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1.’单项选择(20分) A)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填 空白处的最佳答案。 1 .The TV Play 15_interesting than the story· :暇A .very B.mueh 。只卜少叩y甲re,,,”·muc“more ‘一u Lel WorKs narQ,anQ_- B .1 do 50 D.50 1 do the room.You’d better Sn e了.‘-1 汕一do coldcoat. ﹄‘引0 口︼5 Sr J‘J‘r、..二勺,口 . 内J not to take off take down BD not take off do not take off AC 4.叨一ere 15 tea in the have some now. mueh euP,butl’d like a litile B .litile D .a lot of to A.C 5.Mother ofte…  相似文献   

. 4 八几︶ 爪巾爪 BD 。O。。。。 C D A B CD 0. 4 1.听力(略) n.知识(两个部分,共20小题,计20分) A)释义(共5小题,计5分)从下列每小题A、B、 C、D四个选项中选出与句中划线部分意思相同或相近 的一项。 21.15 the化里丝旦些in the room? A.some one B.叨y从记y C.ever’yt11ing D.some加by 22.J生夔』巡they reached助ndon· A.S扣刀B.Slowly C.At last D.At fiot 23.一Co己d you helP me? 一Certai御· A.OK B.Su花 C.Yes,1 ean D.几at’5 right 24 .Hi,T恤.What’8~n刃 A.Wllo 15 wrong B.What,5 matter C.What’5 …  相似文献   

一、从A、B、C、D中找出能替换划线部分的选项。1 .1’m new here. A .1’m wearing new clothes B .1’m】〕eautiful C .1’m elean Dl’m a stranger2 .You can do it.You can旦旦些,些Ann forh咖. A .ask B.think C.五nd D give3·一Whose 90 15 it next? 一It’5 your些now. A .turn B.time C.wateh D.e不euse4 .There are a hundred and onebooks in this sm妞 rOOI]1。 一That,5 the bov. A .Young ehild B.Good boy C .Luoky ehild D.Big boy6.Tommydoesn’t 90 top坛y with us.Boause(因为) some of us don’t户ve …  相似文献   

咒砌蕊梦尹 1 .lly no means一misunderstand you二 ,一:A,七ould we‘B.s},all、e· :‘,工,‘·U。we shatlU。wo ean 2;;Tom_访th him ar that time, forl、拙 一’、冲Yingdinner with him in my home二 ·:·儿。an’t孔a亏e been B.musth巨ve been c.may be D.谊ust be{ ;:、3一Hew此here yesterday,but no one has seen 勺、砧msince.’- ,“He—an accident· 一;:’沪:m三gh‘have B. migh,ha“had .犷C.幽have D.m叻飞havehad 4一1 failed in my final exams. 一You_】坦记er. A.should have worked B.must have worked C.…  相似文献   

听力部分(20分) 1.听句子,选出所听到的在句中出现的单词或短语。(5分) 1 .A.7805256 B.7805226 C.7802556 D.7805526 2 .A.post B.past C.passed D.last 3 .A.rig蛋It B.white C.write D.light 4 .A.(:ould B.Coat C.Cook D.Cold 5 .A一uay B.they C.day D.say n.听句子,根据句意选择适当答语。(5分) 1 .A.It’5 a fine day.B.Ir’5 Friday.C.It’、five· 2 .A.()h,900(1.B.Glad to nleet you,too.C.That’5 all right· 3 .A.Sorry,I(lon’t know.B.1 wa一t to buy a shirt for my sor一C·I’m afraid 1 anz not· 4 .…  相似文献   

听力部分(20分)1.听辨单词。(5分) 1,A .mind B.find C .kind D.blind 2.A.exeePtB.e:pensive C .exeited D.exPect了 3 .A.bird B.beat C .boat D.band 4.A.agoB·again C .againstD·age 5.A.ean三ful B.carefuny C .eareless D.carelessly·n.从下面四个选项中选出和你听到的句子意思相 近的答案。(5分) 1 .A.u初11 be long bef()此讹see each other· B .Wesaw eaeho既r not longa即. C .We haven、seen each other’for a long‘ tlr幻e. D.We were together foralongti毗. 2.A.WeiHua isan孙elnber ofthef()心tballwateh…  相似文献   

