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1.H ow do you put an elephant in a refrigerator?怎样才能把大象放进冰箱里?2.W hat question can you never answ er“yes”to?什么问题你永远也不能回答“是的”?3.W hy did the kid cut a hole at the top of hisum brella?为什么小孩在伞上打了一个洞?4.W hen do you go as fast as a racing car?什么时候能像赛车一样快?5.H ow m any sides does a house have?一栋房子有几个面?6.W ho isn’t your sister and isn’t your brother,but is still a child of your m other and father?你父母的孩子,既不是你姐妹也不是你兄弟,那是…  相似文献   

Something Left     
1One night,Tom wasaboutto go to bed when he heard the doorbellrang He opened the doorand saw Mike stood there Tom was frightened because he owed([藜u]欠)M ike a lotofm oney,and he didn’twantto return m oney to M ike郾2郾M ike went into the flat and said angrily,“ I have looked for you for a long tim e郾Now you have lived in such a big and beautiful flat郾W hy haven’t you returned the m oney to m e so far?”3郾“ I will return the m oney to you tom orrow郾Don’t be angry,” said Tom 郾 …  相似文献   

Ⅰ. 选择填空 1.M any boys and girls are m ade what they’r not . A.to do;interested B.to do;interested in C.do;interested in D.doing;interested 2.─H ello。W ould you like to go to the concert with m e tonight? ─I’m sorry,I can’t.M other won’t m e to go out in the evening. A.let B.allow C.offer D.ask 3.Don’t buy things in a hurry.Only when prices can you see which is m ore expensive and which is cheaper. A.are listed B.are list C.list D.will be listed 4.M any restaurants,especially…  相似文献   

ng‘Questions…1 .How do you PoounceZ“mac”,“hine,,and{“machine,,?{ZHow mueh deeper would theoee翻be with-{out sPonge扩?{3What haPPens if you get scared to death4)twiee?}4 .If the No,2 Peneil 15 50 po四lars,why 15 it1 still No.2?}5 .If Vou write a book about failure.and it}doesn’t sell,15 it a success?{6If a ve罗恤rian6 eats vegetables,what docsa{hu刃naulta对。n,eat?·7 .Why 15 it that when someone tells you there1 are 1 bill盆ons stars in the universe,,you be-一liev。them,but when t…  相似文献   

李春 《中学生百科》2011,(17):37-38
The most frightening words in the English language are,"Our computer is down."You hear it more and more when you are on business.The other day I was at the airport waiting for a ticket to Washington and the girl in the ticket office said,"I’m sorry,I can’t sell you a ticket.Our computer is down.""If your computer is down,just write me out a ticket.""I can’t write you out a ticket.The computer is the only one allowed to  相似文献   

1.Have you decided__for London? A.when are you going B.when you will leave C.when are you going D.when you are going2.—Is that a boy swimming in the lake? —I can’t find out__it's a boy__girl. A.if;and B.that;and C.whether;or D.either;or3.—What are you interested in about cooking food?  相似文献   

A Clever IdeaO ne day the poor old m an lost hisw ay and1.telephoned the police station of help.A policem an2.asked the phone,“This is the policestation.W hat’s3.your trouble?”“I had lost m y w ayand can’t find4.m y house.Could you to help m ehom e?”“Stay where5.you do and we’ll send a car to takeyou hom e.”W hen6.the car reached at the old m an’shouse,his wife opened7.the door,cam e out,thanked the po-licem an.A fter the8.policem an drove away,his wife askedhim how he9.lost his w…  相似文献   

第一部分基础演练 1.根据句意及所给首字母.在下列各句空白处 填入一个适当的词。 1 .Mareia said shew朋going to give as— Party for肠na. 2.Please give me yourr--一-一when you get the letter. 3 .Doesn’t your friend leave am一with you? 4.5—the gid 15 your danghter. What will you do? 5 .Jim was ve汀n一when‘he stood on the platform. n.根据句意,选用方框内所给单词的适当形式 填空。 1 .Tommy_·(8 uppose) to be a witness in thist犯ffie aeeident 2.1 have a favor_(a sk) you· 3.The weatl一er these days ha…  相似文献   

!.J0hn shut eveIybody out 0f the kitchenhe could prepare his grand surprisefor the party.(NMET 2002) A.which B.when C.2.一W0uld y叫1ike to come here 0n Saturday? 一ThaIlk you.I’d 10ve t0,s0 that D.as ift0 the dinner partyI’ll be out 0f town at the weekend.(2002北京卷) A.because B.and C.s0 D.but3.He was about to teU me the secret—— someone patted him on the shoulder. (2002 高考上海卷) A.as B.until C.while D.when4.,11he f:珈ous scientist伊ew up——he wasibom and in 1930 he c踟e to S…  相似文献   

