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Rats received three-trial series on a T-maze consisting of extended visually distinct left-black and right-striped side runways. During the first phase of training, when allowed to select baited runways within these series, they predominantly alternated their choices. During the second phase, rats received forced-choice serial pattern training of series consisting of two rewarded (R) trials and one nonrewarded (N) trial in two fixed orders, RRN and RNR. In Experiment 1, the rats in the runway shift rule group always received the second R trial when forced down a runway opposite that on the preceding trial in the series and the N trial when forced down the same runway. The rats in the runway stay rule group always received the second R trial when forced down the same runway and the N trial when forced down the opposite runway. In Experiment 2, each rat was conditionally trained with both runway outcome rules as determined by the central alley lighting and the type of food in the side alleys. The rats took longer to reduce their running speed on the N trial within each sequence under the runway stay rule than under the runway shift rule. They also took longer to acquire serial pattern responding for the RNR than for the RRN series only under the runway stay rule condition. When subsequently reexposed to series of free-choice trials on the final phase, rats maintained spontaneous alternating choice patterns under the runway shift rule conditions but either seldom alternated their choices (Experiment 1) or greatly reduced choice alternations (Experiment 2) under the runway stay rule condition. We discussed these effects in terms of rats’ natural foraging strategies and as a factor that interacts with other within- and between-series variables that affect serial pattern behavior.  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted to investigate the effects of cooperative learning on second‐graders’ motivation and learning from text. In Study 1, students (n = 160) in cooperative learning groups were compared with their counterparts (n = 107) in traditional instruction groups. The results revealed a statistically significant difference between the two groups, with more favourable perceptions of teachers’ instructional practices and better reading comprehension in the instructional intervention groups than in the traditional instruction groups. In Study 2, 51 second‐graders participated in the instructional intervention programme. The results showed that students’ positive cooperative behaviour and attitudes were related to their motivation and reading comprehension. When students perceived that their peers were willing to help each other and were committed to the group, they tended to be more motivated and performed better in reading comprehension.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between students’ perceptions of the learning environment, high school performance, approaches to learning, and learning outcomes (generic skills development and course satisfaction). A sample of 74,687 undergraduates from 39 full-time regular universities in China responded to a questionnaire comprising four self-constructed scales. The results supported the reliability and validity of the instruments. A structural equation model showed that approaches to learning mediated the relationship between perceptions of the learning environment and learning outcomes. Specifically, deep approach was found to positively predict learning outcomes. Good teaching positively predicted deep and surface approaches, as well as learning outcomes. Student-faculty and peer interactions were strong predictors of learning approaches and learning outcomes. High school performance had weak effects on learning approaches and learning outcomes. These findings highlight the need of developing new instruments for assessing Chinese undergraduate students’ learning and have implications for improving undergraduate teaching in China.  相似文献   

The goal of the study presented in this article was to examine how variations in task design may affect mathematics teachers’ learning experiences. The study focuses on sorting tasks, i.e., learning tasks that require grouping a given set of mathematical items, in as many ways as possible, according to different criteria suggested by the learners. We present an example of a sorting task for which the items to be grouped are related to basic concepts of analytical geometry that are connected to the notion of loci of points. Based on a design experiment of three iterations with practicing secondary school mathematics teachers, we report on intended and enacted objects of learning inherent in three versions of the task. Empirically based suggestions are drawn about design of sorting tasks that potentially evoke desirable learning experiences.  相似文献   

Two studies examined the effects of four types of teachers’ evaluative feedback on Chinese students’ self-efficacy in English vocabulary acquisition. In Study 1, a random sample of Grade 8 students (N = 79) learned prefixes and received either formative or summative feedback after failure in test. The results showed that students who received summative feedback showed a larger decrease in their self-efficacy than those who received formative feedback. In Study 2, a random sample of Grade 7 students (N = 77) went through similar procedures as in Study 1 except that students received either self-referenced or norm-referenced feedback. The results showed that self-referenced feedback was more beneficial to students’ self-efficacy than norm-referenced feedback. The influences of teachers’ evaluation and feedback on students’ self-efficacy are discussed.  相似文献   

Whereas several studies investigated the effects of implementation of state-wide exit exams on student achievement, there is still little known about the impacts of the exams on students’ self-regulated learning. This paper examines the question as to whether the implementation of state-wide high school exit exams is associated with a change in the self-regulated learning of students in mathematics or English. We conducted a standardized questionnaire survey of students in two German states for a period of 3 years. In mathematics no significant effects of the immediate introduction of state-wide exit exams were identified. In English the results show significant positive and negative effects. The results are discussed and implications for further research are given.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONHypertensionisalwaysaccompaniedbyin creasesinarterywallthickness,mainlycausedbyproliferation ,hypertrophy ,migrationandap optosisofvascularsmoothmusclecells(VSMC) ,andelevatedcontentofconnectivetissue .Thesestructuralchangesinbloodvesselsarekn…  相似文献   

Engaging students in real-world learning contexts has been identified by educators as being an important way of helping them learn to apply what they have learned from textbooks to practical problems. The advancements in mobile and image-processing technologies have enabled students to access learning resources and receive learning guidance in real-world contexts. However, when interacting with such a rich information environment that contains real-world and virtual-world learning resources, students might feel confused and frustrated owing to the lack of appropriate instructional design. Therefore, in this study, an image recognition-based mobile learning system with an active learning-promoting mechanism was developed for supporting field trips for local culture courses. An experiment was executed to examine the effects of the proposed approach on students’ learning achievement, learning motivation, and local culture identity. Moreover, the students’ learning behavioral patterns were probed. The experimental results showed that the proposed approach not only improved the students’ learning achievements as well as their learning motivation and local culture identity, but the students who learned with the proposed approach also demonstrated more active behavioral patterns than those who learned without the active learning-promoting mechanism. Based on the findings of this study, some recommendations for those who plan to develop effective learning strategies for conducting AR-based mobile learning activities are proposed.  相似文献   

