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Early school leaving in upper secondary education is a serious problem for both students and society. Several reviews have shown that there is no simple cause of early school leaving, but it seems to relate to demographic variables, social factors, academic achievement, and school factors. In this study, data from 2,045 students aged 16 from upper secondary schools in Norway were analyzed using a hierarchical regression model. Their intention to leave school was the dependent variable. Our analyses found that teacher support and loneliness in the school context were strong predictors of such intension. The effects of peer acceptance and friendship were minimal.  相似文献   

In this qualitative case study, we used the framework of positioning to show how college-age tutors and their middle school tutees interact in an afterschool tutoring setting with regard to ability. The authors show how educational tracking and understandings of disability permeated tutoring spaces and influence tutors’ instructional decisions. Even though the tutors’ participation in this program was framed as an act of social justice, the tutors do not feel empowered to use a critical lens when discussing tracking and/or disability because, as the authors posit, the framing of the college students as role models and these middle school students as “needy” prohibits conversations that do not have easy answers.  相似文献   


This comparative study examines patterns of inequality in participation in two different types of adult learning and education (ALE) – job-related formal ALE (JFALE) and job-related non-formal ALE (JNFALE) – as related to social origins at the micro-level and three categories of social inequality at the macro-level at the macro level (economic, education, and skill inequality). Using data from the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC), two methods are used to analyse 19 selected OECD countries: multivariate binary logistic regressions to explore the extent to which individuals’ social origins are associated with ALE participation and two-stage multilevel analysis to examine the relationship between social origins’ advantages in ALE participation and social inequality. Statistically significant advantages in ALE participation of social origins were observed in some countries. Additionally, statistically significant positive relationships between social inequality and social origins’ advantages in JNFALE participation are found, which implies that increases in social inequality strengthen advantages associated with social origins.  相似文献   

Universities are paying increased attention to how they might support the ethical development of their students as one of a range of graduate attributes that will enable them to negotiate increasingly complex professional, civic and personal futures. Scenario-based learning is a long-standing strategy used in ethical teaching, and this paper describes and evaluates a version of this approach as applied to a second year undergraduate tutorials module. A quantitative assessment of the development of students’ ethical sensitivity over the course of two deliveries of the module shows an uneven impact but also some encouraging trends. A detailed qualitative analysis of how students responded to each scenario identifies five factors that appear to precipitate more in-depth reflection on ethical problems, and these are presented as useful points of guidance for teachers writing ethical scenarios for the first time or for those aiming to hone their existing practice. These factors include the challenge of devising circumstances which appear realistic and plausible to contemporary undergraduate students, constructing scenarios which encourage readers to reflect on and test their personal values, and portraying events which push students to intervene proactively and so take individual responsibility for their decisions and actions.  相似文献   

为促进中小学美术教育质量的提升,作者以《浅谈提高中小学美术教育质量的有效措施》为课题,从中小学美术教育现状入手,对其进行了全方位、深层次地剖析,并在此基础上全面而深入地探究了提高中小学美术教育质量的有效措施,给出了具有代表性的个人建议。  相似文献   

This paper reports on data collected during an evaluation of two higher education courses designed to attract mature entrants aged between 21 and 60 to undergraduate degree programmes. Employing an evaluation design informed by a critical realist approach, the study utilised a mix of quantitative and qualitative methods to investigate the outcomes of the two courses through the participants' constructed experiences. Two factors were inferred as being important in determining whether participants on these courses proceeded to higher education: whether participants adopted a deep or surface approach to learning, and the extent to which the experience of being on the courses had generated a shared social identity. Our analysis draws attention to interactions between (psychological) explanations of variation in learning and (social) explanations of participation.  相似文献   

"三生教育"主张通过多种途径、多种方法进行,其途径和方法同日本中小学道德教育有相似之处,但在具体实施层面还不够成熟。当代日本中小学道德教育可供"三生教育"借鉴的途径和方法主要有:统合所有教育时间和活动,制定学校、家庭和社会三位一体的教育体制;让学生接触自然和社会,通过活动增强学生的实践体验;根据国情、地区特点及学生思想状况,有针对性地设置课程;突出学生主体性,加强师生的交流和沟通;等等。  相似文献   

