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This paper describes GPR (ground penetrating radar) surveys performed inside the crypt of the San Miguel de los Reyes Monastery (1546–1835) in order to detect the exact location of its founders' remains, the Dukes of Calabria (16th century). This Monastery was erected to house their family mausoleum and the bodies of the founders were buried near the high altar of the church (1645). However, in the 18th century, the tombs were exhumed to provide them with a worthier burial site: the crypt below the high altar. There is no documentation specifying the exact location of the tombs inside the crypt. Therefore, in order to reveal the exact location of the tombs the GPR survey was conducted inside the crypt.In our specific study, the available historical documentation led us to suppose that the Dukes of Calabria's remains were inside their mausoleums. However, after having performed the GPR analysis, we discovered that the mausoleums were solid and not hollow. The project required data collection on four areas in the crypt: the altar crypt, the Fernando de Aragón mausoleum, the Germana de Foix mausoleum and the floor between the two mausoleums and the altar.In this study, we have processed the GPR records in three different ways: the radargrams were processed in a standard manner, a detailed spectral analysis of all anomalous areas was carried out, and finally a 3D representation was generated. After this complete analysis we concluded that the bodies were not located inside their mausoleums, because they were shown to be solid. Besides, a burial site was located in the crypt subsurface near the Germana de Foix mausoleum, in which four different elements could be identified. Two of them may well be the tombs of the Dukes of Calabria and the other two the tombs of the Germana de Foix sisters.The results obtained in this survey are a good example of GPR application as an efficient and respectful tool for use in Cultural Heritage restoration studies, providing it with a very useful technique for similar projects such as those carried out in the restoration of historical buildings and those in which the elements to be examined are beneath a shallow coating of material.  相似文献   

During restoration activities, a fungal reddish area was noted on a gilded wood carved ceiling decoration from a sacristy of a church in Aveiro, Portugal. The protocols used to identify the fungal community present in this wooden material included the classical culturing methods and a molecular biology protocol based on the ability of denaturing high performance liquid chromatography (DHPLC) to separate fungal DNA from several species. This last method complemented the results obtained with the traditional culturing method approach and the overall study revealed three fungal species: Serpula lacrymans (Wulfen) P. Karsten, Paecilomyces lilacinus (Thom) Samson and Penicillium chrysogenum Thom. This is, to the author's knowledge, the first documented case of S. lacrymans in Portuguese built cultural heritage. Despite the antifungal solution applied and the dryer environment recommended, the water activity (Aw) levels recorded on location are still dangerously high and may allow fungal regrowth. Periodic inspections were advised.  相似文献   

We present our recent efforts in the digital preservation of a set of baroque sculptures made by Antônio Francisco Lisboa, known as O. Aleijadinho, which is an important American baroque artist. The set was made in the beginning of the xix century and is composed of 12 near real sized sculptures, hand-carved in soapstone. These sculptures represent 12 of the 16 prophets from the Holy Bible and are part of a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Our group has been collaborating with UNESCO in a project that aims to preserve all these statues. We hereby present our initial efforts, consisting of the 3D digital preservation of the Prophet Joel sculpture. We developed a complete 3D digital preservation pipeline composed of four main stages: data acquisition, 3D reconstruction, texture generation and 3D model visualization. By evaluating our results in this first sculpture, we discuss the improvements we conceived before applying our pipeline in the remaining ones. Finally, we present the 3D model of the Prophet which registers the sculpture's current state and will be used in restoration, research and educational activities. We believe this contribution may be useful to guide further research on similar scenarios, showing how to avoid some practical mistakes and achieve good results.  相似文献   

