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:’今、1.重点词汇检测。A)根据句意和首字母提示,补全单词。1 .Jeff and Helen are Jim’sp_.Jim 15 their son·2 .The old woman’5 d 15 Jeff,5 wife.3 .Jim’5 sister 15 a d .She works ina hosPit以(医院).4 .Helen Green 15 Jeff Green’5 wife,and he 15 herh4.一Where’5 Nanjing? 一It’5 China.A .in B.inC .on._do you、,:6.A .What一Please一ThankA .seatC .sitB the万nd(找到)Who C.in andhis earHow D .at thenumber?D .Whieh 心J户::COll】eyoU·、.、、 ︻了今.、.5 .This are15 a pieture of myf_.肠okm…  相似文献   

1.根据听到的内容,完成下列句子。(5分) l)His father_eomes home by—· 2)How many_are there in your_? 3)It takes two_to 90 to Yan,an by_. 4)The_today 15 niee and—· 5)Mr Green_home for work at seven—·2.听写对话。(8分) A: B: A: B:3.根据听到的内容,完成短文,每空一词。(7分) My_15 Li Ping.1 am in Class 4 Grade 1 .There are 30._in our elass,16_and 14_.Tom and Jim_Ameriean.Tom ean_.Jim ean_kites.Lily and Luey are_.They ean ride_.Mrs Green 15 our English_.our Chinese teaeher 15 Mr Li.are 16…  相似文献   

A卷(共50分)I.完成句子(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)根据句意及首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。1.There are50students in our class.Thirty students are girls.The others are b__________.2.—What’s z__________and five?—It’s five,too.3.—How do you s__________pencil?—Oh,P-E-N-C-I-L.4.Look.Here’s a s__________of keys.I think they’re Jim’s.5.Li Ming and Lisa often write letters to each other.They’re pen f__________.6.Mrs Green has two c__________,a son and a daughter.7.—Jim,can you b_____…  相似文献   

1 .15 everyone here today? ___here today?2,Katcis my friend. Kate 15 friend3‘Can 1 helP you? —canl一you?4 .He 15 Jim Green. 15 Jim Green.5,叭范are all ChinCSe. areChinese.6 .Wllat 15 three and four? Whatth托e four?7 .There are many peoPle in the Park. Thereare__PeoPle in theP扣815 Bill 111? 15 Bill?9.The box 15 filled(装满)with books. The box 15 books.10.Ybu’re weleome. h、__.llJ can加场you to getit. 、、1 can-it-‘粼夕ou.12.1 ean比IP him to learn English. 1 can helP him__Englis…  相似文献   

---------一,..r--------一---一--- 根据上句完成下句,使两句意思相同或相近每空一词。 IH‘一w 0101 arey‘、.2? -一一_your_____? 2 .What‘5 herl)i川s,narne? Wl、at,5 the herbi川? 31、yo一lr father ath。,Ine? Isy‘)ur几lher____? 4 .Nieet()meet yo一! 一一___to meet yoll( 5 .Jim and Ia拍in the;ame olass. Jim 15 my_____· 6 .Bill 15 Englisll. Bini、____________h呷· 7『fhe worke“aro worki,一9. Tlle、v(兀kers are 8 .Are we all there here today梦 ________here today? 91 aln Iiu Mei. nOllle Liu Mei.…  相似文献   

0︵匕O了,卫动电必O心勺1.重点词汇检测。A)根据句意和汉语提示,拼写单词。1.一What are一—(这些)? 一They’re pens.2·一Are thev your_(朋友)? 一Yes,they are.3. These are myn,—(书).4·These are bikes·T、eyare—(他们的) bikes.5 .Don’t thank_(我).Thank Lily,please·B)用适当的代词填空。6.This 15 a bird._name 15 Pollv·7 .1’ m a student.name 15 Ul刀1.We are girls._Chen.What’花these?English teacher 15 Missare En沙sh books.What’reover there?1 think they’re Cars。1 1.一Jim, 一Yes,12,一What1…  相似文献   

