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1.as…as 像……一样,如……一样 1)The line AB is as long as the line CD. 2)He works as hard as she. 3)I've never seen as old a car as that one. 4)The bridge is as long as 500 meters. 2.as…as ever 像往常一样…… He studies as hard as ever.(也可写成He studies as hard as before.) 3.as…as possible 尽可能地…… 1)You should run as quick as possible. 2)as soon(big,carefully,far,hard,etc)as possible.  相似文献   

1.你必须尽快把书还到图书馆。[误]You must return the book to the library as quickly as possible.[正]You must return the book to the library as soon as possible.[析]as quickly as possible与as soon as possible都可表“尽快”地,但前者是指做事的速度快,可以用as fast as possible来替换;而后者则指做事的时间尽可能早。  相似文献   

1.同义短语:come/be from来自;pass sth.to sb./pass sb.sth.把……传给;arrive in/at=get to到达;at night/in the night在夜间;be goodat/do wellin擅长;as soon as possible=as soon as onecan尽可能快地。例如:  相似文献   

1.as…as…can 该结构是一个比较状语从句,意思是“尽可能,努力”,相当于as…as possible。如:  相似文献   

as…as possible意思为“尽可能……”,常指达到某种程度或符合某要求的程序。具体用法为。  相似文献   

在英语作文的写作中,习作者应该考虑的问题很多——词汇的准确、句式的多样、段落的组织以及整篇的布局。但有三个不能忽视的方面:Title(题目)、Thesstatem ent/sentence(主旨)和Topic sentence(主题句)我们称其为三“T”。一、Title题目是文章的眼睛。作者可以通过题目概括和提炼自己文章的内容和主题,读者可以根据题目尽快领会作者的写作主题和目的,所以题目应该1.Indicatw hatthe com position is about(说明文章表达的主要内容);2.Provoke interest in the com position(激发读者对该文的兴趣);3.B e as brief as possible(尽可能的…  相似文献   

知识与技能1.重点词组as soon as possible=as soon as one can/ could 尽可能早地;尽快keep doing sth. 一直做某事be free 有空,有时间go on holiday=go for a holiday 去度假take a holiday=have a holiday 休假be on holiday 在度假leave a message 留口信take a message 捎口信get a chance=have a chance 有机会take chance 抓住机会  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION To compute the minimum distance between two convex polygons or polyhedrons is often a main step of many applications, such as collision detection (Choi et al., 2006; Li et al., 2003), path planning. In order to reduce the time complexity of the algorithm as much as possible, the convex property must be applied fully. Edelsbrunner (1985) proposed an algorithm for computing the minimum distance between two dis- joint convex polygons. The algorithm takes O(logm logn) time, and …  相似文献   

Frame loss error concealment for SVC   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
INTRODUCTION Real-time transmission of video data in network environments, such as wireless and Internet, is a challenging task, as it requires coding efficiency, network friendliness and error robustness. Scalability is a possible solution for network adaptive applica- tions. The Scalable Extension of H.264/AVC (SVC) (JVT of ISO/IEC MPEG & ITU-T VCEG, 2005b) aims at achieving both high compression performance and adaptivity for video delivery over heterogeneous networks. SVC…  相似文献   

1.AFAIK (as far as I know) 据我所知2.TMK(to my knowledge) 据我所知3.ASAP(as soonas possible)尽快4.BBL(be back lat-er)稍后回来  相似文献   

一、as用作副词时的语义和语用功能1.as作副词表示程度,修饰原级形容词或副词,常与连词as构成as…as…句型,意思等同汉语的“和……一样地,同样地”。1)as+副词/形容词+as…可以用exactly,just,almost,nearly等词修饰。例如:He works just as hardas his father.(他和他的父亲工作一样努力。)2)倍数+as+形容词/副词+名词+as,表示“是……的几倍。例如:Americans eat twice as muchprotein as they actually need every day.(美国人每天摄取的蛋白质超出实际所需量的一倍。)3)用在否定句中,常可以用so来替代。例如:Hedoes not smoke as(so)…  相似文献   

