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This paper examines various aspects of the author's transition from classroom teacher to a cooperating teacher and then from cooperating teacher to university teacher educator. This analysis is used as the basis for several specific suggestions for how to improve the preparation of the next generation of teacher educators and teacher education programs.  相似文献   

This is the second of two self-studies of my efforts to prepare preservice teachers for the practical realities of the classroom while being respectful of their personal practical knowledge. I coined the term “relational teacher education” to convey my approach, which is informed by Rogers' “helping relationships” and Hollingsworth, Dybdahl, and Minarik's “relational knowing.” In this paper, I share “A Letter to Preservice Teachers” before exploring the final four characteristics of relational teacher education: respect and empathy, conveying respect and empathy, helping preservice teachers face problems, and receptivity to growing in relationship.  相似文献   

Although much has been written on teacher education, voices of teacher educators have been ignored; we know little about their struggles and strategies. This article juxtaposes narratives of five women academics in Canadian faculties of education against the literature on continuity, change and critique in teacher education. I contend that a better understanding of these trends requires approaching them through narratives of involved individuals. The article focuses on the recruitment stage of a university career. For many, teacher education is a second career. Late entrants must “catch up,” while younger high flyers strive to reach ever-rising expectations of academic productivity.  相似文献   

This article reports on a phenomenological case study that explored the blossoming and wilting of an early childhood educator's career commitment and her eventual decision to leave the field. Spanning a 7-year period, the study employs representation and analysis of metaphors as heuristic tools to illuminate the lived experience of becoming, being and unbecoming an early childhood educator. The study highlights the need to explore further the interplay between personal, relational and contextual influences if we are to develop a more comprehensive understanding of staff attrition.  相似文献   

This autobiography examines research in which I was involved while learning to teach science in an inner city high school. As an experienced science educator I had mainly experienced schools associated with students from the middle class. When I came to a university in an inner city environment I had to learn first how to be streetwise in the city and then, when I began to teach, I had to negotiate with students my right to teach them. Most students were very resistant to my efforts to teach them science. The paper describes many of the difficulties I experienced as I endeavoured to teach science to students who were ethnically, curriculum to the interests and extant knowledge of students is emphasised. Implications of my experiences are described for three aspects of urban high schools: teaching science, identifying and enacting appropriae science curricula, and educating prospective science teachers.  相似文献   

The teacher educator as a role model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
New visions of learning have entered education. This article discusses the consequences for teacher education, and examines modelling by teacher educators as a means of changing the views and practices of future teachers. The results of a literature search and a multiple case study on modelling are discussed. Both the literature search and the case study approach led to the conclusion that we have discovered what is almost a blank spot in both the body of knowledge on teacher education and the actual practices of many teacher educators. The article concludes with a discussion of ways to improve this situation.  相似文献   

This self-study focuses on the suitability of implementing the Communicative Language Teaching approach to teach English in contexts where the conditions for learning might be different to those implied by the original tenets of the approach. As a university-based teacher educator, the researcher promotes this approach in her methodology classes. She returned to classroom teaching to better understand the challenges faced by student teachers in implementing Communicative Language Teaching and to re-visit several assumptions of her understanding of the teaching and learning process.  相似文献   

In the light of the recent literature on beginning teachers, this paper elaborates upon their concerns and how these concerns relate to school environments and to the teaching profession. The paper presents a qualitative study based upon interviews with beginning teachers and a content-analysis of the protocolled interviews. Findings indicate the co-existence of both commonalities and distinctive characteristics of beginning teachers' concerns in various types of schools. While commonalities pertain to concerns inherent in the teaching profession, distinctive characteristics pertain to school environments. The latter seem to be an influential factor in the professional socialization of beginning teachers. Practical implications are drawn for teacher educators, school advisers and inspectors.
Zusammenfassung Angesichts neuerer Literatur über Junglehrer, arbeitet dieses Papier ihre Einstellungen heraus und wie diese Einstellungen mit dem Schulumfeld und dem Lehrerberuf in Verbindung zu bringen sind. Das Papier stellt eine qualitative Studie dar basierend auf Interviews mit Junglehrern und eine Inhaltsanalyse der Interviewprotokolle. Die Ergebnisse weisen auf eine Koexistenz sowohl gemeinsamer als auch unterschiedlicher Merkmale in den Einstellungen von Junglehrern in den verschiedenen Schultypen hin. Während die gemeinsamen Einstellungen inhärent dem Lehrerberuf zuzuordnen sind, gehören die unterschiedlichen Merkmale zum Schulumfeld. Das letztere scheint ein Faktor zu sein, der die berufliche Sozialisation der Junglehrer beeinflußt. Praktische Folgerungen werden daraus für die Lehrerausbilder, Schulbehörden und Schulinspektoren gezogen.

