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2015年是中国传统媒体新闻客户端爆发之年,众多新闻客户端上线。然而,与今日头条、网易新闻客户端等相比,传统媒体新闻客户端存在众多不足。主要表现在:下载量小、影响力相对较差、内容缺乏个性化、用户黏度差等。本文在对传统媒体新闻客户端进行分析的基础上认为,平台化可以成为传统媒体新闻客户端发展的新路。通过平台化实践,将新闻客户端打造成信息交互平台,并为用户提供差异化的服务将有效弥补前述不足。  相似文献   

在移动终端高速发展的今天,新闻客户端也随之而起。本文通过简述新闻客户端的含义及内容生产方式,分析传统媒体新闻客户端的发展现状及发展原因,进而深入分析传统媒体新闻客户端的困境所在,从用户、内容、  相似文献   

移动互联时代,社交化已逐渐成为传统媒体转型的重要趋势。目前,传统媒体新闻客户端主要在生产、传播、运营三方面进行社交化尝试。但其在发展过程中仍然存在时政类可视化新闻报道模式单一、过度注重内容个性化推荐、弱社交关系不利于用户长期留存等问题。因此,传统媒体新闻客户端应创新时政可视化新闻叙事模式、增设自主订阅功能、利用垂直话题构建强关系社群,促进传统媒体新闻客户端社交化路径的良性发展。  相似文献   

在媒介融合时代,新闻客户端是传统媒体实现转型发展的重要阵地,而做好新闻客户端开发运营工作,推进新闻客户端得以持续发展,则是拓展传统媒体生存空间、提升传统媒体发展活力的必要路径.本文在对传统媒体开发新闻客户端的必要性做出分析与论述的基础上,对传统媒体新闻客户端发展策略进行了研究与探讨,以期能够促使传统媒体依托新闻客户端更好地适应媒介融合时代.  相似文献   

新闻客户端是一个新事物,据我所知,三年前首次有开发商、运营商和媒体开始试水移动终端,在总书记要求推进传统媒体和新媒体融合以后,客户端成了传统媒体与新媒体融合的标志,发展进一步提速,成为我们传统媒体的标配。三年以来,新闻客户端呈现出这样的几种状态:现在第一批的新闻客户端是互联网巨头抢占第一梯队。据我统计,2012年搜狐、网易、腾讯只有3000万用户的新闻客户端,到了2014年初这三家  相似文献   

新闻客户端是传统媒体入驻移动互联网,发展媒介融合的重要手段。本文以"人民日报"客户端为例,对传统媒体客户端内容、形式、运作的不足进行讨论,提出发展以政治、民生新闻为核心,疏通政情民意的品牌定位,并提出了具体改进的策略建议。  相似文献   

在新媒体环境下,传统媒体面临着较大的竞争压力,而重视做好新闻客户端开发运营工作,则是进一步挖掘传统媒体发展潜力、提升传统媒体竞争力的必要路径.本文在对传统媒体开发新闻客户端的必要性作出分析与论述的基础上,对传统媒体新闻客户端开发运营策略进行了研究与探讨,以期能够提升传统媒体新闻客户端开发运营水平.  相似文献   

新闻客户端应用颠覆了传统媒体以传播者为主体的传播模式,转向以用户为主导和主体,满足用户需要是其主要的价值核心.用户体验度是衡量新闻客户端对用户需求与价值满足的程度,也是改进新闻客户端内容与运营、提升用户认可度的主要标准与尺度.用户体验高是新闻客户端的内容与服务最佳状态的综合体现,也是新闻客户端运营的基础.本文从用户体验视角对人民日报客户端进行了调研分析.  相似文献   

融媒体时代下,传统媒体纷纷打造自己的新闻客户端,开展跨界传播.那么,新闻客户端到底该怎么定位,该怎么成为传统媒体转型发展的助推器呢?笔者认为,传统媒体新闻客户端不必苛求大而全,重在做出特色;要做好平台,发挥自有优势,同时壮大UGC模式;服务先行,用服务换取流量和市场,并借此激活更多的发展动力,以供业界参考.  相似文献   

