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问卷调查发现,学生对合肥学院国际经济与贸易专业人才培养现状比较满意。目前存在的问题主要有:实验实习较少、课程设置不尽合理、教学方式方法比较陈旧、学生缺乏较强学习动力。根据学生对人才培养导向、培养措施、课程设置、教学设施、就业预期等方面的要求,为了提高国际经济与贸易专业应用型人才培养质量,必须坚持以就业为导向,提高学生综合素质;根据社会需要,制定正确的人才培养方案;完善考试制度,调动学生学习积极性;加强第二课堂活动,实现课堂内外的结合;树立教师服务意识,不断创新教学方法。  相似文献   

国际商务专业硕士教育在我国虽刚刚起步,却成为了专业学位教育的一种重要形式。人才培养模式取决于经济发展和社会需求,国际商务专业硕士培养的人才必需是符合全球化形势下的国际化人才。本文试图从人才培养目标、课程设置和教学方式、师资队伍建设以及实习和就业的国际化角度出发,探索国际商务专业硕士的人才培养模式,以期进一步提高我国国际商务专业硕士人才培养质量。  相似文献   

步雅芸 《太原大学学报》2011,12(4):88-90,98
高职院校国际贸易实务专业校内生产性实践教学无论在定义还是在实践上仍处于探索阶段。学校可以以职业能力培养为主线,从网络、工作室、公司三条途径搭建校内生产性实训平台,实施以课堂教学为主的仿真实训和直接获取实际经验的“校内准就业”,实现学校、企业、学生的共赢。  相似文献   

SYB是英文Start Your Business的简称,其中文意译为"创办你的企业",是中国劳动和社会保障部从国际劳工组织引进的一项培训项目,旨在推动下岗失业人员自谋职业和自主创业.该培训项目也给培养和提高大学生创业能力和创业素质带来启示和借鉴.本文试就高校如何建立和完善SYB培训实施体系等方面进行探讨.  相似文献   

国际劳工组织长期以来把职业培训作为首要任务。其职业培训政策的主要框架是,建设富有效率的国家培训制度,强调政府与私有部门的职责分担模式,维护培训的公平,降低社会排除,构建以就业为核心的培训模式。国际劳工组织职业培训政策具有的特征:依据需求和趋势变化不断调整政策重点,国际劳工组织中三方代表的利益和要求能够相互协调,把职业培训体系建立在宽泛的基础和范围上,把需求驱动导向作为培训新模式的核心。国际劳工组织的职业培训政策目前存在的主要问题有:人力开发和职业培训方面的国际劳工标准脱离多国实际,技术合作计划缺乏重点和一致性,培训发展模式单一、线性等。  相似文献   

People with disabilities have low participation rates in employment and vocational education and training. Thirty adults with disabilities were sampled from an Australian longitudinal study of economic and social outcomes achieved by graduate apprentices and trainees. Participants were surveyed and interviewed to identify pathways from high school to 12-months post-graduation and completed the Quality of Life Questionnaire (QOL.Q). Career pathways incorporated experiences facilitating career development including continuous engagement in vocational activities and support from school personnel and external disability agencies. A year following graduation, 87% were in paid work, 53% remained with the training employer, and 40% continued with vocational education. Positive quality of life (QoL) outcomes were associated with employment, employee benefits and satisfaction with work and social connections. Our research demonstrated that apprenticeships and traineeships led to positive graduate employment outcomes and career pathways for adults with disabilities. Positive employment outcomes were associated with enhanced QoL for participants.  相似文献   

This article discusses the need to better match education to the needs of redefined work. It considers some of the attitudes and personal characteristics required in the new millennium and holds that these should be imparted through compulsory schooling. It further considers the appropriateness of skills training, vocational education, and employment strategies in the changing arena of business; the impact on the Twenty‐First Century learner of internationalization and globalization; and current as well as potential innovative learning experiences and opportunities. International business and learning examples are cited.  相似文献   

以南华大学2016-2020年专业学位硕士研究生的就业状况为依据,通过就业率、就业行业分布、专业与职业匹配度等情况,结合就业质量反馈和调查,分析专业学位研究生在培养过程中存在的问题;探讨通过专业学位研究生分类培养、完善双导师制、校企联合培养、建立就业与需求的动态反馈机制等综合路径提升专业学位研究生的培养质量。  相似文献   

大学毕业生就业质量不高及企业难以招聘到合适人才是当前高校学生就业过程中存在的普遍现象。针对这一对矛盾,通过分析就业质量和人才培养质量之间的关系,并以软件技术专业为例提出了面向就业质量改善的人才培养模式改革思路,强调通过实训环节的加强来改善人才培养质量。该培养模式改革方案在实践中取得了良好的效果,对同类专业建设具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

加强农民工的职业技能培训,提高他们的就业竞争力,是转移农村大量富余劳动力,推进工业化和城镇化的重要手段。农民工职业培训必须不断提高针对性,必须坚持提高农民工就业能力的原则。因此,开展农民工服装专业技能培训应注重针对农民工的特点和企业的需求,与国家职业技能鉴定相结合,校内培训与上门培训相结合,以利于农民工实现就业。  相似文献   

