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动物剥制标本作为自然博物馆、高校博物馆、部分综合性博物馆以及科研机构标本馆的重要收藏对象和展示资源,具有极高的收藏价值、展览价值、艺术价值、科研价值和科普教育价值等,但在长期保藏过程中,因受制作工艺、环境条件、人为活动的影响,极易受到损坏。本文论述了馆藏动物剥制标本的常规管理、保藏环境管理以及预防性保护,旨在为我国自然标本管理,特别是为动物剥制标本的管理和保藏工作提供参考资料。  相似文献   

自然科学类博物馆的科学教育活动须根据不同年龄、不同类型、不同层次受众的需求与认知能力,进行有针对性的分从化设计。3~6岁学龄前儿童正处于认知发展的前运算阶段,是认知能力快速发展的重要时期。随着语言的发展,儿童开始运用表象符号进行思维,具有自我中心、相对具体、单项刻板的特点。本文以“袋鼠宝宝成长记”为例,介绍自然科学类博物馆如何基于前运算阶段认知特点研究并设计3~6岁儿童的科学教育活动。  相似文献   

有什么样的认知就会有什么样的行为。自然博物馆等非正式教育场所是开展生物多样性认知教育的重要阵地,具有资源和教育人员的优势。2015年4月建成开放的上海自然博物馆(上海科技馆分馆)新馆展出的各类生物标本超过1万件,库藏标本28万余件。目前,上海自然博物馆利用展出的标本、实物开发了近100个教育课件,适用于各年龄段的各类人群,使成为生物多样性认知教育的理想场所。文中还以具体课程为例,介绍了上海自然博物馆在生物多样性认知教育中的探索。  相似文献   

自然博物馆是研究、收藏、展示反映自然发展历史的自然环境或自然遗产的博物馆。动物学的研究是自然博物馆研究工作的重要组成部分,是开展动物标本展示教育的支撑。动物学是一门内容十分广博的基础科学,包括很多分支学科,时下动物学研究以遗传学、细胞学、分子生物学为主要门类的现代生物学科占据了主流,但是笔者打破传统思维,从学术研究管理与创新的角度分析,认为自然博物馆中动物学研究不应跟风追求前瞻性领域,而要以动物分类学、生物多样性及动物保护为主,这是由自然博物馆的标本收藏、库房管理等自身条件及其展示教育的职能所决定的。自然博物馆动物学研究这一新定位,对动物学自身发展、自然博物馆的展示教育以及人与自然和谐发展都有现实意义。  相似文献   

本文从植物等真实生命体在植物园中的运用实例出发,探讨围绕多感官体验的博物馆新型展览的构建。博物馆如何借鉴植物园中的相关经验来满足观众的学习与体验需求,同时促进观众间的互动和交流沟通,通过触摸真实植物等来开展自然基础教育,这值得我国博物馆尤其是自然科学博物馆借鉴。  相似文献   

本文首先归纳出儿童展览阐释的四种表达方式,即用于参与的体验设计、用于参与的探索设计、用于感知的符号设计和用于观察的视觉设计,尔后挖掘影响表达方式选取的儿童认知特征,并试图深入解读认知特征背后的教育动机,即0~3岁儿童重感官教育,3~6、7岁儿童重感性教育,6、7~11、12岁儿童重具象逻辑教育,11、12岁儿童重抽象逻辑教育,通过反逻辑过程推演出不同年龄段教育动机指导下适用的表达方式,以提升儿童展览的专业性与有效性。  相似文献   

生物标本是人类认识世界物种及其生态环境和发展过程的重要依据。自然博物馆是收藏生物标本的专业部门,同时藏品也是博物馆的立足根本;对藏品的保护管理是博物馆最重要也是最基础的日常工作之一。本文从生物标本的基本管理工作、动态化和数字化应用等方面阐述了如何提高自然博物馆生物标本管理水平。  相似文献   

现阶段博物馆的儿童教育成为行业关注的热点,但是如何提升博物馆儿童学习的质量,是业界面临的重要课题。多元智能理论为博物馆儿童教育提供了一个提升儿童学习认知能力的全新途径。在构建基于藏品实物的“真实情境”基础上,采用“多元切入点”的活动设计模式,辅之以实践共同体的实践参与模式,使儿童利用获得“直接经验”开发多元智能,将成为博物馆儿童教育从“参与”到“理解”提升的新路径。  相似文献   

小学生在博物馆展厅中产生的恐惧感会严重影响参观效果。本文以成都理工大学博物馆为例,经观察和分析,认为展厅的环境氛围、动物标本和某些特殊场景是引发小学生恐惧心理的原因。在此基础上,根据儿童心理学和教育学的原理,提出了创设良好博物馆教学情境并疏导小学生恐惧感的措施。  相似文献   

要让新闻实起来,千万不能忽视“真实”二字。真实,是新闻的生命。真的反面是假,实的反面是虚。客观地讲,当前社会上也包括部队官兵,对一些媒体的新闻真实性不是很满意,认为虚的东西和假的东西比较多。下面我就结合自己的耳闻目睹和工作实践,谈谈作为一名编辑在工作中保证新闻真实性要注意的问题。  相似文献   

儿童博物馆在过去二十年间由于种种原因,并没有在中国发展起来。一些相关的基本问题:“什么是儿童博物馆?儿童博物馆展示什么?为什么需要儿童博物馆?”在中国并不为大众熟悉,也没有受到太多博物馆专业领域人士的关注。本文将从影响儿童博物馆的理论及研究,儿童博物馆与其它场馆的区别,儿童博物馆的教育内容等几个方面来介绍儿童博物馆的核心教育理念。以期通过本文能够把儿童博物馆的精髓呈现出来,让更多的人了解并关注儿童博物馆,为中国儿童教育方式的发展提供一些参考。  相似文献   