语言歧义现象即时某一表达方式有不一致的理解,它是各种语言中共有的现象。在英语比较结构中,歧义现象屡见不鲜.经常会产生误解、误用。下面就谈谈与比较结构有关的歧义现象,以帮助初学者正确理解与掌握。一、是 as…as 比较结构还是固定短语?as long as(只要),as well as(不仅……而且,除……之外还),as good as(和……几乎一样,实际上等于)等几个固定短语有时与 as…as 比较结构难以区别,产生模棱两可的现象。例如:1.Tony's composition is as good as Allen's.托尼的作文与艾伦的作文一样。/托尼的作文与艾伦的作文同样好。2.You Can usemy dictionary,Iong as you need it.  相似文献   

一、信息法1.-I'll look into the matter as soon as possible.-Just have a little.A.wait B.time C.patience D.rest从语法角度分析,选项皆无误。但只要抓住题中look into(调查)和as soon as possible两词组所提供的信息,便可知“我会尽快调查此事的”。因此得出下句“请耐心一点”的结论,故C项patience(耐心)为正确选项。二、语境破译法2.-When shall we meet again?-Make it day you like;it's all the same to me.A.one B.any C.another D.some此题根据语境“it's all the same to me”应是“任何一天”,故B项正确。3.-Your pho…  相似文献   

阅读是学习英语中最重要的环节之一。首先,从目的上看,阅读旨在尽可能地获取作者注入的全部信息(Reading means getting out of the text as nearly as possible the message that the writerputs into it)。美国心理语言学家Konneth Goodman认为,“阅读是心理语言学的猜谜游戏,包括思想和语言的相互作用过程。”我们学习语言的终极目标是为了达到能运用目标语言(target lan-guage)和以该目标语为母语的人随意交流而获取所需的信息。从阶段性目标看,是为了达到某一阶  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Most underwater acoustic signals received by sonar are corrupted inevitably by unpredictable noise sources. In most cases, sonar system is adversely influenced by noise so disturbing that target signals cannot be detected and classified correctly so that pre-processing is necessary to reduce the noise as much as possible. Methods of noise reduction based on wavelet transform have been developed extensively in pre-vious literatures (Xu et al., 1994; Sun, 1998), and include wav…  相似文献   

Short answers are used when you agree with the speaker. EXAMPLE: SpeakerA: I love coffee. SpeakerB:(So do I.I do as well.Me too.)possible answers SpeakerA: I don't like chicken. SpeakerB:Neither do I.I don't either.Me too.Me neither.)possible answers  相似文献   

一、信息法 1. I'll look into the matter as soon as possible. Just have a little_____. (NMET'96.10) A. wait B. time C. patient D. rest  相似文献   

1.Today some newly-produced(新产的)mobile phones can take pictures_________a camera. A.as B.for C.like D.of (北京海淀2003) 提示:上句的意思是“现在有些新产的手机可以像照相机一样用来拍照片。”,根据上面的要点总结,表示“像”时,我们用介词“like”,所以答案是C。2.Hello,Mr Green!I want to see you right now.Can you come as as possible?  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Offset curves/surfaces, also called parallel curves/surfaces, are defined as the locus of the points which are at constant distance along the normal from the generator curves/surfaces. As for a planar gen- erator curve Γ:C(t)=(x(t),y(t)), the parametric speed and its norm σ(t) are defined respectively as (Farouki, 1992) C ′( t ) =( x ′( t ), y ′(t )),σ (t ) = x ′ 2 (t ) y ′2(t ). (1) Subsequently the offset curve of the generator curve, which is at constant distanc…  相似文献   

The challenge is one of arranging.
Rearrange the cards, moving as few as possible, so that the two columns add up to the same number.  相似文献   

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