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Shop signs were perhaps the most appealing elements of Beijing's old shops in the late 19th and early 20th century, even though their architectural styles, furnishings and business operation were also unique. These shop signs were informative and decorative, adding to business prosperity of the old capital.  相似文献   

Ararely seen perspective on the Imperial City was unveiled in a just-concluded exhibition of images of old Peking from Western eyes at the time, As part of the 4th China Beijing International Cultural and Creative industry Expo, "Imperial City Impression: Old Peking Images in Western Prints" opened at Beijing World Art Museum, revealing valuable insights into the old city during the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911 ).  相似文献   

Not long ago, renowned cartoonist Li Binsheng, at age 83, held his solo folk painting exhibition on old Beijing in Wuyutai Teahouse in Wangfujing, a famous shopping district in Beijing Li is a native Beijinger and a veteran tea drinker and Peking Opera fan. Growing up in the local community of old Beijing, Li knows well about traditions and customs of this historical city.  相似文献   

前段时间,我在北京城东北四环外的东坝镇做民俗调查.这镇子有个响亮的名头--"金狮镇",曾是北京东郊有名的集镇.如今,它已随着北京城市空间的扩张而成为都市的边缘角落.  相似文献   

Tianjin is a low-profile city in the coastal area in north China. Its Western-style mansions in past colonial cessions have long lost glamour and vitality as the North Sea Warlord rule ended in the early 20th century. The city has no grandeur and solemnity as Beijing, no metropolitan prosperity or hubbub as Shanghai, and no hilly and riverside charms as Chongqing. But when you really incorporate yourself into it, you can taste a truly different flavor of the city. On the Five Avenues or J…  相似文献   

卞利 《寻根》2002,(3):65-74
地处安徽、浙江和江西三省交界的徽州,境内山脉纵横,绵延起伏,峰峦叠翠。黄山和道家名山白岳(即齐云山)横亘其问。位于绩溪境内东北走向的翚岭,既是该县岭南、岭北的界山和长江与钱塘江的分水岭,同时也是徽州得名的主要由来。而“徽”字本来就有美好、高耸的含义。  相似文献   

两位年过不惑的女人在某个场合偶然相遇,此前她们已有多年未见。两个女人恰好都是我的熟人。事后甲遇到我说:没想到,乙竟然这么老了。奇怪的是,乙遇到我同样惊呼:甲怎么了,她怎么老得那么快?依我看,甲不算老。甲向来注意保养,定期上美容院,寻找各种减肥良方,故一直保持脸皮白嫩,腰身正常,与她18岁的女儿上街,人家都当她是姐姐。依我看,乙更不能说老。乙一直单身,走南闯北,敢于冒险,思想敏捷,兴趣广泛,简直像个年轻人。但是她们都说对方老了。他们有什么理由?甲说乙老的理由大概是——她从不沾化妆品的边,夏天从不戴遮阳帽,她皮肤黝黑,皱纹深…  相似文献   

Suzhou is the world’s only historic town that has been still preserved on its original location after hundreds of years of evolution.The town was designed and built more than 2,500 years ago,featuring a layout characterized by three horizontal and four vertical waterways.  相似文献   

祖远 《寻根》2010,(4):107-112
同其他艺术一样,烹调也有“阳春白雪”与“下里巴人”之分。风靡海外、引得外国饕餮们交口称赞的川菜就多属于前一类。有这些正宗川味陈于席,自然于口腹、于气氛皆一大乐事。然而,“阳春白雪”不免“曲高和寡”。细究之,此类肴馔多出于声名遐迩如“姑姑筵”、“荣乐园”等名门的嫡传高手,其选材、配料、制作均十分考究。故就是现在国内,除了节庆盛典,也不是一般人能够经常享用的;在新中国成立前,“磨骨头养肠子”的人就更不敢问津了。  相似文献   

沈琨  李秋保 《寻根》2003,(4):77-83
当人们来到平遥,仿佛觉得历史回溯了千年,城垣逶迤,堞影重重。  相似文献   

吴福辉 《寻根》2004,(4):89-93
我在梦里见过我祖居地宁波镇海的老屋. 我并不出生在镇海,中年以前也无缘面识我父亲出生的地方.像我这样在户口簿的籍贯栏目里填甲地,而在出生栏里却填乙地的人,如今是越来越多了.比如我就生于上海,我的儿子北上生在了鞍山,到我孙子已生在了北京.报户口的时候,我儿子不假思索就给孩子写下籍贯"宁波"两字,我看了直发愣.  相似文献   