The microgravity method is one of the geophysical tools used in engineering and environmental and archaeological researches, where the detection of subsurface cavities or buried structures is essential. In this study, this technique has been revealed to be an efficient and respectful tool for use in Cultural Heritage restoration studies, such as those carried out in the restoration of historical sites in which the elements to be examined are beneath a shallow coating of material. Therefore, the aim of this microgravimetric survey is to define the exact position and dimensions of a subsurface structure (rainwater cistern) through microgravity response of the medium.For this purpose, the subsurface structure of San Gerónimo Cloister of the Vall de Crist Carthursian Monastery (14th century) has been researched. This monastery was known to be the largest Carthusian Monastery in the region of Valencia (Spain) and one of the most remarkable of the ancient Corona de Aragón. A rectangular grid of microgravity measurement station points was designed to cover the entire surface of the cloister. In addition, a microgravimetric profile was acquired along a hillside close to the Carthusian buildings in order to obtain the density value of the medium.The study was performed using a LaCoste&Romberg D203 gravimeter to detect and to map the shallow subsurface rainwater cistern that probably exits beneath it. This gravimeter has a sensitivity of approximately 1 μgal (μgal = 1.10−8 ms−2) and an accuracy of 3–5 μgal for relative gravity measurements.Two contour maps were calculated (observed gravity and Bouguer gravity values) in order to improve the interpretation results. On these maps we can observe the shape of the body that is causing the perturbation in gravity values. And what is more, it led us to deduce that the central area of the cavity is deeper than the border area. In addition, we can asses that the cavity is 8 m wide and 12 m long, and is symmetrical along its longitudinal axis, but not along its transversal axis.Also, a microgravimetric inversion was performed and the subsurface is split into 7 prisms and the depth and height of each is to be estimated separately. As a result of this inversion we can estimate that the ceiling of the cistern is located about 1 m under the cloister pavement and the cistern floor at a depth of 4 m. The cistern is slightly inclined towards one of its edges by about 20 cm.Finally, the 2D modelling derived by microgravimetric data has allowed us to determinate the shape, dimensions and location of the cistern accurately. In addition we have calculated the cistern capacity (288 m3, that is, 2880 Hl). This capacity was quite enough for the water necessities of 13 monks who lived there permanently, even for making it through the drought periods frequent in this kind of Mediterranean areas.  相似文献   

Thirteen samples of an efflorescence collected from the surface of beeswax seals or from beeswax used for their restoration were analysed in detail. The samples were of different origin, age and storage history. The composition and the incidence of the efflorescence was correlated with a chemical composition of historical and recent beeswax samples. The composition of the crystalline layer was found to be very similar in all the samples. Linear monounsaturated alkenes containing 31 and 33 carbon atoms, more precisely (Z)-hentriacont-10-ene and (Z)-tritriacont-10-ene, were identified as main components. The analyses of beeswax have revealed that all compounds identified in “wax bloom” naturally occur in recent beeswax. However, the historical beeswaxes contained only traces of unsaturated hydrocarbons, if anything. The efflorescence was observed primarily on the surfaces of those samples which contained larger proportion of alkenes. The presented results could be of particular importance not only for better understanding of the described phenomenon, but also for the development of new beeswax-based materials, which would be “bloom resistant” and useful for conservation purposes.  相似文献   

The scientific approach to the restoration and monitoring of mural paintings, at S. Girolamo Chapel – SS. Annunziata Church in Florence, is reported as a fruitful example of the synergic collaboration between restorers and scientists in the planning and development of conservative interventions. Before restoration, the painting technique and the state of preservation of the pictorial cycle have been investigated firstly by close examination of the painted surfaces and then by optical and/or SEM-EDS microscopy and μFT-IR spectroscopy on appropriately selected samples. In particular, the original constituent materials and those belonging to subsequent restorations were characterized together with those originating from decay processes. In this mural painting cycle, a peculiar “fresco” technique has been used although an auxiliary binder for pigment distemper has been also employed. The use of this technique, sometimes in an improper way together with uncorrected restoration interventions, are the main responsible of the unsatisfactory state of conservation of many painted areas. Preliminary conservation trials and scientific studies were carried out to design the most convenient restoration intervention and to verify the correctness and non-invasive of the necessary operations. Special attention was devoted to cleaning procedures, continuously monitored by a physico-chemical methodology, mainly based on microinvasive, microscopic and spectroscopic investigations, to evaluate the efficiency, advantages and drawbacks of the proposed cleaning procedures and define the most appropriate ones. Finally, specific decay markers have been recognized, by a comparison of the results obtained from the detached samples with those deriving from artificially aged models, to be used for a correct future monitoring and maintenance of the wall paintings.  相似文献   

This paper reports results derived from a chemico-physical characterisation study undertaken on an important ensamble of early 20th century stained glass windows from Madrid and signed by the prestigious and well-known Maumejean Fréres company. The study is part of an on-going project of restoration and conservation carried out by the National Glass Centre Foundation (FCNV, La Granja de San Ildefonso, Segovia, Spain). The basic aim of the research was to assess their current state of conservation and to study the degree of damage suffered throughout the last century by different materials employed in their production, namely colourless and coloured glasses, grisailles, lead cames, and putties used to fix glass pieces into the lead cames. Selected samples from these materials were characterised through optical microscopy (OM), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis (EDX), VIS spectrophotometry, and X-ray diffraction (XRD). As a general rule, most of them presented an acceptable state of conservation, without any of the known degradation phenomena of more ancient stained glasses (e.g. Medieval, Renaissance, etc.). However, some remarkable alterations were observed. Important deposits of soot and dirt particles coming from a polluted urban environment were detected, producing a slow blackening of the panels. Resulting data have been useful to design and optimise a combined conservation and restoration strategy in the recovery of this valuable legacy of early 20th century stained glass windows from Madrid.  相似文献   