我国正处在城镇化快速推进的阶段,大量征地导致失地农民群体的出现,如何解决失地农民的就业培训问题,帮助他们顺利就业,是关乎国家稳定和发展的大事。全国失地农民的就业培训问题存在许多相似之处,文章试从黄石市失地农民的就业及培训现状出发,结合黄石市的实际隋况去探析解决这一问题的对策,从而为我国城镇化进程中失地农民的就业培训提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

谈教育技术学专业人才培养与就业问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邓云桂 《凯里学院学报》2007,25(2):71-72,78
随着我国高校招生规模不断扩大,高校毕业生就业难的问题越来越突出,教育技术学专业也不例外,目前教育技术学专业毕业生就业形势仍不乐观。为了与市场接轨,教育技术学专业人才培养就必须与就业联系起来,改进教育技术学专业人才培养模式、拓展教育技术学专业就业渠道。  相似文献   


Existing evidence shows that the higher the level of education the higher the likelihood to participate in workplace training. However, we know little about training participation of individuals educated to the secondary level, and whether this may vary by the type of qualification attained, i.e. vocational or general. Vocational qualification holders are known to find employment sooner after school than those with a general qualification but we do not know whether they are also more likely to participate in workplace training. Using data from the 2012 Programme of International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) and logistic regressions, we investigate whether vocational qualification holders are more likely to participate in workplace training than general ones in Germany and England. Germany is a coordinated labour market economy with a large emphasis on the provision of vocational qualifications which facilitate school-to-work transitions whereas England is an example of liberal labour markets where the focus is on general qualifications. Results show that in Germany general qualification holders are more likely to participate in training compared to vocational ones; however, differences reduce when controlling for endogeneity. In contrast, in England there is no difference between types of qualification.  相似文献   

在就业压力日益增加的今天,以就业为导向、以实践为导向的教学模式曾一定程度上促进了高等教育的发展。然而由于部分高校在理解上的偏差,使得这种教学模式出现定位治标不治本的现象,导致实践教育与知识教育严重失衡、理论学习与实践操作严重脱节、教师与学生主导地位本末倒置等诸多教学问题。文章以国际金融学为例,以当前教学过程中所存在的一系列问题为切入点,借鉴发达国家的先进教学理念,重构以实践为导向、以专业教师为引导、以学生自主学习为核心、以实验行政等教辅人员为支撑的"4S"教学模式,以期为完善高等教育教学模式提供相应建议。  相似文献   

如何提升大学生的就业竞争力,是当前就业教育迫切需要解决的问题。在分析当前大学生就业形势的严峻性和实训课效果不理想的基础上,探讨构建大学生实训的新模式,即以硬技能与软技能相结合的模式,推进大学生就业,是新时期高校思想政治工作者义不容辞的责任。  相似文献   

大学生就业形势变化与高校就业指导模式的变革   总被引:51,自引:0,他引:51  
随着高校扩招的毕业生陆续进入求职市场 ,大学毕业生的就业压力也在不断增大。在政府部门努力扩展就业渠道的同时 ,高校在提高大学生求职成功率方面是否可以有所作为 ?本文认为 ,与仅仅注重对大学生进行“成品包装”的就业指导模式相比 ,促进大学生的生涯发展辅导能更加有效地提高毕业生的“可就业性” ,有助于实现我国人力资源的优化配置  相似文献   

高校毕业生从计划分配到“双向选择”的改革 ,就业指导工作显得尤为重要。它关系到毕业生的就业率 ,关系到社会对学校的认知度 ,更是学生面对众多高校的选择标准之一。本文认为 ,在就业指导工作中应开展以下几方面的工作 :1.就业政策的宣传工作 ;2 .职业技能的培训 ;3.人格素质的培养 ;4 .就业技巧的培训 ;5.就业观念的更新和定位 ;6.就业信息的沟通 ;7.良好心理素质的培养  相似文献   

高职物流管理专业学生职业能力培养模式的构建与优化,是解决其就业质量的重要措施。建立物流管理专业职业能力的培养模式应以就业为中心,培养学生的可持续发展能力。一是强化办学指导思想;二是以能力培养为中心构建教学体系;三是完善就业服务体系等。从而提高毕业生自身素质增强其就业竞争力。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the problems associated with recruitment and training of school psychologists and school counsellors for employment in remote and isolated geographical areas. Detailed information is provided describing a model of training in the distance education mode which was developed by Charles Sturt University — Mitchell at Bathurst and the NSW Department of School Education in Australia. The model allows for the training of teachers (who already have three‐year majors in Psychology) for the role of School Counsellors, while they remain in employment in their place of residence. The preliminary evaluation indicates close to 100% completion rate for the students enrolled at Mitchell and enthusiastic support for the graduates from their employing supervisors.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to measure the effect of non-formal training on the employment and earnings of Peruvian male and female workers. The main findings are: (i) workers with limited educational attainment face limited training opportunities; (ii) training significantly improves the employment probabilities, but not the earnings, of private-sector employed or self-employed women; (iii) while training does not affect the employment probabilities of men, it affects significantly wage gains of those employed in the private sector and; (iv) regardless of gender, training does not increase the earnings of self-employed workers.  相似文献   

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