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教师自我效能感:教师自主发展的重要内在动力机制   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
教师自我效能感是教师对自身教育能力与影响力的自我判断、信念与感受,它是教师自主发展的重要内在动力机制,影响着教师身心健康、专业承诺、工作动机和教育行为等多方面的发展。本文具体阐述了教师自我效能感这一内在动力机制在教师自主发展中的重要作用与价值。  相似文献   

Despite the increased use of new learning technologies, there is still much to be learned about the role of learner characteristics in online learning. The purpose of this study was to examine how subjects' characteristics normally associated with effective training (i.e., initial motivation to learn and self-efficacy) related to learning in a self-directed online course. From an analysis of 190 respondents, computer and Internet usage prior to the start of class were positively related to individuals' computer self-efficacy and computer self-efficacy was positively related to learning. However, contrary to expectations, computer self-efficacy was not related to initial motivation to learn and motivation to learn was not related to learning in the class. Post hoc analysis of qualitative data enabled a rich explanation of the findings, including an evaluation of the unexpected relationships among the variables of interest and the nature of self-directed courses in virtual learning environments.  相似文献   

针对社会发展对不同层次人才的不同素质需求,指出我国高等院校在开展素质教育时应不同层次区别对待.提出本科生应重点学会学习、硕士生应重点学会研究、博士生应重点学会创新的素质教育培养目标,同时就如何实现相应的素质教育培养目标提出建议.  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,个体的工作生活冲突问题日益凸显。本研究在工作家庭冲突的理论和实证研究结果的基础上,着重验证了自我效能感这一个体特征对工作生活冲突的主效应以及对工作时间特征与工作生活冲突的关系的调节效应不仅仅局限在工作和家庭两个领域中。采用问卷法调查了202名来自各行各业的员工。层次回归结果显示,自我效能感与工作生活冲突显著负相关,并且对工作时长和工作生活冲突之间的关系起到调节作用。在此基础上,提出了人力资源管理的建议。  相似文献   

After presenting his argument for a hope-oriented approach to the use of tests, BUI goes on to discuss the conjunctive decisionmaking model, he argues that the conjunctive model emphatically does not use Just one piece of data, then compares how data Is used In the conjunctive and the compensatory decisionmaking models.  相似文献   

Women are sparsely represented in leadership in academic science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine (STEMM). Cultural stereotypes about men, women, and leaders influence the attitudes, judgments, and decisions that others make about women and the choices women make for themselves. Multilevel interventions are needed to counteract the impact of these pervasive and easily activated stereotypes, which conspire in multiple ways to constrain women's entry, persistence, and advancement in academic STEMM. We describe an individual-level educational intervention. Using the transtheoretical model of behavioral change as a framework, we assessed the success of a semester course on increasing women's leadership self-efficacy for the first three cohorts of course participants (n = 30). Pre/post questionnaires showed gains in leadership self-efficacy, personal mastery, and self-esteem, and decreases in perceived constraints. Qualitative text analysis of weekly journals indicated increasing leadership self-efficacy as course participants applied course information and integrated strategies to mitigate the impact of societal stereotypes into their own leadership practices. Follow-up queries of the first two cohorts supported the enduring value of course participation. We conclude that providing strategies to recognize and mitigate the impact of gender stereotypes is effective in increasing leadership self-efficacy in women at early stages of academic STEMM careers.  相似文献   

在人类全面进入信息社会的21世纪,学会学习是人类生存发展的基本手段,更是青少年学生最基本的任务。在深化基础教育改革,全面推进素质教育的过程中,教学生学会学习是素质教育的重要目标。作为基础教育阶段的教师应及时转变教育观念,培养学生终身学习的意识和自主获取知识以及认识问题、发现问题、解决问题的能力,从而为学生的终身发展奠定基础。  相似文献   

ZHOU Ming 《海外英语》2011,(11):92+96
This essay is a practical step to Learning Theory.By comparing cognitive learning with non-cognitive learning,the author tries to lay emphasis on creative foreign language learning.  相似文献   

