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市场多元化需求在对高职院校外语教育带来挑战的同时也提供了契机。通过对成都纺织高等专科学校学生外语教学与未来职业能力、职业需求等的调查分析和成都市部分企事业单位对毕业生外语应用能力要求的调查分析,提出高职院校外语课程改革,应从人才需求出发,改革高职院校外语课程标准,将职业发展渗透到外语学科之中,形成以ECP为重心的分层、分模块高职外语教育模式。教师要转换角色,运用行动导向教学法,加大学生外语技能实践力度,充分利用高校资源,拓宽外语人才培养思路。  相似文献   

胡军 《职教通讯》2019,(2):30-34
深刻把握"课程思政"的丰富内涵,科学规划"课程思政"的生成路径,对于高校坚持社会主义办学方向,培养德才兼备全面发展的人才具有重要现实意义。外语教育的人文性和"课程思政"理念在育人功能的价值取向上具有一致性,将社会主义核心价值观融入外语课程是"课程思政"的内在要求和有益实践。基于中西方价值观对比视角的高职外语课程改革与实践,取得了统计学意义上的成效,有效提升了高职学生对社会主义核心价值观的正面认知。  相似文献   

王丹 《教育教学论坛》2019,(14):226-227
研究生思政课是对外语院校研究生进行思想政治教育的主渠道。中国特色社会主义进入新时代,给研究生思政课教学既带来了难得的机遇,又使其面临诸多挑战。新时代外语院校研究生思政课"组团式"专题教学模式具有理念新、模式新、实用性和可操作性特点。  相似文献   


As part of a broader study of masculinity in higher education this paper considers the experiences of gay and bisexual male teachers. It examines the ways in which gay and bisexual men construct and manage their identities within a shifting higher education context in which 'new managerialist' discourses appear to be replacing discourses of equity. Gay and bisexual men are variously positioned in relation to the new managerialism. As men they are implicated in the masculinist tendency of market and managerialistic initiatives yet as gay/bisexual men they seem to have much to lose from the implicit political project of the market and the moral shift it signifies. The situation is further complicated in that for some gay and bisexual men new managerialism may offer progressive possibilities in its transformation of the old elitist and exclusive culture of traditional higher education. Through the analysis of in-depth interviews, the paper considers the relationship between gay and bisexual male teachers identity work and the transformative processes and practices within which they are embedded. In particular the paper attempts to understand the men's cultural stances in relation to a notion of an inclusive higher education based on democratic pluralistic values.  相似文献   

论大学英语选修课的课程设计——以通识教育为视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学英语课程由必修课和选修课构成,两者相辅相成。大学英语课程的选修课是对学生进行通识教育的有效途径。中医院校应该以中医文化为出发点,结合大学英语课程要求,从课程的需求评估、教学计划制定,以及评价内容和方式的改革等方面入手,建设具有自身特色的大学英语选修课课程体系,做到外语教学和通识教育的有机统一。  相似文献   

以生命教育为视角的教学是提高高职思想政治理论课实效性的一个新思路。论述了生命教育及马克思的生命教育观,探讨了思想政治理论课教育中生命关怀缺失的种种现象,提出了以生命教育为视角的高职思想政治理论课改革路径。  相似文献   

2020年5月教育部颁布的《高等学校课程思政建设指导纲要》明确高校工作以立德树人为根本任务,要将价值观引导融入知识传授和能力培养之中,构建全员全程全方位育人之大格局,全面推进课程思政建设.在此背景下,高校外语教育应将思想政治教育贯穿其人才培养体系,发挥好课程的育人作用.本文基于作者课程思政教学实践,探析外国文学教学中融...  相似文献   

语言是文化的载体,文化品性是外语教学的特质,外语教育离不开文化教育。当今世界,文化与经济和政治相互交融,在综合国力竞争中的地位和作用越来越突出。列宁晚年关于社会主义文化的战略构想中对文化建设提出了宝贵的有建设性的方案,这对于我国外语教育尤其是英语教学的文化品性构拟有着重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

现代高职教育是国家高等教育的重要组成部分,如何提高高职院校学生专业课程的学习效果应是我们不断探索和努力的方向。文章结合了高职院校小语种专业课程的特点,探讨了案例教学法在商务法语课程中的应用和改进,例举了实施案例教学的方法,旨在激发学生学习兴趣,提高专业课程教学效果,针对小语种专业实现高职人才培养目标。  相似文献   

文化课是汉语国际教育课程教学体系的重要组成部分,但长期以来在研究和教学实践中受语言教学思路影响较大,教学效果有限。笔者就文化课教学中的一些重要问题在外国留学生和对外汉语教师中进行了四次调查,获取了他们对文化课教学的评价和看法方面的信息,并在此基础上就如何改进文化课教学提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

按载体表现形式的不同,课程有显性课程和隐性课程之分。隐性课程是一种以间接、内隐的方式存在的课程,与内隐学习的概念不谋而合,有助于外语学习由学得向习得转化。信息技术环境下,高校外语隐性课程的建设可主要从教材开发和活动设计两方面展开。  相似文献   