1.从A、玖C、D中找出与斜线部分的读音与所给单词的划线部分的读音相同的选项 1.~ne:A .ad、ise B.practise C.ripe D.mine 2 .51199 es应夕卫二A.atten而n B.c0Inpetl而n C.qtles油n D.dis-Cl】55砚〔)n3 .eolll旦(n:A.~瓜n B.eert面n C.eaPt瓜n D.Brit成n4 .fil迎:A.forest B.theatre C.以urn D.prel脚’e根据每句话的意思以及首字母的提示,写出下列单词的正确形式。A~’sdulyist司方ngg词care of thepIt lakese伽沈a lot ofwton拍山e an object move.泳e chinese如记,and dlat,s汕y theo aresol,‘门」nl泊」ly Chin已瞬rest…  相似文献   

听力部分(20分)1.听辨单词(5分)根据你所听刮的州,r,从A,B,C,D rfl选出句子中所含订的 删个币州。1.A.1ight B.fight C.kite D.night 2。A.windy B.rain,~ C.sunmr D.cloudy 3.A.floors B.f()reignerS C.friends D.flowers 4.A.talking B.walking C.100king D.taking 5.A.}mlf B.ha,·d C.hat D.hand J】.听力理解(J5分) 气)情景反应(5舒)根栅你昕听到的刨f,从A,B,C,D中选择正确答语,,6.A.I'm son5~. B。Good—bye! C.Yes.I’d like some app]es.D.How do yOU do?7.A.Yes.please. B.YOU’re welcome. C.Hello!D.That’…  相似文献   

l‘Such a businessrnan_honest.He gets his money by dishonest ways. A .ean,t be B.ean’t have been C.may be D.may not be 2 .Nlghthasfa】len.We have to stay here forthe垃ght, , A.shouldn’twe B.haven’t we C.mustn’t weD,don’t we 3.一May 1 watch TV after suPPer? Suade hlm. A.was able C .e0Uld B .was ableto D.could be ableto -一NO,you_ A.mustn’t C.needn’t B .may not D.not 4.You_have eome to attend the meeting the day before yesterday· A.would B.Should C .need D.must 5 .He mu…  相似文献   

第!卷(选择题共60分) 一、听力(每小题1分,共20题,满分20分) 第一节 从A、B、C、D四幅图中找出与你所听内容相符的 选项。读一遍。. ,.:冲氯、:_。,_ 拨澎节….:霖卜竿’、.{搏喇淤盯犷- A .11.C.D. ’‘摹;多黔声 A .B.C.D. ’‘;呼一娜翩:鳗 A .B.C,D. 4·嘻略嘛嗡 A .B C.D, 5·螂料一纂嘟 A .B .C n. 汀盘…! 第二节(本节共巧小题)· 听下面的对话或独白,每尽织寸话或独白后有为」题, 请根据伪新听到的内容,从所给的A、B、C三个选项中选 出曰泞日香当的答语。听每即书舌或独白前,你者l清时间阅 读各泞司题,每刁题5…  相似文献   

A .Y。,,1 have B.1 don’t mind C .N。,1 haven’t D.No pmblem30一1 don’‘thin卜i,’sv”叮。xpensive‘0 buy奋‘ 几mily eo呷uter here. 一Really?I’11 buy_next week. A .it B.this C.one D.mine。廊黔一浏气硼洲3 1 .The headlx〕aster asked Ted即ing to take MrB功wn’、and he said“No”. he wasl七ssons访8t侣ud翻渺︺ 第l卷(选择题;1.听力部分(共20题。略)n.单项选择。从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填 人空白处的最佳答案。21.一G阅d morni雌,doetor· 一Goodmo执ing.What’s_with”u, youngm朋? 一Er,my head h…  相似文献   

1.D.2.C.3.B.4.A.5.D.6.C、D.7.C.8.A、D.9.A、D.10.B、C.11.A、B.12.B、D.13.C.14.A、D.15.15,25.16.天平;>;入射,同一J 个落点圈起来;tal OP=ffil OM ffi;(ON—d).17.(l)600;(2)15”,120;(3)偏大.18/H十SH gHe zn,9.siX10’‘MeV.,nvon。Zr、2。,。。、。、。。 a p,。19.5.20.($)‘(R h).ZI.6qE.22.n=sin 2----/sin—2—”7”””““”””““’“”—”—一’””“““21,/了、23。 3s,。 3m.24.4W.25.7·一 27,。门十2p).26._ZBZH.ps””“”’de”“”lsde”高中物理综合测试卷参考答案@杨得发$四川省梁平中学!…  相似文献   

一单项选择1.All the students are busy_theChinese exam-A.ge血g似dy for{B.to ge‘ready for{C·ge“,ng ready’0 D.get血9 ready for2.一_today? 一It’s‘unny.A.W】lat’5 the dateB.What’5 the timeC.What’5 the weather likeD.WI一at day 15 today3._bad weather it was last night!A。、V】lat aB。、VhatC.How a D.How4.My father—to Beijing yesterday.He to NeW York next wee瓦A.llyed,flew B.flied,will勿C.flew,fiew D.flew,will fly5。1 don’t think he tvill eome here ontime,?A。won’t he B.will h…  相似文献   

