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贾涛 《黄山学院学报》2009,11(6):137-140
特许学校作为美国近10年发展起来的一种新型公立学校形式。以其灵活的办学形式、高效的办学绩效极大地促进了美国教育的公平。对这一办学形式产生背景、内在特性的分析以及与我国基础教育公平程度现状的比较,可以发现我国在促进教育公平的进程中可积极实施分类特许学校制度。引入绩效考评机制、逐步改变教育投资重心,明确国家责任,从而形成一个全社会重视基础教育公平建设的氛围。  相似文献   

特许学校(charter school)是20世纪90年代美国中小学教育领域出现的一种新型学校,体现了美国教育改革的新思路,因而引起了美国上至政府,下至百姓的普遍关注。丈章从特许学校的缘起及其迅速发展的原因、当前面临的问题与挑战等方面进行了论述,以期对我国目前办学形式的多样化提供新的视角和启示。  相似文献   

美国特许学校的类型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国总统克林顿一上台就颁布了一项法律:《2000年教育目标:美国教育法》,着手修改布什时期的教育政策,废除教育凭证制度,推行特许学校计划。计划到下个世纪在美国要创立3000所特许学校。目前,美国已有近1100所这样的学校,33个州和哥伦比亚特区都已通过了特许学校法。从这一计划在1993年正式提出至今,特许学校已有了蓬勃发展,虽然人们对此褒贬不一,但是与凭证制度比较,人们还是比较容易接受的。特许学校法鼓励教师、家长、社区成员、工商业、企业界人士参与教育改革,提高教育质量。于是全国出现了各种各样的特许学校,本文就此简单介绍一下。1…  相似文献   

作为美国学校教育改革试验场,网络特许学校在近二十年的发展历程中饱受争议,涉及教育经费、教学质量、社会互动、与在家教育关系等方面。尽管如此,网络特许学校发展迅猛,且将迎来更加广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   


美国特许学校面面观   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自 1991年美国明尼苏达州创立第一所特许学校以来 ,到 1998年 9月 ,已有 34个州 (其中包括哥伦比亚特区 )通过《特许学校法》 ,开办的特许学校数量达 10 50所 ,仅在 1998年 9月新开设的特许学校就有 361所。不过各州分布不均 ,有些州虽然通过了《特许学校法》 ,但至今未开办特许学校 (这样的州有 9个 ) ,4 4 % (4 57所 )的特许学校集中在加利福尼亚州、密歇根州、亚利桑那州。至此 ,在美国公共教育中 ,一种新型的学校———特许学校蓬勃发展起来 ,为公共教育注入了一股新的活力。  一、什么是特许学校特许学校是一种独立的公立学校 ,由美…  相似文献   

本文对美国特许学校中教师基本状况进行了介绍,主要有特许学校教师的资格认证情况、教育背景考察、收入问题、被雇佣的方式等。也对其特征进行了描述,认为特许学校教师是特许学校成功的一个重要因素。表现出了更强的责任心、积极参与学校政策和计划的制定、大胆实验新的教学方法。  相似文献   

历经15年的发展,美国特许学校已经从一个州的几所迅速发展为40几个州的3500多所.尽管这个数字增长迅速,但人们给予特许学校有关资优教育方面的关注相对于对特许学校其他方面的关注却少得多.较之传统公立学校,特许学校虽然拥有高度自主权,但并非完全不受州和联邦教育法规的约束,它们也要实施州对所有公立学校要求的资优教育.然而,有些州并没有要求特许学校为资优学生提供服务,判例法也没有证据表明可以强迫特许学校为资优学生提供资优服务.  相似文献   

美国人眼中的特许学校   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
特许学校迄今为止在美国已开办了15年,受到美国各界人士的关注。特许学校在美国究竞有多大反响,本文试从美国政界、教师工会、普通民众、以及传统公立学校几个方面对特许学校所持的态度和评价,作一总结分析,并对这一新生事物的未来发展作一展望。  相似文献   

特许学校是美国20世纪90年代兴起的一种新型的公立学校形式。它的运行给美国公立教育的改革带来了一种全新的思路。本文以"三角协调模式"为基础,围绕政府、市场、学校三要素之间的关系运动深入剖析特许学校的运行机制。  相似文献   


State-by-state comparison of charter school laws is complicated by the wide variation in terminology and by the idiosyncratic impact that interpretation and implementation by mid-level administrators has on the actual way in which charter school laws work. In this regard, each state is different and true comparison can best be accomplished by parallel studies conducted by local practitioners or researchers in each state. Also, longitudinal studies which trace the evolution of legislation over time provide greater insight into a state's charter school legislative environment in the same way that longitudinal studies of student achievement provide more information than one-point-in-time assessments.

