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1.(l)_15 well known toall,the earth 15 round (2)_15 well known to all that thee斌h 15 round. A.That B.With C.It D.As 2.(l)It’5 good_you to take a walk硫er sup- per every day. (2)It was really stupid_him to refose the in- vitation. A. 3. of B .to C.肠r D.at (1)He isu浦t for the job,_; (2)He isn’t fit for the job,_ A .isn’t he C .doesn’t he B .15 he D .does he 4.(l)15 this museum_”u visited the other day? (2)15 this the museum_you visited the Other day? A .that B.where C .in whie…  相似文献   

听力部分(20分)I.句意理解(5分)从A,B,C,D中选出与你所听到的句子意思相同或相近的 选项。1.A.The twins don’t like potatoes at a11. B.The twins like tomatoes better than potatoes. C.The twins’favourite vegetable iS tomatoes. D.The twins like potatoes better than tomatoes.2.A.I came to buy some meat for Kate. B.1 was late for the meeting. C.1 was the first in the sports meeting. D.1 was not late for the meeting.3.A.Bill had his supper on the bed. B.Bill didn’t go to bed after supper. C.Bil…  相似文献   

书卫赞杨.备r食备参“节讼﹄臂釜.哲为赞奋杨、岭爹.食1.重点词汇检测。A)根据句意和首字母提示l,补全单词 kinds of助wer3 In2oflen have their me以5 in3.There are manyd_ the garden..The young workers a llttler‘一What’5 the name ~Plike.of them?4.It’59叫〕d for us to eat morev—·5 .Before you have meals,you mustw一. your hands.B)选出与划线部分意思相同或相近的选项。6.1 like watehi鳍TVy旦丝」四些·A.very manyC .a lotB .a lot ofD.many7.The shop 15些鲤丝ao this time of thod叮. A,not open B.not ther…  相似文献   

1.单项选择(15分) 1 .We wear uniformsto sehool. A.haven’tto B.don’t have to C .haven’t D .has to 2 .It’5 raining a lot_. A .outside B.inside C .on the side of D,in the room 3,She_the beaeh three days ago· A.goes to B.15即ing C.went to D.went at 4.The woman 15 short_eurlv hair. A .in B.on C.雨th D.at 5._game shows?1 love them. A.What do you like a们以Ve A.Aren’t C .Doesn’t late 10.Can we listen to for elass. B .Be not D.Don’t 们nusie in the elassroom? A.Yes, B .No, C.Yes, D…  相似文献   

一、选择坟空 A)单项填空从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可填入空白处的最佳选 项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 1._tenible weather it istod叮l A.How B.How a C.Whal D.W卜ata 2一仆e rnom on the right 15_,isn’t it? 一YeS,it’s_. A .Luey;her B.Luey;hers C.IJuey’s;her D.肠cy’s;hers 3一Thank you for the delieious dinner. A .Don’t say that B.It’5 nothing C.Never mind D.I’m glad you enjoyed it 4一Whieh 15_,Sydney,New York or TOmntog 一New York,1 think. A.a larser B.the larger C.a la任笋st D.t…  相似文献   

(满分:100分) 1.听力(20分) A.听对话,选出与图画内容相符的选项。(共5小题,每小题1分)…令鹭纂_ A BC 2一场一馨‘囊A vBC 3‘粉象嘀4.建乡瞿鳖卜/一雀馨呱ABC 5’渗一骑一叠一A一BC B.听句子,选择正确的答语·。(共5小题,每小题1分) 6 .A.Of eourse.B.That’5 all right. C.Not at all.Please do.D.1 don’t know. 7 .A.Size M.B.The blue one. C .The eottonone.D.The right one. 8 .A.The radio says it will be windy. B .It’5 very hotherein、ummer. Cl’d like to swim tomorrow. D .1 like the weather. 9 .A…  相似文献   

