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Use of semi- and fully automated, administrative decision-making in public administration is increasing. Despite this increase, few studies have explicitly analysed its relation to good administration. Good administration is regulations and norms aimed at securing the correctness of administrative decisions as well as the legitimacy of these and is often associated with underlying values such as transparency, equality of treatment and accountability. Based on a thematic analysis of qualitative interviews with 43 key public administration stakeholders in a wide array of policy areas in Denmark, insiders of government machinery are shown to perceive relations between automated decision-making and good administration as manifold. Automated, administrative decision-making is articulated as providing both opportunities for supporting good administration and undermining good administration. Six values of good administration particularly related to automated, administrative decision-making are identified: Carefulness; Respecting-individual-rights; Professionalism; Trustworthiness; Responsiveness and Empowerment. Put simply, risks to good administration can be expected to occur if administrative bodies apply automated, administrative decision-making, while opportunities must be actively nurtured through managerial attention. Despite popular conceptions of the threat of “robotic government”, the conclusions of this study indicate a need for a more pragmatic view of relations of automated, administrative decision-making and good administration balanced between outright techno-optimism and techno-pessimism.  相似文献   

党校图书馆为领导决策服务的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着经济社会的高速发展,政府决策的难度越来越大,党校图书馆应抓住契机,发挥其为党政机关决策服务的功能,积极为党政机关领导决策服务。文章从党校图书馆加强决策信息资源建设、加强与党政机关沟通、建立学科馆员制度、提高馆员信息服务综合素质、发挥党校图书馆在信息素质教育中的作用、探索和创新党校图书馆为党校教研人员科研课题服务的方式方法等六个方面提出完善党校图书馆为领导决策服务的措施。  相似文献   

The unique three-way partnership formed by the University of Illinois at Chicago’s federal depository library, the U.S. State Department, and the Government Printing Office (GPO) to deliver and preserve foreign policy information through servers housed at the University’s library offers some critical insights into the assumptions and policies of the GPO’s Federal Depository Library Program. Ultimately, the Internet’s explosive growth, combined with powerful graphical interfaces of the major Web browsers, undermines several recently enacted laws that attempt to standardize (or centralize) effective information resource management within the federal government. Not only has GPO steadily lost political and economic support over the last decade from both legislative and executive leaders for its production and distribution programs, many agencies now consider their “.gov Webspaces” the natural successors to the GPO and its depository library program. As a result, a new model of government information distribution is being forged within the highly decentralized and interactive environment of the World Wide Web.  相似文献   

谢欢 《图书馆》2011,(6):101-103
美国图书馆开展政府信息服务历史悠久,健全的法律保障、与政府良好的合作关系、公民的主动参与、完善的利用机制是促进美国图书馆政府信息服务的重要因素。与美国相比,中国图书馆开展政府信息服务的时间短,地区发展不平衡;相关法律、政府信息、服务对象的缺失很大程度上阻碍了中国公共图书馆政府信息服务的开展。中国需要加强相关法律的制订与完善,为图书馆开展政府信息服务创造一个好的环境,此外图书馆自身也要积极参与到政府信息服务这项工作,同时通过努力强化公民的参与意识。  相似文献   

现代文件管理理论和人民主权学说是政府信息公共获取行政问责的理论基础。建设透明政府、责任政府、法治政府,提高政府执政力与公信力,保证社会公众的知情权、参与权、表达权和监督权,要求推行并强化政府信息公共获取的行政问责。同时,现行的法律制度保障、丰富的实践经验及广泛的社会公众基础使得政府信息公共获取行政问责成为可能。  相似文献   

我国农家书屋的发展现状、问题与策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国自2007年开始实施的农家书屋建设工程已经初步完成,并有望在2012年实现村村覆盖。但也出现了长效管理机制不足、追求"形象工程"、文献资源不足、科学管理有待加强等问题。为促进我国农家书屋的可持续发展,本文提出了以政府为主体的持续均衡投入、把儿童阅读培养放在重要地位、建立县级/省级农家书屋联盟、开展农家书屋的数字化升级改造、完善管理体制、拓展服务范围等几项策略建议。  相似文献   

将"香农-韦弗"信息传播模式理论与网上公共危机的形成相结合,分析网上公共危机形成过程,即危机信息的网络传播与扩散过程。在此基础上,提出网上公共危机综合防范架构体系,即政府是危机防范的主体,网民的防范意识是基础,信息技术的运用是核心,意见领袖的引导是关键,非政府组织是支撑,依法科学行政是前提。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(87-88):109-149

