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本文从体育舞蹈运动的项目特征出发,试图剖析体育舞蹈运动技术与专项体能的关系,探索分析出体育院校体育舞蹈专项学生的身体形态特征、生理机能特征及专项身体素质特征,为科学合理的开展专项学生的体能训练提供参考依据。  相似文献   

The University of Urbino is composed of 10 different faculties, the youngest of which is the Faculty of Sport Sciences. Local interest in sport games and athleticism dates from early Renaissance, and Urbino's citizens still continue to cultivate the passion for such activities. For many centuries participation in physical exercise had been largely neglected on the national level, but after the Italian unification of 1861 interest in gymnastics experienced remarkable growth due to its function in reforming and uniting the identity of the population. In the fascist era mass sport affirmed and was the pride of Mussolini; two academies were founded for the training of highly specialized male and female teachers of physical education and sports. But after the fall of the regime these activities had a difficult time being accepted. Finally, in the 1960s a number of ISEF schools (Advanced Institute of Physical Education) were founded and among them that of Urbino; later, in 2000, the government gave universities the option of establishing their own schools of sport sciences. Urbino promptly closed its ISEF and opened the Faculty of Sport Sciences. The paper makes frequent references to both the broad framework of national physical education and sport and the more modest reality of Urbino.  相似文献   

我国体育院校体育舞蹈发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用文献资料法等,对我国体育院校体育舞蹈发展现状进行调查研究。研究认为:高校是培养体育舞蹈人才的重要基地,在体育舞蹈项目上由起步逐渐趋向成熟;全国14所体育院校招收体育舞蹈本科生,开设体育舞蹈专项课程,推动体育院校体育舞蹈事业的发展。建议体育院校定期举办体育舞蹈专职教练培训班,制定全国统一教材,按照国际惯例,在竞赛中采取四轮赛程。  相似文献   

高校是培养高层次专门人才的主要场所,而高校体育教育是其中必不可少的部分.现代大学生是有抱负、有思想的青年,他们行为大胆勇于追求,向往美好事物和未来.随着视野的开阔希望成为具有现代气息、知识渊博、有气质、漂亮大方的新青年.体育舞蹈是一种源于欧美的特色运动,运动本身集聚特色.它那富有激情的音乐和感召力的舞姿尤其能博得学生的喜爱.体育舞蹈在我国得到开展和普及还不够,其中学生运动员占三分之二的比例,多数集中在发达地区,分布不均衡,许多高校仍没有开展体育舞蹈项目的教学.为了使这项运动在高校开展得更为充分,使更多学生参与进来,本文做了大量调查研究,高校是开展体育舞蹈、发展此项运动的最佳场所.  相似文献   

本文根据团体舞蹈编排的特点,从音乐的选择、编排的构思、编排的表现艺术手法等方面,进行了理论上的探讨与研究。  相似文献   

舞蹈动机不仅是舞蹈创编的重要内容,也可以应用于体育舞蹈教学中。根据舞蹈动机的需要并参考舞蹈编舞技法以及教学经验的总结,归纳出舞蹈动机发展法在体育舞蹈中应用的原则与方法。应用的原则为内聚力与衍展性相统一和风格化与生命化相统一,应用的方法包括反复、方向、扩充、节奏、反向、主动引导、对比和递进等。  相似文献   


In recent years a neo‐liberal sport education paradigm has sought to refurbish traditional physical education frameworks and operative rules. This paper subjects the sport education model to critical scrutiny and deconstruction. It is argued that this model deserves attention because it places the ethics and logic of secondary school physical education on shifting sands. More importantly, it has hegemonic implications for physical education praxis in African schools.  相似文献   


Germany is both the country of origin of Protestantism and of Turnerism, which has led to a specific concept of national gymnastics. In 2017, the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther´s act of nailing his theses to the door of the Church of Wittenberg (on 31 October 1517) was celebrated. About 300 hundred years later, Ludwig Jahn, son of a Protestant minister, started to run a gymnastics ground at a park in Berlin, where young boys and students were educated in ‘body and mind’ according to Jahn’s slogan (which later became the brand of the German Turner movement) frisch, fromm, fröhlich, frei (‘fresh, pious, cheerful, free’). The notion of piety has been widely discussed by contemporary gymnasts, because even then, some regarded piety as old-fashioned and in fact incompatible with a free and enlightened world. The purpose of this paper is to consider the Christian impact on German gymnastics and sport since the beginning of a civil movement of body culture in clubs and societies in the nineteenth century. The paper is based on a wide range of academic research and other selected sources.  相似文献   

通过文献资料法、实地考察法、逻辑分析法等对我国体育健身舞蹈进行分析.体育健身舞蹈的研发需要建立优秀的研发团队,采用自发和组织相结合的原则,培育激励机制,完善大众服务系统,吸引多方面资金投入.体育健身舞蹈的推广途径主要有俱乐部、广场社区、学校、电视媒体及音像教材、竞赛等方式,比较而言,广场社区传播效果最好.  相似文献   