L选择坡空。1 .After fifteen界ars’hard work,our count即be earne a member of the WTO_De- eember 11,2001. A. in B.on C.at D.bV2._01夕mie Games(奥运会)will bo hold inBeijing in 2008.A.Twenty一ninthC.丁wenty一nineB .The twenty一n泊thD .The彻entieth一ninth3.—Ron didn’t 90 to sehool界s愧rd即,did he? —.He dldn,t fee!well. 八·介s,ho didB·No,ho did C .Y朗,hed正dn’t D.No,he didn’t4.—Hello,can 1 speak to Mr Green? —_,Please.He 15 eoming. A.Hold on B.Keep on C.Go on D.C~。n5 .1’靶…  相似文献   

一、短语翻译(20分) 1.淋浴,洗澡2.上学 3.到达…4.做作业 5._仁床睡觉.6一听音乐 7.在周末8.写信 9.一封电子邮件_ 10.疲倦的,累的_ 二、选择最佳答案(10分) 1 .What’5 the time?50卿,I_have a wateh. A .call 2 .How 15 B .am not C .doesn’t D .don’t your mother? A.She  相似文献   

二、听力:10%(O.5×1) ’ . 1.从下列各组单词或词组里找出你所听到的单 词和词组: ( )(1)A.beside B.behind C.below D.before ( )(2)A.wheat B.wait C.what D.weign ( )(3)A.space B.spent C.spirit D.spy ( )(4)A.send for a doctor B.ask for a doctor C.wait for a doctor D.100k for a doctor ( )(5)A.fourteen tO eight B.forty tO eight C.fourteen past eight D.forty pagt eight 2.找出与你所听到意思相同的句子: (1)A.The train hit the station at eight last night. B.The trai’n arrived at the statio.n at eigh…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择(20 分) 1. The population of Shanghai is ____ than that of Guiyang. A. smaller B. larger C. less D. large 2. Mr Li knows little English, ____ he can;t understand the instructions on the bottle of the pills. A. so B. or C. but D. for 3. Cotton _  相似文献   

一、语音。从A、B、C、D中找出画线部分读音与众不同的一个来:1.A.enough B.elev~ll C.end D.enjoy2.A.told B.nlost C.wortl’t D.ealTOt3.A.cabbage B.~troLlrld C.husband D。ad.dress4.A.may B.Sunday C.birthday D.Saturday5.A.faU B.small C.half D.talk二、词汇A。用所给单词的正确形式填空6.(take)——a walk after supper is good for our health.7.8.Her mother gave her a————_(shop)basket.How can 1 wait for their 《thank).9.Wil】it take long(finish)your work?10. Can’t YOu see the ; (worry)woman …  相似文献   

Ⅰ. 单项选择。 1. He can play guitar but he can’t play basketball. A. a5 a B. the5 the C. the5 a D. the5 / 2. The story sounds . A. fun B. funny C. well D. really 3. Her birthday is January. A. in B. on C. at D. for 4. May is the month of the year. A. five B. fivth C. fiveth D. fifth 5. — youG —I’m thirteen. A. How are B. How many C. How old are D. How old is 6. My father usually gets up six the morning. A. at5 on B. at5 at C. at5 in D. in5 in 7. — L —March 12th. A. What ti…  相似文献   

1.盆点词汇检侧。A)根据句意和汉语提示,拼写单词。1._(大象)are the bi胖st耐耐5 on land.2.1 ean’tPI叮baskethall衍th”u now.1 must 6nishmy_(家庭作业).3 .The Greens often 90 to Han乎hou on_ (度假).4.It’s_(危险)for the ehildren to play 雨th fire.5.The_(二十)lesson 15 the easiest one of Unit Five.B)找出可替换划线部分的选项。,气6·“e monkeysare山厂A·easy岑C·dangerDu。hard to count. B.not~y D.high)7.一Shall we helP the teach.elean their offiee?一G加d idea·A.Sure B.Yes,we shallC,I’d D.1尤…  相似文献   

喊二竺探罗’A .No problemC .The same to you.C .1 thirlk 50D .1’m sor一yB .That’5 all dght.D .An(1 you?eo]our Peneil?.—Hao Hai山),,91、the}。estf()()t},all playe一111 C}11,1:1 .1 thirlk.—.(人连市)2.—Can 1 borrow your —_.(甘肃省) A .Thanks a lot B.No,it’5 mine C .Yes,here you are D.1 have one3.—? —June 1 st.(甘肃省) A .What day 15 it today B .when 15 ehildren’5 Day C .What time 15 it now D .Whieh day 15 it一oday4.—Weleome baek to sehool,boys and girls. —_.(四川省) A .eert…  相似文献   