Increasingly, the global business community is viewing Sub-Saharan Africa as a continent of rich business, trade, and investment opportunities. A major challenge to political and business leaders is access to accurate and time-critical information on business, economic, political, and social developments in the Sub-Saharan African countries. This resource guide will provide an organized collection of major African business and economic information resources available via the Internet. Additionally, it includes an appended selection of information sources available in print format. The information originates from multiple Internet-based sources, including African commercial and government agencies, U.S. commercial and government agencies, and international organizations engaging in economic, business, and trade issues in the Sub-Saharan African countries.  相似文献   

信息资源观已经得到业界的普遍认可,但信息资源的产权归属问题却有争议之处,影响政府信息资源的开发利用。通过分析政府信息的法律属性和经济学特征,并对政府信息的内涵进行解读,提出重要的权利分配观点,即政府信息资源属全民所有,政府是管理者,同时具有使用权、收益权、处分权和转让权,政府信息资源的产权由以上4个可分割的权利束组成,为政府信息资源的充分共享与有效利用提供法理依据。  相似文献   

网络舆情在服务型政府建设中的影响与作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
曾润喜  陈强  赵峰 《图书情报工作》2010,54(13):115-119
网络舆情适应服务型政府建设的需要,并对其具有积极影响,具体表现为网络舆情能够提高公民参与积极性,促进服务型行政文化的形成,提高政府的行政回应性,促进政府信息公开,推动行政问责制的完善以及强化政府公共性等方面。在服务型政府建设过程中,要积极发挥网络舆情的作用,科学制定网络舆情管理的顶层设计,增强政府合理利用网络舆情的能力,建立面向公众的网络舆情管理体系。  相似文献   

During the mid‐1980s political pressure upon Chinese journalists decreased, financial pressure upon their newspapers increased and photojournalism gained importance. This study compares the content of photographs in three ‘official’ and three hybrid ‘official‐commercial’ Chinese newspapers. Photographs were found to be less important in ‘official’ newspapers. Subjects and values of concern to government and Party leaders appeared more frequently in ‘official‐commercial’ papers. This study also shows that in a period of political and economic reform, diversity exists in photographic news content and that photographs frequently serve public interests.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to examine the capacity of the Canadian federal government to effectively harness information technology (IT) as an enabling force in its efforts to meet the present and emerging challenges of a digital age. The main thesis of this paper is that this necessary transformation in public sector governance and accountability is likely to be blocked by an administrative culture that may be ill suited for a digital world. In terms of how governments respond, our two sets of explanatory factors will be determinant. First, partnerships, and the emergence of new collaborative dialogues within government, between governments, and across sectors are a critical dimension. The second, and quite related variable lies in the necessary leadership of people –new skill sets, and new leaders will be required to both empower knowledge workers and defend experimental action. Yet, it is not only the skills composition of workers altering in a digital era, but rather the broader transformations of both everyday and organizational life that are also at play. In this sense, digital government must reposition itself to become an engaged and constructive partner in shaping the new governance patterns that will otherwise render it rudderless. Government must produce a new “culture” in order to harness the enormous potential of digital government.  相似文献   

进入 2 1世纪 ,中国面临的新形势是经济全球化、全球信息化和中国现代化 ,中国广播电视的对外传播显得尤为重要。中国领导人历来重视广播电视的对外传播 ,中国的广播电视在让世界了解中国、让中国了解世界方面也作出了成功的实践。但就全球新闻信息市场而言 ,中国的广播电视在对外传播中的弱势显而易见 ,充分认识中国广播电视与世界链接的距离并寻找增强链接的有效途径十分重要。  相似文献   

This study presents the basic lines of electronic administration in Spain. The complexity of the Spanish political-administrative system makes such a study challenging, in view of the considerable degree of autonomy and competences of the regional administrative bodies and local agencies with respect to the central government, the former being more visible in the 17 regions of Spain. Nonetheless, the central government maintains a series of legal instruments that allow a certain common framework of action to be imposed, aside from what is put into effect through diverse programs aimed precisely to develop common tools for the regions and municipalities of Spain. After an introduction that provides some necessary background, this study describes the legislative framework in which Spain's electronic administrative system has developed. The data included in the study refer to investment in information and communication technologies (ICT) and the services offered by the different Administrations on the internet; internet access by citizens, homes, businesses, and employees, as well as the interactivity existing with administrations by means of the internet; the origins and rise of various political initiatives of the Central Government involving electronic administration; and finally, the situation of civil service personnel, as catalysts of the success of Information Society in the Public Administration within Spain.  相似文献   

