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通过对中国某大学学生性观念的调查研究,得以较真实地了解当前中国大学生的性观念和性心理现状及特征,为中国大学生性心理健康教育提供依据,以协助学校开展学生工作。采取随机抽样的方式对该校的415名大学生进行不记名的自填式问卷调查,并分析调查结果。调查显示,性别、家乡、年级、父母受教育程度、父母婚姻状况、婚前性行为状况等各方面在一些有关性行为的态度问题上都有显著性的差异。研究认为大学生的性行为问题日益普遍,学校应根据学生性观念和性心理现状所显示出的特征进行有针对性的引导和教育。  相似文献   


We conducted a meta-analysis on the effectiveness of cooperative and collaborative learning to support enhanced literacy outcomes. Interventions considered were provided in regular education settings (i.e., not pull-out instruction) with students from Grades 2 through 12. Reviewing more than 30 years of literacy research, we located 18 intervention studies with 29 study cohorts. Included studies primarily used standardized assessments to report on students’ reading, vocabulary, or comprehension achievement, which we analyzed separately. Overall, students had significantly higher literacy achievement scores when instructional interventions utilized cooperative and collaborative activity structures. The overall weighted mean effect sizes ranged from 0.16 to 0.22 (p < .01) with more than 94% of the point estimates being positive. Because cooperative or collaborative learning was always one of multiple intervention components, it was impossible to estimate the unique, added effects of cooperative/collaborative learning. Although the small number of eligible studies precludes any claims about the effectiveness of specific forms of grouping and the circumstances under which programs have more impact, our findings suggest that cooperative and collaborative grouping was a core component of effective literacy interventions, particularly at the elementary level.  相似文献   

音乐不仅具有表现性,并且以能够体现情感方面的某种含义,形成了音乐内容的表达主体,在审美接受过程中,始终存在着级进,即从初始审美观到理论认识直至理性认识的升华。  相似文献   

音乐文学中的声乐作品是由歌词和旋律构架而成的,彼此之间是互相影响、相互制约的关系,这是由歌词本身的指意性和音乐的非语义性和非描绘性特征决定的。其差异性也是歌词与旋律契合的前提,研究音乐语言和歌词语言各自的特性和相互的关系,是深入了解声乐作品的基础。  相似文献   

德国奥尔夫音乐教育体系在世界各国音乐教育的发展上独树一帜,取得了举世公认的成就。文章通过对奥尔夫音乐教育体系以及我国音乐教育现状的分析、比较,进一步明确:如果没有自己本民族的音乐文化,所有的音乐教育就毫无意义,音乐教育应最自由、最充分地发展民族音乐的个性。  相似文献   

歌曲是诗乐合璧、词曲交辉的综合性艺术表现形式,具有音乐性与文学性融合的双重艺术价值。歌词与音乐的结合实现了二者在意义上的互文性的建构,拓展了彼此的审美和意义空间。  相似文献   

Meta-analytic structural equation modeling (MASEM) refers to a set of meta-analysis techniques for combining and comparing structural equation modeling (SEM) results from multiple studies. Existing approaches to MASEM cannot appropriately model between-studies heterogeneity in structural parameters because of missing correlations, lack model fit assessment, and suffer from several theoretical limitations. In this study, we address the major shortcomings of existing approaches by proposing a novel Bayesian multilevel SEM approach. Simulation results showed that the proposed approach performed satisfactorily in terms of parameter estimation and model fit evaluation when the number of studies and the within-study sample size were sufficiently large and when correlations were missing completely at random. An empirical example about the structure of personality based on a subset of data was provided. Results favored the third factor structure over the hierarchical structure. We end the article with discussions and future directions.  相似文献   

We conducted an online survey to examine religiosity, sexual health knowledge, and behavior and sexual health information sources among undergraduate students affiliated with student religious organizations (n?=?45) and unaffiliated students (n?=?82). Analyses included Fisher’s exact tests, t-tests, and exact regression models. Students reporting religious affiliation considered religious sources to be believable (p?=?.004 for sexual health; p?p?=?.0042). Although religiously affiliated students reported fewer sexual partners in the past year (p?=?.020), their reported condom use was not significantly different from that of unaffiliated students. Future research should explore the focus and content of romantic relationship information provided by student religious organizations. Health practitioners and educators should consider strategies for collaborating with religious organizations to meet the information needs of these students.  相似文献   

采用大学生性态度问卷和中国人人格七因素量表(QZPS-SF)对455名在校大学生进行测查,了解大学生性态度的基本状况及其与大七人格因素的关系。结果显示,不同性别大学生性态度的开放倾向、情感倾向、需求倾向和回避倾向4个维度上得分差异均具有统计学意义;大一和大二年级大学生开放倾向得分差异具有统计学意义。专业、城乡类别、父亲文化程度、父亲职业和母亲职业对大学生的性态度无明显影响。大学生"大七"人格结构的人际关系、处世态度、行事风格、才干和情绪性与性态度具有相关关系;大学生"大七"人格的人际关系、处世态度和情绪性因素对性态度具有正向预测效应。  相似文献   