Instructional Science - This study analyses the effects of group differentiation by students’ learning strategies of around 1200 students in 46 classes from eight secondary schools in the...  相似文献   

Educational technology research and development - The flipped classroom instructional strategy is thought to be a good way to structure learning experiences to improve student learning outcomes....  相似文献   


In this study, a linked data-based annotation approach is proposed. A learning system has been developed based on the approach by providing an annotating function, a linked data enrichment function, a sharing function and faceted search function. To evaluate the effectiveness of this innovative approach, an experiment was carried out in which two classes of students participated. The first class served as the experimental group, in which the students learned with the proposed approach, and the second class served as the control group, in which the students learned with the conventional annotation approach. The experiment results show that the experimental group significantly outperformed the control group. Moreover, the cognitive load of the students in the experimental group was significantly lower than the ones in the control group. This implies that the linked data-based annotation approach not only reduced the students’ cognitive load, but also improved their learning achievement.  相似文献   

European Journal of Psychology of Education - It was investigated whether teachers’ feedback skills to support students’ self-regulated learning (SRL) can be improved by short-term...  相似文献   

Educators agree on the benefits of adaptive learning, but evidence-based research remains limited as the field of adaptive learning is still evolving within higher education. In this study, we investigated the impact of an adaptive learning intervention to provide remedial instruction in biology, chemistry, math, and information literacy to first-year students (n = 128) entering a pharmacy professional degree program. Using a mixed methods design, we examined students’ learning in each of the four content areas, their experience using the adaptive system, and student characteristics as related to their choice of participating in the intervention. The findings showed the adaptive learning intervention helped address the knowledge gap for chemistry, but the same effect was not observed for the other three content areas. Math anxiety was the only student characteristic that showed a significant relationship with students’ participation. While the students reported an overall positive experience, the results also revealed time factor and several design flaws that could have contributed to the lack of more student success. The findings highlight the importance of design in adaptive learning.  相似文献   

The application of online learning and educational technologies in higher education has changed teaching methods, the channels of delivering learning materials, and modes of communication between teachers and students. This study is aimed to improve learning effects and investigate, via quasi-experiments, the effects of web-mediated socially-shared regulation of learning (SSRL) and experience-based learning (ExBL) on improving students’ learning results. The experimental design in this study was a 2 (SSRL vs. non-SSRL)?×?2 (ExBL vs. non-ExBL) factorial pretest/post-test design. Four classes in a one-semester course titled “Applied Information Technology: Data Processing” at university level were chosen for this study. Based on the analysis carried out in this study, students who received the treatments of web-mediated SSRL and/or ExBL did not have significantly better computing skills in using Excel. The reasons for these insignificances and implications thereof are discussed in this paper. Nevertheless, students in the SSRL and non-ExBL class had significant increases in scores for their learning motivation at the end of semester compared with the beginning.  相似文献   

The authors investigated the effects of differing question-stem designs (detailed stem, simple stem, and no stem) on elementary students regarding the quality of the posed questions by students, as well as their science reports, science achievements, and critical thinking ability. A quasi-experimental design was adopted. One hundred fifth-grade Taiwanese students were assigned to three groups: detailed stem (G1), simple stem (G2), and no stem (G3). Three pupils formed a team, with each group having 11 teams. The members of each team needed to collaborate for proceeding with an online questioning activity. The results showed that the detailed-stem group had a better questioning quality. For science reports, the detailed-stem group and simple-stem group had a significantly better effect than the no-stem group. Regarding science achievement, there was no significant difference among the three groups. And finally, for critical thinking, the detailed-stem group and no-stem group had a significantly better effect than the simple-stem group.  相似文献   

Online interactive systems offer the beguiling prospect of an improved environment for learning at minimum extra cost. We have developed online interactive tutorials that adapt the learning environment to the current learning status of each individual student. These Adaptive Tutorials (ATs) modify the tasks given to each student according to their previous responses. Feedback, assessment and remediation are also adapted. Over a three-year period we progressively blended ATs into notoriously challenging courses in introductory Engineering Mechanics. We assessed the impact of this initiative by reviewing three lines of data: (i) the built-in diagnostics of the system, (ii) changes in student grades from year-to-year and (iii) supplementary surveys. Generally, students liked the new blended system and grades improved. Detailed analysis revealed nuances in the measures of student learning, such as differences between high-performing and low-performing students. With these insights we are able to further adapt the system to meet the learning needs of our students.  相似文献   

Owing to the popularity of tablet computers and smart phones, e-books have become an important medium for both formal and informal learning. However, conventional e-books are mainly designed to provide information in the form of multimedia, implying that students spend most of their time memorizing and comprehending what they read from e-books, while seldom engaging in higher order thinking. In this study, a problem-posing framework is proposed for developing an interactive e-book for guiding students to observe and pose questions. An experiment on an elementary school natural science course was conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. The participants were 46 fourth-grade students. From the experimental results, it was found that the problem-posing-guiding interactive e-book can significantly improve the students’ learning achievements, critical thinking tendency, and deep motive. It was also found that the proposed approach did not increase the students’ cognitive load owing to the provision of proper supports during the problem-posing process, which has generally been identified as a challenging task.  相似文献   

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