新闻客户端平台已经成为受众获取新闻资讯的重要渠道,传统媒体也面临向新媒体转型的严峻形势。本文以新华社客户端3.0版为例,以现场新闻为线索,从现场直播、虚拟现实技术、无人机技术等三方面阐述了新华社客户端3.0版现场新闻的呈现方式,并从技术层面对传统媒体新闻客户端现场新闻实践提出建议。  相似文献   

With the increasing penetration of mobile phones and the internet in India, citizen journalism has experienced a steady growth in recent years. This paper adds to the growing scholarship on citizen journalism by exploring the motivations of Indian citizen journalists to produce online news content. Through a Web-based survey of citizen journalists (N?=?134) contributing to the leading news portals in India, this study addresses the role of traditional media experience among citizen journalists’ reporting practices. One of the key findings of this study is that, unlike American citizen journalists, Indian citizen journalists who have not worked in traditional media are less likely to work collaboratively than those with traditional media experience.  相似文献   

实证表明新冠肺炎疫情下公众选择不同传播渠道产生的"自我卷入"程度不一:短视频、微博(或微信)、新闻类APP等移动新传播渠道给公众造成的恐惧感更为显著;电视(或广播)等传统渠道更能影响公众的应急反应,让公众主动采取防护措施,积极进行自我保护和积极应对;但公众在权威信息、疫情进展上对电视(或广播)等传统渠道的期望值更高。主流媒体应从把控信息源头、创新表达形式、布局好舆情监测机制、做好媒体议程设置等四个方面来提高自身公信力,提高公众对主流信息的"自我卷入"程度,以防范可能出现的"信息疫情",维护社会秩序健康稳定。  相似文献   

基于用户生成内容的压力型新闻报道是对客观性的新冲击。在互联网技术的推动下,受眼球经济的刺激,由于对自身相对优势的认识不足,传统媒体与用户自由生成内容的关系越来越紧密。网络媒体的传播逻辑不断挟持、绑架着传统媒体的传播逻辑,损害了新闻客观性原则,最终影响到受众发现真相的行为。本文认为,基于用户生成内容压力下形成的新闻报道之所以偏离了客观性,并非网络技术的问题,而在于传统媒体在新闻采写过程中的执行力问题,因此,加强高质量的新闻采编队伍、增加基于自身媒介可能性前提下的‘新尺度’是重塑客观性的核心。  相似文献   

Why do some countries appear more popular than others in mass media? Although researchers have long sought to explain foreign countries’ prevalence in the media, to date they have exclusively focused on news, leaving other types of media content unexplored. In addition, focusing on media effects and media content, the literature on entertainment and politics has largely ignored the study of agenda-building processes. Thus, this study fills these gaps by exploring factors affecting the volume of references to foreign countries in both U.S. news and entertainment media. Analyzing more than 400 U.S. television shows, four news channels, and two newspapers spanning from 2000 to 2011, we reexamine past findings on salience of foreign countries in the news and apply these findings to a new field of research, entertainment media. We further suggest that the same factors shaping foreign countries’ prevalence in the news media are applicable to both news and entertainment and that in the context of foreign countries’ prevalence, the criteria for “newsworthiness” and “fictionworthiness” is similar.  相似文献   

A content analysis of 4,507 tweets from 60 local news organizations in the United States was conducted to examine Twitter strategies used by the local news industry. Results indicate that local news organizations in the United States mainly used Twitter as an additional platform for news dissemination. While local TV stations and newspapers differed significantly in their use of tweet structures, content, and strategies, both followed the similar practices of their traditional media portals. In addition, the number of followers and total tweets of a news organization’s Twitter account, use of photos, hashtags, usernames, and tweet content predicted audience engagement with the site. Overall, local news organizations in the United States did not appear to use Twitter to cross-promote and/or supplement their traditional business practices. This research calls for more systematic, multi-dimensional social media management in local newsrooms.  相似文献   


