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高职教育不同于普通高等教育,在教育类型、培养目标、专业设置、课程教学、服务面向等方面都有自己鲜明的特点,使高职院校学生思想政治教育工作面临着新情况、新问题。应把握高职院校学生思想政治教育工作的难点,注重高职特色,重视人文关怀,不断增强思想政治教育的针对性和实效性。  相似文献   

外部性主要用来指行为主体的行为所产生的外部影响.外部性的存在会导致资源配置的低效率.经济理论与实践中提出的征税、界定产权、政府管制等治理手段存在着局限性.从理论上看,外部不经济很大程度上是由于经济人的"利已"理性驱使下的不道德行为造成的,而思想政治教育是为一定的思想、政治、道德服务的.因此在某种程度上可以作为辅助手段消除外部性的影响.  相似文献   

外部性主要用来指行为主体的行为所产生的外部影响。外部性的存在会导致资源配置的低效率,经济理论与实践中提出的征税、界定产权、政府管制等治理手段存在着局限性。从理论上看,外部不经济很大程度上是由于经济人的“利已”理性驱使下的不道德行为造成的,而思想政治教育是为一定的思想、政治、道德服务的,因此在某种程度上可以作为辅助手段消除外部性的影响。  相似文献   

在中国日益开放的时代境遇中,分析引导当代西方思潮是思想政治教育的题中应有之义.把握西方思潮与思想政治教育的关联与互动是做好分析引导工作的理论前提.从关联的角度看,思想政治教育是分析和引导当代西方思潮的独特途径,为思想政治教育观照和介入现实提供了重要的中介环节,也为丰富思想政治教育的思维进路提供了宝贵的资源.从互动的角度看,思想政治教育与当代西方思潮在碰撞融会中共同发展.  相似文献   

思想政治教育是素质教育的灵魂   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
思想政治素质是人的素质的灵魂。在素质教育中,思想政治教育是培养“四有”社会主义事业建设和接班人的方向性保证。思想政治教育要引导学生主动探索问题,追求真理,反省自我,完善人格,为民族的振兴和国家的富强贡献自己的创造力。  相似文献   

This article examines relevant government policy documents on education and culture and discovers that Nigerian education authorities do not ‘discriminate’ against art and culture in its articulation of educational policies per se, but lack of administrative machinery or political will has resulted in the deprivation of the Nigerian child in the process of creative activity in early childhood development. The article argues that lack of creative ability in our educational products is perhaps a major setback in the nation's quest for industrial and technological development. In this article a new art curriculum for elementary schools is. advocated as a means of engaging the young child in order to attain functional educational skills necessary in the world of work.  相似文献   


The relationship between prior field experience and professional development has been frequently documented in teacher education (Denton, 1982; Calderhead, 1988). There is less research, however, which has explored the relationship between students' prior experiences and their initial images of teaching and professional development. This paper outlines some, findings from a UFC research project into experiential learning in higher education. It concentrates specifically on teacher education and focuses primarily upon the experiences of student teachers prior to their professional training. The paper examines the extent to which prior experiences influence students' images of teaching and professional development. It describes the nature of those experiences and explores the relationship between prior experience and students' preconceptions about professional development.  相似文献   

立足于思想政治教育的本质属性——政治目的性、内容历史性以及我国现实发展,以公民意识为重点的公民教育理应构成思想政治教育本质的应有内容。而这一理念的确立对当今思想政治教育无论从内容目标的完善还是方法途径的改进均具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Political Education and Political Teachers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

正确翻译各种时政词语对于正确传达中国声音起着举足轻重的作用。在关联理论的框架下,提高时政新词翻译效度的有效策略是在政治内涵、语言表达、文化形象等方面追求目的语与源语的最佳关联,从而保证时政新词的翻译效度。  相似文献   

This article discusses the relevance of philosophy to education. More specifically, it asks what it means to speak of a relevance relationship here. Two ways of conceiving this relationship are discussed. First, proposed views of the relevance of philosophy to education generally embody a foundational view of the relationship, expressed in terms of education as resting on philosophy such that support runs in one direction only. Second, a non-foundational relationship is discussed, a relationship that entails mutual dependence of philosophy and education, such that philosophy loses its status as basic.  相似文献   


In a recent television feature for BBC'sPublic Eye—’Teacher Training: Back to the Classroom?‘—the hoary old issue of the proper balance of theory and practice in the professional preparation of teachers was aired yet again. During the ensuing debate the various distinguished contributors to the programme adopted one or the other of the two main positions—either that educational theory might well be dispensed with entirely in favour of some kind of direct school‐based initiation into the craft skills of teaching or that theory should be taken out of the colleges and into the schools in order to be more directly relevant or applicable to practice. The main argument of this paper is that both these positions are predicated on a common mistaken assumption that the theoretically informed practical discourse which underlies rational educational debate and discussion is essentially a kind of technical discourse concerned primarily with the largely pragmatic achievement of certain value‐neutral goals. Attempts to integrate theory with practice or to dispense with it altogether in favour of practice both miss the point that the heart of so‐called theoretical educational discourse is moral and evaluative in character and its proper concern is with the education rather than the practical training of teachers.  相似文献   

思想政治教育是中国共产党的政治优势和制胜法宝。我们党在长期的革命、建设和改革的实践活动中就十分重视在全党开展思想政治教育工作,并由此积累了很多好的思想政治教育方法。要做好新时期全党的思想政治工作,就必须在坚持原有方法的基础上,结合时代的新特征,对方法进行有效探索和创新。  相似文献   

高等教育是社会发展的动因,政治文明是社会发展的目标,高等教育是构建社会主义政治文明的基石。高等教育要主动适应和引导社会主义政治文明的发展。在实践中,高等教育通过塑造政治主体文明和维护政治制度文明来促进社会主义政治文明的形成和完善。  相似文献   

为了解决高职院校思想政治主题教育存在的持续性不强,感召力不足,缺乏统筹性等问题,高职院校应着力构建“大思政”格局,建立各部门联动的工作实效考核机制,在全员育人、全过程贯穿、全方位整合中,促进不同思想政治主题教育无缝衔接,多样实施,永不落幕,切实提高思想政治主题教育的实效性。  相似文献   

教育者和受教育者作为思想政治教育活动过程的两个基本要素,只有同时发挥各自的积极性,思想政治教育才能达到预期的效果.主体间性理论的出现给思想政治教育带来了新的曙光,其在思想政治教育工作中的应用也打破了教育者和受教育者力量不平衡的状态,使两者重新回到了平等的地位.  相似文献   

选取从2000年到2009年的数据,观察十年来教育改革和调整为城市竞争力带来的影响。从所选样本城市来看,基础教育资源稀缺的现象普遍存在,这说明不仅是农村或偏远地区基础教育有待发展,较为富裕的城市同样需要在基础教育方面加大投入。就高等教育而言,一方面高等教育与城市竞争力的关系越来越密切,但另一方面,能够在高教改革与城市竞争力之间建立直接关联的城市屈指可数,这在客观上挫伤了城市政府对高等教育进行长期投入的积极性。职业教育被认为是经济转型及产业升级的重要工具。  相似文献   

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