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题目如图1所示,在水平面上有两条平行导电导轨MN,PQ,导轨间的距离为L,匀强磁场垂直导轨所在平面向下,磁感应强度的大小为B,两金属杆1,2间隔一定的距离摆放在导轨上,且与导轨垂直.两金属杆的质量均为m,它们的电阻均为R,两杆与导轨接触良好,导轨电阻不计,金属杆与导轨的摩擦不计.现让杆2固定,杆1以初速度”。滑向杆2,为使两杆不相碰,则最初摆放两杆时的距离至少为多少?  相似文献   

无机化学实验基本操作"正误"分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析无机化学实验基本操作中的常见错误,使学生对操作步骤有一个正确的认识,达到培养学生规范操作的目的。  相似文献   

在线(线上)教育是对信息技术的具体运用,具有一定的优势,但作为一种教育手段或者方法,要全面推广有利有弊,在没有满足其高度自觉性、主动性和自律性(简称“三性”)的前提下,过度强调其优势,没有潜心发现其问题与不足,会顾此失彼。教育政策的改变,其执行的影响结果,非朝夕可见,但是错误会影响一代或几代人。在线(线上)教育对知识点的传授有方便、快捷的绝对优势,但是教育还包括育人功能,这是在线(线上)教育先天无法补齐的“短板”,如何合理利用在线(线上)教育与线下教育优势互补,是教育部门需要考虑的关键点。  相似文献   

John Williamson 《Literacy》1986,20(2):111-120
This study examines the readability of a selection of C. S. E. papers taken from the areas of Humanities, the Sciences and practical subjects. The readability formula used was the Fry Graph, this being applied to the whole of each paper, thereby avoiding problems of sampling. In each subject, the papers for 1982 and 1983 were studied. The papers in English Literature, Mathematics, Needlecraft, Science and Woodwork all had a reading level considerably lower than the chronological age of the candidates for whom the examination is intended, only History having scores at or above that age level. The papers in the Sciences and practical subjects were found to be quite consistent in their readability levels, both internally and from year to year. The English Literature questions were consistent but those papers included passages from set books whose reading levels varied quite considerably. The History papers were rather less consistent than the others, although even there a fair measure of agreement was to be found.  相似文献   

抗战期间,老舍自1937年11月18日到武汉,至1938年7月30日离开,其间,在武汉从事文学创作与组织活动八个多月,足迹几乎踏遍武汉三镇。但是,在老舍作品及其友人的回忆文章、日记中,有关武汉部分则出现了一些错误与遗漏。文章通过研读原文、查阅文史资料与实地考察,以负责任的态度,对此进行了正误与补遗。这项工作有益于老舍研究。  相似文献   

经过多年的涉嫌假大空说教与思想灌输的挫折,今天的宣传歌曲、教化歌曲的创作已是理不直,气不壮。振奋民族精神,推动国家进步,百年前的那一代先贤推动"学堂乐歌"创作的激情,今天仍然是需要的。而我们见到的一些宣传歌曲、教化歌曲,却观念陈旧,思想僵化,不乏"文革"腔调,有假冒伪劣之嫌,完全不足以担当起宣传和教化的使命。  相似文献   

不合时宜的真理--赫钦斯大学理念述评   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
赫钦斯是美国现代著名的高等教育思想家。他认为,大学是探索学术的社会,是独立思想与批评的中心,具有教学、领导教育发展、科研三种职能。大学教育的目的在于培养完人。  相似文献   

文章分析黄初文学的题材内容之一——政治得失。一方面出现了大量歌功颂德文,京殿赋像糖衣裹着良药,歌颂中寄托着自己的政治理想,并有一定的艺术水平,另一方面对黄初政治中的用人弊政表示担忧和劝谏,突出地表现在曹植的诗歌和应璩的《百一诗》中。并对《百一诗》创作年月进行了粗浅考辨。  相似文献   

文章分析黄初文学的题材内容之一——政治得失。一方面出现了大量歌功颂德文,京殿赋像糖表裹着良药,歌颂中寄托着自己的政治理想,并有一定的艺术水平 ,另一方面对黄初政治中的用人弊政表示担忧和劝谏.突出地表现在曹植的诗歌和应璩的《百一诗》中。并对《百一诗》创作年月进行了粗浅考辨。  相似文献   