B .1’11e一e:一℃f飞,一r·w。、eks irl al,10;lth.(二.「a(·11、,·:,l·!一a、l()L一I,、eas〔)rls.腼 听力部分(20分)1.选出你听到的句子中含有的那个单词。(5分) 1 .A.oran只e B.Passage C .village D.me、sage 2 .A.Potato B.To一ollr() C .Photo D.t()n一ato 3 .A.sweater B.sistel, C .weather D.PleasL一re 4 .A.littleB.letter C .Iater D.l、otter 5 .A.read B.1)read C .rea(ly D.lieadn.根据你听到的问题选择正确回答。(5分)[).Tl、e,淤al℃f。一l一。、w(·】:卜、e、tvelyyeal3 .A.Iti、l〕est五)l,I。。。…  相似文献   

一、选择题 1.若(x十1)’~扩+…十。扩+b袱+Cx十1(n任N+,且a’b~3,1,那么b的值是(). A。55 B.60 C.66 D.70 2 .1+ZC盖。。。+以00.+ZC皇。。‘+C茎。。‘+ZC妻。。。+…+ZC湍息+C盖名韶~(). A.2·32006 B.2·3200, C.3·22006 D.3·22005 3.(2十了王)’“的展开式中二的整数次幂项的系数之和为().第O行第1行第2行第3行第4行 1 1 12.’1 3311」4 641,一它们的比是项系数与第系数最大的项.A.含“+3’·“,e.合“十2’”+”B·合(1+52一)D·合(1+22·+1)3项系数之比为琴,求展开式中 O16。(一1)’十吃·A红,4.函数f(x)一1十C子+C盖+…  相似文献   

听力部分1‘301略) 笔试部分1.单项选择 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳答案。31,一He likes football best,? 一50 d0L A .how are you B.don’t you C .what about you D.doesn’t he32.一How do扣u find the TV Play? A .My father told B‘When 1 turned C .Right33.一Don’t for罗t to time next time,nle0nthe TV D,Greatre*um the library books on A .Yes,1 don’t B.No,1 don’t C .Ye、,1 will D No,1 won’t34.一I’m going to the suPermarket. 一一一一”u’re there,eould you罗t me some fh…  相似文献   

(PrePositions) [问r]一Can 1 borrow some money from you? 一You‘re already in debr me for sixty dollars. A .to 13.for C.from D.by 解答:You are in debt bo me“对我负债” 答案:A 【问21一where 15 your hometown? 一It‘5 about twenty miles_the east of Chieago. A .inB,on C.to D.by 解答:twenty miles to…“距离二20英里” 答案:C [问3】一How’5 your homework eoming? 一1 haven‘t gotten very far_it. A .about B.on C.for D.of 解答:get far on…“…进展快” 答案:B [问4】一why 15 Keith 50 embarrassed(…  相似文献   

文「1]介绍了如下两个命题: 命题1月十B一‘十D沪o,矛十兮~户+,(。为大于1小于8的某一整数),则一月一B-一C一D,(一月)’+(一B).二(一C)’十(一D)’,}川十1川二}cl+}川,夕l口尹、l 或CD十卜一一A一CB=D或!”一n, 飞B=〔了.一{一{}月}因}月】、}B}、}C川’=】cl’十}川:川)o,由情形①的结论有 命题2月+B一c+刀,公万+弓石歹一了万+令万护0(。为大于1小于8的某一整数),则{滋一尸,或{月一“LB=D,tH=〔了.】川=A二C,B=D,}Al=!n}}刀}=le!月一D,刀一C. 这两个命题在解题l!‘颇有应用,但这两个命题的儿均限于大于1小于8的整数是不必要的,…  相似文献   

一、语音5% 1 .A.introduccdB,continuedc.,加redb‘haPpeneJ 2 .A.exhibition B.exereise C.exeel】比t一D.expensive 3 .A.loses B.hous盯C.rises D.boses 牛.A.an、iety B.uoele e.aneient n.咖nkey 5 .A.obey B.aerossC.‘wateh D.doctor 6 .A.terr£ble B.terrify e.horr1  相似文献   

1 .C 2.D3 .C4.B 5.D 6.A 7.1 8.{,!0<二<4}。/2、2.。4._,.吸了一飞一1十y‘一不一l认 、J/702003年9月号数学能力月月赛参考答案  相似文献   

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