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数感在义务教育数学课程中是一个全新的重要内容.目前初中生的数感培养存在的主要问题有:对数概念的理解脱离现实的生活,而且缺少个性化和多样化的理解方式;学生的估算意识薄弱,缺少估算的方法;学生之间缺乏有效的交流,抑制思维的发散;解决问题的能力有待提高.培养学生数感的策略有:在数概念的教学中,重视对数概念的切实体验与理解;注重对运算意义的理解,加强估算能力并鼓励算法多样化;在数学交流中领悟数感;在问题解决中培养和发展数感.  相似文献   

学生问题意识的淡薄是制约其创新思维发展的重要因素。因此,教师在教学过程中要想方设法增强学生的问题意识,充分调动学生提出问题的积极性,让学生变被动掌握"静态"的物理知识为主动探索、研究"动态"的物理知识,从而真正成为学习的主人。  相似文献   

新课程理念下的初中科学教学,教师应走进学生的心灵、想学生所想、与学生平等交流,这样不仅可营造良好的学习氛围,而且有利于发挥学生的主动性,提高科学教学效率。  相似文献   

学习兴趣是学生学习动机的重要心理因素.在科学教学中如何激发学生的学习兴趣,充分发挥学生的主观能动作用,以提高教学质量,是值得科学教师探讨的重要课题.本文结合初中科学课程改革的特点及其学生心理发展特征,从创设教学情景、鼓励学生探究、学以致用、师生情感等四个方面探讨了激发学生的学习兴趣的教学策略.  相似文献   

语感是人们对语言的直觉 ,有良好的语感的人 ,能快速准确地理解别人的语言 ,表达自己的思想情感。培养学生高层次的语感是当今语文教学的关键。可以从丰富生活体验 ,扩大语言实践 ;强化语境概念 ,联系语境培养语感 ;加强诵读训练 ,增加词语积累 ;学习语言知识 ,增加文化修养 ,提高语感层次 ;联系思维训练 ,提高语感水平等五个方面来培养学生的语感  相似文献   

中小学生法制教育是学校教育的重要内容之一。目前,我国中小学法制教育中还存在不少误区。切实转变观念,提高学校对法制教育的重视程度,是加强对中小学生进行法制教育的关键。  相似文献   

This study describes a collaborative study involving a teacher and university researcher using learning environment research to transform a middle school science learning environment. Habermas' idea of knowledge constitutive interests (technical, practical, and emancipatory) is used as a perspective to make sense of the learning environment. Student perceptions of science and the nature of science were explored. Classroom observations and student interviews were the primary data sources. Students perceived science as primarily a set of facts to be learned and did not view it as an inquiry method or a social process. Despite the characterization of the course by the teacher and students as hands-on and experimental, technical interests were prevalent. Through negotiation, a plan of action was outlined for recreating the learning environment to make it more practical and emancipatory, as well as more consistent with contemporary perspectives on the nature of science.  相似文献   

This paper reports a test on the feasibility and educational value of probeware and associated instructional materials in middle school science education. We addressed feasibility through consideration of costs, teacher professional development, and instructional design. In order to test our approach, we developed 2 middle school science curriculum units, 6 low-cost probes that interface between handheld Palm computers, and CCLabBook software for the Palms that presents the curriculum, interfaces with the probes for data collection and visualization, and supports guided exploration. The materials were tested by 30 teachers in the first year, and in a follow-up study by 8 of those teachers the second year. We found that teachers were able to conduct the investigations successfully in their classrooms, and that student learning was enhanced through the use of the probes and handhelds. Specifically, students experienced the physical correlation between phenomenon and modeling, which helped them to develop understanding and to confront misconceptions.  相似文献   

忧患意识是中华民族的优良传统。江泽民同志在党的十六大上更明确提出“一定要增强忧患意识,居安思危”。然而,由于舆论宣传、教育理念等的偏差,导致当前国人尤其是青年学生忧患意识淡薄。中学历史学科中,对学生进行忧患意识教育的内容既十分丰富又具体生动,具有其他学科无法取代的优势。在历史教学中,应结合学科特点,采取多种途径开展忧患意识教育,以增强青年学生的忧患意识。  相似文献   