召爱玲 《中学生英语》2004,(1):23-26,32
1.根据句意或首字母提示写出单词。(10分)1 .My father 15 a worker.He works ina2.1 ean’t find my ruler .May Ib_ yours?3 .His motherl_home at6:30 eve叮 morning·4 .Could you give me something to eat?I’m very5 .Please listen to the teaeher e in elass, or you ean’t follow.6 .Tuesday eomes before_·7 .We don’t 90 to sehool at、v~—.·8 .1’m 111,the dootor gives me some 111一一一.9 .This eoat isn’t eheap,i*’5 ve叮_.10.Englishis a useful(有用的)l_,we musttvork hard at it.n.用所给词的适当形式填…  相似文献   

Life whispers in your soul and speaks to your heart. Sometimes, when you don’t have the time to listen ... Life throws a brick at your head. It's your choice: Listen to the whispers of your soul or wait for the brick!  相似文献   

※ 单词拼写 ※ 1. I must a_____________ for not being able to meet you at the airport on time. 2. In order to avoid the p______________ for the wrong that he had done, he went to a European country in 1981. 3. He was too s_______________ to admit that he was wrong and refused to say sorry to his girl friend. 4. You’ve put me in a very a_____________ position and now I don’t know how to deal with the matter. 5. I am sorry that I was a____________ just now and didn’t quite catch what you sa…  相似文献   

1 .Don’t Play in the street.It,s—(danger).2 .W匕should—(helP)eaeh other.3.The ehild was very haPPy to see 50 many —(deer)and—(monkey)in the 200·4.They’11 finish—(do)their homework soon·5.认七uld you like一(c ome)to my house for my—(twenty)b词 ldayP叭y tomorrow?6.Who’5 the boy standing next to一(we)?7 .You’d bettef-一一一一(not wateh)TV now. YOu need一一一一‘(finish)your work first.8 .Mr Fox likes keePing the do01’--—(elose) when he 15 at work.9 .Jaek,Please tell the boys…  相似文献   

1)—What is the most useful thing when it is used up? —An umbrella.2)—You can’t buy it in a store.It’s delivered to your house,and you use it every day.What is it? —Electricity.  相似文献   

一、单项选择题1.Many young people enjoy_____the pop music.A.hearing B.listening toC.listen to D.to listen to2.—Why don’t you have a notebook with you?—I’ve_____it at home.A.lost B.forgottenC.left D.found3.—We are going hiking tomorrow.What will theweather be like,Benson?—Why not_____the radio and listen to the report?A.turn on B.turn offC.take away D.find out4.—What about_____story you read last night?—It’s terrific,I think.A.a B.anC.the D.one5.Please keep quiet.If you make …  相似文献   

一、下列句子中均有一处错误,请找出并在句中改正 1.Ung Feng 6nished t0 d0 the h0Inework at 6ve yesteI山ly evening. 2.0ur teacher is going t0 ny t0 New Y0rk s伽∞一times next year. 3.1 would like a hv salt 0nⅡly vegetaJ)ks. 4.凡w 0f thern caJl幽ve,can’t thev? 5.Please get a pen to write and s0Hle p印er towdte 0n. 6.H0w many is 6ve and for呵?It’s forty一6ve. 7.May I bonDwⅡ1e b00k for a week?Cenajmy,you may· 8.He thinks he will past the ex踟. 9.It is June 1st tod.dv and the children kk ve…  相似文献   

豁俪痴涵咖赫蜘癫嘛癫翩宗鲡画硫嘛儡俪赢赫 泌赫晌耀 魂 There was a time when 1 thought my dad didn’t know a thing about being a good father.1 eouldn’t _鱼_him ever saying the认℃rds“1 love you”.It .seemc遗节0 meh反5 only pu印ose in 11丘was to say“一2一” to anywhere于wanted to 90 and anything 1 wantedto do,i砒iuding ge廿inga___足_.50皿Parents bought their 犯ds ears when they got次eir driver,5 lieenses4 my dad一he saidl’d have to get ajobandbuymy O认n- 50 that’5 what 1 did Igot a job at …  相似文献   

Ⅰ 重点词汇检测 . 根据句意或首字母提示 写出句中所缺单词A 雪 , 。1.D on t ’ m e熏please.I don t know the ’ way either.2.W hat do you have for d every day芽3.I often send p to m y teachers on Teachers’D ay.4.Please give m e a c at eight in the evening.                                          The shop at eight in the m orning.2.C an you help m e 芽 Can you 芽3.W ould you like to eat som ething芽…  相似文献   

.山月口J、.阅朋卜门,...二‘矛肠泪,,尸1.单项选择。(30分) 1.一If you don’t like the red skirt,takethe blue one.一OK,but do you have_size in blue? This one’5 a bit tight for me. A.big B.the big C .the bigger D.a bigger 2一Why weren’t you at the meeti  相似文献   

Do you think that you are in thefashion?Do you want to keep upwith new trend?And what isfashion?Fashion isa reflection1ofyour character2.Don’t let other people’s ideas affect3howyou dress!If you don’t have chance to wearthe new style dressing,accessories4will helpyou.By changing your accessories,you’llsave money and then you’ll be able to keep-upwith the latest trends.Adding accessories such as a belt,a hat,a bag,a scarf or jewellery5can really changeyour look.You could wear a silk-scar…  相似文献   

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