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本文针对大学生思想品德评价缺乏准确依据,对学生思想品德评语抽象含糊的问题提出了量化综合测评的观点。并从量化综合测评的意义和具体测评构架两个方面进行了测探。  相似文献   

20世纪末,人类科学技术的发展突飞猛进,社会进步节奏日益加快,人类社会的发展不再是传统的按部就班的进行,而呈现出加速度和跳跃式的发展现象。改革开放20多年来,我国的经济取得了长足的发展,但我国仍没有完成工业化,这就必须发展信息产业,使中国加入WTO后,更好地同发达国家对话,借鉴他们成功的经验,加速我国的工业化进程。20年来,随着我国计划经济向市场经济转型,信息产业的崛起,我国工业化进程加快,这不仅引发了社会经济结构,产业结构和社会运行机制的根本性变化,也促进了人们的思想意识、价值观念和伦理道德由…  相似文献   

对人的思想品德进行测评是一个高难度的课题,但经过10年的探索、研究,已经总结出一些规律,各区县和学校也积累了一些好的经验,为我们现在全面地实施素质教育的整体评价打下了比较好的基础。1.思想品德素质板块这本评价手册的整体构成是一个模块结构,它是由思想道德素质、科学文化素质、劳动技能素质和身体心理素质这4大板块组成的,其中每一板块分 A  相似文献   

20多年来,我国教育发展取得了巨大的成就,思想品德教育也取得了不小的成绩,但目前中小学德育确实也存在严重弊端,成效低下.探析低效的原因是搞好德育工作的前提.  相似文献   

张育才 《考试周刊》2013,(54):172-172
中国儒家思想文化已经有近两千多年的历史,儒家文化中的"仁"和"孝"思想一直对我国的政治、经济有重要的影响,直到现在依然具有很重要的借鉴意义。作为我国教育体系的重要组成部分之一,儒家思想教育在中小学思想品德教育中发挥重要作用。本文主要就儒家文化在中小学思想品德教育中的应用进行相应的分析研究,并提出适当的意见和建议,希望对大家有所帮助。  相似文献   

在当前深入实践科学发展观的时代背景下,中小学思想品德教育必须结合学校的自身特点和学生的现实状况,积极开拓新视野、探讨新途径,努力推动教育的科学发展。一、明晰意义:以包容之态感受虎翼之乐作为旨在促进学生发展的思想品德教育,无法避  相似文献   

一、存在问题重智轻德。在经济不断发展,人们物质文化生活不断提高的社会环境中,在家庭、学校、社会重视高考、智育,客观上轻视德育的情况下,中等以下的同学对高考、前途失去信心。他们得不到或较少得到家长、学校、社会的赞誉,甚至遭到斥责。于是有的学生心理渐渐发生扭曲,或沉默、或怪癖、或堕落。所有这些现象的出现,归根结底,就是思想道德工作松懈,家庭、学校、社会没齐抓共管的原因。  相似文献   

School assemblies are unique and important events in the lives of schools. They are an opportunity for a head teacher to shape and celebrate the ethos and priorities of a school. However, the discussion of assemblies has stagnated because it is mired in the debate about legal compliance to the 1988 Education Reform Act and its interpretation in circular 1/94. This article reports on a research project which investigated the ethical ideas communicated in primary school assemblies. It is found that almost all assemblies sought to communicate a form of virtue ethics. We observed the promotion of courage, kindness, loyalty and responsibility. Further, different virtues were emphasised in different schools depending on their social location. For example, perseverance and resilience were often stressed in a school from a low socio-economic area. The article concludes with an examination of the implications of our findings for the discussion of legal compliance to the 1988 Act.  相似文献   

Learning is important to sustainability—but how? On the dominant sustainable development picture, various kinds of learning are seen as instrumental to one’s behaving responsibly towards future generations, within a framework of present actions and ecological consequences. This whole picture of future‐oriented responsibility is radically flawed, fundamentally misrepresenting our creative engagement in change. It grossly exaggerates our powers to predict and control and licenses an endemic bad faith in the construction of sustainability goals supposedly derived from obligations to the future. This process is not only the opposite of genuine learning, but is very likely to ensure practical failure. In contrast, a model of ecological responsibility that might work will have learning not as a subsidiary and instrumental feature, but right at its core. The only way in which one really comes up against the constraint of the future is by acknowledging the demands of active learning—critical self‐awareness, exploratory‐creative commitment, and a robust tolerance for uncertainty—as virtues. The paper develops this account of the learning virtues in detail, and shows how embodying their practice across all our institutions and activities constitutes the only kind of responsibility to the future which we can genuinely exercise.  相似文献   

