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Lan  Qing  Jin  Sujuan  Yang  Bohan  Zhao  Qiang  Si  Chaolei  Xie  Haiquan  Zhang  Zhiming 《天津大学学报(英文版)》2022,28(3):214-225
Transactions of Tianjin University - Photocatalytic water splitting and carbon dioxide photoreduction are considered effective strategies for alleviating the energy crisis and environmental...  相似文献   

Xiao  Jie  Zhang  Jiaxiang  Pan  Lun  Shi  Chengxiang  Zhang  Xiangwen  Zou  Ji-Jun 《天津大学学报(英文版)》2021,27(4):280-294
Transactions of Tianjin University - High-energy-density liquid hydrocarbon fuels are generally synthesized using various chemical reactions to improve the performance (e.g., range, load, speed) of...  相似文献   

应用切比晓夫不等式给出一类重要的解析不等式,介绍了它们在发现和证明不等式、求条件极值等方面的应用。  相似文献   

《Educational Assessment》2013,18(3):153-184
We reviewed the literature on "noncognitive" predictors-specifically, personality as it pertains to graduate education. The review is divided into 3 sections. In the first section, we reviewed measures typically used in studies of graduate school outcomes, such as attrition and time to degree. We also reviewed which student qualities faculty and administrators said they desired and cultivated in graduate programs. We also noted that there are many qualities faculty ranked high in desirability but which could only imperfectly be gleaned from sources such as letters of recommendation and personal statements. In the second section, we reviewed general personality factors (e.g., the "Big Five"), specifically, definitions, measures, correlates, and the validity of those measures. We concluded with a discussion of how personality factors might be used in admissions and guidance applications for graduate education.  相似文献   

植物多倍体的形成及应用研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘静 《安康学院学报》2011,23(4):99-102
介绍了植物多倍体的含义及其在高等植物中的分布,综述了植物多倍体的类型、形成途径、诱导方法及其应用等方面的研究进展,展望了植物多倍体今后研究的发展趋势。  相似文献   

This paper reviews and examines critically the literature on caregiver-parent relations in daycare centers and family daycare homes. This literature is characterized by attempts to understand (and evaluate) the social changes and accumulating data regarding formal non-relative childcare in terms of the dynamics of informal, familial forms of care. Instead, it is argued that informal and formal care arrangements are qualitatively different, that neither type is inherently superior, and that each needs to be understood in terms of its own unique systemic and contextual characteristics. Viewing the data on formal care arrangements from this perspective, it is proposed that, 1) contrary to current interpretations, caregivers' ambivalent and critical attitudes toward parents are neither surprising nor a risk factor for children. Rather, these attitudes are an inherent component of the consumer/provider structure of the caregiver-parent relationship system and may actually facilitate the caregivers' involvement with the devalued parent's children; b) the high rates of parental satisfaction with daycare reflect neither a wholehearted endorsement, nor an adequate assessment of care quality. Rather, high satisfaction rates are one product of parents' attempts to cope with perceived marketplace constraints. Further, the narrow focus of the satisfaction research to date has also prevented us from adequately understanding parental perceptions of childcare and how they shape pertinent decision making processes; c) the documented low rates of caregiver-parent contact are an inherent feature of the professionalization process in the daycare system and are not a sufficiently useful indicator of the quality of caregiver-parent relationships; research in this area should expand to explore the relationship's potential buffer function.  相似文献   

文章论证了协调管理理论经历的历史的进化过程,即从经验管理、纯理性主义科学管理、初级人本主义管理、X理论、Y理论、超Y理论、Z理论到理性主义与非理性主义相结合的协调管理.在复杂性科学与东方传统文化基础上建构了具有东方管理特色的协调管理理论,实现了现代管理理论与复杂性科学、东方传统文化的有效嫁接,并阐明协调管理理论的组织路线图是“1+1>2”的蛹动螺旋式的超循环,其组织图谱是对立统一的、非线性的、具有灵魂与生命的旋极图.  相似文献   

数论函数中的积性,是指若复值函数f≠0满足对于任意两个互素的正整数m、n,均有f(m)f(n)=f(mn),则称f为积性函数.  相似文献   

凹凸棒石粘土的改性处理和应用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
凹凸棒石粘土由于其特有的纤维状形貌、高比表面积、微孔孔道和稳定的结晶态结构,在吸附、脱色、流变性和催化等方面有非常广泛的工业应用.本文较为全面地综述了凹凸棒石粘土的活化改性处理方法,总结了目前凹凸棒土的实际应用领域,指出其工业应用发展前景.  相似文献   

