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互联网使教育民主的主体发生了根本变化。协商民主为解决教育与社会相关主体的诉求之间的断裂提供了思路。结合互联网与协商民主各自的优势,构建教育协商民主的理念,并在实践中探索教育协商民主的实现路径。  相似文献   

This essay attempts to show the importance of linguistic issues in education for democracy and the close relationship between democracy and multilingualism. Increasingly nation-states are having to adapt to linguistic diversity within their borders and to recognize that democracy requires the participation of all citizens, including those belonging to linguistic minorities. Democracy also requires that all linguistic groups share a sense of community. The author argues the need for educational policies that address these challenges.  相似文献   

全纳教育哲学与教育民主   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
全纳教育的哲学是让所有公民享受平等的教育机会 ,在全面参与与合作中 ,让每个人达到充分发展。这种教育哲学体现了受教育机会的民主、教学与管理的民主以及师生关系的民主等教育民主化思想。我国要通过发展全纳教育、改革教育制度、提高教师素质等途径促进教育民主化进程  相似文献   

While focusing on Democracy and Education, James Campbell attempts in this essay to offer a synthesis of the full range of John Dewey's educational thought. Campbell explores in particular Dewey's understanding of the relationship between democracy and education by considering both his ideas on the reconstruction of education and on the role of education in broader social reconstruction. Throughout his philosophical work, Campbell concludes, Dewey offers us a vision of a society self‐consciously striving to enable its members to live fully educative lives.  相似文献   

百年来,中国学者在译介杜威名著Democracy and Education时,对其书名翻译多有不同,前后有近十种译名之别,致使杜威民主教育思想在中国传播过程中呈现出多重面向。从20世纪10-20年代流行的"平民主义与教育"译介到30年代流行的"民本主义与教育"译介再到40年代起流行的"民主主义与教育"译介,杜威Democracy and Education在不同的时代背景下总是受社会思潮的影响发生着某种转译嬗变,以契合时代发展需要。总的来说,该书在中国长达百年的译介传播并非只是一次比一次更逼真复现杜威文本思想的过程,而是在时空交错的历史长河中伴随转变着的社会情境一次又一次不断被重新阐释的过程。在新时期,还需注重结合当前社会情境对Democracy and Education进行转化性阐释,以适应时代变革图新需要进而揭示其当代意涵。  相似文献   

Democracy and Education after September 11   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Millions of words written in the wake of the horrific terror of September 11, 2001 appear to reinforce the feelings of despair at the current state of the world politics. Most analyses seem to offer little hope for the prospects of peace. Indeed, if the so-called 'war on terror' is designed to achieve peace then it is difficult to see how it could be won in any determinate sense, yet the popular media and others in the position of influence seem reluctant to explore alternatives to war. In this essay I argue that many of the current analyses of September 11 and discourses of national security are incapable of delivering the cosmopolitan resources of hope we need to have a better chance of securing peace. I maintain that these resources of hope will not be located in the austere and intrusive regimes of national security; rather, they are more likely to be found in the possibilities of transnational democracy and education.  相似文献   

This paper provides a critique of neo‐liberal political economy of education. It is argued that neo‐liberal ideology trades off democracy against ‘economic efficiency’. However, the consequence of the application of neo‐liberal principles to education is that overall standards of education are likely to decline, thereby creating the conditions for a low skilled, low morale workforce. It is suggested that this outcome is consistent with the Neo‐liberal creation of a low wage low technology economy. On the basis of the critique, an alternative education system concerned with meeting the aims of an education for a democratic, economically sophisticated, society is sketched.  相似文献   

思想政治教育是我们党的政治优势,是党领导人民改造主观世界和改造客观世界的重要武器,是推动社会主义革命、建设和改革发展、实现社会主义现代化宏伟目标的重要法宝。在社会主义条件下,加强和改进思想政治教育,提高思想政治教育的实效,就一定要注重充分发扬民主。  相似文献   

The paper discusses Iris Marion Young's idea of asymmetric reciprocity that rethinks typical understandings of gift giving. Iris Marion Young's proposals for asymmetric ethical relationships have important implications for democratic contexts that seek to take differences seriously. Imagining oneself in the place of the other or expecting from the other what one expects from oneself levels out differences between people and hinders possibilities of interaction.

The conditions of asymmetry and reciprocity of Iris Marion Young's communicative ethics, as well as that of the unexpected as understood within situations of gift giving, bring about new readings of learning and teaching situations. The paper discusses issues of power and knowledge that have important ethical implications for how the relationships between the teacher and student could be imagined and how the teacher and student imagine themselves.

Following Derridean underpinnings to Young's notion of asymmetric reciprocity the paper questions pedagogic attempts that seek to minimize the asymmetric positions of the teacher and the student and challenges educational practices based on the reproduction of knowledge and reproduction of persons. The paper follows Young's arguments against Derrida's reading of asymmetry as being one sided. It argues that such a reading does away with the idea of teaching and learning altogether as teaching necessarily involves acts of responding. It continues to argue that Young's conceptualizations of gift giving as reciprocal and asymmetrical open up alternative understandings of the pedagogic relationships between teachers and students.  相似文献   

反思教育民主   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
理解教育民主首先应对民主作全面的认识.民主强调平等但并不主张平均,强调个人自主但并不允许自我中心,民主是一种公共生活的程序,而不是最终目标.教育民主的依据是人的自由特性和社会观念的多元化;自由的实现离不开教育.教育民主的根本属性是教育性,以人的发展为目的;师生平等是知识、真理面前的平等,学生的自主应是培养中和指导下的自主,课堂参与也必须考虑教学资源的合理分配与有效利用.理解和实践教育民主不能简单移植政治民主的概念和做法.  相似文献   

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