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A:Hello, 7373318.B:Hello,who is that speaking?A:This is Li Ming speaking. May I speakto Zhang Hua.B:Hold the line,please. I'll see if he is in.A:Ok. Thank you. (After a short while)  相似文献   

电话是人们日常生活的必须用具,用英语打电话是学习英语必须掌握的内容之一。一些打电话的惯常用语与汉语有很大不同,能否掌握这一点,对英语学习者十分重要。例如:  相似文献   

电话是人们日常生活的必须用具,用英语打电话是学习英语必须掌握的内容之一。一些打电话的惯常用语与汉语有很大不同,能否掌握这一点,对英语学习十分重要。例如:  相似文献   

Key Sentences(重点句子) 1.Beijing Trading Campany.May I help you? 北京贸易公司。请问有何贵干? 2.We have two Zhongs. 我们这里有两位先生姓钟。 3.Is that Bob Zhong,or John Zhong? 你要接 Bob 钟,还是 John 钟? 4.I'm sorry,he's not in the office now. 很抱歉,他现在不在办公室。 5.Do you have any idea when he'll be back? 你知道他何时回来吗? 6.I have no idea(when he'll be back.) 我不知道(他何时回来)。 7.Can you ask him to call me when he comes back? 他回来时请告诉他打电话给我好吗? 8.It's urgent. …  相似文献   

l一Thank you for telling me the news· A.This 15山right B.No.That,5 what 1 should do C .It,5 my Pleasure D.No.Don,t thankme2一I,m glad to see you here.A.Thank youC .All the sa们。eMe,tooGlad theSar[leBD,声犷其捷司协3.一We had a lovely holid叮.该叭 、入了协才寸训A .Did you? C .Had you?4.一How 15 Sandy,5 homework done?B .Didn,t you?D .The same to you!O谕晤O A .All right C .Quite well5.一Oh,sorry. A .Tllat,5 OK C .It,5 a Pity6.一Exeuse me B .Good D .BadI,ve troubled you a lot.…  相似文献   

1.—M y com puter doesn twork.?—H ave itrepaired.A.W hatshallIdo B.Could you help m eC.W hats the m atter with it D.H ow can you dealwith it2.—D o you m ind m y turning offthe light?—.Im reading the end ofthe story.A.N o,notatall B.O fcourse notC.Id ratheryou didn t D.Sure,go ahead3.—John,Im afraid you ve never done better than Tom since you cam to this com pany.—.A.N o,buthow I wish to B.Y es,neverC.Yes,butId like to D.No,butnone ofyour business4.—I m ustbe offnow,or Illbe …  相似文献   

1.—?—Yes,Iwantatubeoftoothpaste.A.WhatdoyouwanttobuyB.WhichdoyouwanttobuyC.AreyougoingtobuysomethingD.CanIhelpyou2.—Howaboutthisone?—Good.Illtakethatone.?A.HowmuchisitB.HowexpensiveisitC.HowmuchdiditcostyouD.Whatitisworth3.—Haveyoudecided?—Yes,tonight.A.whentoleaveB.whattodoC.wheretogoD.howtodoit4.—?—ImfromCanada.A.WheredoyoucomeB.WhereareyoufromC.WheredidyoucomeD.Wherewereyoufrom5.—Isthereanydifferencebetween“infuture”and“inthefuture”?—“Infuture”means“fromthisti…  相似文献   

郭杏 《海外英语》2012,(11):239-242,258
Network Chinese has been developing quickly and has attracted attention and research increasingly these years.This thesis’ s study and analyses are based on the dictions on colleges’ BBS" because that the characters of the Network Chinese are more obvious and centralized in dictions on colleges’ BBS and the students are one of the most active users.The author firstly classifies the diction with the dictions physical characteristics and combining use of other two means:word formation and rhetoric.In addition,the author also introduces a important words type-emoticon.As to the characteristics of the dictions on colleges’ BBS,the author analyzes them linguistical ly and culturally.  相似文献   

根据中文提示,完成下列对话,每空一词。内容提示: Jim想与Tom通电话,但接电话的却是Lucy,以下是Jim和Lucy的对话,请在对话的空格处填上适当的词,一空一词,使其正确与完整。  相似文献   

