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我国“择校”现象的教育社会学阐释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
义务教育阶段的择校问题不仅是社会各界反映强烈的热点问题,而且是影响义务教育公平性和均衡性的难点问题。教育社会学关注教育获得与社会分层的关系,运用教育选择功能理论、阶层优势与社会选择理论、教育成层理论对择校问题进行分析,可以使人们明确其产生的深层原因。要规范择校行为,使其成为促进义务教育公平、推动教育均衡发展的有力举措,政府必须加大实施义务教育均衡化的力度,改革现行择校制度,同时要大力发展多种类型的中学教育,为人的成才提供多种渠道。  相似文献   

义务教育阶段“择校”是一个存在了多年的热门话题,尽管教育部门早有“义务教育阶段禁止择校”的明文规定,各地教育主管部门也出台了许多限制择校的规定,但是有关择校的问题仍然没有解决,甚至在一些地方特别是城市有愈演愈烈之势。它之所以成为一个被众人关注和倍受争议的问题,是因为与我国当前的义务教育阶段免费、  相似文献   

农村义务教育阶段学生择校是他们争取向上流动的内在驱力和城乡教育资源分布不均衡的外在驱力共同作用的结果,他们的择校行为带来了诸如使农民教育投资额增大、城市学校教育负担增重等诸多现实问题。义务教育是一项公共教育事业,应该为每个学生提供同等教育机会和教育资源。缩小义务教育阶段城乡教育差距和促进城乡义务教育均衡发展是消除农村义务教育阶段学生择校现象的根本出路。  相似文献   

从今年起,浙江将全面推行义务教育“阳光招生”。浙江省教育厅近日表示将重拳治理择校乱收费,公办中小学择校率要降到5%以下.同时坚决落实择校与收费完全脱钩的规定.“这意味着。‘择校费’今后将在浙江彻底退出历史舞台”。  相似文献   

北京市中小学生择校行为主要发生在义务教育阶段,其中以“小升初”的择校最为“疯狂”。  相似文献   

义务教育阶段择校问题是社会普遍关注的热点和教育改革与发展中的难点之一。近几年来,我国构建义务教育阶段择校行为多中心治理框架,培植政府以外“第三部门”参与和支持公共教育发展,大力扶持薄弱、民办学校,缩小校际差距,多中心治理推进教育均衡发展,从源头上治理择校行为,取得积极的成效。本文采用质性研究的方法,对某省会城市治理义务教育阶段择校行为有关的统计数字、档案文献、政策文件等资料进行了收集、整理,并就择校现象及有关政策执行情况做了大量访谈,对获取的海量资料进行汇总,分析了政府治理对义务教育阶段择校行为的影响,取得了初步的结论,并据此提出了几点政策建议。  相似文献   

●我国的义务教育资源配置,多年来存在着严重的失衡现象●一直以来屡禁不止的“以钱择校”“以权择校”以及不规范的高收费现象,正是我国义务教育长期非均衡发展的必然结果●现实中的义务教育非均衡发展趋向,显然与国家的教育政策背道而驰  相似文献   

《义务教育法》明确规定,义务教育阶段适龄儿童、少年就近入学。这项政策在执行过程中遇到重重困难。至今择校现象依然存在,而且仍然颇具影响。为此,必须反思就近入学政策的合理性、存在的问题和主要原因,并且可以考虑将择校合理合法化,使就近入学与择校协调发展。  相似文献   

义务教育择校问题是长期困扰我们的一个政策难题。以"均衡发展"为导向的一系列治理方案,虽然在一定程度上起到缓解择校的作用,却未能彻底根治这一顽症。由于这套治理思路侧重以"调配内部资源、调动内部力量、优化内部管理"等方式进行"内部治理",相对忽视了择校所嵌植的外部社会环境。本文的基本观点是,义务教育均衡发展的方向是毋庸置疑的,但考虑到择校问题的复杂性,仅靠教育系统内部的"综合治理"恐怕还不足以消解乱象,我们有必要探索一条破解择校难题的"社会治理"之路。  相似文献   

“择校就学”与教育资源配置   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
“择校就学”的理论前提是:教育是准公共物品。“择校就学”与“择校收费”存在着本质的区别,“择校就学”是教育资源配置方式由单一计划向计划与市场结合的必然  相似文献   

Eating is broadly conceptualized as food choice. Food choice is a complex activity with many dimensions. Food choice is multifaceted as it involves whether, where, when, how long, how, why, with whom, for whom, and under what conditions eating occurs. Food choice is contextual as it is situated within specific conditions and settings involving both individuals and institutions. Food choice is dynamic as it unfolds and is embedded in eating episodes over lifetimes within historical eras. Food choice is multilevel as physical, biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors operate simultaneously and interact. Food choice is integrated as people coordinate many considerations to construct specific eating activities. Food choice is diverse in its broad scope of distinct and unique eating activities. Food choice can be examined using both multi‐perspective and multi‐purpose approaches, and it may not be possible to integrate different perspectives into a unified approach to understanding and changing food choice.  相似文献   

