程,并为有针对性地设计学习活动和实施教学干预提供依据。  相似文献   

华南师范大学教育信息技术学院胡小勇在《问题化教学设计——信息技术促进教学变革》一书中提出:"问题化教学(PEI:Problem Enriched Instruction)是指以一系列精心设计的类型丰富、质量优良的有效教学问题(教学问题集)来贯穿教学过程,培养学习者解决问题的认知能力与高级思维技能的发展,实现其对课程内容持久深入理解的一种教学模式。"而在信息技术教学中,"问题化教学"与早已深  相似文献   

协作问题解决是促进个体认知发展、社会性发展的重要途径,也是人才培育的重要维度。协作问题解决能力培养的教学策略主要包括基于情境、话语、认知的策略。情境策略主要用于创设协作问题解决的情境,从而培养学习者解决实际问题的能力;话语策略主要致力于提升协作过程中的话语品质,从而提高学习者的协作沟通技能;认知策略主要是为了引领协作者的认知活动,从而培养学习者的认知技能,发展其高阶思维能力。  相似文献   

针对初中数学教学中出现的被动、孤立、机械的浅层学习而提出的数学深度学习,不仅强调积极主动的学习状态、知识整合和意义联结的学习内容、举一反三的学习方法,还强调高阶思维的发展和复杂问题解决能力的提升。促进数学深度学习的教学策略有:情境创设,应注重激发学生的认知需求;问题设计,应注重发展学生的高阶思维;意义建构,应注重知识的联系整合;能力提升,应注重过程的反思总结。  相似文献   

基于问题的学习(PBL)模式是一种通过解决真实的复杂问题获取知识、经验和技能的学习模式。研究者基于学前儿童的心理发展特点,对适用于成人和高年级学生的PBL模式进行修正,使其适用于4~6岁学前儿童。研究发现,接受PBL模式教学的实验组幼儿在知识获得能力、主动学习能力、问题解决能力、合作能力方面的得分均优于对照组幼儿,表明在幼儿园应用PBL模式是可行的,也是有效果的。  相似文献   

问题式学习即PBL学习是当今国际上非常流行的一种学习方式。问题式学习强调把学习设置到复杂的、有意义的问题情境中,通过让学习者合作解决真实性问题,来学习隐含于问题背后的科学知识,发展有效的问题解决技能,并形成自主学习的能力。通过一节问题式学习的课程设计与应用,来探讨问题式学习的应用价值。  相似文献   

培养大学生自律学习能力、养成终身学习习惯是人才培养的终极目标。PBL教学倡导小组讨论与合作解决问题的学习,为大学生自律学习能力的培养提供了实现路径。阐述PBL教学设计的要素、各教学阶段设计要点及关键问题,为成功开展PBL教学提供有效指导。  相似文献   

Unraveling the process and meaning of problem-based learning experiences   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper investigates the process and meaning of problem-based learning (PBL) that students may experience. The Project Cycle Management method was taught and utilised as an instrument of PBL at a Japanese women’s college over a period of 5 years. The study closely examined what and how students learned in PBL from the perspectives of cognitive, social, and internal aspects. Despite the relative ignorance about the internal aspect of learners in previous research, the results of the study revealed that the internal aspect is inseparably linked with the other two aspects, and the three of them simultaneously undergo their own changes in the PBL process. That is, meaningful learning experiences seem to be no less importantly affected by the feelings or internal aspect of learners than by cognitive and social counterparts. Then, beyond knowledge building and skill acquirement, PBL may have contributed to broadening learners’ perspectives and promoting their personal development. In this regard, PBL can be defined anew, from an angle different from that of previous research, as learning that can generate rich and varied emotions in learners concurrently as they face problems, enable them to acquire subject matter knowledge and relational skills through dialogue, and eventually guide them to the threshold of personal transformation.  相似文献   

Problem-based learning (PBL) is a powerful instructional approach. By working through assessable complex problem-solving tasks learners can be encouraged to actively engage in investigation and inquiry and to use high level cognitive thought processes to solve real-life problems in professional contexts. A critical element of a successful PBL design is the inclusion of instructional support, such as scaffolding, to guide and assist the learner through the reasoning process that is crucial to successful problem-solving. The e-learning tool ‘Challenge FRAP’ (Form for the Recording of the Analysis of Problems) is client-based public domain authoring software which facilitates the use of scaffolding, the provision of progressive feedback and can promote student reflection at key decision-making points. This paper illustrates the benefits of such an e-learning scaffolding tool through two PBL case studies; one group-based PBL task in science and technology and one self-directed PBL task in plant pathology.  相似文献   