The need of inspecting a masterpiece of fine art without affecting it led to develop non destructive methods of investigation. In the field of art conservation, several diagnostic techniques are being widely used to inspect works of art, giving different but complementary results. The present work deals with two of these methods, reflectography and thermography, both techniques examining objects in the infrared spectrum but in different wavelength bands. Their integrated data potentially provide a powerful tool for mapping hidden features and alterations of artworks. This was confirmed during the inspections of a 13th century panel painting under restoration at the Opificio delle Pietre Dure laboratories (Florence, Italy). A graphical user interface was also designed to aid operators in the field of conservation dealing with the results of the two IR methods. Many options such as image adjustment, comparison, overlaying and transparency variation, in addition to thermographic elaborations, have been made available to users. Imaging data integration provides a multi-layered and multi-spectral representation of the painting that yields a comprehensive diagnosis confirms the anomalies individuation and reduces the ambiguities of information coming from a single diagnostic method.  相似文献   

Papermaking has a special place in the cultural heritage of China. Papers made from different types of plant fibers were, and are still used for particular applications. Bamboo paper is a handmade paper that has been traditionally used for book printing and restoration of ancient paper objects since antiquity in China, whereas Xuan paper, the subject of recent previous study, is used for traditional Chinese calligraphy and painting. Following our previous approach on Xuan paper, four modern Bamboo papers manufactured using traditional or chemically-facilitated techniques were artificially aged by UVA radiation and changes to their optical properties were evaluated by reflectance and 3D-fluorescence spectroscopies. Paper samples produced by different methods displayed different fluorescence spectra and UVA photolysis of paper resulted in decreases in the fluorescence intensities and reflectance values, manifested as differing photoyellowing of the papers. Assays of reactive oxygen species, ROS, revealed that papers made by chemically-assisted pulping methods generally produce more hydrogen peroxide or superoxide radicals than those made by traditional methods, which correlates with their relative yellowing rates. Different spatial distributions of calcium and chlorine were also observed by SEM/EDS analysis in the chemically-manufactured papers, probably arising from the specific pulping and/or bleaching chemicals used in their manufacture.  相似文献   

Slate has been used for centuries as a building material, and many historical buildings and monuments use slate in roofs and structures. When slate roofs must be totally or partially replaced, the structural and aesthetic integrity of the building as a whole must be guaranteed, based on both international criteria for restoration, and on current local legislation regarding historical buildings. For selection of the most appropriate type of slate to use in the restoration of historical slate roofing, we propose the following steps: a) study of the roof's state, b) spectrophotometric determination of the texture and colour of the original slate, c) petrographic study and determination of the weatherability of the replacement slate, and d) location of the original slate quarry area. With all these data it is possible to choose the most suitable type of commercial slate for replacing the original slate. Thus, even in the absence of historical information, with this four-stage process a replacement slate for building restoration can still be selected on clear and justifiable grounds. The present article uses this methodology to examine two case studies of roofing slate restoration.  相似文献   

In this article we present our global approach to the problem of accurate 3D measurement and reconstruction of 3D works of art using a calibrated multi-camera system. In particular, we illustrate a simple and effective adaptive technique for the self-calibration of CCD-based multi-camera acquisition systems with minimum a-prior information. We also propose a general and robust approach to the problem of close-range partial 3D reconstruction of objects from stereo-correspondences. Finally, we introduce a method for performing an accurate patchworking of the partial reconstructions, based on 3D curve matching.  相似文献   

Spectrophotometric and colorimetric data obtained during a measurement campaign aimed at supporting the Roman “Villa del Casale” (Piazza Armerina, Sicily, Italy) conservation activities, are presented. Special attention was paid to the possible variation of the chromatic coordinates, possibly due to the interventions of cleaning, consolidation, and protection. Data have been analyzed by the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) statistical technique, with the attempt to investigate its role in data variability reduction and verify its effectiveness in interpreting the phenomena occurring on the mosaic surface of the Villa, through grouping the observations into homogenous clusters. Effectiveness in the use of the information provided by the spectrophotometric and colorimetric analyses is strongly related to the immediacy and ease of data reading by the restoration operators for whom the issues concerning the color measurement and its representation are often unfamiliar. This paper analyses data of different mosaic tesserae before/after the cleaning intervention and presents data clustering with PCA. This statistical technique has provided a synoptic scheme capable of improving data interpretation concerning the chromatic behavior of the materials. Moreover, the cluster distribution highlighted by the multivariate analysis made it possible to identify, more clearly, the parameters that mostly contribute to the chromatic shift and to monitor the behavior of variously colored tesserae.  相似文献   