南水北调中线工程水源地旅游的初始战略选择   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
南水北调中线工程水源地旅游的初始战略选择包含三个层面 :(1)旅游资源开发的思维方式选择 ;(2 )旅游线路的战略选择 ;(3)旅游景区开发切入点的选择。应在山水一体化战略思想指导下 ,重点开发水源地旅游西南线 ,以均县镇为旅游开发切入点 ,实现名山大泽优化组合 ,实现武当文化和楚汉文化的有机结合 ,加速发展水源地旅游业。  相似文献   

研究了社会选择中的不可能性定理.首先定义社会选择函数,给出理性社会选择函数的形式化描述,并定义选择函数形式的Pareto准则、无关方案独立性条件和非独裁性条件.在此基础上,探讨了选择函数据架下的不可能性定理,得到了选择函数形式的Arrow不可能性定理和Sen寡头独裁不可能性定理.  相似文献   

中国的译校问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article examines school choice, one of the most debated issues in Chinese education beginning in the early 1990s. To start with, it depicts the origin of school choice. Secondly, the main reasons contributing to school choice are analysed: the disparity among schools, political and economic changes, the system of promotion to the next stage of school, and historical and cultural reasons. The reason why schools enrol school choice pupils is also analysed. Then, the reactions of the government to school choice, insisting on the policy of neighbourhood admissions, supporting weak schools, and encouraging the development of nongovernment schools, are analysed. Finally, the debate about school choice is discussed. To sum up, school choice in China is a completely urban phenomenon. It is a demand of social group with high social economic status. While the social gap widens, school choice is an unavoidable issue in education. Therefore, the problem faced by the government is not simply to prohibit it, but how to deal with it.  相似文献   

This paper presents the first results from a longitudinal qualitative study following 38 Danish students' choice of higher education. By using a narrative psychological framework it is shown how the choice of higher education is embedded in various dilemmas, making it difficult for the students to make meaningful choices. They believe the choice should be unique and individual and that it should correspond with who they are and wish to become. However, the analysis shows that choosing what to study after upper-secondary school is a complex ongoing and social process, rather than an isolated individual event. Implications of these results are discussed and the educational system is urged to provide room for and facilitate students' production of choice narratives.  相似文献   

美国的学校选择运动可追溯至建国前追求自由意志的理论构想,之后相继演变为白人逃避种族融合和课程创新的遁词、种族融合的推手.在学校选择运动来临之际,选择性学校又变成追求"优异"的补习机构,直到特许学校重塑了学校选择的名声.在不同历史时期,"学校选择"一词被不同的团体利用和再创造,学校选择运动未能坚守其初衷,而基本呈现为一场"脱轨"的运动.  相似文献   

Enrollment in school choice programs is growing, so is overall support for school choice. Many have analyzed what demographic characteristics impact attitudes towards school choice. This article adds to the literature by exploring the interaction between personal decisions regarding school choice and broader support for school choice programs. Focus groups were conducted in St. Louis and Kansas City with 35 parents of school-age children. Participant responses indicate that school choice programs illicit mixed emotions from parents. Most participants personally support school choice and exercise choice themselves by sending their children to magnet, charter, or private schools. At the same time, they have reservations about broader school choice programs. As Schelling (1978) suggests, these individuals act in their own self-interest despite the impact it might have on the aggregate. More to the point, they are willing to express choice themselves, but deny it to others.  相似文献   

行政伦理妥协是公共行政领域一种特殊的价值抉择,因其在实践中表现为择恶弃善或择小善弃大善,故其面临着合法性危机。合法性不仅意味着被公众认同,而且本身必须内含善的因子。行政伦理妥协之所以被接受在于公共行政领域难以实现最优选择,而常不得已而以满意选择代之,但总是努力趋向至善。作为一种非羁束性自由裁量行为,必须对行政伦理妥协进行严格的限定才能保证妥协总是在合法性范畴内。在实践中,要加强对妥协行为的监督,避免虚假的价值冲突,并积极提升行政人员的能力,努力超越行政伦理妥协,实现公共利益最大化。  相似文献   

从认知的角度出发,认为句法结构中谓词的选择是由人们观察、感知和理解事态的不同视角决定的,是关注的视角中心确定后用来连接参与者的特定方式。突出的参与对象使句子的前景化发生变化,谓词的选择随之发生变化,因此,句子中谓词的选择是前景化作用的结果。  相似文献   

Parental choice of secondary schools is central to the Labour Government's education agenda. This article draws on work from an Economic and Social Research Council funded study considering teachers' and students' perspectives and experiences of choice in two locales. Two distinct ways in which choice operates are identified: overt choice, which is parental choice as Labour's education policy envisages it, and veiled choice, which refers to the previous more clandestine operation of parental choice. The article qualitatively explores students' experiences of choice in East Town with active parental choice, and in North Town where there is a strong tradition of attending the local school. For some students who do not get into their chosen school, choice appears to be having negative effects on their experiences of school, whilst choice has positive effects when students attend a school they actively chose and one which is viewed positively by the community.  相似文献   

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