美国中小学国际理解教育政策的发展经历了三个阶段:培养世界意识的初创阶段、在争议中前行的稳步发展阶段和强调全球素养培养的深入阶段。其发展呈现出始终服务于国家利益,由政府与社会力量共同推进,以课程建设为核心等特征。这为我国中小学国际理解教育政策的发展提供了有益启示,即需要加强重视国际理解素养培养的力度,建立完备的中小学国际理解教育政策体系,扩大国际理解教育政策的研究主体和制定主体,注重中小学国际理解教育课程建设。  相似文献   

我国对高等职业教育的认识与研究起步较晚,但是技校、中专、成人高校由于自身特点,很早就不可避免地带有职业教育色彩.通过用解剖麻雀的方法概述了天津市由自发到自觉进行中职与高职衔接的三大阶段及其发展过程.从而对天津中职与高职衔接的二种主要形式从多方面进行了分析,提出了问题,建议和对策,并对发展这一衔接提出了政策性的有益思考.  相似文献   

探索和研究中小学美育课程评价,是深化新时代教育评价改革的重要举措。中小学美育课程评价具有确证美育课程定位、推进美育课程内容完善、助力美育功能实现三个方面逐级递进的价值。构建中小学美育课程评价标准应遵循循证实践逻辑、实践范式逻辑、人的"未完成性"逻辑。通过协同多方评价主体,增强中小学美育课程评价的科学性与专业性;整合多元评价内容,探索中小学美育课程评价的全面性与系统性;制定多维评价标准,追求中小学美育课程评价的合理性与有效性;优化多种评价方法,探寻中小学美育课程评价的适切性与创造性,建构中小学美育课程评价体系。  相似文献   

中职学校产教融合园的建设是产教融合政策的推力、地方经济发展的驱动力、创新人才培养模式的内生力共同作用的结果。当前,中职产教融合园建设面临诸多挑战,如支撑产教融合园建设的外部制度环境欠佳、产教融合园的内涵和特色不够明晰、产教融合园的内部治理面临困境等。为解决这些问题,宜兴高等职业技术学校采取了如下举措:以顶层设计明晰产教融合园的建设内涵;以矩阵治理突破产教融合园的多元治理困境;以企业遴选奠定产教融合园的运行基础;以评价重构激励企业对产教融合园的工作投入。  相似文献   

基于2005—2018年全国时序数据和省级面板数据,以普通高中生均教育事业费为指标,采用Dagum基尼系数和Kernel密度估计方法,实证考察我国普通高中教育经费投入的地区差异及分布动态演进。研究发现,我国普通高中生均教育事业费的空间分布呈现出显著的“东西高,中部低”的空间非均衡特征;普通高中生均教育事业费空间分布的总体差异呈下降趋势,地区间差异是总体差异的主要来源;全国及各地区普通高中生均教育事业费的绝对差异均表现为明显扩大,呈现出两极或多极分化特征。当务之急必须落实普通高中教育生均拨款制度,建立拨款标准动态调整机制;构建符合地区实际的政府分担机制,强化省级财政对普通高中教育的统筹;完善普通高中教育财政转移支付制度,加强全过程动态监管,以促进普通高中教育的优质均衡发展。  相似文献   

Based on the several surveys conducted since the 1990s onward, this paper aims to demonstrate that in terms of the access to higher education, social class differentiation is far starker than that of urban/rural income in contemporary China. According to the investigation that focused on students enrolled in 37 universities, the chance of farmers children to have a higher education is 5.6 times lower than that of nonfarmers. If we compare the chance of government and party officials children with that of farmers children, the ratio will rise to nearly 18:1. More seriously, the recent boom in higher education has not lessened but, in fact, worsened the structural factors of this inequality. The skyrocketing tuition fee constitutes an escalating fence that keeps the children from low-income, marginalized families away from acquiring higher education. Translated by Chen Xinqin from Journal of Beijing Normal University (Social Sciences), 2005, 3  相似文献   