Abstract Visitors to museum settings have agendas that encompass a wide variety of missions. Agendas are known to directly influence visitor behavior and learning. Numerous agendas are at play during a visit to a museum. We suggest that in a museum‐based learning experience, children's agendas are often overlooked, and are at times in competition with the accompanying adult's agendas. This paper describes and qualitatively analyzes three episodes of competing agendas that occurred on young children's field trips to museums in Brisbane, Australia. The aim is to elucidate the kinds of tensions over agendas that can arise in the experience of young museum‐goers. Additionally, we hope to alert museum practitioners to the importance of considering children's agendas, with the aim of improving their museum experience. Suggestions are also made for ways in which educators can address children's agendas during museum visits in order to maximize learning outcomes.  相似文献   

《让孩子爱上博物馆》一书着重分析了建构主义理论在博物馆儿童教育中的应用,并针对博物馆儿童观众的研究成果分析做了深入阐述,对于全面指导博物馆儿童早期教育项目的设计与执行具有现实意义。受该书启发,本文最后以系统学视角,对教师、家长、博物馆从业者等不同主体促进孩子爱上博物馆提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

美国儿童博物馆协会编著的论文集《儿童博物馆建设运营之道》,既是一部启发思路的成果汇编,又堪称是一本指导实践的实用手册。该书不仅专注于显性意义上形而下的器,还重视隐性意义上形而上的道。本文对该论文集中各位学者的真知灼见和核心观点进行归纳和述评,并在此基础上反思该书在当代博物馆儿童研究中的地位和价值。同时主张在面对与日俱增的儿童现象及材料时,不应仅止步于追求“求实”“致用”的经验,还要探寻隐匿于经验之中的本质及其关联,以“求真”实现“道器并重”。  相似文献   

Taxidermic collections have become perceived as extraneous in modern museums, and as such have become vulnerable to disassembly during periods of economic austerity and/or shifts in curatorial perceptions. In this paper we argue that rich educational opportunities could be lost through such actions. We highlight the ways that taxidermy provides a useful context for learning about, and understanding, the relationships between life and death in the animal kingdom. We draw attention to research on the ways taxidermic display is currently used, the ways children learn through family conversation, and the types of understandings children are known to have about life and death. We believe these collections represent potential research spaces for understanding the impact of parental communication on children's understandings of life and death. Our preliminary research plans, and conversations with curatorial partners, suggest that recording and analyzing family conversations at these sites has much to offer. Furthermore, we propose such studies might facilitate new interdisciplinary relationships between museum curators and researchers, thus contributing to wider debate on the place of natural history collections in society.  相似文献   

皇家安大略博物馆融合自然历史和世界文化于一身,藏品超过1250万件,大量开展国际范围的研究。2017年参观人数超过130万人次。该馆设有27个永久的世界文化和自然历史展厅、2个儿童动手实践探索展厅和4个用于临时展览的展区。该馆收集了两只鲸鱼的骨架,将其中一只鲸鱼的心脏做塑化处理后在主展厅展出,将在加拿大各地和其他国家和地区进行巡回展出。  相似文献   

Studies exploring very young children visiting museums and art galleries are few. The majority of research about museum and gallery visitors explores family group interactions. This paper examines the findings of a study involving three‐ and four‐year‐old children visiting an art exhibition in a national museum on more than one occasion. The children's construction of knowledge about being a museum visitor and exhibitor indicates their ability to develop an appreciation of art and an understanding of the purposes of museums and art galleries.  相似文献   

Abstract Not a month goes by at the Brooklyn Children's Museum without a call or visit from a group of enthusiastic educators and community leaders on a mission to start their own children's museum or gallery. Recent guests have arrived from as far away as Israel, Ecuador, Japan, and Australia, and as nearby as the Bronx. In the United States, children's museums represent one of the youngest and fastest growing cultural sectors. Our field was founded in 1899 with the opening of the Brooklyn Children's Museum. Anna Billings Gallup, an influential curator and director at the museum from 1902 to 1937, spoke widely about the value of bringing the child into the forefront of museum activities. In the United States, the field grew slowly but steadily to four children's museums in 1925 and to approximately 38 by 1975. In the last three decades, sparked by the groundbreaking work of Michael Spock at the Boston Children's Museum, the field has been energized by an extraordinary boom in new and expanding children's museums. Today there are approximately 350 worldwide.  相似文献   

面向儿童群体讲解自然科普展览是许多博物馆开展教育活动的重要方式。然而,传统讲解无法激发儿童兴趣,难以进行学习迁移和延伸。本文以云南省博物馆“远古云南”展厅为例,从三因素情境性兴趣模型出发,运用“情境认知与学习理论”和“情境教学法”对兴趣和情境进行深度分析,提出“情境化讲解辅导设计三步法”。通过实践,实现多样化情境和趣味性紧密结合,形成融合趣味性、教学内容、教学方法的“三位一体”博物馆讲解辅导,鼓励儿童把学习变为实践,逐步建立起自我与自然的联系。  相似文献   

Abstract Describing actual museum‐wide events developed for the culturally charged arena of the Brooklyn Children's Museum, this article explores the philosophical and pedagogical double binds that have brought multiculturalism to a political impasse. Museums have strived to be valued resources in an increasingly diverse society. In aspiring to broaden their audience base, their work has shifted from developing educational policies that are “object‐centered” to those that are “community‐centered” — a change of strategy affecting everything from programs to exhibit design. Children's museums — distinct (if not marginalized) from the serious work of the traditional art or ethnographic or natural history museum — know and indeed say in their very name — “children's museum” — that they are for the sake of someone and not about something. They have always already been attuned to the visitor at the threshold.  相似文献   

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