论体育舞蹈教学训练中的音乐配合   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对高校体育舞蹈教学中学生因音乐素质较差影响了教学效果的现状,采用文献资料、观察、实验和实证分析等研究方法,对体育舞蹈教学中提高学生音乐素质及舞蹈动作和音乐配合等方面进行了研究。分析认为:学生的音乐节奏感对乐曲旋律的理解和领悟、对音乐的欣赏能力、对学习掌握舞蹈动作提高体育舞蹈教学质量、对表现体育舞蹈的风格特点有着非常重要的作用。认为体育舞蹈教学要特别注意提高学生音乐素质和文化艺术修养,有针对性地提高学生对音乐的理解和鉴赏能力,从而提高教学质量。  相似文献   

试议体育与运动   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
茅鹏 《体育与科学》1998,19(5):38-42
在社会实践与科学研究的推动下,需要澄清体育和运动概念的含义。体育是从身心发展出发,以身体活动为内容进行的教育行为。运动是有意识的身体活动。运动存在着种种不同的形式和内容,竞技运动是其中主要的一类。体育和运动是一对矛盾,并非是上位概念和下位概念的关系。  相似文献   

通过对体育与运动发展历史的分析,揭示了体育由学校向社会、军事等领域扩展以及运动由社会向学校、再由学校向社会扩展的历史过程,指出了其实质是体育与运动的泛化,分析了体育与运动泛化的历史原因,展现了体育与运动概念的历史内涵。  相似文献   

体育舞蹈是一门具有很高的审美价值和健身娱乐价值的综合艺术,是一项集体育、舞蹈、音乐为一体,融体能锻炼与艺术修养为一身的体育运动项目,对推进大学生素质教育起着积极的作用,对增强大学生生理健康、心理健康、个性发展、审美能力、社会交往及适应能力等具有重要的意义和作用。  相似文献   

民族民间体育是我国传统文化的重要成员,中华民族复兴需要传统文化复兴。但当前我国体育教学重视国外体育而忽视民族民间体育,民族民间体育认知度低,开展率低。在民族民间体育教学中要加强课程体系研究,加强评价机制研究,加强配套课程研究。  相似文献   

运动学--未来体育与竞技的整合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从美国大学体育系改名入手,探讨了体育和竞技在命名中的问题,指出运动学是未来体育和竞技的整合,并对运动学的就业进行研究。通过对国外最新体育科技的介绍,以期对国内体育院系的发展提供借鉴及为国内体育理论的研究提供新的视角。  相似文献   


This paper involves a discussion of the results of a recent research project where I interviewed athletes who play on a Canadian University's sport teams. The interviews were fairly open‐ended, exploring the athletes’ interpretations of what makes a situation an ethical dilemma and then what moral reasoning process they use in resolving the dilemmas they face. The interviews were analysed utilizing a hermeneutic approach. In analysing the transcribed interviews, I uncovered the layers of text in an attempt to interpret the athletes’ conception of ethical dilemmas. Then I focused on the reasoning process the athletes articulated in their attempts to resolve ethical dilemmas. This process required successive ‘readings’ where I attempted to relate knowledge from moral theory/moral philosophy to the words and experiences of the athletes interviewed.

This research has the potential to be both theoretically and practically significant. The theoretical significance of the research lies in the application of a study of moral theory/moral philosophy to actual ethical dilemmas faced by athletes. Although moral philosophy is a well‐established scholarly discipline, the application of insights gleaned from a study of this discipline to the practice of sport has not received much attention in the scholarly literature. Most of the empirical research conducted in the area of sport and moral reasoning has focused on theories of moral development, i.e. Piaget, Kohlberg, and so forth (Booth, 1981; Figley, 1984; Romance, 1988; Brandi, 1989; Shields & Bredemeier, 1995), while most of the research concerned with moral theory/moral philosophy has been solely conceptual in nature (Shea, 1996; Arnold, 1984; Fraleigh, 1984; Zeigler, 1984; Feezell, 1986). The research presented in this paper integrates a naturalistic framework, specifically hermeneutic analysis, with conceptual knowledge derived from moral theory/moral philosophy.

The research also has the potential to have significant practical implications. My objective is to determine what sort of moral reasons athletes provide when they attempt to resolve ethical dilemmas encountered in their sport. Understanding these reasons has significant implications in that teachers and coaches could facilitate the development of the critical thinking skills and dispositions required in moral reasoning if they were aware of where their athletes were in need of guidance.


我国高等院校体育学本科专业结构调整研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运用文献资料调研、调查、数理统计、逻辑分析等方法,大规模调查、统计、分析我国高等院校体育学本科专业结构的构成要素:专业的整体数量分布、专业的区域数量分布、专业的科类结构分布、专业的培养规模的发展现状,甄选我国高等院校体育学本科专业结构发展中所存在的问题,提出调整设想。  相似文献   

在体育教学中,运用游戏主要表现在准备活动、基本技术技能、身体素质练习、结束部分四个方面,运用游戏,其关键在于如何让人们认识到体育游戏在体育教学中的重要性。通过游戏来调动学生的学习热情,完成教学任务,提高教学效益;使游戏成为学生的"良师",老师的"益友"。  相似文献   

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