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 This paper is an attempt to discuss the relationship and phylogeny within the genus Lindera, based upon on analysis of shortened brachlets, on which the inflorescences are inserted, and other morphological characters. The shortened branchlets are metamorphic shoots which are often at the transitional stage between branchles and inflorescences. The advanced shortened branchlets usually with an undeveloped terminal bud, posses scale-like leaves, and the inflore- scences so formed are sessile and aggregate.  In primitive taxa, such as Lindera nacusua (Don) Merr., L. gracilipes H. W. Li and L. tanchuanensis Feng et H. S. Kung, the branchlet is usually not shortened, with well-developed terminal bud, forming a single axillary pseudo-umbel, while its peducle is usually very slender and stamens of pistillate flower sometimes more or less deve- loped.  The leaves on the upper part of branchlet are normal and the lower part of branchlet becoming bracteal,  In the genus the development of shortened branchlets (Fig. 1.) from the ones in the primitive taxa to the ones in the advanced taxa may be found.        Other important morphological characters are the length of peducles.   The peduncle is usually slender in the primitive taxa, short or even sessile in the adanced taxa.        There are two types of venation in the genus: the pinnate and trinerved.  As the primitive group trib. Perseeae Mez shows pinnate veins, pinnate ventation in Lindera is more primitive than trinerved one.        It might be possible that a transition occure in the genus from evergereen habit to deciduous one as shown in Lindera glauca B1., L. angustifolia Cheng and L. praecox B1., whose leaves tar- dily wither but persistent over winter.        The relationships within Lindera are shown in a hypothetical genealogical tree (Fig. 4), which includes the system of Litsea, developed parallelly with Lindera.        From the study of morphological characters, the author infers that both Lindera and Litsea have originated from a common ancestory related to the tribe Cinnamomeae Baill. which has a single axillary inflorescence, with hermaphrodite flowers, 4-locular anthers and penninerved to trinerved leaves.  相似文献   

Fifteen new taxa of the genus  Saxifraga (Saxifragaceae) are described from China.  They are Saxifraga erectisepala J. T.  Pan,  S.  sublinearifolia J.  T. Pan, S. rizhaoshanensis J. T. Pan,  S.  gedangensis J.  T.  Pan, S. sheqilaensis J. T. Pan, S. egregioides J. T. Pan,  S. caveana W. W. Smith var.  lanceolata  J.  T. Pan,  S. subtsangchanensis J. T. Pan,  S. brachypodoidea J.  T. Pan,  S. oreophila Franch. var. depaoshanensis J. T. Pan,  S. subsediformis J.  T.  Pan,  S. nangqenica J. T. Pan, S. medogensis J. T. Pan, S. paiquensis J. T. Pan and S. daochengensisJ. T. Pan.  相似文献   

 Three new species of the genus Heracleum L. (Umbelliferae)  are described from Sichuan Province,  China.  They  are H.  wenchuanense;   H.wolongense and H. xiaojinense.  相似文献   

Sixteen new species and two new varieties of the genus Carex are described from China.  相似文献   

 Four new species of the genus Aristolochia (Aristolochiaceae) are described as new from China.  They are Aristolochia austrochinensis C. Y. Cheng & J. S. Ma, A. caulialata C. Y. Wu,  A. salweenensis C. Y. Cheng & J. S. Ma, and A. kunmingensis C. Y. Cheng &J. S. Ma. A naturalized species, A. ringens Vahl is also reported.  相似文献   

 A new species Bergenia tianquanensis J.  T.  Pan and a new variety B.  emeiensisC. Y. Wu var. rubellina J. T. Pan both from Sichuan, China, are described in this paper.  相似文献   

 Some new taxa of the genus Saxifraga (Saxifragaceae) are described from the Hengduan Mountains of China.  They are Saxifraga yezhiensis C. Y. Wu, S. subomphalodi- folia J. T. Pan, S. gonggashanensis J. T. Pan, S. setulosa C. Y. Wu, S. maxionggouensis J. T. Pan, S. yunlingensis C. Y. Wu, S. pellucida C. Y. Wu, S. baimashanensis C. Y. Wu, S. nanel- loides C. Y. Wu, S. draboides C. Y. Wu, S. deqenensis C. Y. Wu, S. implicans var. weixiensis C. Y. Wu, S. omphalodifolia var. callosa C. Y. Wu, S. omphalodifolia var. retusopetala J. T. Pan, S. diversifolia var. angustibracteata (Engl. et Irmsch.) J. T. Pan, In addition, one newname (S. dianxibeiensis J. T. Pan) is included.  相似文献   

Three new species and a new variety, Epimedium coactum, E. coactum   var. longtouhum, E. trunctum, E. glandulosopilosum are described in this paper. The morphological characters of trichomes, cuticle of leaf surface and pollen grains of the new species and theirallies were studied under LM and SEM, and shown in plates 1-3.  相似文献   

Two new species and one new variety are described from China.  They are L.ramulosa, L. gansuensis and L. microcarpa var. heterogenea.  相似文献   

 Two new species and one new variety of Salix L. from western China, namcl. S. ludingensis T. Y. Ding et C. F. Fang, S. neoamnematchinensis T. Y. Ding et C. F. Fang, and S. taoensis Gorz var. leiocarpa T. Y. Ding et C. F.Fang, are reported in this paper.  相似文献   

 One new genus, one new species and one new subspecies of Labiatae from Anhui and Zhejiang province of China are described and one new combina- tion is made in this paper. They are Pogonanthera H. W. Li et X. H. Guo, P. caulopteris H. W. Li et X. H. Guo, P. intermedia (C. Y. Wu et H. W. Li) H. W. Li et X. H. Guo and Paraphlomis foliata (Dunn) C. Y. Wu et H. W. Lissp. montigena X. H. Guo et S. B. Zhou.  相似文献   

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