学校经营要为学校提供充足的办学资本。促进学校发展,迫切需要注入新的资本,学校社会资本正是一种可供选择的资本形式。中小学校社会资本对学校的发展具有不可低估的重要作用,主要表现在:补充其他形式资本的不足,为学校提供充足的资源;为学生提供更多的资助机会;资源共享避免重复建设;节省交易成本,提高办学效率。应该构建学校社会资本开发与利用的保障、约束和监督机制,保证其正常、合法经营,推动学校发展,促进学生发展。  相似文献   

本研究考查了我国初中生教育期望的城乡差异现状,并从个人家庭与学校社会两个视角探究了差异产生的机制。研究发现,我国初中生对于获得普通高等教育的期望存在显著的城乡差异,城市户籍学生的教育期望高于农村及流动学生。这种差异受学生认知能力、家庭背景及学校环境共同影响,其中家庭背景的影响大于认知能力,学校户籍结构的影响作用最为明显。研究认为,营造良好学校教育氛围、缓解学校户籍分割、增强学校融合是促进我国教育公平与社会公平的重要举措。  相似文献   

In this paper, we critically analyze institutional mission statements as discursive texts replete with symbolic meaning, as we believe these texts reveal a great deal about the ways in which higher education remains increasingly stratified. We argue that beneath the generalized rhetoric of institutional mission statements, lie powerful messages seemingly coded with varying forms of class-based academic capital. We further argue that these messages reflect two distinct, competing discourses surrounding the purpose and value of higher education, that parallel the stratification of the larger system itself. Findings reveal evidence of these competing discourses and contribute to larger discussions surrounding educational inequality.  相似文献   


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students’ experiences in Australian higher education continue to be influenced by the sociopolitical narratives of alterity which locate the students as more likely than their nonIndigenous peers to struggle academically and need support. These western-centric perceptions of indigeneities not only affect Indigenous students’ everyday university experiences but can even influence their decision whether to persist with their studies or not. Drawing on data collected in a large, metropolitan Australian university, this article presents a case study of Indigenous students’ ways of perceiving and resisting their positioning by the dominant university systems as ‘problematic’, at risk of failure and needing support. Specifically, the article explores educational pathways of three Indigenous students, their narratives exemplifying primary strategies of enacting and articulating resistances to the dominant education structures in order to fuel academic success.  相似文献   

本文从需求理论出发,认为农村中小学教育信息化低效的根源在于参与主体的真实需求与当前信息化推行城市化取向之间的矛盾.提升农村中小学教育信息化的有效性,关键要采用换位思维,站在教育信息化参与主体发展的立场上,在尊重农村差异性和特殊性的基础上,调整和改革当前农村中小学教育信息化的目标、内容、模式等;深入推行农村教育改革,大力推广信息文化,创设教育信息技术应用的有利环境.  相似文献   

以援疆背景下具有代表性的喀什地区疏勒县的双语教育为调研对象,探索并分析了中小学双语教育的教学模式及存在的问题,提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

历史上对《论语》中的“举一隅不以三隅反,则不复也”存在着严重的误解。皆认为学生如果不能举一反三就“不复重教之”。这种解释源于郑玄,被历代注解家所沿袭。笔者认为:首先。这种解释不符合孔子“有救无类”的教育思想;其次。这种解释不符合孔子“因材施教”的教学方法;第三,这种解释不符合孔子“诲人不倦”的教学态度;第四.从文字训诂的角度看。这种解释是增字解经。笔者认为。“复”字的意义是走回头路,即走旧路。这句话是从教育者的角度出发来说的。当学生不能举一反三时,教师就不能再走老路了,要改换一种新的教学方法;而不是从学生的角度而言的,不是当学生不能举一反三时就不再教他了。这样,上下文的意思就是一致的了,都是站在教师的角度来论述应当如何采用启发的方法来进行教学,我们应当恢复“举一隅不以三隅反,则不复也”的本来面目和积极意义。  相似文献   

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