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警务微博的开设是我国公安工作的一次思想解放,是对警察形象的有效维护。从总体上看,警务微博消解了警方和群众的信息不对称,畅通了警民对话渠道,回应了关于警察的不实言论。凸显警务微博对警察形象的维护,规范运行机制、提高传播效果、做好危机公关是警务微博发展的应然之举和实然之策。  相似文献   

Police power     
He (the constable) will be civil and obliging to all people of every class and rank. He must be particularly cautious not to interfere idly or unnecessarily in order to make a display of his authority. … if he does his duty in a quiet and determined manner such conduct will probably excite the well-disposed of the bystanders to assist him if he requires them…particular care is to be taken that the constables of the police do not form false notions of their powers and duties. Initial regulations of the Metropolitan Police, 1829.  相似文献   

新中国警察影像的警察作者主要有赵明(《寂静的山林》),王文林、马家骧、陈治洪(《铁道卫士》),朱向群、安忠民(《跟踪追击》),海岩(《便衣警察》),魏人(《龙年警官》),王仲刚(《风流警察亡命匪》),张策(《无悔追踪》),武和平(《"九.一八"大案纪实》),张成功(《刑警本色》),朱恩涛、杨子(《公安局长》),杨佳富(《边检站》《军人荣誉》),朱维坚(《使命》《沉默》)。从警察作者写作警察影像的视角,我们可以读到一般文艺学批评所未能清晰展示的内容,包括警察影像的文化属性,犯罪影像的可展示度,警察形象的塑造。  相似文献   

An experimental study was carried out among three groups of children aged 10 to 16 years, two of whom were shown episodes from two UK‐produced police drama series and the other (control group) viewed nothing. Children were tested one week before the viewing sessions and immediately afterwards with a series of questions about their perceptions of the police and police work, their real life contact with the police or crime, and details of their television viewing habits and demography. Both viewing groups were tested for their comprehension of the police drama episode they had been shown. Results showed that older children were better able than younger children to follow dramatic plots, but that the evidence for an effect of single television drama episodes on children's beliefs about the police was less clear‐cut. Both children in the two viewing groups and those in the control group exhibited some shifts in their perceptions of the police. Children who watched the television episodes, however, were more likely to show opinion shifts in relation to specific attributes of the police or police work which were strongly featured in the programmes.  相似文献   

凌晓靖 《海外英语》2013,(1):102-104
English plays an important role in foreign police affairs.To well master the language has become a must for policemen.While,police English teaching materials haven’t been divorced from ordinary academic education,without its own police education characteristics.It has been far behind the real need,which can’t adapt to the new situation.Ideas of the development of teaching material have been proposed:to be practical;to highlight the vocational characteristics;to increase the real situation,to pay attention to cross-cultural communication and to form stereoscopic and individual teaching material system.  相似文献   

论警察圈套   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
警察圈套作为实践中经常被运用的一种刑事侦查手段,在理论上争议颇多.警察圈套的利弊之存乃是两种不同价值选择此消彼长之结果.要消除其弊,就要从制度规范上入手.  相似文献   

随着我国加入WTO后,全球化的要求越来越明显,在经济、信息、科技的全面发展下,国际化警务人才的培养成为了司法教育的一大难题。如何将国际化警务人才培养成为集国际社会治安管理和刑事侦查能力于一身的优秀人才,这是需要解决的重要问题。然而国际化警务人员首要的任务就是学好英语,但是普通的英语课程又无法满足警务人员在处理案件时候的需求,所以司法院校要进行警务英语的改革。本文将对警务英语的改革以及国际化警务人才的培养进行分析,希望对我国的司法教育有所帮助。  相似文献   

面对新世纪,随着公安教育训练不断地深化改革和进步发展,警察体育能否与警察职业活动相适应,加强师资队伍建设和职业化培养力度,是促进公安教育改革和提高教学水平的重要因素之一。警察体育教师不能单凭自身的运动技能和简单的教学法从事体育教学,而应在实践中不断地探索警察职业活动的特性,并在“优化培训、提高能力”治本之策上下工夫,才有可能把警察体育教育与警务实战训练有效地结合起来,进而优化人才培养、体现职教特色、顺应时代发展。  相似文献   

司法警官院校培训品牌战略是提升行业服务能力与办学水平的必然选择,是适应司法行政改革、学院发展定位以及师资队伍建设的现实性需要。司法警官院校干警培训品牌构建必须把行业作为品牌之源,把特色作为品牌之魂,把服务作为品牌之基,把宣传作为品牌之翼,确保培训做优做强,做精做久。  相似文献   

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