Résumé A la lumière des études récentes qui existent sur les enseignants débutants, cet article examine en détail les problèmes que ceux-ci rencontrent et leurs rapports avec l'environnement scolaire et la profession d'enseignant. Il s'agit d'une étude qualitative basée sur des interviews d'enseignants débutants et une analyse du compte rendu écrit de ces interviews. Les résultats révèlent la coéxistence de caractéristiques communes et distinctives dans les problémes des enseignants débutants des différents types d'écoles. Si les problèmes communs à tous font partie inhérente de la profession d'enseignant, les caractéristiques distinctives ont trait, elles, à l'environnement scolaire. Celui-ci semble être un facteur qui influe sur la socialisation professionnelle de l'enseignant qui débute. Des implications pratiques sont présentées pour les professeurs chargés de la formation des futurs enseignants, les conseillers et inspecteurs d'écoles.

Models of learning to teach recognize the important relationship between university and school settings. The roles that educators in each setting play in the development of effective beginning teachers are not discrete. Rather they complement and support one another. Building upon existing literature, and utilizing recent data, this paper challenges teacher educators to consider how pre‐service teacher core beliefs and perceptions affect the dynamics of learning to teach and the establishment of a teacher identity. To facilitate these, it is argued that a consultative mentoring model that acknowledges individuality is more effective in the growth of teacher identity than the more traditional supervision model that focuses mainly on socialization. Reflective practice is promoted as crucial and its development is the responsibility of all teacher educators—both at university and in the schools.  相似文献   

Becoming a student teacher: core features of the experience   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
This paper reports early findings of a longitudinal research project on the experiences of beginning teachers in England. In the first phase of the study (2003–2004), data were generated via: (1) in‐depth, face to face interviews with 85 student teachers throughout England; and (2) self‐completion questionnaires, returned by 4,790 student teachers across a range of initial teacher preparation (ITP) routes. Through these methods the study set out to explore student teachers' accounts of their motivations for entering ITP, their preconceptions and expectations of teaching and ITP, and their early experiences as student teachers. A number of general themes were found to cut across all of these areas, and are presented here as core features of the experience of becoming a student teacher. These relate to the concept of teacher identity, the role of relationships, the notion of relevance, and the central presence of emotion.

Cette étude décrit les conclusions préliminaires d'une recherche continue sur les expériences de ceux qui sont en train de devenir professeurs d'école en Angleterre. En première phase de l'étude (2003–2004), les données ont été recueillies par: 1) des entretiens approfondis en tête‐à‐tête avec 85 professeurs stagiaires dans toute l'Angleterre; et 2) des questionnaires, remplis eux‐mêmes par 4,790 professeurs stagiaires sur un échantillon de préparations initiales de professeur (PIP). Avec ces méthodes l'étude avait pour but d'explorer les explications des professeurs stagiaires concernant leur motivation pour entrer dans la PIP, leurs idées reçues et leurs attentes de l'enseignement et de la PIP, ainsi que leurs expériences initiales de professeur stagiaire. On a trouvé un nombre de thèmes généraux à travers tous ces domaines, et ceux‐ci sont présentés ici comme caractéristiques fondamentales de l'expérience vécue de professeur stagiaire débutant. Ils sont relatifs aux concepts suivants : l'identité du professeur, le rôle des relations, la notion de pertinence et la présence capitale de l'émotion.

