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日本大学招生考试制度的多样化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
日本的大学招生考试经过多次改革,形成了“大学入学考试中心考试”和各大学的个别考试并用的模式。在这一模式中,多样化是其主要特征之一,主要表现为考试机会的复数化、选拔方法的多样化、评价尺度的多元化。  相似文献   

大学英语考试CET全国大学英语考试(CollegeEnglishTest),简称CET,是全国统一的单科性标准化教学考试,分为大学英语四级考试(CET-4)和六级考试(CET-6)。考试合格者获得大学英语四级或六级考试合格证书,成绩优秀者注明“优秀”字样。大学英语四级和六级考试目的是测量考生是否达到了《大学英语教学大纲》中规定的大学英语四级和六级的数学要求,促进并提高大学英语教学水平。考试于每年1月、6月各举行一次,四级和六级同时进行。全国大学英语四级和六级考试的主要对象分别是高等学校修完大学英语四级或六级的本科生;同等程度的大…  相似文献   

现行的日本大学招生是指考生在参加过“全国共同第一次考试”后,依据本次考试成绩,再分别参加由各大学组织的单独招生考试。日本政府在大学招生中,赋予了各大学极大的自主权,各大学在单独招生中拥有选择考试科目和命题的权力,即便在“共同第一次考试”中,各大学也可以根据实际需要自行决定考生是否必须参加考试及如何利用该考试的成绩评定和录取学生。  相似文献   

美周大学理事会从2005年3月开始对美国中学生申请大学最主要的考试SAT—I进行改革,写作以独立考试科目与现有的英语和数学平行列入SAT—I的考试.考试总分也相应从1600改为2400(三门课各800分)。  相似文献   

关于大学教育中考试形式的思考   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
为了全面贯彻实施大学素质教育,各高校对大学教育中的考试形式进行了一系列改革。本文从树立素质教育的思想出发,探讨并提出了如何针对各类课程特点,采取切实有效的考试形式及其规范化管理和质量监控的措施和方法。  相似文献   

美国大学理事会于2005年3月起对SAT-1大学入学资格考试进行改革,写作将以独立考试科目与现有的英语和数学平行列入SAT-1考试,考试总分也相应地从1600分改为2400分(三门课各800分)。  相似文献   

本文以德国维尔茨堡大学英美研究所和西部一些大学为例,从入学考试、拉丁文补习课考试、专业课程各学期考试及硕士和博士学位考试几个方面简略介绍德国高等学校语言专业的考试情况,并以此引出一些思考。  相似文献   

美国高中毕业生升入大学前,只需参加一个“学业能力测试”。大多数高校认可的入学测验主要有大学入学考试委员会主办的SAT学力性向测验和成就测验以及美国大学测验社主办的ACT美国大学测验。测验不仅旨在衡量学生过去的学业成绩,更在考察是否具备大学学习能力。两项测验每年分别要举行7次与5次。日本自1990年起实行新的考试方法。先由国立、公立、部分私立大学与大学入学考试中心主持入试中心考试,参加入学中心考试10天后,考生须向志愿学校提出第二次考试申请书,参加各大学的第二次考试。第二次考试由各大学自行命题,自…  相似文献   

听力是大学英语四级考试的重要内容之一。在改革后的英语四级考试中,听力内容增加了,成绩比重加大了,因而确保听力是通过四级考试或取得高分的关键。对听力测试中各部分的特点进行归纳分析,并从考试技巧和平时训练两方面探讨了提高四级听力成绩的有效方法。  相似文献   

大学英语四、六级考试是一项具有中国特色的、卓有成效的考试,是一笔不可多得的教育资源,该得到充分利用,发挥其对大学英语教学的促进作用,提出利用大学英语四、六级考试阅读理解测试题作为大学英语阅读教学的课外阅读材料,并阐明大学英语四、六级考试阅读理解测试题的科学性和可用性。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to describe the nature and quality of the chapter-end tests that accompany textbook series used in the elementary and middle school grades. In the first phase of the study, three to five tests from each of Grades 3, 5, and 7 and from each of five social studies series were evaluated. In the second phase, three to four tests from each of Grades 2, 4, and 6 and from each of five science series were evaluated. For the typical test in both subject areas, there were 21 items, mostly multiple choice and/or matching. About half of the chapter objectives were measured by its items, and about half of its items matched one of the chapter objectives. In addition, about two thirds of the items in a test were phrase matches with the textbook sentences or phrases, and about 90% of the items were classified at the knowledge level. We recommend that teachers not use these tests intact for classroom assessment.  相似文献   


