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This paper explores the scientific reasoning of 14 children across their first two years of primary school. Children's view of experimentation, their approach to exploration, and their negotiation of competing knowledge claims, are interpreted in terms of categories of epistemological reasoning. Children's epistemological reasoning is distinguished from their ability to control variables. While individual children differ substantially, they show a relatively steady growth in their reasoning, with some contextual variation. A number of these children are reasoning at a level well in advance of curriculum expectations, and it is argued that current recommended practice in primary science needs to be rethought. The data is used to explore the relationship between reasoning and knowledge, and to argue that the generation and exploration of ideas must be the key driver of scientific activity in the primary school.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problematic nature of pupils' attempts to use their science conceptions in contexts other than the ones in which the original learning of the concept takes place. It reports research with 60 Year-5 primary school children studying current electricity, during which the researcher employed metacognitive activities alongside normal teaching procedures, in an attempt to enhance cross-contextual use of taught concepts. In order to assess the effect of different contexts on pupils' performance, a test was repeatedly administered over one school year that tested the same concepts in distinctly different contexts. Although the role of a familiar context is only partly determined, the results suggest that pupils' ability to use concepts in unfamiliar contexts is stable for a long period of time. The results also support the provision of metacognitive activities as a means of enhancing pupils' ability for cross-contextual use of their conceptions of science.  相似文献   

案例推理(Case-Based Reasoning,简称CBR)是一种基于经验知识进行推理的人工智能方法,是对人类认知过程的一种模拟。本文在传统欧氏距离算法的基础上结合了模糊数学的计算方法,提高了推理的效率,克服了传统的只能对确定性指标进行搜索的缺陷。  相似文献   

从一个有趣的力学模型的运动微分方程出发,首先得到了系统的运动积分常数(即微分方程的首次积分),从而得到系统的Lagrange函数和Hamihon函数,再根据Hamilton函数的形式,由Poisson括号的性质推出了系统的三个守恒量,并对三个守恒量相应的物理意义作了合理的解释。  相似文献   


The outcomes of a longitudinal randomized number sense intervention including pre-, post- and follow-up tests are reported. The intervention was conducted in Grade 0 when children were six years old. Using Concrete-Representational-Abstract principles, a structured explicit 10-week program focusing on numbers and collective reasoning about representations was conducted by the classroom teachers. In addition to their regular mathematics teaching, a trained control group received an equally structured and explicit intervention program but without the critical mathematics component. The children in the experimental group outperformed the children in the control group on number sense growth between the pre- and the post-test. There was also a sustained effect of the intervention nine months later when children were assessed in Grade 1.  相似文献   

推理能力是现代公民必须具备的基本素质之一.培养学生推理能力,有助于实施创新教育和培养创新人才.教师应把推理能力的培养有机地融合到数学教学的过程中,在解题教学中把培养学生的推理能力落到实处.培养学生的推理能力必须充分考虑学生的身心特点和认知水平,并注意层次性.  相似文献   

This study examines the use of engineering design to facilitate science reasoning in high-needs, urban classrooms. The Design for Science unit utilizes scaffolds consistent with reform science instruction to assist students in constructing a design solution to satisfy a need from their everyday lives. This provides a meaningful context in which students could reason scientifically. Eighth grade students from two urban schools participated in the unit. Both schools contained large percentages of racial/ethnic minority and economically disadvantaged students. Students demonstrated statistically significant improvement on a paper-and-pencil, multiple-choice pre and post assessment. The results compare favorably with both a high-quality inquiry science unit and a traditional textbook curriculum. Implications for the use of design-based curricula as a viable alternative for teaching science reasoning in high-needs, urban settings are discussed.
Eli M. SilkEmail:

高师理科教学与学生科学推理能力的培养   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
科学推理能力是理科师范生应具备的一种重要能力.用 "Lawson科学推理能力测试量表(LCTSR)"对四所师范院校理科学生进行测试,结果显示理科学生科学推理测试成绩普遍偏低;测查的7个能力维度水平发展不均衡,其中高级控制变量推理能力最低;能力维度得分与院校存在显著相关性但与专业和年级的相关性不显著,这表明师范院校理科教学对提高学生科学推理能力作用不明显.为此,结合理科教学现状进行深入分析了原因并提出理科教学改革的建议.  相似文献   

The zones framework conceived for the examination of thinking about teaching, is validated, and extended to the examination of thinking about learning. This is done by extending the framework to examine thinking about teaching and learning in a population of science graduate student teaching assistants. Semi‐structured interviews explore these students’ teaching and learning experiences, how their experiences relate to their knowledge of educational theory, and how they have formed their ideas about what constitutes good teaching. The article demonstrates that the zones framework can be extended to thinking about learning, and that it is appropriate for examining the thinking of students as well as teachers. Recommendations for further research are made, including the exploration of discipline‐specific thinking.  相似文献   

