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教育的均衡发展是实现教育公平的先决条件,而教育经济资源的不足与不良将直接导致薄弱学校效能的改善与提高。当政府在现有经济资源充分供给无法满足的条件下,薄弱学校主动寻找社会资源的加入是其面临的现实选择。借鉴他国经验,建立具有中国特色的法人治校将为薄弱学校吸纳社会资源、改善经济状况提供体制层面的保证。同时,也是改善薄弱学校经济状况的一个可行路径。  相似文献   

调研表明,当前民办学校的平均负债率在10%左右,运行资金及债务问题总体上处于可控范围。相对而言,部分民办高校的负债务率较高。导致这一状况的原因涉及到前期投入资金多、近年生源持续下降、后期投入标准提升、银行信贷困难等诸多因素。本文建议允许民办学校用非教学资产作抵押和学费收费权作质押向银行申请贷款,并通过成立担保公司、经费补助、自主招生、适当放开收费、建立危机预警机制等多渠道解决民办学校的融资和债务难题。  相似文献   

State programs of performance funding for public colleges and universities are both popular and volatile. A previous article identified some characteristics of stable programs by comparing the survey responses of state and campus leaders from Tennessee and Missouri about their mature programs with those from four states that later dropped performance funding. This article uses those characteristics to assess the stability of the continuing programs in Florida, Ohio, and South Carolina. This article compares the survey responses of state and campus leaders from each of these three states about their programs with those from Missouri and Tennessee. The findings suggest trouble for these three programs, for they share few of the characteristics common to the stable programs in Missouri and Tennessee.  相似文献   

English Learners (ELs) represent critical mass of K-12 students in public schools across the nation. However, states have failed to improve EL student academic outcomes, including college readiness. In 2013, California altered its school funding policy, providing additional support for English learners. Drawing on Vertical Equity and a Critical Community Strength Framework, this study examines the impact of local funding on college readiness among EL students by analyzing accountability plans and secondary data of 13 districts and assessing reforms using markers of college readiness. Document analysis shows: 1) school districts’ prioritization, 2) resource allocation based on those priorities, and 3) different approaches to operationalizing the construct of equity. Secondary data analysis reveals EL students lagged behind peers in performance on state assessments and enrollment in college preparatory and Advanced Placement varied across districts. These data confirm the critical need for intervention and targeted investment to raise overall college readiness rates among EL students in California and have national implications for states with growing Latino and EL student populations.  相似文献   

英国政府一直高度重视国内教育信息化发展规划与投资,多年来形成了一整套较为科学完善的投资发展体系。该文对通过对英国政府2008-2011年度的ICT投资资金从种类划分、项目设计到指导规划所作的分析与介绍,旨在为我国教育指导部门后期的教育技术投资在目标规划、项目设计、指导利用等方面带来一定程度的参考或启示。  相似文献   

It is frequently asserted that some public services, including the provision of schooling, might with advantage be committed, together with appropriate financial assistance, to voluntary faith-based bodies. There are however serious disadvantages in this particular mingling of 'private' and 'public' provision. The arrangements currently in force in the various parts of Britain are the result of complex historical compromises and any further extension of state aid to faith-based schools is likely to lead to an unwelcome fragmentation of society and a diversion of resources from schools committed to developing a common culture, while respecting a diversity of cultural identities.  相似文献   

Education commissions, higher education bureaus, education departments (bureaus), and finance departments (bureaus) of the various provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government, and independently planned cities, as well as the various relevant ministries and commissions under the State Council:

With the reform of China's economic structure and the separation of the administrative organ from the enterprises, changes are taking place in the economic relations between many business departments and the enterprises under them. These changes have affected, to some extent, the funding for specialized secondary schools affiliated with these departments. The jurisdiction of some of these schools has also been adjusted accordingly. Under the circumstances, we need to further clarify the issue of funding for specialized secondary schools.  相似文献   

农村义务教育经费保障机制有效提高了我国义务教育投入水平。然而,城乡接合部学校的城市性质使其享受政策保障受到一定限制,同时其教育经费又往往难以达到主城区水平,因此城乡接合部地区可能成为处于主城区和农村之间的义务教育经费“洼地”。本研究基于教育经费统计数据和空间数据,使用空间断点回归方法,定量地研究“新机制”背景下城乡属性对于学校生均教育经费投入的影响。结果发现,城乡接合部学校生均经费显著地低于邻近的农村学校,而且存在学生规模过大的问题。本研究建议,现行的城乡义务教育经费保障机制应该对城乡接合部学校的教育经费予以重点倾斜。  相似文献   

基于《中国教育经费统计年鉴》对我国大陆地区2001-2010年特殊教育学校经费状况进行分析发现:在投入方面,国家财政性教育经费投入逐年增长,且是特殊教育学校经费收入来源的主体;特殊教育学校生均教育经费支出不断增长,生均教育经费支出数额与当年我国人均国内生产总值总体接近;在支出方面,近两年基本建设支出比例大增,近三年公用经费增长趋势明显.建议:结合国情,借鉴国际经验,继续加大特殊教育经费投入力度;落实对普通学校开展特殊教育的财政性经费投入;合理规划特殊教育经费支出结构,切实提高中部地区特殊教育经费投入.  相似文献   

