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Exibition-rooms for new books should be set up in every library in order to open up before the readers eyes the books newly obtained. New books display should sedulously strive both for quickness and the new.This is a good form for library reader services to fill the lacks by the new and also to enliven the services by the new.  相似文献   

As soon as the book, stuck with magnetic stripe, is brought out of the library, the monitor signals. But the stripe is very easily to be discovered and then destroyed and, as a result, the monitor will be unable to work. Thus the author puts forward a new method for book and periodical processing to use magnetic liquid, magnetic ink paste and magnetic particles instead of the former solid magnetic stripes. The author also brings forth two plans of the examination and,test methods of magnetic stagnation and saturation screen.  相似文献   

利用二次工具书开展参考咨询工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Much attention has been paid to the ways of using quadratic reference books in developing reference work. To do this, one has to look through the quadratic reference book once more, as compared with the traditional methods of reference services, but for those who have less experience or for a special field of study that is not known quite well by a certain number of people, it may, however, make up the lack of experience and knowledge. The paper illustrates with examples to show the proper steps and methods and probes into problems of its principles of optimum and its automation.  相似文献   

论强化高校图书馆的社会职能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A modernized library should be an open library. Compared to the production and scientific research departments, colleges occupy a dominant position of enjoying exceptional advantages in respect of qualified personnel and documentation resources. With regard to strengthening their own social functions, the college libraries may start from: 1)providing readers with library cards or readers admission cards; 2)turning in the direction of the society to develop document retrieval services and reference services;3)strengthening the training of professional personnel of library and information science.  相似文献   

方兴未艾的图书馆公共关系事业   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The "Public relations" is widely applied to all trades and professions in the society and libraries equally need to develop a broad public relations. The library public relations undertakings came into being in the early days of 20th century and is now flourishing and in the ascendant in libraries of many countries in the world.  相似文献   

Reading guidance is an effective means of popularizing knowledge and linking up understanding. It brings to light the unit knowledge for the purpose of: l)linking up the relationship among branches of learning so as to make them merge reciprocally; 2)conducting reading guidance and reading analysis for the reader; 3)makeing studies on the reading materials so that knowledge will widely, rapidly, perfectly and accurately be recommanded and introduced, the society will be promoted intellectually and the policy decision will be facilitated scientifically.illus.1,ref.5  相似文献   

老子与图书馆许秀臣Abstract:LaoZi(alsoLao-tse;Lao-tzu)isbothaChineseandaworld-famedoutstandingthinker,whosetypicalworkisDaodeJing(TAOTE...  相似文献   

图书馆人与图书馆精神   总被引:62,自引:3,他引:59  
By analysing the zeal for studying characters of the library world during 1980s, the author puts forward a concept of "humanistic library science" i.e. taking the "librarians" as the centre of study to investigate the relationship between librarians and library undertaking and the relationship between library and the society, and to elaborate theories of library science. On the basis of analysing the characteristics of the four generations of Chinese librarian in the 20th century, the author puts forward the concept of library spirit,the content of which consists of the following four phases:love the motherland,love for one's library,fraternity among one's solleagues and taking good care of books.11 references.  相似文献   

The author has put forward an mathematical formula for defining the basis of developing library work of town and township libraries. The formula shows that the cultural demand coefficient of towns and townships are determined by the annual social total output, the per capita, per annum income, the total number of population, the rate of non-illiteracy, the land area and the amendment value. In order to show an object scene of the cultural demand of various towns and townships and the conditions of library work coordination,the author brings forward the cultual demand coefficient and the distribution illustration of the sample variable probability of the library holdings,thus the cultural demand curve is comparable to that of the existing holdings.1 illus.  相似文献   

On the basis of its actual situation, the Library of Railways has established concrete rules and regulations for applying the collocation methods of the "Classification (?)f Chinese Books and References Materials" to the Library, including aspects of 3 types of collocation functions, 6 items of collocation rules, 2 kinds of collocation methods and 4 kinds of the arrangement of classification numbers.  相似文献   