.单项选择(10分) )1 .U Rng_breakfast at sehool· A.hasn’t B.haven’t )2一poes he_a wateh? 一Yes,he does. A .have B.has )3 .Let’5 play_footbalL A./B .a )4一Does TOm arrV? 一Yes.He Often_sports games on A .has:watch:/ C .have;watehes;/ )5一Does JOhn like即Ples? C .don’t have D.doesn’t have C .do D.15 having C .a们 D .the TV. B .have:watehes:the D .have/wateh;the A .Yes,he 15 B.No,he isn’t )6,旧he五kes即ples and eggs_brea晚st. A.to B.for )又;肠龙’。play baskethall. C .Yes,he d…  相似文献   

BD 笔试部分 按要求写出下列词的相应形式。 milk. 1.no(同音词) _2.bus(复数) —5011】e A .They are C .There 15 2 .Are there It has There are here(反义词) sheep(复数) eraserS In the Pencil一box? 5.she(名词性物主代词)_ 6.let us(缩略式)_ 7.son(对应词)_ 5.they(宾格)_ 9.man(复数)_10.us(单数)_ A.盯ter You must nOW- A.滋ter 一Whieh B .some look C .mueh your mother. 内j4 B, girl 15 like your C .at D. D .any She 15 111 the same sister? n.单项选择。 1.一What’5 in the box? 一The one A .with 一Mayl…  相似文献   

听力部分1‘301略) 笔试部分1.单项选择 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳答案。31,一He likes football best,? 一50 d0L A .how are you B.don’t you C .what about you D.doesn’t he32.一How do扣u find the TV Play? A .My father told B‘When 1 turned C .Right33.一Don’t for罗t to time next time,nle0nthe TV D,Greatre*um the library books on A .Yes,1 don’t B.No,1 don’t C .Ye、,1 will D No,1 won’t34.一I’m going to the suPermarket. 一一一一”u’re there,eould you罗t me some fh…  相似文献   

……|‘.!;!…1..||属姗恤颐他曲潇眼娜姗礴蒯舫麟厂十L嘛城仪恐健随版限随随憾履肠瞪厂ee|||1||||es..l,.||11||| 1.选择坟空 )1 .He said he_90 baek to his hometown for the Spring Festival· A一will B.has done C.would )2._15 the population of Chon明ing? A.How~ch B.How many C.What )3 .15 there_肠r me in the bus? A.a r00刃。B.r00m C.the room 碎.The elass~m isn’t_to hold 50 many de,ks. A.enough sm丘11 B.big enough C.enough )5 .It 15 saidthat the population Of the worldm叮be seven billion_· A .by…  相似文献   

带半亲米半半半带亲来半来米带米半来半半半半余亲来来米亲亲余1.词汇 根据句意及中文提示,拼写单词。1 .The students of Class Four went to the —沐族馆)lastThursday.2.Our team_(赢)the mateh yesterd即.3 .Wha。_拐U的)ean vou see inthe Pieture?4 .Xie叭n乒ng eame to our eity last month,and Igothis_(亲笔签名).5 .The students watch a movie about_(鳖 鱼).且.单项选择1 .He has to tell us. A .something else B.anything else C .else somethingD,eloe anything2.一Were there any seals in the 200? A .Yes,there weren’t B .No,there讹ren’t C Yes,there was D .No,there讹比3 .Jaek likes Chinese,_he doesn’t...  相似文献   

1 .You’re just in tinle for the mateh一_too early_ too late. A .neither,nor B .both,and C .either,or D .not only,but also2 .You’11 do better in English _you work harder. A .or B.than C.if D.before3 .There are 50 many radios in the shoP.1 ean’t deeide_. A .to buy whar B .to buy whieh C .what to buy D .whieh to buy4 .1 have two brothers,but_ of them lives with me. A .all B.I)oth C .neither D.few5 .Sinee you are_trouble, why not ask_helP? A .in,for B.in,to C .with,for D.with,to6 .The…  相似文献   

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