My paper concentrates on that small part of Dewey’s ethical theory that deals with the personal virtues of character. Even more narrowly, I focus on a single section of Dewey’sEthics titled “The Conception of Virtue in Reflective Morality.” I do so because my primary concern here is not so much with the virtues Dewey discusses, important as they are, but with how he believes they should interact. If I am correct, Dewey thinks that when the virtues of character are interacting as they should, the result is an open dynamic harmony that fits his classical definition of beauty. Dewey’s understanding of virtues and their dynamic interaction breaks down the barrier between art, and ethics. Given that it is reflective morality that we are considering, that means Dewey is breaking down the barrier between cognition, art, and aesthetics as well. I conclude with some reflections as to why for Dewey what we often think of as personal virtues may only be comprehended in terms of a community wherein the same aesthetic principle of open dynamic harmony. I briefly discuss why alterity is as important as ipsiety for the pluralistic democrat.  相似文献   

Minimal prior research has examined the school chaplaincy programme in Australia. This exploratory study sought to identify the values primary school chaplains feel are the most important to them personally, and in their role as chaplain. Eight chaplains working in government primary schools were interviewed. Inductive thematic analysis was used to determine key themes evident within the data. Results suggested that chaplains identified understanding, tolerance, inclusion, care, compassion, honesty, trustworthiness and integrity as most important to them personally and professionally. Chaplains noted clear boundaries in their work and emphasised that to proselytise or evangelise would be to contravene their role. Of some concern were the information gathering techniques some chaplains employed before referring on to appropriately trained school staff. As the federally funded chaplaincy programme has been controversial in Australia, this study provides valuable insight into chaplains’ values and their role which can help governments and communities make informed choices regarding school chaplaincy programmes.  相似文献   

发展性教学评价是一项系统工作,需要具备必须组织实施、评价的标准和指标以及评价结果的呈现、评价的分析及反馈方式等方面的问题,实施的关键是要求教师用发展的眼光看待每一个学生,核心是重视过程的总评价。本文具体来探讨小学信息技术发展性教学评价实施的一般程序。  相似文献   

This paper describes an investigation of pupil and parent attitudes towards bullying, comparing attitudes with bullying behaviour. 747 parents and 326 children aged 6 to 11 from four primary schools completed the Parental Attitudes to Bullying Scale and the Children’s Attitudes to Bullying Scale. Most were found to be largely sympathetic towards victims, supportive of intervention, but less understanding towards bullies. There was little association between parental and children’s attitudes, nor did parent attitudes predict children’s behaviour, although there was a link between the children’s attitudes and their behaviour. Mothers were more sympathetic than fathers, but there were no sex differences among children. Children with more siblings were more likely to bully others.  相似文献   

深受传统文化熏染的日常生活乃个人品德生成之根.地方性生活赋予品德以鲜明的个体性,传统家族文化则构成其"活化石".个人品德既服从生活变动的内在逻辑,又接受理性规划的外在训导,体现着自然性和创造性的有机统一.当今社会普遍呈现的道德情感钝化和道德共识脆弱等症侯,根源在于"扎根"与"拔根"之间的巨大张力.伴随经济技术发展和社会开放步伐的加快,个人品德的非个性化发展及其与公共规范的趋同,所展示的不仅是品德之根的失落,也是品德修养转向的历史契机,它决定着个人品德建设的未来路径及其方法论的创新.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to assess the effect of service values on the processing of word-of-mouth (WOM) information, and their impact on a complex belief in a high-involvement service context. Hypotheses are tested on survey data collected from 378 respondents facing a high-involvement service choice. The results suggest that two distinct information processing routes are active when consumers (here prospective students) evaluate complex beliefs. Furthermore, service values have distinct effects on the processing of WOM information. Self-oriented values foster more cognitive processing, whereas socially oriented values have the opposite effect. Considering the reasons as to why a service is needed (service values) should be a focus for marketers since they can be a powerful persuasion approach affecting the processing of WOM. This study contributes to earlier research on higher education marketing by incorporating service values into the pre-purchase phase of prospective students’ decision-making.  相似文献   

我国中小学的计算机教学 ,已经从个别实验阶段发展到普遍开展阶段。但学生对这门课程的兴趣并不高 ,其主要原因是教学目的不适当、教材体系不规范、教师队伍不稳定  相似文献   

采用访谈和问卷调查的方法,对某大学附属小学更换英语学习教材前后学习策略的使用情况进行了调查,并录入SPSS做了配对样本t检验,结果发现:教材更换前后学生学习策略的使用情况具有显著差异性。学习策略的培训是提高学生学习策略运用的途径,但不是唯一途径,通过调查发现,学习内容的改变、学习任务的改变会导致学习策略的变化。  相似文献   

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