思想政治教育与政治社会化两者之间有着紧密的内在逻辑关联。文章在深入解析政治社会化历史渊源、理论渊源的基础上,对其内涵进行了深刻诠释。并通过对思想政治教育和政治社会化的异同分析,对当前形势下思想政治教育的重构提出了相应的建议与对策,包括:借鉴西方政治社会化理论,理论研究与实际研究相结合,深化公民教育内容,充分运用政治学基础理论的相关知识,以此充实思想政治教育内容;在坚持传统思想政治教育途径的基础上,充分利用家庭、学校、大众传媒、互联网等的优势,拓宽思想政治教育的途径;采用直接性灌输与明示诱导相结合、显性教育和隐性教育相结合、引入情感教育等方法,优化思想政治教育方法,更好地推进人民大众向"政治人"的转化。  相似文献   


The authors examined environmental attitudes among foreign-born Latino Americans and differences in these attitudes associated with acculturation. Data were collected from Spanish-speaking students (N = 153) enrolled in 3 levels of English as a second language (ESL) courses and from English-speaking students (N = 39) enrolled in a Spanish as a second language course. Measures included the New Environmental Paradigm (NEP) scale, a 4-item acculturation scale, ESL course level, and demographics. Acculturation was negatively related to scores on the NEP scale, and Spanish-speaking students in lower level ESL courses scored higher on the NEP than students in higher level courses. These effects remained significant even when income and education were used as covariates. These findings suggest that culture is an important determinant of environmental attitudes.  相似文献   

Chadwick, G.F. “Political issues in the evaluation of in‐service programmes for teachers,” Revue ATEE Journal 3 (1980) 207‐214.

The article focuses on the political dimensions of course evaluation. It begins by looking at the external and internal pressures faced by staff evaluating in‐service teacher training courses in a polytechnic. The suggestion is made that in‐service education courses at North East London Polytechnic attempt to change the power balance between training institutions and teachers working in schools, through developing teacher awareness and competence. Some of the difficulties faced by this approach are considered: (1) the inherent conservatism of the profession; (2) constraints imposed by the accepted style of evaluation; (3) overall agreement on aims; and (4) the difficulties of teachers in classrooms.  相似文献   

思想政治教育是在特定社会中居于统治地位的阶级、政党为了实现政治目标而对社会成员采取的综合性教育实践活动;而政治社会化既是社会个体获取政治知识、形成政治态度、培养政治情感等的过程,又是特定社会培养、训练社会成员政治规范等的过程。思想政治教育能够培养社会成员的政治认同,并增长其政治参与知识,提高其政治技能,是政治社会化的一个重要手段,具有政治社会化作用。但是,思想政治教育在发挥政治社会化作用时也有应该注意的问题,在教育对象上要注意突出教育对象的选择性,青年人和社会流动人口需要倍加注意;并且也要注意新的社会环境新生变量如网络对思想政治教育社会化作用发挥的影响。  相似文献   

隐性德育课程资源的开发与利用是当前德育(或思想政治教育)改革的一个重要趋势。按照课程的类别,隐性德育课程资源可以分为人文社会科学课程、数学等自然科学课程和活动课程三大类。教师要充分开发利用这三类课程中蕴含的爱国主义教育资源、辩证唯物主义、历史唯物主义教育资源和理想信念教育资源等德育因素,使隐性德育课程资源充分发挥其巨大的德育价值。  相似文献   


The beginning of modern Arab education coincided with the Arab Awakening in the nineteenth century. The modern educational system witnessed its most important developments in the Arab world, as shown by the case of Egypt, under the Ottoman Empire. Examining a new model of education as shown in the literary sources of the Arab Awakening, one finds that there were difficulties in presenting the various scientific texts in a lecture format. The students were unfamiliar with the new scientific terminologies, and the professors, in turn, did not have suitably accurate scientific terms within the Arabic language. This article discusses the crisis of terminologies that challenged the development of a new educational system. It also describes the expertise acquired by local scholars from foreign experts during their educational missions to Europe. The knowledge they gained enabled them to modernise the Arabic language upon their return. Eventually some of the terminology used within the new educational system filtered through to everyday use within the wider culture.  相似文献   


Financial pressures, restrictions on full‐time participation and the public commitment to access and lifelong learning, suggest that part‐time provision may be increasingly important in undergraduate‐level higher education. However the scale and organisation of part‐time provision varies across institutions, and its future development may depend on decisions taken at institutional level. This paper describes Scottish institutions’ policies for part‐time provision of first degrees and Higher National Certificates and Diplomas (HNCs and HNDs). It is based on interviews with senior managers in all 23 Scottish higher education institutions (HEIs), and in 11 further education (FE) colleges. Most institutions planned to expand part‐time provision. New (post‐1992) universities were the most committed to expansion; non‐university HEIs and some old universities were the least committed. Policies for expanding part‐time provision were often part of a broader strategy for flexibility. The research revealed two contrasting models of flexibility: many universities pursued flexible integration, bringing full‐ and part‐time study into a common web of provision, whereas FE colleges typically pursued flexible differentiation, maintaining the distinctions between (and within) the modes. Institutional polices were influenced by four sets of factors: institutional mission, other institution‐specific factors, government policy and funding, and demand; funding arrangements and demand were seen as the main drivers. Finally, we question whether the greater formal autonomy of institutions led in practice to more independent decision‐making, and whether the trends anticipated by our interviewees are in fact well entrenched.  相似文献   

打造一批具有样板效应的课程思政示范课是当前高校教学改革的热点话题和重要举措。从课程思政教学改革的价值意蕴着手,探索化妆品经营与管理专业“形象设计”课程实施策略,不断总结课堂教学实践经验,建立起“专业课教师+思政课教师”的双主体教学模式。通过对教学方式、教学目标、教学内容和教学效果的问卷调查,双主体教学模式显示全方位育人的良好效果。  相似文献   

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