There is a growing emphasis on utilizing a problem‐based learning [PBL] pedagogy to help instructional design students gain an understanding of the complex forces operating within an actual design environment. However, little literature exists to suggest that PBL is being used to teach the process by which instructional design firms and practitioners secure work—the Instructional Design Business Acquisition Process (IDBAP). This study outlines a conceptual framework for using an adapted problem‐based learning model for teaching the IDBAP, which consists of writing a response to a request for proposal (RFP), developing a working prototype, and orally presenting the solution. This study also examines the impact of a PBL pedagogy on students' perception of their confidence in solving instructional design problems. The results of this empirical research indicate that students who participate in a problem‐based learning pedagogy gain confidence in their abilities to solve instructional design problems, view themselves in emotional control when solving an instructional design problem, and are more inclined to approach similar problems in the future.  相似文献   

The design of problems is crucial for the effectiveness of problem-based learning (PBL). Research has shown that PBL problems have not always been effective. Ineffective PBL problems could affect whether students acquire sufficient domain knowledge, activate appropriate prior knowledge, and properly direct their own learning. This paper builds on the 3C3R problem design model, which is a systematic conceptual framework for guiding the design of effective and reliable problems for PBL. To help practitioners apply the 3C3R model, this paper introduces a 9-step problem design process. The initial steps guide an instructional designer through analyses on learning goal, content, and context to help select problems. Later steps ensure that the problem appropriately affords the specifications identified in the analyses. The last two steps incorporate a reflection component, as well as ensure the integrity of the 3C3R components in the problem.  相似文献   

面向问题导向学习的3C3R问题设计模型述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
问题导向学习是针对问题解决过程所进行的学习,对于问题导向学习而言,问题设计的有效性直接影响着问题导向学习的成功实施。研究已经表明,在所施行的问题导向学习中,设计的问题并非总是有效的。无效的问题不仅会影响到学生获得足够的领域知识,也会影响到学生问题解决能力或高阶思维能力的发展。美国北达科他州大学洪啤博士于2006年就面向问题导向学习提出了问题设计的3C3R模型。3C3R模型包括两类成分:核心成分和过程成分。核心成分是内容、情境和联系(content,context and connection),这3个核心成分主要用来支持领域知识的学习,如概念、规则和原理知识。过程成分是探究、推理和反思(researching,reasoning and reflecting),这3个过程成分则关注学习者的认知学习过程,用来支持学生应用所获得的领域知识来解决复杂问题,发展学生高级思维能力及学生自我导向能力。洪啤博士长期对问题导向学习、问题解决、问题类型与难度、系统思考与建模等主题进行研究,他提出的3C3R模型解决了教学设计者和教师在问题导向学习设计中的实际问题。本文将围绕问题导向学习的本质及其有效性来介绍了3C3R问题设计模型创建的基本观点、构成要件及其应用价值。  相似文献   

在中华文化背景下开展基于问题式学习的探究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文通过对基于问题的学习(Problem-Based Learning,简称PBL)的分析,认为这种在西方兴起的教学方式非常有助于促进学生的自主学习、终身学习;但从其实质看,PBL是个案研究性学习的一种形式,本身也有一些不足。本文力求在中华文化背景下,为更加有效的发挥PBL的实际效果,提出完善PBL教学的方法,从而让学生在真实的情境中,获得真正的意义建构,实现素质教育的目标。  相似文献   

本研究以深圳市某幼儿园76名大班幼儿为被试,采用等组前后测实验设计,实验班实施PBL教学,对照班实施传统教学,探讨基于问题的学习对幼儿元认知能力发展的影响。结果表明实验班幼儿后测元认知得分与对照班存在显著差异,即PBL教学有效促进了幼儿元认知能力的发展;实验前后,实验班幼儿在元认知总分以及元认知知识、元认知体验、元认知监控上的得分均存在显著差异,可以说PBL教学促进了幼儿元认知的全面发展。这可能是因为PBL教学通过创设问题情境、对问题进行分析讨论以及自主学习和小组合作等方式,促进了幼儿元认知能力的全面发展。  相似文献   

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