<正>现在大家多喜欢通过微信联系,而打电话的机会比以前少了很多。但是,我们还是有必要掌握如何用英文打电话,总有一天你会用得上。打电话方1.首先我们需要说明要找的人,并说清自己是谁。I’d like to speak to John.我找约翰。  相似文献   

蔡提 《高中生》2008,(6):30-30
1.—Do you think our basketball team played very wellyesterday?—____.A.theywerenotnervousatallB.TheywerestillyoungC.TheyplayednaturallyD.Theycouldn’thavedonebetter2.—It’sbeenawonderfulevening.Thankyouverymuch.—____.A.Mypleasure B.I’mgladtohearthatC.  相似文献   

,.考查“询问……是否介意……”的回答方法一Would you mind watering the flowers forme?一_.lhavet。即t。thehospital.(2以拓重庆) A .Not at all B.Never mind C .No,please D.So卿,1 can,t 2.考查对祝福用语的回答①一Have a pleasant tdp,Dan叮.一.(2《X拓山西) A .1,d loveto旦三鱼旦卫丛J丝C.I,m司任aid not②一I,m即ing to Dalian to spend the holid叮tomorrow.一.(20(巧南通) 3.考查对表扬用语的回答4.考查对道教用语的回答!①一Jaln。,;aIn~Iused yournhysic,bookwhe。y。。were{ ~thi,Ino而ng二}一.(2(X…  相似文献   

一、问候:1Goodmorning/afternoon/evening.(上午/下午/晚上好)。Goodmorning(早上好),用于午饭之前见面问候时用,有时也用于上午分别时的告别用语,这时两个词都重读。Goodafternoon用于下午见面时问候,而晚饭后到睡觉前的见面用语通常为Goodevening.2Hello/Hi你好。多用于非正式场合见面时用。3Howareyou?译为“你好吗?”或“你身体好吗?”此句是熟人之间问及身体状况的常用问候语,要视实际情况进行回答,如:Fine,th…  相似文献   

一居住在总督办公室的老鼠莫达,在总督下班后正要悄悄溜出来找吃的,忽然,办公桌上的电话铃响了。铃声吓了莫达一跳,他定定神,好奇心促使他拿起了电话。  相似文献   

三莫达万万没有想到,第二天,三个哥哥竟为了争夺一块奶油蛋糕发生了战争。事情是这样的,自从猫从城市中消失了后,鼠兄弟们就可以随便在食品店中出入了。这天夜里,四兄弟出来吃东西,莫达的三个哥哥几乎是同时发现了一块高级奶油蛋糕。老三跑  相似文献   

“丁零零——”“丁零零——”蛤蟆一大早就被隔壁的电话铃声吵醒了,他再也睡不着了,就一个人对着自家的电话机发呆。“为什么从来就没有人打电话给我呢?难道我蛤蟆就那么不重要么?”蛤蟆伤心地想。蛤蟆可不愿意做一个不重要的人,他得想个办法让动物们知道:蛤蟆也是一个重要的人物。可是怎样才能让大伙知道他蛤蟆重要呢? 蛤蟆托着下巴想了很久,终于想出一个好主意。他爬下床,找到电话号码本,开始打电话了。“喂,请问是青蛙家吗?我给蛤蟆打电话,可是没人接,  相似文献   

自从牛德生当上局长后,就很少回家看望住在乡下的父母亲,二老也难得到县城儿子家住个十天半月。乡下离县城有七八十里地,平常联系也不方便,遇到急事还得跑到五六里远的小镇打电话。  相似文献   

那些说着英文,只懂一点点汉语的外国人,在中国的日常生活会面临一系列令人困惑的选择。例如,当地餐馆的菜单上或许会写着诸如“炸灌肠剂”“单片木耳干鱿鱼”或者一种被称为“犹太人的耳朵汁”的神秘饮品。  相似文献   

中学俄语必修教材中有许多动词、名词构成的固定搭配形式,这些固定用语对学生解题及阅读带来一定的困难。现总结如下,希望对同学们有所帮助。  相似文献   

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