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论公民教育   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
培养公民是一切教育目标表述的基础 ,也是国家对教育的基本要求。公民教育已成为当代西方政治哲学、教育理论关注的热点问题 ,其具有代表性的理论主要有自由主义公民教育、社群主义公民教育和多元文化主义公民教育。社会主义政治文明建设不仅是社会主义民主制度的设计和完善问题 ,更重要的是培养一代认同、积极参与并具有实践能力的公民。因此公民教育的目标一定要明确地包含在基础教育的目标中 ,公民教育的内容也一定要渗透在相关的课程之中 ,并通过公民教育目标整合基础教育中的道德教育、思想政治教育和社会教育以及相关的教育活动。  相似文献   

加拿大作为多民族和多元文化的马赛克国度,在公民教育中秉承自由主义的多元文化主义公民资格观——差异的公民资格以及国家认同与族群认同并重的公民教育观,并将此理念贯彻落实在公民教育的实践中,通过公民教育实现了国家认同与族群身份的有机统一。对于同样面临多元文化和民族差异问题的中国来说,加拿大的公民教育理念及实践具有一定的参考和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to contribute to an understanding of how curricular change is accomplished in practice, including the positions and conflicts of key stakeholders and participants, and their actions in the process. As a case, we study the treatment of energy in Swedish secondary curricula in the period 1962–2011 and, in particular, how the notion of energy quality was introduced in the curricula in an energy course at upper secondary school in 1983 and in physics at lower secondary school in 1994. In the analysis, we use Roberts’ two competing visions of science education, Vision I in which school science subjects largely mirror their corresponding academic disciplines and Vision II that incorporates societal matters of science. In addition, a newly suggested Vision III represents a critical perspective on science education. Our analysis shows how Vision II and III aspects of science education have gained importance in curricula since the 1980s, but in competition with Vision I considerations. Energy quality played a central role in providing Vision II and III arguments in the curricular debate on energy teaching. Subsequent educational research has found that Swedish teachers and students struggle with how to relate to energy quality in physics teaching, which we explain as partly due to the tension between the competing visions.  相似文献   

主动公民教育:国际公民教育发展的新走向   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
20世纪90年代以来,出于对公民参与公共生活的积极性持续下降将影响民主的稳定与发展的担忧,各国尤其是西方发达国家把实施主动公民教育作为主要政策追求,在加强学生在学校与社区生活中的参与的基础上,强调通过课内与课外、校内与校外、正规与非正规等各种教育途径之间的互动与合作,以培养知情的、负责任的参与型公民.  相似文献   

My purpose is to examine and evaluate the implementation of market ideology and practices in education through the prism of both modern democratic theory and the discourse of rights. I examine the essence and defining characteristics of public schooling in modern democratic theory, explore the democratic purposes of education, and the unique mission of public schools. I also analyze the vision of public schooling that surfaces from the discourse of human rights and children’s rights, examining relevant UN declarations and conventions. I then proceed to discuss some major manifestations of markets in education, question their congruence with the democratic vision of public schooling, and examine their consequences for both citizenship and citizenship education. My conclusion is that markets in education, and the formulation of education policies and practices through decision-making processes dominated by business and parents, are not necessarily fashioned in the best interest of a democratic society.  相似文献   

当前我国正逐渐步入公民时代,公民教育承担着国家构建和发展的艰巨责任。公民资格和公民教育相互影响,密不可分。公民资格的法理确认是现代公民教育的基点,公民资格的充分践行是公民教育的根本诉求。回顾公民资格理论及其演变历程和公民教育发展历程,可以理清公民资格与公民教育的内在关系,从而对我国的公民教育提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The Presuppositions of Citizenship Education   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In the Western tradition citizenship is part of the good life, but can never be enforced on people. Some modern views see liberty as only a consumer or private 'good' detached from civic obligations. However, an education that creates a disposition to active citizenship is a necessary condition of free societies. Education is training and learning towards freedom, and freedom is closely linked to an understanding of the concept of the political as a matter of peaceful compromises of values and interests. Understanding of general concepts fortified by practical activity is essential. It is suggested that any democratic political education (as in the present UK Government proposals) presupposes five 'procedural values': freedom, toleration, fairness, respect for truth, respect for reasoning.  相似文献   