This paper describes the first of such studies; a combined content-analysis and policy assessment of current charter school legislation in the state of Hawai'i. The current statutes are traced through eleven drafts and a 58-page report from a public Task Force brought into being as the result of earlier legislation. Lessons, which might be applied in other states, are explored. Similar studies of legislation in other states are proposed. doi:10.1300/J467v01n03_13  相似文献   

Charter schools are a relatively new phenomenon in American education. Since the first charter school opened in Minnesota in 1991, they have expanded to 42 states and represent 6.2% of all public schools in the country.1 This growth has been attributed to a number of factors, chief among them evidence that charter schools can improve performance (Lamdin and Mintrom, 1997). While there is a substantial evidence for relative performance benefits of charter schooling (e.g. CREDO, 2015) far less research been conducted on the efficiency of charter schools relative to traditional public schools. What research there is has produced both positive (e.g. Wolf et. al., 2014) and negative results (e.g. Carpenter and Noller, 2010). What can account for the disparity in these findings? In this paper, I make the case that differences in charter efficiency may be accounted for by differences in their level of autonomy from the school district. I base this argument on economic theories that the devolution of power to the lowest level possible tends to produce gains in efficiency (Johnson, 1991; Duncombe and Yinger, 1997). Those that are “on the ground” are thought to be more effective at monitoring expenditures, and allocations of resources have to pass through less ‘red tape (Hess 2006).’ In addition, more autonomous charter schools better fit the original purpose of charter schools in devolving power from centralized authorities (Budde, 1996). In order to test this theory, I take advantage of a unique situation that exists in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in which three types of charter schools with varying levels of autonomy operate simultaneously. Using school type as a proxy for autonomy, I find that more independent charter schools are more efficient than traditional public schools and charter schools with less autonomy.  相似文献   

"特许"中的"管制"--特许学校改革中政府的作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
特许学校是美国公立学校体系改革的主要方案,经过近10年的探索,已获得不同政治派别和利益群体的认可.特许状本质上是学校与政府间的"合同",但这个"合同"却包含着"特许权设计"的诸多细节,体现了美国各级政府对特许学校的立法、政策、监管等诸多法律和行政行为.通过特许权授予,在解决对公立学校直接行政管理低效问题的同时,实现了行政与市场手段的匹配.  相似文献   


To date, few studies have quantitatively examined within-group differences among charter schools. This is largely due to the lack of a workable typology with which to describe and classify schools. This study fills that gap with a two dimensional typology constructed from a sample of 1182 charter schools in five states-Arizona, California, Florida, Michigan, and Texas.  相似文献   


Virtually all state charter school legislation addresses teacher rights and working environment. Relationships with teacher unions are either specified in the law, or approval of the charter requires suitable provisions for employee hiring, firing, grievances, etc. Charter school evaluation almost without exception includes some references to these issues. This study uses an online survey to gather information gauging the effect of the ambient union environment on charter school practices and attitudes related to teacher rights and teacher participation in school administration and governance. In the first phase of a projected national study, three states were selected whose public sector collective bargaining environments are very different. Analysis of attitudes, practices, and demographics showed significant differences in views about teacher involvement in school governance, but little difference in views or practices concerning teacher unions in charter schools. Limited survey response resulted in collection methods which will be corrected in an anticipated national study. The online survey method of data collection is discussed. Implications for public policy and future charter school legislation are explored. Further studies should address variations in the impact of union involvement between public, private, and charter schools.  相似文献   

美国各州的特许学校法对特许学校的支持力度差异较大,本文对美国特许学校法的比较研究以六个典型州为例,并根据法律支持力度将其分为两组,从总量限制情况、合法授权主体、特许合法申请人、类型和期限的限制情况等十个不同角度对特许学校法加以比较,试图呈现法律支持力度的差异与美国各州特许学校发展不均衡之间的密切关系,说明法律对教育发展所起到的至关重要的作用。  相似文献   


The reform movement embracing charter schools is based largely on the promise that these autonomous schools will out-perform public schools plagued by bureaucratic administration-an expectation reflected in the federal NCLB law. However, the many state-based reports have been mixed, and previous national studies have suffered from serious methodological shortcomings. In a multi-dimensional analysis of a large and comprehensive dataset, we found charter elementary schools performing at a level beneath those of non-charter public schools, even after accounting for differences in student demographics and school location. In view of this and previous studies, the best current estimate of the performance of charter schools is that any academic advantage is negligible, isolated, or even negative relative to achievement in non-charter public schools. Implications regarding the premise of the federal law are considered. doi:10.1300/J467v01n03_07  相似文献   

特许学校改革是美国择校运动发展到近期出现的教育改革运动,是美国公立教育改革的重要组威部分.然而从美国第一所特许学校诞生的那天起,特许学校就受到来自各方面的争议,其中最大的担忧就是改革可能造成教育的分化与不公.本文从社会学视角出发,指出经过近20年发展,特许学校一方面促成了基于不同教育理念的社会分化,另一方面也更好地满足了不同社会群体的教育需求.特许学校改革的复杂性和未来的不确定性对我国教育改革有一定的启发意义.  相似文献   

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