一类新型积分不等式及其应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
推广了已有的结果,建立了一类新型积分不等式,并以这类不等式为工具,讨论了一类积分方程解的有界性及渐近性.  相似文献   

Research Findings: Temperament, often defined in terms of reactive and regulatory tendencies, has been shown to predict child outcomes over and above other risk factors and represents a critical aspect of social-emotional development. The present article is a systematic review of temperament-based interventions targeting caregivers, wherein the aim is to inform caregivers about temperament in an effort to influence a variety of outcomes, such as goodness of fit, parenting stress, achievement, and behavior problems. In total, 13 randomized and nonrandomized trials were reviewed, with promising outcomes. Temperament-driven interventions have demonstrated the capacity to increase parental knowledge of temperament, reduce behavior problems, improve math and reading achievement, create more positive teacher–child relationships, and reduce numbers of medical visits. Caregivers report satisfaction with and usefulness of the interventions, which suggests promise for future application of temperament-based approaches. Temperament-driven interventions can be leveraged to improve multiple developmental outcomes, especially in early childhood, and are useful for both teachers and parents. Practice or Policy: Implications of temperament-based interventions for early childhood educators are discussed, as are limitations and future directions.  相似文献   

如何在保护生态环境的基础上发展水利工程是值得研究的重大课题。将水利环境及生态工程专业纳入高等水利教育体系,培养水利环境及生态工程研究的高级专门人才,是适应社会发展的一个必然举措。  相似文献   

谈反思型教师及其反思力的培养   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
反思型教师以其探究性、自律性、发展性和创造性,通过在课堂教学、理论学习、交流借鉴中的自我反思和自我评估,不断提升自己的教育理念和教育实践,实现自我超越。教师借助于教学档案、教学日志、教师学习审记、角色模型描述以及教学录像等活动,可以培养和提高反思力。  相似文献   

20多年来,我国幼儿园环境创设研究经历了初步研究、进一步发展和多元化研究三个阶段。幼儿园环境创设研究的主要内容,涉及幼儿园环境创设的价值、具体方式、环境创设的有效性、环境创设中存在的问题与对策建议等方面。目前我国幼儿园环境创设研究还存在着重微观轻宏观研究;重视心理学、教育学研究,忽略多学科研究;研究方法单一,研究结果不明确等问题。环境创设应从多学科角度、结合多种研究方法进行生态的研究;关注不同类型幼儿园环境创设的研究;关注幼儿园环境创设的评价;同时高校学前教育专业的课程设置应该考虑环境创设的问题。  相似文献   

地方立法是我国环境立法体系的重要组成部分。在因地制宜的指导方针下,地方环境立法将对环境保护起到重要的作用,作为国家科学发展示范区的唐山市更应当加大地方立法的力度。文章在分析地方立法特点等内容的基础上,结合唐山经济发展实际探讨了如何完善唐山的地方环境保护立法。  相似文献   

Concern continues to be expressed over women's difficulties in advancing their careers as academic scientists. Though some sciences may be numerically 'feminised', few women reach the upper echelons of science. Scant attention has been paid to issues of the progression of women from non–traditional backgrounds, such as those from ethnic minorities, who may be particularly disadvantaged. What research there is indicates a variation between the sciences in terms of women's careers and patterns that are replicated globally. Explanations are now focusing on how the scientific culture itself acts as a barrier to women rather than on the notion that women themselves lack the requisite skills. The Athena Project is a policy response to this issue. Future research and policy needs to look more closely at differences between the sciences, how women from diverse backgrounds experience the academic labour market and epistemological connections between employment and engagement with the scientific agenda.  相似文献   

地方课程是我国课程研究领域重要的组成部分,也是当前我国基础教育课程改革实践中一个尚未引起充分关注的问题。新课程实施10余年来,我国在地方课程开发中进行了许多有益的尝试并取得了许多有价值的研究成果。然而伴随地方课程建设的逐步深入,碰到的困难和问题还很不少。因此,对地方课程10年来的改革进行盘点,并在此基础上对地方课程的未来发展走向作出预测,既具有理论意义,也不乏实践价值。  相似文献   

陇东地区在建设现代化能源基地的过程中必然会造成当地生态环境的恶化.在考察资源开采、利用对资源型城市造成的主要生态环境问题的基础上,提出了对于处在发展初期的陇东地区,如何在利用资源促进经济发展的同时,减轻逐步恶化的生态环境负担的对策.  相似文献   

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