李平 《沧州师专学报》2011,(2):40-41,122
《老子》与《圣经》是代表中西方文化的两部伟大杰作,然而,两部作品中处处展现出惊人的相似性,其中对"是非"价值论的共性论述即是一个很好的例证。尝试分析《老子》与《圣经》在"是非"价值论方面是如何进行类似论述的,从而使人们能够以此为切入点,更深、更广地去探寻中西方文化的共性在这两部杰作上的完美体现。  相似文献   

我国第二个五年计划的编制工作经历了一个由正确到错误的过程。其原因主要有以下几个方面:总路线催生“二五”计划指导思想发生改变,急于摆脱贫穷落后面貌的心理导致计划指标脱离实际,计划体制自身的弊端带来盲目性决策,以及计划制定服从于政治斗争导致决策缺乏科学性等。  相似文献   

Leach and Siddall (1990) present a comparison study of four methods of involving parents in the teaching of reading. It is argued here that one of the procedures they employed, ‘Pause, Prompt and Praise’, was used inappropriately with a group of children for whom it was not designed. Consequently, any conclusions drawn from this study about the relative effectiveness of ‘Pause, Prompt and Praise’ compared with the other procedures are unwarranted.  相似文献   

Reading Recovery is an intensive, one-to-one intervention for children experiencing reading difficulties after one year of primary school. It aims to intervene before “dysfunctional strategies” and feelings of failure take firm hold in young learners. The programme consists of daily half-hour lessons taught by a teacher trained to diagnose and support a problem-solving approach to reading texts. Lessons are planned so that the learner, no matter how inexperienced with print, is enabled to “act like a reader and writer”. Marie Clay, the founder of Reading Recovery, devised the programme on the basis of intensive work with both fluent and poor readers more than twenty years ago in New Zealand. Many years later Clay and Cazden (1990) analysed the programme from a Vygotskian viewpoint and pointed out aspects which embody Vygotskian principles, especially the notion of “scaffolding”. This paper addresses two questions: (l) which features of Reading Recovery embody Vygotskian notions? and (2) how effective is Reading Recovery at improving literacy skills and transforming children into independent problem solvers in literacy? A large national evaluation study in the U.K. showed that Reading Recovery increased reading attainment and that the gains were still apparent more than one year after the intervention. A small scale observation study demonstrated the “scaffolding” by which Reading Recovery teachers encouraged children to greater independence in reading and writing over the course of the programme. The paper ends by suggesting that future research should address the socio-cultural context of Reading Recovery instead of limiting its focus to narrow test outcomes or explicit teaching strategies aimed at skill enhancement.  相似文献   

《列宁专题文集》哲学卷收入列宁著作14篇、相关重要论述23条。在这些文献中,列宁阐明了马克思主义哲学的理论基础,揭露了马赫主义在认识论上的唯心主义和不可知论的实质,捍卫和发展了马克思主义哲学,也为我们进一步厘清哲学认识上的是非提供了强大的思想武器。  相似文献   

读图能力是制图教学中的三大能力之一.指出读图能力的培养,必须注重把知识的传授和技能的训练过程有机的结合起来。  相似文献   

A randomized experimental design with three levels of intervention was used to compare the effects of beginning reading interventions on early phonemic, decoding, and spelling outcomes of 96 kindergartners identified as at risk for reading difficulty. The three instructional interventions varied systematically along two dimensions--time and design of instruction specificity--and consisted of (a) 30 min with high design specificity (30/H), (b) 15 min with high design specificity plus 15 min of non-code-based instruction (15/H+15), and (c) a commercial comparison condition that reflected 30 min of moderate design specificity instruction (30/M). With the exception of the second 15 min of the 15/H+15 condition, all instruction focused on phonemic, alphabetic, and orthographic skills and strategies. Students were randomly assigned to one of the three interventions and received 108 thirty-minute sessions of small-group instruction as a supplement to their typical half-day kindergarten experience. Planned comparisons indicated findings of statistical and practical significance that varied according to measure and students' entry-level performance. The results are discussed in terms of the pedagogical precision needed to design and provide effective and efficient instruction for students who are most at risk.  相似文献   

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