Clinical skills and medical knowledge enable physicians to overcome the uncertainty of emergent and rare clinical scenarios. Recently, a growing emphasis on evidence-based medicine (EBM) has flooded medical curricula of universities across the globe with guideline-based material, and while it has given teachers and students new tools to improve medical education, clinical reasoning must be reaffirmed in its capacity to provide physicians with the ability to solve unexpected clinical scenarios. Anatomical education in medical school should have two main objectives: to acquire anatomical knowledge and to develop the skill of applying that knowledge in clinical scenarios. The authors present a clinical scenario in which an unexpected and rare complication occurred during a routine elective hip replacement surgery. The general surgeon presiding over the case, also an anatomy professor, solved the problem using clinical reasoning and anatomical knowledge. It was a clear example of how clinical reasoning is key in approaching unprecedented, rare, or unknown complications. The intention of this scenario is to remind colleagues and medical schools that, although EBM is the standard, educators must uphold sound clinical reasoning to best prepare health care providers for their careers.  相似文献   

The United Nations’ declaration on climate change education in December 2014 has sparked a renewal of policies and programs initiated during the ‘Decade of Education for Sustainable Development’ (DESD, 2005–2014), aimed at promoting awareness, understanding, and civic action for environmental sustainability within learning communities all around the world. We present findings from a dialogic, multimodal, and literacies-based educational project designed to provide secondary students (N?=?141) from four countries with the resources to read about and discuss evidence regarding climate change from seminal studies with peers and a core group of scientists (N?=?7). Post-program interviews revealed a significant increase in language use related to evidence-based reasoning. Students also demonstrated an increased propensity to recycle. These findings support the hypothesis that providing opportunities for students to read and discuss seminal scientific sources incites positive changes in beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors related to climate change and climate science, and understandings of the nature of scientific evidence and argumentation.  相似文献   

在数学教学中会遇到具有探究价值的问题,及时捕捉,启发学生运用归纳、类比、猜想的思维方法,将问题横向联系,纵向拓展,对激发学生学习兴趣、提升学习能力、挖掘学习潜能很有帮助。为此,从一道与椭圆有关的解析几何题出发,运用猜想方法,由表及里,探求出问题本质;用归纳法纵向延伸,归纳出一般结论;用类比法横向拓展,类比椭圆、双曲线共有的两个性质,实现从解一题到通一类、会一法的跨越。  相似文献   

We describe research carried out with a prospective secondary biology teacher, whom we shall call Miguel. The teacher’s conceptions of the nature of science and of learning and teaching science were analyzed and compared with his classroom practice when teaching science lessons. The data gathering procedures were interviews analyzed by means of cognitive maps and classroom observations. The results reflected Miguel’s relativist conceptions of the nature of science that were consistent with his constructivist orientation in learning and teaching. In the classroom, however, he followed a strategy of transmission of external knowledge based exclusively on teacher explanations, the students being regarded as mere passive receptors of that knowledge. Miguel’s classroom behavior was completely contrary to his conceptions, which were to reinforce the students’ alternative ideas through debate, and not by means of teacher explanation.  相似文献   

Earlier reports have shown that prospective teachers' conceptions about teaching science to a high degree are resistant and do not change substantially during the teacher‐training programme. In our investigation we elucidate the prospective teachers' initial conceptions about pupils' understanding of science and mathematics. We applied ‘The Lesson Preparation Method' and used a phenomenographic approach in order to reveal the range of conceptions that the prospective teachers hold. A third of the prospective teachers did not consider pupils' conceptions when planning lessons. The rest of the 32 participants expressed awareness; some of the prospective teachers even referred to subject‐specific teaching experience. Also regarding the prospective teachers' conceptions about pupils' knowledge and beliefs, as well as about pupils' difficulties, there was a significant diversity. By raising these issues about pedagogical content knowledge the prospective teachers' conceptions can be extended and developed during the education.  相似文献   

开展校企合作、加强实践教学在高技能型人才的培养中发挥了重要作用。目前。我国企业参与校企合作的意识普遍还不够强。与高校开展校企合作的主要是一些劳动密集型企业。但近年来学生在劳动密集型企业实习实践过程中出现了一些问题。需要学校、企业、社会三方共同努力。转变观念。系统设计。精细管理。共同促进校企合作的深入开展。  相似文献   

非形式推理是指个体对有争议的、结构不良的问题提出观点,并利用理由推导出该观点具有合理性的推理过程,是儿童对有争议的问题发表观点或对结构不良问题进行论证过程中的主要推理形式。儿童从三岁左右就已经具有了非形式推理能力,并且随着年龄的增长其非形式推理能力逐渐提高,当前有三种模型对儿童非形式推理的一般过程进行了解释。在今后的研究中建立新的衡量标准,对非形式推理的发生时间、发展特点和培养模式进行更为细致的研究将是研究的出发点,如何用思维倾向与智力的结合来预测个体的非形式推理活动,如何将动态加工模型纳入到双系统作用模型的体系中更好的说明非形式推理的一般过程.将是研究的重点和难点。  相似文献   

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