分析了WTO千年回合谈判可能对中国公共图书馆产生的不利影响,将中国公共图书馆置于全球化竞争的宏大背景中加以考察,在化安全层面上提出以图书馆化安全预警系统、适度市场准入、引入民营机制、建设公共图书馆创新能力系统为核心的中国公共图书馆安全战略和发展策论。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]为纪念国家图书馆建馆110周年,以国家图书馆和公共图书馆为主要对象,讨论图书馆在国际文化交流中的作用与地位。[研究设计/方法]基于文本调查,对近年来国内外政策法律和规划中关于图书馆国际文化交流的内容进行分析。[结论/发现]图书馆在国际文化交流中扮演着五大角色:中介者角色、推动者角色、组织者角色、中心角色、领导者角色。图书馆开展的国际文化交流活动主要有:出版物交换,数字图书馆共建共享,图书馆员业务交流。基于图书馆的角色定位和主要活动,提出图书馆在国际文化交流中发挥着四个方面的作用:保护人类文化遗产;对内引进国外先进文化;对外传播民族优秀文化;保护文化多样性、促进跨文化对话。[创新/价值]该研究有助于推动图书馆对外文化交流的整体发展。  相似文献   

试论图书馆的公共关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
由于传统思想的影响,图书馆对外部环境和公共关系的重视一直不够。本文从分析图书馆的公关对象着手,讨论图书馆如何通过协调内部和外部公共关系来解决目前面临的诸多问题。  相似文献   

Embedded and sustained cultural change is a holy grail which has been pursued for many years. This article provides a framework for achieving cultural change in public libraries, which are one of the longest and most enduring public sector institutions. This framework has been developed by synthesizing the ideas of Karl Marx (“From each according to his ability and to each according to his needs”) and Abraham Maslow (The Hierarchy of Needs). This mixture of political science and psychology provides a new way of framing the challenge of cultural change in public libraries. It creates a solid conceptual and theoretical basis for the changes required to transform Traditional Libraries (which serve only 20% of the community) into libraries, which are Community Led (to reach 50%) and Needs Based (to reach 80% and beyond). This evaluation framework will enhance the understanding of public libraries; but to understand the world is not enough—we must also seek to change it. And so this article also gives practical examples of how the framework can be applied.  相似文献   

Library use in Nigeria has the potential to grow as “popularization” of reading moves into the peripheries of the society. The socio-historical factors related to library use in Nigeria explored in this paper are helpful in understanding the limited attention given to libraries by all but the elite of Nigerian society. Although an increase in library patronage has occurred in Nigeria, spurred on by the development of the popular press in the 1970s, a larger audience is still desirable. An informed and educated use of public relations can work to increase the popularization of using the library that has already begun.  相似文献   

图书馆对推动全民阅读、营造书香社会具有重要作用。本文概述了我国全民阅读的现状,并分析了图书馆与全民阅读的关系,试图通过图书馆提供的多种阅读渠道来共同建设书香中国。  相似文献   

采用文献分析方法,通过对图书馆文化的深入分析,揭示图书馆的文化本质,提出文化图书馆概念,并从文化图书馆的职能和结构两个方面阐述文化图书馆的内涵,最后提出构建文化图书馆的建议。  相似文献   

欧洲数字图书馆与世界文化多样性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
尊敬的中国国家图书馆馆长先生 尊敬的各位馆长、同行: 大家好! 我非常高兴而且十分荣幸有这个机会向大家介绍我们欧洲数字图书馆的发展计划.  相似文献   

Since 1987,after the term "public ralation" was introducted into the Chinese Library circle,Library in China has experienced a change or a transition from simplicity to complication,form being scattered to systematic,from unconsciousness to consciousness and from a vague aim to a more definite one.From a point of view of the present situation,the development of public relation in the Chinese library circle is unbalanced.This problem remains to be solved by way of striving for the support and concerns of various callings at different levels in the society.  相似文献   

目前,中国共有21家图书馆被联合国及其他国际组织指定为托存图书馆。这些图书馆收藏有大量联合国、欧盟等机构的相关文献资料。但是,如此丰富的信息资源迄今并未真正得到有效利用。因此,我们必须重新认识这一问题,并对这一权威的信息资源进行充分开掘。本文首先对国际组织托存图书馆在中国的分布情况予以详述,然后对其在中国的存在现状及其所面临的问题略作阐述,最后试图就相关问题提出相应对策。  相似文献   

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