The project reported in this paper developed an empirically based multidimensional assessment of self-directed learning through inquiry for use in primary schools that want to promote self-directed active learners. Development of the assessment tools and initial findings regarding validity and reliability of the assessment are reported. Intended and actual usage of the tools are discussed and suggestions for further study are offered.  相似文献   

This article examines whether participation in a business communication simulation significantly influences students' perceptions of their business communication behaviors. Results revealed several significant differences between students' pre- and post scores. Students reported significantly higher post scores in 4 of 5 of the examined categories, including message construction, message delivery, critical analysis, and collaboration. These findings suggest that participation in the simulation positively impacts students' estimations of their business communication competencies. Possible explanations and implications behind these findings are discussed. Future research directions are proposed.  相似文献   

初中科学表现性评价试题的命制有立意、情境和任务设计三要素。首先要确立能力立意,主要考查学生在运用科学知识和技能解决问题的过程中,所表现的科学探究、科学表达和团队合作的能力。其次要采编真实的情境材料,情境材料要与学生生活和学习经验相匹配,要关注地域文化差异与公平,情境类型要多样化;编制试题情境时要进行适度的整理与简化,要图文并茂,以增强可读性。最后,根据试题立意和情境进行任务设计,通过编制三维细目表,并据此设问,精心设计表现性的任务。  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of church schools on a range of indices of village church life in a sample of 1637 communities ranging in size from 250 to 1250 inhabitants. After controlling for the influence of population, electoral roll, the amalgamation of churches within multi‐parish benefices, the age of the clergyman and whether or not there is an occupied vicarage within the area served by the church, the presence of a church school is shown to augment slightly the village church's usual Sunday contact with 6‐9‐year‐olds and with adults. The presence of a church school is also shown to have a small positive influence on the number of infant baptisms, the number of 6‐13‐year‐olds in the village church choir and the number of young confirmands under the age of 14 years. All these findings emphasise the beneficial nature of the impact of Church of England voluntary schools on village church life.  相似文献   

中小学信息技术课堂教学评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从 2000年秋季开始,全国中小学都将把信息技术课列为必修课,同时教育部也颁布了相应的课程标准。深圳市早在 1985年就率先在中小学开设电脑课,但是对如何评价一堂信息技术课 ?一直没有提出一个标准,笔者根据近年来的教研实践,提出如下评估标准,同时给出了一种利用计算机来实现信息技术课课堂教学质量的量化评估方法。   一、信息技术课堂教学评估表   二、评估要素说明   1教学目的和要求:   (1)教学目的明确、集中。根据教育部中小学信息技术课程的指导意见、对相应的教学内容提出准确的教学目的和要求,不“贪多求全”,…  相似文献   

In the United States, payment of public tax money to religious institutions— including religious educational institutions—has traditionally been subject to rigorous restraints. Interpreting the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, the Supreme Court has long held that state-mandated financial support of religious institutions tends to corrupt both religion and government, and is a violation of conscience for those who must fund religions with which they may bitterly disagree. Recently, advocates of state aid for religious education have attacked these principles, arguing that they fail to recognise the religious tolerance that American society has achieved. This article defends the traditional restraints. It argues that Americans in fact embrace a limited form of religious diversity, one that tends to be tolerant of familiar, mainstream religious groups, but is distinctly intolerant of others. Indeed, recent polls indicate that the equal funding of all religious groups—as the Constitution's principle of equality would demand—is highly controversial and supported by few Americans. It is argued that traditional restraints on public funding of religious institutions in the USA are rooted in a fundamental truth: that religious differences in pluralistic societies are often deep, divisive, and volatile, and that the financial enmeshment of religion and government serves neither religion, government, nor the atmosphere of tolerance upon which diverse societies depend.  相似文献   

学田制:中国古代办学经费的恒定渠道   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
学田制是中国古代为学校教育提供办学经费的一种特殊方式,与其他教育经费的划拨和筹措存在着明显殊异。它在各种性质及类别的学校办理中,均发挥过或大或小的影响,尤其对于地方官学和书院的恒定办理,更是发挥了举足轻重的作用。尽管它只适用于农业经济为主体的社会,但它的历史价值却不应遗忘。  相似文献   


Evidence from the field indicates that many good candidates are not applying for principalships in Australian Catholic schools. Research aimed at developing an instrument to assess their reasons for not applying was conducted in New South Wales, Australia. A sample of 977 assistant principals, religious education coordinators and other coordinators were used in the evolution of a survey instrument. Scale development procedures resulted in a 32-item questionnaire with 8 underlying scales (namely, Unsupportive External Environment, Systemic Accountability, Lack of Expertise, Personal and Family Impact, Explicit Religious Identity, Gender Bias, Interview Problems, Loss of Close Relationships). Validation data indicated that this instrument--the Impediments to Leadership Succession Inventory--has sound structural characteristics. Use of this instrument revealed that respondents who perceived clear disincentives and systemic and societal devaluing of the work of principals were less inclined to apply for a principalship.  相似文献   

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