This article examines some key characteristics of science, under the headings of: the elimination of the personal; demarcation from ethics; and the denial of reflexivity. It relates these characteristics to an instrumental criterion of knowing, which, it is argued, is pervasive in science. The relationship between this complex whole and the interpretative emphasis within both science and the humanities is then examined. The article suggests that these characteristics may underlie the difficulties which science experiences in the curriculum, and that contemporary curricular innovations can be construed as an attempt to address these difficulties by introducing a more thoroughgoing personal, interpretative and humane dimension to the science curriculum. It suggests that there are severe limits to this project.  相似文献   

中学理科教育也具有人文精神的教育功能,在中学理科教育中教师应将科学教育与人文教育有机地结合起来,将人文精神的教育渗透于各科知识的传授过程中.教师在教学中可从科学的发展史和科学家的典型故事、从教材和学科特点、从美育功能入手,培养学生的科学人文精神.  相似文献   

日本中小学校职业观教育的政策动向与实施策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据生涯教育概念的出台,探讨职业教育观的定位,阐述中小学校实施职业教育的重要性和必要性,研究日本中小学校职业教育观的内容和实施策略,帮助学生从小养成良好的职业意识,形成作为未来社会一员和职业人所必要的职业素养和能力,梳理并分析了日本中小学校开展职业观教育的政策动向及实施策略,探讨学校教育与职业世界融合的可能性。  相似文献   

中学理科教学也具有人文精神的教育功能 ,它要求中学理科教师除了精通专业知识外 ,还必须具有高度的人文教育意识 ,广博的文化素养 ,注重自身的精神示范作用 ,营造宽松融洽的教学气氛  相似文献   

调查发现,甘肃省农村中学生跟全国各地中学生一样,学生中喜欢音乐的人占到了全体人群的绝大多数,这种情况其实是与音乐在人性中的重要性原则相符合的。针对甘肃省农村中学生音乐素养存在的问题,提出几点建议:(一)采取先进的教学方法,提高学生音乐学习兴趣;(二)倡导音乐课程内容多元化;(三)为学生创设交流展示的平台;(四)转变家长对学习音乐的陈旧观念。  相似文献   

This study, conducted in Israel, examined how learning strategies and motivational orientations contributed to high school students’ sense of achievement in a massive open online course. The objective was to integrate an innovative teaching–learning strategy into the educational system that is based on online learning for students in subjects that are rich in knowledge and technology. The researchers used a motivated strategies learning questionnaire modified to fit the purpose of this study. In addition, the researchers built and used a sense of achievement index based on social pedagogy as a leading principle in the current learning model. Structural Equation Modeling path analysis results suggested that projects-based learning subjects had a significant positive impact on motivational orientations and learning strategies, and they in turn had a significant positive impact on students’ sense of achievement.  相似文献   

Spatial thinking is important for success in engineering. However, little is known about how students learn and apply spatial skills, particularly in kindergarten to Grade 12 engineering learning. The present study investigated the role of spatial thinking in engineering learning at a middle school summer camp. Participants were 26 students (13 female, 13 male), predominantly from underrepresented groups. We took a cognitive ethnographic approach, using observations of hands-on engineering learning activities to identify moments when spatial problems arose and how learners made sense of these problems. We describe these processes as distributed spatial sensemaking because they involved both internal (cognitive) processes and also interactions with other learners, materials, and representations. We identified 90 distributed spatial sensemaking episodes in our data set. These episodes facilitated important engineering practices such as hypothesis testing and design iteration. We also found that different activities elicited different types of distributed spatial sensemaking episodes. Our results demonstrate how spatial thinking matters in everyday engineering learning and speaks to the types of engineering learning activities that scaffold particular spatial processes and practices. Our research also shows how cognitive, situated, and distributed theories can be used in tandem to make sense of a complex phenomenon like engineering learning.  相似文献   

自然科学是一个美的世界,蕴含着丰富的自然美,包括知识中的简洁美、对称美、统一美和知识探究中的发现美。认识与发掘自然科学之美,从美的角度去认识自然、研究自然,发现自然,可以提高学生的学习兴趣,加深对知识的理解,培养科学的审美观念,提高学生的审美情趣。  相似文献   

The language used to construct knowledge, beliefs, and worldviews in school science is distinct from the social language that students use in their everyday ordinary life. This difference is a major source of reading difficulty for many students, especially struggling readers and English‐language learners. This article identifies some of the linguistic challenges involved in reading middle‐school science texts and suggests several teaching strategies to help students cope with these challenges. It is argued that explicit attention to the unique language of school science should be an integral part of science literacy pedagogy.  相似文献   

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