卢军 《寻根》2003,(3):114-122
来到乌江龚滩镇,我目睹并亲历了摇摆舞及歌谣之乡:那江风怒号的乌江峡谷;一栋栋原始简朴的吊脚屋楼;几百手牵手的土家乡民;隔山对唱的山歌……乌江龚湍龚滩处于巴、夷之地武陵地域,地处乌江急流东岸,三面环水,一面着陆。此地以土家族为主,苗、仡佬、回、侗、布依、汉族等多民族聚居。在龚滩,乌江水深流急,崖岸陡峭,急湍险恶,汹涌翻滚,故原名龚湍。这里,古代是通往五溪和夜郎的咽喉,为黔、蜀要道,渝、黔、湘、鄂交通重镇。翻越了武陵龙头山脉而来的龚滩土家先民,好不容易找到了乌江边上缓坡的凤凰山麓。横亘在眼前的高深的峡谷,悬岩峭壁下咆…  相似文献   

Over the past several decades, Beijing has continued to grow higher, which has increasingly considerable impacts on the city's urban landscape. This articlereviews the height changes taking place in the city proper of Beijing.  相似文献   

The Ancient Observatory, a key cultural heritage site under national-level protection, is situated at the southeast corner of the city proper of Beijing, Its east side was originally connected with the city wall of Beijing which was demolished in 1957 to give way to the city expansion,  相似文献   

The valley of Nanxi River in Yongjia County, the southeast province of Zhejiang, enjoys fascinating landscape with vegetated mountains and clean streams and brooks. At the foot of mountains and along streams in this river valley are scattered numerous old villages retaining rich cultural traditions of ancient China.Old villages in the valley of Nanxi River were built in accordance with philosophical ideas of ancient China such as harmony between man and nature, Eight Diagram (geomantic con…  相似文献   

姚小鸥 《寻根》2004,(2):34-37
《周易》本是我国先秦时代的占筮书。自从孔子作《易传》以来,学者又相继挖掘出其中深湛的哲学内涵。至于人们留意到《周易》中的古歌,是较晚近的事情了。对《周易》古歌进行系统的研究,则开始于20世纪新文化运动以后。这一研究拓展了《周易》研究的领域,扩充了先秦诗学研究的范围,对《易》学和《诗》学两个重要领域的研究都产生了推动作用。  相似文献   

先秦时期中国有百越,百越按汉语为很多种越人之意。《汉书·地理志》颜师古注引臣瓒言:“自交趾至会稽七八千里,百越杂处,各有种姓,不得尽云少康之后也。”后汉服虔注《汉书》为“非一种,若今言百蛮也”。据此,即由浙江到越南沿海地区都是汉人称为“百越”之地。但是从古越语来看,越人称“百越”则又不同。古越语“百”与“卜”、“濮”、“白”同音,意即“人”,即“百越”在越语解为“人越”,越语用倒装,译为汉语为“越人”之意。这种“越人”分布是在楚国南方即五岭山地前后。《吕氏春秋·恃君览》称:“扬汉之南,百越之际,…  相似文献   

Ten Olympic songs were premiered on July 16 at a grand ceremony at Beijing Olympic Sports Centre, marking the end of the third Beijing 2008 Olympic Cultural Festival. According to the organizers, the collecting campaign for Olympic songs will be held annually until 2007, from which the final theme songs for 2008 Games may be chosen. The third Beijing 2008 Olympic Cultural Festival, which was launched on June 23 with the theme of "Civilization of Beijing, Passion for the Olympic Games",…  相似文献   

卞利 《寻根》2004,(6):74-80
2000年11月23日至12月2日召开的联合国教科文组织世界遗产委员会第24届会议宣布,以黟县西递、宏村为代表的中国皖南古村落等4个项目被列入世界文化遗产名录。皖南古村落因其独特的建筑形式、同一性及其在景观中的地位,具有突出、普遍的单独或相互联系的建筑群等历史、艺术和科学价值,而荣登世界文化遗产名录。这是中华民族贡献给世界的又一份珍贵的历史文化遗产。作为体现历史时期人与自然和谐相处的古建筑群,皖南古村落是指安徽省长江以南具有共同地域文化背景的历史传统村落。依山傍水的村落选址、粉壁黛瓦马头墙式的徽派古民居建筑、水口…  相似文献   

瞿明刚 《寻根》2004,(2):86-94
古扬州是一个让人追求生命密度而忘记生命长度的地方。  相似文献   

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