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方丹敏 《大学生》2012,(8):22-23
2012年3月11日至3月1 7日,近百名来自中国各大高校的大学生,作为中国青年代表团成员,赴日本参加了2012"中日韩青少年友好会见"活动。本刊记者随团赴东京与京都两地,与他们相伴了5天以节能为主题的考察之旅。东京看不到垃圾一到东京,印象最深刻的就是街头的整洁与干净,你看不到垃圾,也找不到垃圾桶!大家很好奇,东京这么大城市,生活中的垃圾都是怎么处理的?3月12日,我们在东京参观了多摩川垃圾清扫工厂。身处东京最大的垃圾处  相似文献   

你知道自己的性格属于哪一种类型吗?你知道最符合自己性格的职业是什么吗?  相似文献   

话语标记(discourse markers)是国外会话分析、语用学研究的一个新领域。从会话互动和认知推理的角度对话语标记you know的话语功能进行了研究,结论认为它是多功能的,包括隐含推理功能、人际功能、话语修正功能和话语管理功能。这几种功能是相互联系的,后三者几乎可以从隐含推理功能中找到解释。  相似文献   


Writing evaluation conventionally relies on essay tests, but more informal methods can help reveal students' writing skills. A classroom project was designed to examine students' awareness of the demands posed by various academic writing, tasks, to discover how that awareness develops with experience, and to orient new students to the roles writing plays in their academic lives. The project involved three groups: freshmen enrolled in introductory writing classes for the first time, freshmen and others repeating the introductory classes, and upperclass students enrolled in a course in professional writing. At the beginning of the semester, all were asked to report any information they could find that would help them complete the semester's writing tasks. At the end of the semester they added information they had gained in the interval. Reports from all groups contained the same kinds of information, but students in professional writing noted more often that purposes of assignments related to goals for the course, while the freshmen added more late information about writing processes. The project was a valuable learning activity and suggested what roles writing plays in students' academic lives. Similar projects should be included in a thorough assessment of writing programs.  相似文献   

Over the last decade, policymakers, educators, and researchers have increasingly sought to understand community college policies and practices that promote students’ success. This effort has been partly driven by an increased emphasis on outcome accountability, but it has also promoted a productive discussion about improving institutional performance. The research reported here has two related goals. One goal is to work towards strengthening the ability to assess and compare institutional performance. We thus have developed a model that can be used to adjust simple graduation rates for institutional characteristics, such as student composition, college resources, size, and location, all of which might influence those rates. Our long-term goal is to understand how to improve student outcomes, so the paper also uses the model to measure the effect of those institutional characteristics on graduation rates. We use data from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) surveys, applying a weighted least-squares procedure for grouped data to estimate an institutional-completion rates model. This analysis confirms several hypotheses about institutional determinants of graduation rates at community colleges. Our results indicate a consistent negative relationship between enrollment size and completion. Additionally, colleges with high shares of minority students, part-time students, and women have lower graduation rates. A final significant finding among institutional characteristics is that greater instructional expenditures are related to a greater likelihood of graduation. The method developed here can be used to better assess the performance of community colleges.  相似文献   

I don't know where I'm going, But I do know where I' m from, I know about pain and sorrow, The beauty of love and its song I know about the heartache.  相似文献   

上月回顾 我见到的很多女性,包括很多事业有成、受过良好教育的女性,压根就没有想追求真正的平等。她们只想享受“平等”带来的权利,而拒绝一切义务。另一方面,今天,很多女性在经济上已经可以和男人平起平坐了,但她们的精神并没有真正地自立起来。由于受到传统观念的强烈暗示和催眠,她们恨嫁、  相似文献   

<正>多天前参加比赛,来了一个久未见面的朋友。他现在的工作是给明星做经纪人。整个周末他都在我们车队的帐篷里。周日分别,他对我说,其实我的自我开发做得并不好,形象管理有问题,如果有职业经纪人可以打理一下,必然远不是今天的模样。于是,他要回去给我一个总结的邮件。  相似文献   

<正>他们头发花白,却依然相互偎;他们皱纹满布,却不忘时常对对方微笑;他们步屦蹒跚,却牢记身边的人还需要自己照顾……这样相濡以沫,白头到老的感情也许我们每个人都羡慕着,盼望着。然而,在这个节奏感越来越强的世界中,这种平淡美好的情感仿佛也变得遥远起来,就像这部电影里的男女主人公……遭受奶奶陈兰心(徐静蕾饰)去世和未婚夫悔婚双重打击的  相似文献   

近两年来,有不少中国大学生在刚毕业后接受“零工资”。这原已非新鲜事,不过,当这种趋势渐渐成为社会、企业、学校及大学生本身开始默认的“某种无奈现实”时,也就同时折射出中国当下社会的一些怪异现象。其实。“零工资”不只违法,还隐含许多社会问题。“零工资”从根本上就违背了“劳动有所得”的原则。这不付成本的劳动力可能会被无良的黑心雇主利用,甚至滥用。“零工资”带来的消极性,会加剧大学生贬值,造成更恶性的竞争,并扰乱就业市场,也会对社会经济造成伤害。  相似文献   

Thank YOU     

多元化成功并不要求每个人都去刻意重复别人的成功之路。或者用别人的标准来评价和衡量自己,一但它要求我们重视诚信的价值观.拥有完整、均衡的人生态度,善于用智慧选择最佳的解决方案,并能不断地追寻自己的理想和兴趣、不断地学习和实践,妥善地处理好身边人际和沟通问题……  相似文献   

诟病已久的户籍问题背后是城乡隔阂及国民自由流动的问题。前不久,公安部发言人对媒体表示。“户改”文件正报国务院审批。然而他们同时表示,户籍制度改革的重点和难点就在于多年以来户口制度附着了很多公共政策,包括与社会保障权益相关的不能马上解决的矛盾。  相似文献   

如果你经常吃不加任何调料的纯肉、蔬菜、水果、差直、牛奶和鸡蛋.并且避免吃加工奶油的越点、蛋糕、布丁以及酱菜和蜜饯.那么你已经有了一个健康的饮食习惯.至于其他则不必太担心了。然而,我要强调一个事实,那就是茶和咖啡都不是食品。  相似文献   

Little research has been done on the literacy needs and interests of elders. Consequently, many programs of literacy training for elders are based upon inadequate and inaccurate information. The authors review recent literature about literacy and the aged and offer some suggestions for future investigations. They maintain that there is a need for empirical research into the perceptions of reading and writing held by the elderly themselves. Specifically, this research should: (1) assess the reading/writing needs and interests of the elderly; and (2) examine what effect societal expectations of the elderly have on their reading/writing behavior and interests.  相似文献   

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