Substitution of slate roofing tiles is a conventional operation during building restoration, since tiles are very difficult to restore or clean because of the high degree of alteration they suffer. Criteria for replacement of historical building stones must be based on geological, geotechnical and esthetic parameters, among which color is of great importance. In this sense, this paper constitutes a comprehensive and useful colorimetric study of roofing slates from the Iberian Peninsula, for the purposes of restoration. The color of 50 commercial varieties of roofing slate mined in quarries from the 12 mining districts in the Iberian Peninsula was analyzed with a spectrophotometer device, by considering the CIELAB color space. The results of the study were used to develop a protocol for characterizing the color of roofing slate and to define the color range of roofing slate from the Iberian Peninsula. In addition, the similarities and differences in the color and microstructure of the different commercial varieties of Iberian roofing slate were established and the limit of acceptability of replacement of one type of slate by another was determined. Parameter hab was found to be the most important CIELAB color coordinate as regards the formation of homogeneous color groups, and the specular component excluded (SCE) mode was most sensitive as regards detecting color differences between two samples.  相似文献   

During the 20th century, many innovative binders have been rapidly introduced to the art world and soon became popular as artists’ paints and pictorial media. However, despite the advantages that new synthetic materials presented, oil paints have never been entirely substituted. Indeed, this paper focuses on the results provided by the scientific analysis of a group works from the oeuvre of Lucio Fontana (1899–1968), all of which created between 1960 and 1964 using oil-based media, and aims to illustrate how oils contained in the pictorial media have influenced these works’ respective ageing and degradation processes. Despite the apparent coherence in the behaviour of many of Fontana's creations, some artworks revealed discrepancies in terms of the physical and mechanical behaviour of the pictorial films and in alterations resulting from degradation processes. Samples taken from case studies belonging to the Olii and Fine di Dio series were analysed using optical microscopy, X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF), Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy in attenuated total reflectance (FTIR-ATR) and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) in order to study and identify the materials employed by the artist and the products of their degradation processes. These analyses gave unexpected but useful results (such as the presence of non-drying or slow-drying oils in the paint formulations) which not only provided us with new insight into the nature of the constituent materials, but also facilitated the elaboration of correct conservation measures and suitable restoration interventions.  相似文献   

Virtual restoration of cultural heritage (CH) artefacts is an important task that aims to digitally recreate the original appearance of damaged items. In this paper, a method that can be used for virtual restoration of faces appearing in damaged Byzantine icons is presented. Given a damaged face, the complete three-dimensional (3D) geometry of the face is reconstructed using data from the non-damaged facial parts and the texture of the damaged areas is restored. A key aspect of the proposed method is the use of a customized 3D deformable face model suitable for representing the geometry of Byzantine faces, the so-called Byzantine Style Specific Model (BSSM). A BSSM is generated by enforcing rule-based constraints on a deformable model trained using 3D scans of human faces. The use of a BSSM ensures that the Byzantine style is preserved during the process of shape restoration.  相似文献   

The need to preserve cultural heritage on paper requires the setting up of methods and treatments that can be applied to original documents. The cellulose main degradation processes are hydrolysis and oxidation. Only the first one has been widely investigated. The Istituto Centrale per la Patologia del Libro (ICPL) focused its attention on oxidation phenomena and studied a particular class of reducing agents, namely the borane-amine complexes. During the investigation it was found that the borane tert-butylamine complex, besides being the most promising reducing agent, was also able to react with carboxylic functions. In the present study 1H and 13C NMR, Pulsed field gradient NMR spectroscopy as well as Raman spectroscopy were used as analytical tools to disclose the mechanism of the interaction between the borane tert-butylamine complex and the carboxylic functions. Given the complexity of the paper/environment interactions and the subsequent degradation phenomena, we worked on simplified models based on small carbohydrate molecules in order to reproduce the behavior of degraded paper after reductive restoration. Modified D-glucose and D-cellobiose were used in this first step in order to set up the analytical methods before approaching more complex systems such as microcrystalline cellulose and paper. Our results give the experimental evidence that borane tert-butylamine complex is also able to neutralize acidic functions. This finding has important perspectives in paper restoration.  相似文献   