This research involved the mastery of all steps in the multiplication of fractions by a superior group (IQ's, 125-165) and a strong normal group (IQ's, 100-109). Both groups were taught by the same person using the same instructional materials and methods. Initial arithmetic tests included a standardized test, a diagnostic test, and tests for each step. Step tests were administered thereafter to determine the elapsed times of mastery by each group and also recall scores, with the elapsed times kept equal. Following the last recall test, each group was given a second diagnostic test. Results: the superior group mastered each step faster than the normal group and retained a slightly higher degree of mastery.  相似文献   

3 multiple-choice tests were developed from judgmental, frequency, and discrimination procedures of selecting item distractors. Scores on each of these tests were correlated with scores on a completion test of parallel numeric and algebraic content. Matched triads, with 558 students in each group, were used. No significant differences in validity were found among the tests.  相似文献   

We evaluated the efficiency, precision, and concurrent validity of results obtained from adaptive and fired-item music listening tests in three studies: (a) a computer simulation study in which each of 2,200 simulees completed a computerized adaptive tonal memory test, a computerized fired-item tonal memory test constructed from items in the adaptive test pool and two standardized group-administered tonal memory tests; (b) a live testing study in which each of 204 examinees took the computerized adaptive test and the standardized tests; and (c) a live testing study in which randomly equivalent groups took either the computerized adaptive test (n = 86) or the computerized fired-item test (n = 86). The adaptive music test required 50% to 93% fewer items to match the reliability and concurrent validity of the fired-item tests, and it yielded higher levels of reliability and concurrent validity than the fired-item tests when test length was held constant. These findings suggest that computerized adaptive tests, which typically have been limited to visually produced items, may also be well suited for measuring skills that require aurally produced items.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of cloze tests in the reading and listening modes together with a computer analysis of responses to the tests. The subjects were groups of Scottish school children at the ages of 8-9, 11-12 and 13–14 years sampled over the whole country as part of a national survey of English language; the cloze tests were only a small part of the whole testing programme which also contained three other major reading tests. Approximately 400 subjects took cloze tests in each mode at each age. The test material was the same throughout for all stages tested. Two tests, each containing one narrative and one expository text were used. The mode of presentation did not significantly affect the types of cloze responses offered nor the total scores of the tests at any stage. However, results indicated better performance for older subjects when they read, and for the youngest group when they listened to, expository though not narrative passages. The comparisons of the results for the three different school stages showed continuing interdependence of reading and listening ability through the ages tested. The different cloze response patterns for the two types of text (in either mode) as well as the only moderate correlation between the texts, indicated that success in comprehending narratives may not necessarily transfer to comprehending information.  相似文献   

雅思与托福交际测试特点与有用性的对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雅思与托福iBT皆是交际测试理论实践的先驱和典范。从Weir(2003)所归纳的交际测试特征以及Bachman和Palmer(1996)的交际测试有用性评价原则出发,对这两种大型语言测试分项进行交际测试对比和评价,以检测两者在应用交际测试理论的彻底性。研究结果显示两种语言测试在各项交际测试理论应用中各有侧重,互有千秋。  相似文献   

讨论了效度在四种测试中的重要作用,以及各种效度之间的关系,说明要想达到测试的目的,设计试卷一定要把握好效度这个标准。  相似文献   

普通物理实验考评从口试、笔试、操作、平常成绩、设计和改进实验、实验小论文的撰写等方面进行,实验的期终操作考评需要学生参与评价,各部分的成绩按照一定的权重计入。  相似文献   

Earl Hunt 《教育心理学家》2013,48(3-4):223-241
The all purpose intelligence test ought to be a thing of the past. Psychology does not need another battery of tests; rather, it needs an armory of tests, each suited for a different purpose. The armory should contain tests based on three different views of intelligence: (a) intelligence as a general reasoning ability, (b) intelligence as a collection of domain-specific skills (with emphasis on verbal and visual-spatial domains), and (c) intelligence as an information-processing concept. Measurement procedures derived from each of these views are discussed. Comments are made about the kinds of research required to further the concept of an armory of tests, rather than a battery of tests.  相似文献   

Using a sample of 908 eleventh grade science stream male and female students from similar socioeconomic area schools, variance based psychometric properties of three paper-and-pencil tests of logical thinking (Longeot test, Lawson's test TOFR, and Tobin and Capie's test TOLT) are investigated. A sub-sample of 212 students took the three tests in randomly allocated different sequential orders of presentation, while 696 students took only two tests. Alfa coefficients for each test separately and for the three tests combined together, concurrent validity coefficients, measures of item difficulty, item discrimination, item-criterion correlation, and 30-day stability coefficients are calculated. Considering the relative homogeneity of the sample, the reliability coefficients of the tests are judged satisfactory, but concurrent validity coefficients are quite low which implies incongruency in decisions made on the basis of the three tests. Need for estimating various psychometric parameters of alternative tests of logical thinking over different grade populations is emphasized.  相似文献   

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