1.单句理解。在A、B、C、D四个选项中选出与你所 听到的句子意思相符的答案。(5分) 1 .A.It,5 one five.B.It,5 one fifteen. C .It,5 one thirty.D.It’5 one fifiy. 2 .A.Jim likes swimming. B .John likes swimming. C .Jim likes swimming.John likes swimming, t00. D .Jim 15 swimming and John 15 swimming, t00. 3 .A.Tom goes to sehool eve斗day· B .1一1 the morning Tom studies at sehool and in the evening he does his honlework. C .Tom does his homework at seven in the evening· D .In the evening To…  相似文献   

1.一Where does anwork? 一She works in a hospital.2.My father 15 a orker in a bigl…—·3 .My gralldmother 15 111.She takes some m4.The一eaeheo in our sohool are ve巧f一— to US.5 .Luey works in a shoP.She 15 a shop aB)用括号中词的适当形式填空。6·These”ung men are bus_(drive).7,助。k!He_(run) ve叮fast·8 .Do you want something一一(d讨nk)?9 .Jim_(wateh)TV eve叮night·10.We_(w orker) in a ear fact呵·11.单项选择。选择最佳答案。1 .one of_uP and answers the question. A .boys stand B.the bo…  相似文献   

根据「:句完成卜句,使两句意思相同或相近,侮空一词。 1 .P}ease Sit down. Please-------一 2 .Niee to meet you. _______tosee you. 3,My father and my mother are d0CtorS. My一一are doctors. 4 .1‘m Kate Green. _--------一Kate Green’ 5 .15 everyone here today? ______________卜ere today? 6 .She 15 my friend. She 15______friend_____ 7 .HowO!d 15 he? ____h 15____? 8,My brother and 1 are in different SChOOIS: My brother and 1 aren‘t-一— _sc卜。Ol· 9 .Those are my books. T hose___一一are--一一…  相似文献   

根据所给音标,在下列各句中的空处填人适当的词。sor,lething wrong with it.Pleasedown1 think there areanimalsCan VOU.Listen!50】】leWhatyour name· —All ,.一一VOU—Where ?15 Jim?DoHis unele andin this sehool.1 don’tthen一an?He’5 a new teaeh- Pleasenot to readtell yourin theer-he?teaeller 15T n.tlUO0Dad oftengoesfoodtOHelSSOllle bike in themorning·奢巴nglish teaeher. Could yougive_bot-tles of orangeiuiee_Kate ?Do youtell eateggsbreakast?a blueean lnthere一mW一iil_,look at the kiten th…  相似文献   

妙让苏省乐台币四灶中孕1.重点词汇检测。A)根据句意和首字母提示,补全单词。1 .Thet‘一--must stop when the lights are red.2 .Today’5 elass meeting 15 ve万i_· Everyone must be;at it.3 .There 15 a beautiful pietureb_the two 初ndows.4.We alw即5 start sehool ons—lst eve叮year·5 .There are four Iessons in Unit One,and the s一—lessonis ve汀diffieult.B)用所给词的适当形式填空。6.Kate usually_(h ave)luneh at sehool, but she_(h ave) luneh at home nov,·7 .1’m 50叮1 ean’t spell the_(t hree) wo记.8 …  相似文献   

翻阮p笼口。r困论七到沁.及J 1.根据句意及首字母提示,完成单词。1 .Myp—are both teaehe巧in our sehool·2·Mr Green has a lovelr(可爱的)d_. She’5 ten years old. 3 .Jim 15 my good圭二一一·4 .Luey and Uly are twins.They are twins一. 5.There are仁一一一members(成员)in my fanlily. They are my father,my mother,my brother and 1. 11.用所给单词的正确形式坟空。1 .That 15_伪e)sister. 2.How_you_(s Pell) this wold? 3._(D aunt has a son and a daughter. 4 .My_(dietion脚)are on the desk. 5._(that) are …  相似文献   

田田绍田田田田田田田田田田田田田田由田国田绍田田田田田田组田田田田图田田田田田阳田田田田田田田绍田国田田田田田田招1.重点词汇检测。A)根据句意及首字母提示,补全单词。1 .Today 15 Sunday,therea二many peoPle in theP2.肠ok!What’5 Wang Jingl—一for?3 .It’5 ve叮eold outside,pleasee_the door.4 .Kate alw盯sw一一一a pu印le eoat.5.一What are you doing,Jim? 一I’m m the bed.B)根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空。6 .The men_(w ork)near the house now.7.一the ehildren(P lay)games? 一Yes,they are.8 .1 like…  相似文献   