This work faces the problem of detecting decay zones from color images of stone materials. In Cultural Heritage, the extraction of degradation regions from images of ancient monuments represents an important step forward in studying and analyzing the state of preservation of historical buildings. Generally the decay diagnosis is provided by “naked eye” analysis done by expert scientists “walking around” the artifact and recording the conservation state of each individual element they observe. In addition to this kind of investigation, the application of an image segmentation strategy to color images of stony materials can be used in order to extract regions characterized by a visible chromatic alteration, changes in color, for example, as oxidation or concretion. This paper features a color image segmentation approach founded on the fast marching numerical method. We have applied this technique for its possibility to work locally, that is, only the contour of the region under study is processed. In addition to this method, we present a global approach, that is, the possibility to extract decay regions from the entire image; these regions are spatially disconnected but with similar colorimeter value. The main aim of the present work is to provide a tool that helps the expert to contour the degraded regions. In this sense even if the results of the proposed procedure depend on the expert evaluation, the approach can be a contribution to improve the efficiency of the boundary detection process. The study case concerns the impressive remains of the Roman Theatre in the city of Aosta (Italy). In the image segmentation process the color space L*a*b* is utilized.  相似文献   

This paper describes how some innovative methodologies have been designed and employed to support the restoration of the Madonna of Pietranico, a terracotta statue severely damaged in the 2009 earthquake. The statue, fragmented in many pieces, has undergone a complex restoration performed by a multidisciplinary working group. The contribution of digital technologies was planned from the very beginning, since the complexity of this restoration originated the design of innovative procedures for managing the reassembly and restoration process. The Madonna test bed was therefore an example of how technology innovation could be pushed by clear application needs. A first important contribution was the study of the recombination hypothesis of the fragments. This initial phase was performed on digitized 3D models of the statue fragments, with the aim of reducing fragments manipulation, preventing further damages and increasing the capabilities to rehearse and evaluate different reassembly options. The accuracy of the 3D scanned models and the new recombination procedure introduced in this paper allowed to manage this phase in the digital domain with successful results. The digital 3D models were also used to design and produce an innovative supporting structure, constructed with a rapid prototyping device. Another important contribution concerned the study and virtual restoration of the polychrome decoration of the statue; our aim was to reproduce and restore in the virtual 3D domain the very complex original polychrome decoration, on the base of the remaining traces. Consequently, new virtual painting functionalities have been designed on the MeshLab platform (an open-source tool for 3D models visualization and manipulation) for reproducing pictorial decorations over digital 3D models and have been assessed on this specific test bed. This allowed us also to investigate the complexity of the virtual repainting process and to identify further technology enhancements. Finally, computer graphics technologies have been also used to produce a video that tells the story of the restoration.  相似文献   

Historic buildings are important for cultural history and provide a variety of habitats for animals and plants. Especially structural heterogeneity of wall surfaces is perceived to support biological diversity. Nevertheless, in traditional approaches goals of biodiversity preservation and monument restoration are perceived to interfere and to be mutually exclusive. As a consequence, priority is often given to constructional restoration accepting the loss of local populations and biodiversity. At walls of medieval castles, including an experimental restoration project where conventional and less intensive restoration techniques were applied, we relate species composition and richness to wall properties. Especially wall surface structure is quantified using a novel approach. The study focuses on lichens, mosses and vascular plants. Boosted regression tree analyses and non-metric multidimensional scaling techniques are applied to detect the influence of abiotic site conditions on biodiversity. We find species richness to be promoted by wall surface heterogeneity. However, species composition is more affected by restoration approaches than species richness. Lichen composition varies considerably while vascular plants and mosses are less affected by wall properties. We suggest strategies that are combining both societal targets, the preservation of historic monuments and of species diversity. Careful restoration is capable of supporting both, the maintenance of cultural heritage and of rare and unique anthropogenic habitats. Wall surface heterogeneity needs to be witnessed for both aspects as it affects both species composition as well as the effectiveness of cleaning methods.  相似文献   

Today's restoration and preservation of cultural heritage is an important task because of its historical significance, symbolism, and economic benefits. Decision makers or executors often encounter with taking decisions on which heritage is prioritized to be restored within the limited budget. However, very few tools are available to determine appropriately restoration priorities for the diverse historical heritages, perhaps because of a lack of systematized decision-making aids. This paper proposes an alternative decision support model to prioritize restoration needs within the executable budget. The model is constructed on stochastic analytic hierarchy process (S-AHP) and knowledge-based experience curve (EC); the former requires the input data to be random variables for interpreting probabilistically the ranks of the prioritized heritages and the latter reflects quantitatively the contribution of experts’ knowledge to weighting significant criteria in carrying out an assessment of restoration urgency. The application of 14 cultural heritages in Korea has been conducted, and the results are analyzed to illustrate the model's efficiency.  相似文献   

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