国际公民教育的视界:主动公民身份再造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发轫于古希腊城邦时期的主动公民身份思想,随着近现代亲密性社会的兴起而日渐式微。现代社会普遍存在的民主的赤字、社会资本的销蚀和共享价值的迷失都是主动公民身份消解的后果。为了有效地应对主动公民身份消解带来的危机,西方公民教育界开展了政治性描述、理论性界定和经验性分析三种研究路径。在实践中,以全校策略框架为代表的主动公民身份再造运动更是风起云涌。然而,由于主动公民身份的再造是一个动态性的系统工程,因此其再造之路任重而道远。  相似文献   

The paper examines how the author has used what he calls action learning to encourage pupils to learn about citizenship in a secondary school. The paper argues that citizenship can be learnt by engaging young people in projects and other activities, which encourage them to develop an understanding of the responsibilities and skills needed to become citizens in society. The paper goes on to describe a small-scale research project which sought to assess the pupils' reactions to action learning. The young people's responses bring to life what they have learnt from their involvement in the action learning projects and how it has helped them to develop as citizens.  相似文献   

公民身份是公民教育活动的出发点和旨归,公民教育是养成和塑造公民身份的有效途径,二者密不可分。对于公民身份与公民教育的研究,涉及诸多社会学科,需要一种综合性、跨学科的理论工具来整合各个学科的资源。社会理论或许是讨论公民身份与公民教育的理想平台。在社会理论的视野中,公民身份需要宽泛的理解,公民教育应涉及全球化视角、批判性认知、多元化内涵、制度化保障等诸多方面。  相似文献   

This paper explores the significance for citizenship education of claims that Western society is undergoing a major cultural reorientation, known by its protagonists as postmodernism, which is said to have wide‐ranging implications for knowledge, morality, politics and individual identities. In particular, the posited changes raise doubts about the future of citizenship, and the discussion reviews two responses to these questions: Heater's optimistic proposal for a return to the classical ideal, and Wexler's pessimistic assessment of the prospects for citizenship in a society dominated by television and the consumption of images. A third perspective is suggested, based on the expansion of the idea of citizenship from civil, political and welfare entitlements to greater participation in the cultural and economic dimensions of everyday life. It is argued that such a concept can inform a comprehensive and coherent approach to citizenship, and a successful curriculum in citizenship education.  相似文献   

俄罗斯公民教育概观   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
俄罗斯公民教育的产生与发展是俄罗斯社会转型在教育领域中的真实反映。经过多年的摸索与实践,它已完成了初期建设。文章主要对俄罗斯公民教育的目标、内容、实施途径及方法作一概括性介绍。  相似文献   

现代性图景中的公民教育在认识论上存在着三组二律背反,即国家与公民的不和、共和主义与自由主义的不和、国家公民与世界公民的不和。现代公民教育的品质在某种意义上也就取决于它有没有超越二律背反的视野与能力。超越二律背反的关键在于现代性中人类存在意义的重塑,即对虚无主义的克服并在人之为人的意义上塑造公民美德。公民教育理念并非是应对当前人类生存危机的权宜之计,而是产生人类可能性的一种努力,是教育的必有之义。为此,公民教育必须是通识教育。  相似文献   

公民范畴是公民教育的本体论依据;真正的公民是世界历史性个人,是享有权利与承担责任、个体主体与类主体相统一的人;民主与规范是公民教育的过程论特点,构成公民教育的实践逻辑起点;公正与幸福是公民教育的价值论规约,构成公民教育的价值逻辑起点。公民、公民教育的实践逻辑起点与价值逻辑起点互相规定,共同保证着公民的有效培养。  相似文献   

公民教育不仅成为了教育理论界和教育实践界的热门话题,而且还受到了党和政府的高度重视.公民教育之所以受到各方普遍重视是因为它被赋予了诸多期待和蕴含:它是推进现代性追求的时代呼唤,廓清现代教育的一个基本视角,批判传统教育的一个新视点,展望未来的一个新起点.  相似文献   

公民资格是理解公民教育的起点和基础。美国公民资格理论范式主要体现为自由主义、共和主义、批判主义和跨国主义公民资格。自由主义和共和主义公民资格作为影响美国公民教育的主导话语,对公民教育实践产生了重要影响。批判主义和跨国主义公民资格以其特有的理论活力对公民教育提出了挑战。美国公民资格理论话语的丰富和发展为公民教育实践提供了参照和启示。  相似文献   

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