音乐人类学理论的一个核心思想,即研究与音乐相关的各种文化现象。作为音乐人类学家的约翰.布莱金,从文化的视角出发,提出了他的有关音乐的文化分析和文化并置的教育观念,认为音乐是不同国家和民族自身文化的体现,它们各具特色、相互平等、多元共存。这种思想对于充实和发展多元文化音乐教育体系,建构当今的实践音乐教育范式有着十分深远的影响和重大的意义。  相似文献   

Despite the presumed centrality of sexual consent to definitions of sexual violence, it remains an ambiguous and often unexamined concept both in lay and professional/scientific discourses. The following literature review of peer-reviewed research studying sexual consent as a scientific object will thematically present major findings from said research and discuss the applications of these findings for educational measures. A reading of existing research in the social sciences on the topic demonstrates the incongruence of many definitions and representations of consent that are used both by researchers and educators alike with the everyday experiences of young people.  相似文献   

文章主要论述了我国隋唐时期在音乐方面取得的一些成就以及这一时期的许多珍贵资料在日本的良好保存、流传,阐述了日本音乐与中国传统音乐的内在联系,强调要加强中国文化交流。  相似文献   

文章是对西方学者保罗·格里菲斯的《西方音乐简史》一书的述评。笔者考察和分析了该书的主要特色、优劣得失,并对该书的读者群及翻译问题提出了个人的看法。  相似文献   

This meta-analysis (k = 35, N = 11,629) examines the effect that listening to music, particularly popular music, has on consumers. Results demonstrate that listening to music generates an effect on listeners consistent with the content of the music (average r = .210, k = 35, N = 11,629). This effect was similar when considering survey research (r = .227) or experimental research (r = .265). The tenets of excitation transfer theory received some support, particularly when considering the effects of music as a priming material (r = .399), demonstrating the impact of music as a means of establishing mood, and ultimately the subsequent reactions of individuals. One conclusion is that efforts toward media literacy or education may prove far more productive than media content restrictions when attempting to curb potential undesirable media effects. Additional implications for policy and theory are discussed.  相似文献   

声乐教学中的调节包括生理调节和心理调节。做好调节必须掌握调节的基本内容和方法,并运用到实践中去。同时,要认识调节、技巧和处理三者的关系,以利于提高声乐教学效果。  相似文献   

歌唱的整个过程离不开心理活动的调控,心理活动始终伴随着声乐演唱,并不断地指导或影响着生理机能。一方面,歌唱的生理受心理支配,歌唱的一切行为和活动,都是歌唱者意识的外化。另一方面,声乐演唱者正是运用了心理活动与生理机能对歌唱实践的指导作用,并充分理解了心理活动与生理机能相辅相成、互动发展的辩证关系,从而不断运用生理调控和心理调控的有效手段,最终提高演唱水平,实现声乐艺术的艺术价值。  相似文献   

以中文数字作为谱字符号的二四乐谱,已是中国当前所见遗存的传统音乐谱种中,较为罕见的一种乐谱形态。乐谱中所体现出地域和时代文化的积淀,正是音乐界专家、学者对其产生浓郁兴趣的原因。关于二四谱的研究,从20世纪下半叶开始,除了一般综合性的介绍和梳理外,主要涉及其使用范围、历史成因、宗源、性质以及与工尺谱的关系等论述。该文将这些研究成果按类别加以综述。  相似文献   

Sexual assault and suicide are 2 of many issues facing college students. Recent research calls for an examination of anger in suicidal behavior. Through a series of moderated logistic regression models, the authors examined the moderating effects of anger on the association of recent sexual assault and suicidal behaviors. Results support the moderating role of anger in the association of sexual assault with suicidal thinking, but not with self‐injury or suicide attempts. The authors discuss practitioner implications.  相似文献   

近五年国内对佛教音乐的研究重点主要集中在:佛教音乐的概念和功用、佛教音乐的发展、汉传佛教音乐研究、藏传佛教音乐研究、南传佛教音乐研究、佛教音乐的对比研究、佛教音乐旅游资源的科学开发与创新利用研究和从时间、空间不同的两个维度对佛教音乐进行研究等方面。  相似文献   

1997年,挪威政府对义务教育课程进行了一系列改革和调整,并于1999年由挪威国家教育部重新制定并实施了新的国家课程标准——《挪威10年义务教育课程标准》。音乐课程是挪威10年义务教育核心课程的一个组成部分,对其音乐课程的目标、内容及途径的分析和评价,将为我国基础教育音乐课程改革提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

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