张颖 《大观周刊》2012,(52):50-50,52
政府监管是矫正市场失灵问题的有效手段,对社会经济的发展起着重要作用。目前,中国政府监管体制还存在监管主体的合法性缺失,监管体制不畅等。因此,应健全监管法律体系,加强行政组织法的立法活动,从根本上抑制权力的失控;深化政府机构改革,建立归属于国务院直接领导的监管机构,加强政府监管机构的独立性,真正实现对市场主体的调控功能。  相似文献   

政府网站建设及其信息服务水平是电子政务发展和政府信息化建设的关键,本文从《2009年中国政府网站绩效评估总报告》中将吉林省地市级政府网站的评估数据择选出来,并与全国名列前茅的地市级政府网站的评估数据做以对比,从中分析出目前吉林省地市级政府网站信息服务过程中存在的问题,进而提出了吉林省地市级政府网站信息服务能力改进策略。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 随着自主创新战略的提出,科技信息和科技情报在国家科技发展中的基础性作用日益受到重视,开展区域创新和经济发展的信息服务研究与实践,构建面向区域创新和经济发展的信息服务方法体系、实施方案,是十分必要的。[方法/过程] 通过对国内外文献情报机构服务区域创新和经济发展的实践调研,以及中国科学院文献情报中心在"十二五"和"十三五"期间面向省级科学院、中国科学院转化中心、地方政府、园区企业开展区域信息服务的整体设计和服务实践与案例分析,总结归纳中国科学院文献情报中心开展区域创新和经济发展知识服务的特色和成效。[结果/结论] 在实践的基础上提出图书馆面向区域创新和产业发展提供信息服务,进一步拓展了图书馆的服务领域,是图书馆发展的一个生长点,并将在服务内容与服务方式上不断发展完善。  相似文献   

互联网政务服务平台建设是整体型政府改革的突出表现,强调信息资源的集中管理与共建共享,这与我国档案管理的集中统一原则以及档案信息资源整合共享思想具有相同内核。在回顾上述原则与思想的基础上,论文指出档案信息资源集中统一建设、档案共享利用和“事前”统筹规划是互联网政务服务背景下档案管理的新要求。基于实地调查与案例分析,论文结合我国当下分别以行政审批档案为整体和以电子证照档案为整体的两种思维,总结出互联网政务服务档案资源建设的两种模式。最后,论文提出“整体观”管理是指,互联网政务服务档案资源建设要涵盖横向与纵向两个业务层面,并根据前端业务模式及档案部门所面向的利用需求,对体制机制、管理制度、系统平台与档案实体等要素进行统筹规划与协调管理。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 随着自主创新战略的提出,科技信息和科技情报在国家科技发展中的基础性作用日益受到重视,开展区域创新和经济发展的信息服务研究与实践,构建面向区域创新和经济发展的信息服务方法体系、实施方案,是十分必要的。[方法/过程] 通过对国内外文献情报机构服务区域创新和经济发展的实践调研,以及中国科学院文献情报中心在"十二五"和"十三五"期间面向省级科学院、中国科学院转化中心、地方政府、园区企业开展区域信息服务的整体设计和服务实践与案例分析,总结归纳中国科学院文献情报中心开展区域创新和经济发展知识服务的特色和成效。[结果/结论] 在实践的基础上提出图书馆面向区域创新和产业发展提供信息服务,进一步拓展了图书馆的服务领域,是图书馆发展的一个生长点,并将在服务内容与服务方式上不断发展完善。  相似文献   

电子政务信息资源的共享.是通过协调电子政务信息资源在政府各部门、企业、公众之间的分布,使信息资源布局更加合理、用户的信息需求得到最大的满足、电子政务信息资源发挥最大的效用。保障电子政务信息资源的共享,一方面可改善行政服务质量、加强行政监督、降低行政成本,满足电子政务建设的内在要求;另一方面,可增强全民的信息化意识、促进电子信息产业的发展、带动各产业的良性互动,加快社会信息化的进程和加速国民经济的健康发展。  相似文献   

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