Este documento es un informe sobre los primeros resultados de un proyecto de investigación longitudinal sobre las experiencias de profesores principiantes en la Inglaterra. En la primera fase del estudio (2003–2004), los datos fueron obtenidos a partir de dos fuentes: minuciosas entrevistas cara a cara con 85 profesores en prácticas por toda Inglaterra y cuestionarios personales que fueron devueltos por 4,790 profesores en prácticas procedentes de distintas ramas de la ITP (preparación para profesores principiantes). A través de estos métodos, el estudio fue lanzado con el propósito de sondear las razones que motivaron a los profesores en prácticas a entrar en la ITP, sus preconcepciones y expectativas en cuanto a la ITP y a dar clase y sus primeras experiencias como profesores en prácticas. Estas áreas presentaron una serie de temas generales comunes que son presentados aquí como características centrales de la experiencia de convertirse en profesor en prácticas. Estas están relacionadas con el concepto de identidad del profesor, la importancia de las relaciones, la noción de relevancia, y el papel central de las emociones.

Dieses Referat berichtet über die ersten Ergebnisse eines langfristigen Forschungsprojektes, basierend auf Erfahrungen von Lehrern in England, die in den Beruf einsteigen. In der ersten Phase der Studie (2003–2004) wurden Daten gesammelt mittels: 1) ausführlicher, persönlicher Gespräche mit 85 auszubildenden Lehrern aus ganz England; und 2) selbstauszufüllender Fragebögen, die von 4,790 auszubildenden Lehrern aus verschiedenen Ausbildungsrichtungen zurückgesendet wurden. Die Studie hatte das Ziel, die Berichte der auszubildenden Lehrer zu untersuchen hinsichtlich ihrer Motivation, eine Ausbildung anzufangen, ihrer Erwartungen vom Unterrichten und von der Ausbildung, sowie ihrer ersten Erfahrungen als auszubildende Lehrer. Eine Anzahl von allgemeinen Themen wurden in allen diesen Bereichen festgestellt und sind hier als Kernmerkmale des Ausbildungsverfahrens dargestellt. Diese beziehen sich auf das Konzept der Lehreridentität, auf die Rolle von Beziehungen, auf die Idee der Relevanz, sowie auf die zentrale Präsenz von Emotionen.  相似文献   

This article reports on a two-year self-study exploring my roles and evolving philosophy as an early childhood teacher educator teaching diversity in the US. I was interested in better understanding how and what I can learn from the complexity of my teaching experiences. Data included my professional journals, students’ reflection journals, and communication with a critical friend. I examined, when teaching diversity, how I constructed and navigated my roles, how the students constructed and perceived my roles, and how they have transformed my instructional philosophy and practices. The findings illustrated a dynamic and tension-filled experience of a teacher educator teaching diversity in the US as a perceived outsider, suggesting that it was a reflexive learning opportunity. The findings are aligned with a growing recognition that appropriate time and space is necessary for teacher educators to share and exchange their experiences and to gain support for their professional development when teaching diversity. Further, the findings are supportive of the contribution of self-study research in advancing the broader field of teacher education research.  相似文献   

This paper addresses issues related to the effectiveness of teacher education in Pakistan in the North West Frontier Province (NWFP), through a small scale collaborative research study in two state secondary schools, one girls’ and one boys’. The aim was to explore how newly qualified teachers manage their transition from student teachers to classroom teachers. In teasing out the relationship between teacher training experiences and classroom practice, we highlight the importance of greater consideration of the social and professional contexts of the school within training programmes as a means to make sustained improvements in the quality of classroom teaching and learning.  相似文献   

Consensus is growing that teacher leadership benefits teaching quality and student performance. Despite the recognition that teacher leadership contributes to teachers’ professional development, little is known about how it is developed and how teachers experience the transition to the teacher-leader role. This study explores the internal mechanisms underlying the transition to and formation of teachers’ professional identity as teacher leaders. It is based on 60 interviews: 41 teachers who were selected to participate in a leadership training programme, 10 principals and 19 teacher-leaders’ colleagues. The findings led to a model with four central components: (1) Overall professional identity; (2) The experience of ‘being chosen;’ (3) An internal meaning-making process; and (4) External forces.  相似文献   

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