李果 《英语辅导》2003,(9):18-19
!.词汇。A)根据句中所给汉语,写出该单词。l.T‘hisbottleisempty.Givemea一一一J满的) one,Please!2.仆e shoP 15一一一J关)at this tinleofd即·3.Where are the_三女性}teaehers?4.what are you going todoforthe一高一习即将到 来的)holiday?5.He likes to wear一一一J流行的)clothes.B)用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。6.It’s肚—(fog)day today,isn’t it?7.砚sterday 1 went一一一一(shop)with my father.8 .Luey draws一一(well)in our class·9 .In the game he won the—(two)Place·10.V几know that_一(seienee)in China …  相似文献   

、户人﹀﹄岛丫讨﹀八了入丫户丫、了价1.,点词汇检洲。A)根据句意和首字母提示,补全单词。1.仆15 15 ap—of our English teaeher’s family.2.1 ean see 5 flowers on the desk.3.一Where’5 my ball,Mum? 一It’su_your desk.4.1 ean’tf-一一—my bike.Can you see it?5 .Don’t Put bthe brc“)ms here.Put themthe door,Please·B)用括号内词的适当形式填空,使句意完整。一灯1.一What are those over there? 一They are some_(P hoto)of our elassroom and sehool.2.Where are the brooms?1 ean’t find (they)·3.一What 15 t…  相似文献   

请用适当的介词或副词填空。1.Wheredoesyournewpenpalcome______?2.The bank is______from the post office.3.Every year there are a lot of people______vacation in Hangzhou.4.What’s the weather______in Beijing?5.Canyouwait______meoutsidetheschool?6.Now Jim is writing______his parents.7.Turn right and go______Center Street.8.Look!The dolphin is playing______a ball.9.My mother often works in the daybut sometimes______night.10.It’s too late.You can’t go______to play.11.______a reporter,I often …  相似文献   

Nine一year一old Louis Pasteurr一一—to the litde house,his faee white.(1)i。nworked(9)forgotten his伍end Henri.50 heOnand on,ashmany dangerousefinally found the(10)二ever. “Mother!”he eried“A mad dog has bi卜ten卿伍end Henri,and now they are buminghim初th red一hot irons,It’st二一一—(2).” “Rabies(狂犬病),Louis.Buming the bites15 the only hoPe of stoPPing Henri frome_(3)the disease·” Henri did get rabies扭d died,in greatP_(4),some days later.Louis Pasteur neverfo笔or.“One day,”…  相似文献   

1 .Don’t Play in the street.It,s—(danger).2 .W匕should—(helP)eaeh other.3.The ehild was very haPPy to see 50 many —(deer)and—(monkey)in the 200·4.They’11 finish—(do)their homework soon·5.认七uld you like一(c ome)to my house for my—(twenty)b词 ldayP叭y tomorrow?6.Who’5 the boy standing next to一(we)?7 .You’d bettef-一一一一(not wateh)TV now. YOu need一一一一‘(finish)your work first.8 .Mr Fox likes keePing the do01’--—(elose) when he 15 at work.9 .Jaek,Please tell the boys…  相似文献   

第一部分基础演练 1.根据句意及所给首字母,在下列各句空白处 填入一个适当的词。 1 .Mother was eooking in thek—while Father was watehing TV. 2.F Number CA933 to Paris will take off in ten minutes. 3 .1 didn’t find my keysa一?V刀lat should 1 do? 4.His fatherb—him a new bike yeste司叮· 5.Don’ts一here,Jim.Your father 15 sleePing in the room· n.根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填 空。 1 .We all warned her of the_(strange). He might be a thief. 2.Wllen the litile girl saw hermother’ he eo…  相似文献   

The Return     
As the boat from Singapore moved slowly into the portof Southampton,heavy rain began to fall.Jim Bruce turned to his wife.‘Well,Mary,we'll be going ashore in a few minutes.How does it feel to be back in England afterallthese years?’Mary shivered.‘Very cold,’she said.‘Can you see the Childrenyet?’Jim looked at the crowd on the quay.‘There they are.’Jim and Mary waved to  相似文献   

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