This study explores how two nonprofit media organizations–PublicSource and Philadelphia Community Access Media (PhillyCAM)–have transformed their legacy practices to better connect within and serve marginalized populations in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, PA. As traditional newsrooms have been depleted by dire financial realities, new journalism outcroppings have heeded the Knight Commission’s Informing Communities: Sustaining Democracy in the Digital Age (2009) report and, consequently, revised their approaches to community engagement. Adjacent to these reformed legacy newsrooms are community media organizations that operate a municipality’s public, educational, or government (PEG) access media production facilities. Although PEG access media’s legacy has no clear genealogical ties with traditional journalism, an increasing amount of PEG operations over the past ten years have started to intentionally test editorialized forms of community news reporting. The data collected and assessed in this study has indicated that news organizations like PublicSource have an explicit need to do more relational community engagement work that will enable it to fill hyperlocal information gaps and better serve marginalized populations. Community media organizations like PhillyCAM have extensive experience engaging diverse publics; however, as this study reveals, they could benefit from employing formalized news production methods that are guided by journalistic standards.  相似文献   

We are proposing a feedback model of news processing, assuming that news reception is guided by media input as well as by existing cognitive structures. However, these structures are in turn shaped by former media coverage. In our study we examine viewers’ processing of TV news, comparing objective news content (content analysis) to subjective meaning of news stories (viewer interviews). Results show that viewers interpret information about new events in the context of past events, themselves mainly a reflection of former media coverage.  相似文献   

本文以2019年相关案例、事件和数据为基础,从新闻行动者、新闻内容、分发渠道、受众四个方面描述本年度中国新闻业的发展图景,概括年度变化特点和预测未来趋势。研究发现:本年度媒体融合面向移动互联时代进入更加纵深化发展阶段,专业媒体的规模进一步整合压缩,自媒体的监管政策加强。新闻内容产品呈现出混合情感传播模式主导下的可视化形态特征。传播渠道上,媒体通过平台化和移动化不断拓宽传播的覆盖面和到达率,并进一步将传播渠道下沉到基层。算法推荐和人工编辑相结合成为内容分发的主要机制。新闻受众方面,网络新闻与短视频的用户数量持续增长。时逢新中国成立70周年、中美贸易战等重大事件,网民的爱国情绪表达与媒体的宣传形成共振,全网的爱国主义情绪高涨。总体上看,平台媒体驱动下的视觉创新与技术调适是2019年新闻业变化的主要趋势。展望未来的发展趋势,视频将成为更加主流的内容产品形态,传媒业也将深入探索5G技术在传播领域的应用场景。  相似文献   

This study explores the potential of an online platform that encourages journalists to post the documents behind their news stories to help restore the deteriorating public trust in news media. Based on content analysis of 200 news items and 315 accompanying documents posted on DocumentCloud, findings indicate that contrary to journalists’ traditional reluctance to rely on documents, the platform succeeds in boosting massive use of documents, both by mainstream and alternative journalists. Findings show that documents serve mainly to support factual claims (in 96 percent of items) and enhance the transparency of news processes, allowing audiences’ unmediated access to raw materials, and greater capacity to evaluate information independently. However, there are no apparent signs that journalists verified the content of the document. The article suggests that DocumentCloud is a unique example of a technology that may succeed where the former technology that promised to serve as a journalistic reference system, hyperlinks, had failed. If the DocumentCloud experiment is implemented on a wider scale, it might have serious theoretical and practical implications, which are discussed here.  相似文献   

For Latinos in the United States, decisions reflecting which language they prefer for news media consumption can have substantial effects on the quality of the content they receive. However, little is known about what influences Latinos’ language preferences for news media consumption. This project looks to fill that void to the immediate appeal of academics and media analysts by asking, What influences Latinos’ language preference for news? This project builds on social psychology theories highlighting the role played by social identity and self-categorization for inspiring culturally consistent behaviors. This social identity approach focuses on the embrace of Latino characteristics and the complementary nature of Spanish-language media outputs relative to those characteristics. Using the 2006 Latino National Survey, the role of identity is explored. The results indicate that language preferences for news consumption are indeed related to various social identity measures among Latinos in the United States.  相似文献   

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