非日语专业大学生日语学习动机分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
运用定量研究的方法,以参加二外和辅修日语学习的本科生为调查对象,采取问卷的方法考察了学生的日语学习动机类型,笔者用SPSS统计软件对数据进行了因子分析,得出7种动机类型:个人发展动机、社会责任动机、语言效价动机、学习情境动机、信息媒介动机、自我效能动机、文化兴趣动机。同时提出改善教材、教学方法、语言环境等,从而激发学生的兴趣,使教学效果最大化。  相似文献   

学习方式是当代教育理论研究中的一个重要概念,学习方式不仅对学习结果具有决定性的影响,还对学生的未来发展产生重要的影响.本文作者通过调查分析,提出了教师培养学生良好的学习方式的几点实践体会.  相似文献   


Learn to Smile     
As the saying goes,attitude is everything.Since a smile is a positive attitude,we can often smile to ourselves to become confident and happy.Although there are some situations where we may experience hardship or even failure,we can always smile to ourselves.It can help us overcome many difficulties as well as succeed in the end.  相似文献   

民办高校董事会制度变迁的动因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民办高校董事会制度变迁是各个利益主体经过多次博弈达到均衡的产物,其实质是制度创新,是我国民办高校法人治理的核心.制度环境的变革是民办高校董事会制度变迁的外在动力;而民办高校自身存在的一些深层次矛盾,是董事会制度变迁的内在动因.  相似文献   

In this issue of Video to Learn, we are to find out some high- frequency words and expressions extracted from a video clip of Gossip Girl.  相似文献   

当前,我们正处在一个科学技术迅速发展,知识量急剧增加的时代,出现了知识增加的无限性和个人学习时间的有限性之间的矛盾,因此,教育再不能像以前那样,传授一套固定知识的过程,而是传授各种有效的方法,去取得任何特定时刻所需要的知识,即"学会如何学习"。素质教育的目标之一就是学生能力的培养,更要培养学生的学习能力,以便让青少年在现代社会条件下学会生存、学会关心。长期以来,受传统教育的影响,中学生学习能力比较弱,学习方法也比较差,他们大都停留在多读、多背、多记、多练、做作业等方面。随着新课程改革的进行,学生的学习能力应该加强,学习层次应该提高。教师不仅要教给学生理论知识,更应该指导学生学会学习。[1]  相似文献   

This paper describes a model for generating andaccumulating knowledge for both teaching andteacher education. The model is applied firstto prepare prospective teachers to learn toteach mathematics when they enter theclassroom. The concept of treating lessons asexperiments is used to explicate theintentional, rigorous, and systematic processof learning to teach through studying one's ownpractice. The concept of planning teachingexperiences so that others can learn fromone's experience is used to put into practicethe notion of contributing to a sharedprofessional knowledge base for teachingmathematics. The same model is then applied tothe work of improving teacher preparationprograms in mathematics. Parallels are drawnbetween the concepts emphasized for prospectiveteachers and those that are employed byinstructors who study and improve teacherpreparation experiences. In this way, parallelsalso are seen in the processes used to generatean accumulating knowledge base for teaching andfor teacher education.  相似文献   

做人、做事、做学问是研究生求学成才的三个基本方面.但在实际的学习生活中往往片面或孤立地理解这些方面,忽视其全面意义和它们之间的内在联系,这是一个误区.作者认为做人是做事、做学问的基础;做事是做人的社会性所要求的;做学问是研究生做人、做事的目的和结果.关键要从三个方面做起,则"学为人生"也就实现了.  相似文献   

下面是根据GO GIRLS视频总结出来的语言精华,看过了以后再看,反复看几遍以后训练,很快就可以熟记于心。需要提醒大家注意的是,看吧学习版的视频涉及的俚语内容很多,是一个让学生们熟悉俚语和西方非正式场合社交圈交际场合(如酒吧文化、小市民文化等)的栏目。但是,这不等于让我们随便使用俚语而忘记更加正规的用法,两者结合并根据不同的语体和环境恰当调用才是正确的做法。  相似文献   

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